PHP implementation of Brad Choate's Textile 2. It is feature compatible with the MovableType plugin. Does not play well with the Markdown, Textile, or Textile 2 plugins that ship with WordPress. Packaged by Adam Gessaman. * * @package Textile 2 (Improved) * @author Jim Riggs * @version 2.1.1 * @dependence 9.9.2-* * @link */ require('Textile2/Textile.php'); class Textile2_Plugin implements Typecho_Plugin_Interface { /** * 激活插件方法,如果激活失败,直接抛出异常 * * @access public * @return void * @throws Typecho_Plugin_Exception */ public static function activate() { Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->excerpt = array('Textile2_Plugin', 'parse'); Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->content = array('Textile2_Plugin', 'parse'); Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Abstract_Comments')->content = array('Textile2_Plugin', 'parse'); } /** * 禁用插件方法,如果禁用失败,直接抛出异常 * * @static * @access public * @return void * @throws Typecho_Plugin_Exception */ public static function deactivate(){} /** * 获取插件配置面板 * * @access public * @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form 配置面板 * @return void */ public static function config(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form) { $version = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('version', array('MTTextile' => 'MTTextile - includes Brad Choates\' extensions.', 'Textile' => 'Textile for the Textile purist.'), 'MTTextile', 'Textile Flavor'); $form->addInput($version->multiMode()); $filters = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Checkbox('filters', array('SmartyPants' => 'Apply SmartyPants (provides em and en dashes, and other typographic niceities)', 'EducateQuotes' => 'Apply Texturize (applies curly quotes)'), array('SmartyPants', 'EducateQuotes'), 'Text Filters'); $form->addInput($filters->multiMode()); $headerOffset = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Select('headerOffset', array('0 (.h1 = .h1)', '1 (.h1 = .h2)', '2 (.h1 = .h3)', '3 (.h1 = .h4)', '4 (.h1 = .h5)', '5 (.h1 = .h6)'), 0, 'Header Offset'); $form->addInput($headerOffset); $parsing = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Checkbox('parsing', array('ClearLines' => 'Strip extra spaces from the end of each line.', 'PreserveSpaces' => 'Change double-spaces to the HTML entity for an em-space (&8195;).'), NULL, 'Parsing Options'); $form->addInput($parsing->multiMode()); $inputEncoding = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('inputEncoding', NULL, Helper::options()->charset, _t('Input Character Encoding')); $inputEncoding->input->setAttribute('class', 'mini'); $form->addInput($inputEncoding); $encoding = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('encoding', NULL, Helper::options()->charset, _t('Output Character Encoding')); $encoding->input->setAttribute('class', 'mini'); $form->addInput($encoding); } /** * 个人用户的配置面板 * * @access public * @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form * @return void */ public static function personalConfig(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form){} /** * 插件实现方法 * * @access public * @return void */ public static function parse($text, $widget, $lastResult) { $text = empty($lastResult) ? $text : $lastResult; $settings = Helper::options()->plugin('Textile2'); if ($settings->version == 'Textile') { $textile = new Textile; } else { $textile = new MTLikeTextile; } $textile->options['head_offset'] = $settings->headerOffset; $textile->options['char_encoding'] = $settings->encoding; $textile->options['input_encoding'] = $settings->inputEncoding; $textile->options['do_quotes'] = $settings->filters && in_array('EducateQuotes', $settings->filters); $textile->options['smarty_mode'] = $settings->filters && in_array('SmartyPants', $settings->filters); $textile->options['trim_spaces'] = $settings->parsing && in_array('ClearLines', $settings->parsing); $textile->options['preserve_spaces'] = $settings->parsing && in_array('PreserveSpaces', $settings->parsing); return $textile->process($text); } }