mirror of https://github.com/droomo/AliOssForTypecho.git synced 2025-03-26 15:10:09 +08:00

replace alioss sdk 2.3.0 with version 2.3.1

This commit is contained in:
MooN 2020-06-25 15:13:15 +08:00
parent f737eb5738
commit 3f3d124873
148 changed files with 1042 additions and 926 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require_once 'aliyun-oss-php-sdk-2.3.0/autoload.php';
require_once 'aliyun-oss-php-sdk-2.3.1/autoload.php';
use OSS\OssClient;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class AliOssForTypecho_Plugin implements Typecho_Plugin_Interface
* @return mixed
public static function uploadHandle($file)
if (empty($file['name'])) {
return FALSE;

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
# ChangeLog - Aliyun OSS SDK for PHP
## v2.3.0 / 2018-01-05
* 修复putObject支持创建空文件
* 修复createBucket支持IA/Archive
* 增加支持restoreObject
* 增加支持Symlink功能
* 增加支持getBucketLocation
* 增加支持getBucketMeta
* 增加支持代理服务器Proxy
## v2.2.4 / 2017-04-25
* fix getObject to local file bug
## v2.2.3 / 2017-04-14
* fix md5 check
## v2.2.2 / 2017-01-18
* 解决在php7上运行连接数和内存bug
## v2.2.1 / 2016-12-01
* 禁止http curl自动填充Accept-Encoding
## v2.2.0 / 2016-11-22
* 修复PutObject/CompleteMultipartUpload的返回值问题(#26)
## v2.1.0 / 2016-11-12
* 增加[RTMP](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/44297.html)接口
* 增加支持[图片服务](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/44686.html)
## v2.0.7 / 2016-06-17
* Support append object
## v2.0.6
* Trim access key id/secret and endpoint
* Refine tests and setup travis CI
## v2.0.5
* 增加Add/Delete/Get BucketCname接口
## v2.0.4
* 增加Put/Get Object Acl接口
## v2.0.3
* 修复Util中的常量定义在低于5.6的PHP版本中报错的问题
## v2.0.2
* 修复multipart上传时无法指定Content-Type的问题
## v2.0.1
* 增加对ListObjects/ListMultipartUploads时特殊字符的处理
* 提供接口获取OssException中的详细信息
## 2015.11.25
* **大版本升级,不再兼容以前接口,新版本对易用性做了很大的改进,建议用户迁移到新版本。**
## 修改内容
* 不再支持PHP 5.2版本
### 新增内容
* 引入命名空间
* 接口命名修正,采用驼峰式命名
* 接口入参修改把常用参数从Options参数中提出来
* 接口返回结果修改,对返回结果进行处理,用户可以直接得到容易处理的数据结构 
* OssClient的构造函数变更
* 支持CNAME和IP格式的Endpoint地址
* 重新整理sample文件组织结构使用function组织功能点
* 增加设置连接超时,请求超时的接口
* 去掉Object Group相关的已经过时的接口
* OssException中的message改为英文
### 问题修复
* object名称校验不完备

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
* Class Config
* 执行Sample示例所需要的配置用户在这里配置好EndpointAccessId AccessKey和Sample示例操作的
* bucket后便可以直接运行RunAll.php, 运行所有的samples
final class Config
const OSS_ACCESS_ID = '';
const OSS_ACCESS_KEY = '';
const OSS_ENDPOINT = '';
const OSS_TEST_BUCKET = '';

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
require_once 'autoload.php';
use OSS\OssClient;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
$client = new OssClient('U6GLwyx2g6jrOL1V', 'W05IEVd3nio2BVCG5GoMG6QekiO1di', 'http://oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
coverage_clover: coverage.xml
json_path: coverage.json

