2013-12-09 09:05:05 +08:00
### configure security code
Open `Plugin.php` in your editor, find this line:
const github_git = 'curtseyingpiddlesMiguelyeshivahsclarinettists' ;
Change `github_git` value to something else.
You can make up anything you like, but please use a long and hard to guess one.
If the value of `github_git` be guessed by someone else, they can post articles to your blog, if they know how to add GitHub web hooks.
After editing, save `Plugin.php` .
### setup GitHub web hook
In your repository, click `Settings` -> `Service Hooks` -> `WebHook URLs` , add the action url, e.g.
Same as other typecho plugins.
That is:
- Upload the `GitHubGit` diretory to `usr/plugins` of your typecho directory.
- Enable the plugin at your dashboard.
2013-12-17 22:15:36 +08:00
This plugin is roughly jekyll compatible.
You just need to do as you normally do in jekyll.
- Add a new post in the `_posts` directory of your git repository.
2013-12-09 09:05:05 +08:00
- Commit and push to GitHub.
2013-12-17 22:15:36 +08:00
Your new post will be published in typecho automatically.
Post format
title: your blog title
tags: apple orange
categroy: life
Write you posts in *markdown* .
If you have used jekyll before, you will find this format familiar.
But there are some differencs:
- Only support markdown markup.
- No self defined field.
- No support for `layout` , `published` and `permalink` . (We will use filename as permalink slug.)
- `category` only allows one value, since Typecho only allows one.
- `tags` only support space-separated strings. YAML list is not supported.
2013-12-09 09:05:05 +08:00
2013-12-17 22:15:36 +08:00
2013-12-09 09:05:05 +08:00
2013-12-17 22:15:36 +08:00
[#9 ](https://github.com/weakish/plugins/issues/9 ) `git add` multiple files to repostiory, then push. Only the first file will be published into typecho.
2013-12-09 09:05:05 +08:00