aliyun-oss-php-sdk-2.3.1/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
language: php
- 7.1
- 7.0
- 5.6
- 5.5
- 5.4
- composer self-update
- composer install --no-interaction
- php vendor/bin/phpunit
- php vendor/bin/coveralls -v
- secure: 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
- secure: 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
- secure: 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
- secure: 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
- secure: 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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# ChangeLog - Aliyun OSS SDK for PHP
## v2.3.1 / 2019-011-15
* translate chinese comments into english
* Added: endpoint validity check
## v2.3.0 / 2018-01-05
* Fixed: putObject support creating empty files
* Fixed: createBucket support IA/Archive
* Added: support restoreObject
* Added: support the Symlink feature
* Added: support getBucketLocation
* Added: support getBucketMeta
* Added: support proxy server Proxy
## v2.2.4 / 2017-04-25
* Fixed getObject to local file bug
## v2.2.3 / 2017-04-14
* Fixed md5 check
## v2.2.2 / 2017-01-18
* Resolve to run the connection number and memory bug on php7
## v2.2.1 / 2016-12-01
* No HTTP curl is allowed to automatically populate accept-encoding
## v2.2.0 / 2016-11-22
* Fixed PutObject/CompleteMultipartUpload return values(#26)
## v2.1.0 / 2016-11-12
* Added[RTMP](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/44297.html)interface
* Add support[image service](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/44686.html)
## v2.0.7 / 2016-06-17
* Support append object
## v2.0.6
* Trim access key id/secret and endpoint
* Refine tests and setup travis CI
## v2.0.5
* Added Add/Delete/Get BucketCname interface
## v2.0.4
* Added Put/Get Object Acl interface
## v2.0.3
* Fixing the constants in Util is defined in a PHP version that is less than 5.6.
## v2.0.2
* The problem of content-type cannot be specified when restoring multipart uploads
## v2.0.1
* Increase the ListObjects/ListMultipartUploads special characters
* Provides the interface to get the details of the OssException
## 2015.11.25
* **Large version upgrade, no longer compatible with previous interface, new version has made great improvements to ease of use, suggesting that users migrate to a new version.**
## Modify the content
* PHP 5.2 is no longer supported
### Add the cotent
* Introduce namespace
* Interface naming and modification, using hump naming
* The interface is modified, and the common parameters are extracted from the Options parameter.
* The interface returns the result modification, processing the return result, and the user can directly get the data structure easily processed 
* OssClient's constructor changes
* The Endpoint address that support CNAME and IP formats
* Rearrange the sample file organization structure and use function to organize the function points
* Add an interface that sets the connection timeout and requests timeout
* Remove the outdated interface associated with the Object Group
* The message in the OssException is changed to English
### Repair problem
* The object name is not complete

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ function classLoader($class)
$file = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'src'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path . '.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require_once $file;
} else {

View File


(image error) Size: 21 KiB


(image error) Size: 21 KiB

View File

@ -8,28 +8,28 @@ $ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
$bucket = Common::getBucketName();
//******************************* 简单使用 ****************************************************************
//******************************* Simple Usage****************************************************************
// Create a bucket
$ossClient->createBucket($bucket, OssClient::OSS_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE);
Common::println("bucket $bucket created");
// 判断Bucket是否存在
// Check whether a bucket exists
$doesExist = $ossClient->doesBucketExist($bucket);
Common::println("bucket $bucket exist? " . ($doesExist ? "yes" : "no"));
// 获取Bucket列表
// Get the bucket list
$bucketListInfo = $ossClient->listBuckets();
// 设置bucket的ACL
// Set bucket ACL
$ossClient->putBucketAcl($bucket, OssClient::OSS_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE);
Common::println("bucket $bucket acl put");
// 获取bucket的ACL
// Get bucket ACL
$acl = $ossClient->getBucketAcl($bucket);
Common::println("bucket $bucket acl get: " . $acl);
//******************************* 完整用法参考下面函数 ****************************************************
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ****************************************************
createBucket($ossClient, $bucket);
doesBucketExist($ossClient, $bucket);
@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ getBucketAcl($ossClient, $bucket);
* 创建一个存储空间
* acl 指的是bucket的访问控制权限有三种私有读写公共读私有写公共读写。
* 私有读写就是只有bucket的拥有者或授权用户才有权限操作
* Create a new bucket
* acl indicates the access permission of a bucket, including: private, public-read-only/private-read-write, and public read-write.
* Private indicates that only the bucket owner or authorized users can access the data..
* The three permissions are separately defined by (OssClient::OSS_ACL_TYPE_PRIVATE,OssClient::OSS_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ, OssClient::OSS_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE)
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 要创建的存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket Name of the bucket to create
* @return null
function createBucket($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ function createBucket($ossClient, $bucket)
* 判断Bucket是否存在
* Check whether a bucket exists.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
function doesBucketExist($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -83,10 +83,11 @@ function doesBucketExist($ossClient, $bucket)
* 删除bucket如果bucket不为空则bucket无法删除成功 不为空表示bucket既没有object也没有未完成的multipart上传时的parts
* Delete a bucket. If the bucket is not empty, the deletion fails.
* A bucket which is not empty indicates that it does not contain any objects or parts that are not completely uploaded during multipart upload
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 待删除的存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket Name of the bucket to delete
* @return null
function deleteBucket($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -102,10 +103,10 @@ function deleteBucket($ossClient, $bucket)
* 设置bucket的acl配置
* Set bucket ACL
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putBucketAcl($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -123,10 +124,10 @@ function putBucketAcl($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取bucket的acl配置
* Get bucket ACL
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getBucketAcl($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -144,9 +145,9 @@ function getBucketAcl($ossClient, $bucket)
* 列出用户所有的Bucket
* List all buckets
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @return null
function listBuckets($ossClient)

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
$bucket = Common::getBucketName();
//******************************* 简单使用 ****************************************************************
//******************************* Simple usage****************************************************************
// 设置cors配置
// Set cors configuration
$corsConfig = new CorsConfig();
$rule = new CorsRule();
@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ $corsConfig->addRule($rule);
$ossClient->putBucketCors($bucket, $corsConfig);
Common::println("bucket $bucket corsConfig created:" . $corsConfig->serializeToXml());
// 获取cors配置
// Get cors configuration
$corsConfig = $ossClient->getBucketCors($bucket);
Common::println("bucket $bucket corsConfig fetched:" . $corsConfig->serializeToXml());
// 删除cors配置
// Delete cors configuration
Common::println("bucket $bucket corsConfig deleted");
//******************************* 完整用法参考下面函数 *****************************************************
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions *****************************************************
putBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket);
@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ deleteBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket);
* 设置bucket的cors配置
* Set bucket cores
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ function putBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取并打印bucket的cors配置
* Get and print the cors configuration of a bucket
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ function getBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket)
* 删除bucket的所有的cors配置
* Delete all cors configuraiton of a bucket
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket)

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ $bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* 简单使用 *******************************************************
//******************************* Simple Usage *******************************************************
// Set lifecycle configuration
$lifecycleConfig = new LifecycleConfig();
$actions = array();
$actions[] = new LifecycleAction("Expiration", "Days", 3);
@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ $lifecycleConfig->addRule($lifecycleRule);
$ossClient->putBucketLifecycle($bucket, $lifecycleConfig);
Common::println("bucket $bucket lifecycleConfig created:" . $lifecycleConfig->serializeToXml());
// Get lifecycle configuration
$lifecycleConfig = $ossClient->getBucketLifecycle($bucket);
Common::println("bucket $bucket lifecycleConfig fetched:" . $lifecycleConfig->serializeToXml());
// Delete bucket lifecycle configuration
Common::println("bucket $bucket lifecycleConfig deleted");
//***************************** 完整用法参考下面函数 ***********************************************
//***************************** For complete usage, see the following functions ***********************************************
putBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket);
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ deleteBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket);
* 设置bucket的生命周期配置
* Set bucket lifecycle configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ function putBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取bucket的生命周期配置
* Get bucket lifecycle configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ function getBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket)
* 删除bucket的生命周期配置
* Delete bucket lifecycle configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteBucketLifecycle($ossClient, $bucket)

View File

@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ $bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//*******************************Simple Usage ***************************************************************
// 设置Bucket访问日志记录规则, 访问日志文件的存放位置是同bucket下的access.log前缀的文件
// Set bucket access logging rules. Access logs are stored under the same bucket with a 'access.log' prefix.
$ossClient->putBucketLogging($bucket, $bucket, "access.log", array());
Common::println("bucket $bucket lifecycleConfig created");
// 获取Bucket访问日志记录规则
// Get bucket access logging rules
$loggingConfig = $ossClient->getBucketLogging($bucket, array());
Common::println("bucket $bucket lifecycleConfig fetched:" . $loggingConfig->serializeToXml());
// 删除Bucket访问日志记录规则
// Delete bucket access logging rules
$loggingConfig = $ossClient->getBucketLogging($bucket, array());
Common::println("bucket $bucket lifecycleConfig deleted");
//******************************* 完整用法参考下面函数 ****************************************************
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ****************************************************
putBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket);
@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ deleteBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket);
* 设置bucket的Logging配置
* Set bucket logging configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket)
$option = array();
// Access logs are stored in the same bucket.
$targetBucket = $bucket;
$targetPrefix = "access.log";
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ function putBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取bucket的Logging配置
* Get bucket logging configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ function getBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket)
* 删除bucket的Logging配置
* Delete bucket logging configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteBucketLogging($ossClient, $bucket)

View File

@ -9,26 +9,26 @@ $bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* 简单使用 ****************************************************************
//******************************* Simple Usage ****************************************************************
// Set referer whitelist
$refererConfig = new RefererConfig();
$ossClient->putBucketReferer($bucket, $refererConfig);
Common::println("bucket $bucket refererConfig created:" . $refererConfig->serializeToXml());
// Get referer whitelist
$refererConfig = $ossClient->getBucketReferer($bucket);
Common::println("bucket $bucket refererConfig fetched:" . $refererConfig->serializeToXml());
// Delete referrer whitelist
$refererConfig = new RefererConfig();
$ossClient->putBucketReferer($bucket, $refererConfig);
Common::println("bucket $bucket refererConfig deleted");
//******************************* 完整用法参考下面函数 ****************************************************
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ****************************************************
putBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket);
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ deleteBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket);
* 设置bucket的防盗链配置
* Set bucket referer configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ function putBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取bucket的防盗链配置
* Get bucket referer configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ function getBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket)
* 删除bucket的防盗链配置
* Referer白名单不能直接清空,只能通过重新设置来覆盖之前的规则。
* Delete bucket referer configuration
* Referer whitelist cannot be directly deleted. So use a empty one to overwrite it.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteBucketReferer($ossClient, $bucket)

View File

@ -9,22 +9,22 @@ $bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* Simple Usage ***************************************************************
// 设置Bucket的静态网站托管模式
// Set bucket static website configuration
$websiteConfig = new WebsiteConfig("index.html", "error.html");
$ossClient->putBucketWebsite($bucket, $websiteConfig);
Common::println("bucket $bucket websiteConfig created:" . $websiteConfig->serializeToXml());
// 查看Bucket的静态网站托管状态
// Get bucket static website configuration
$websiteConfig = $ossClient->getBucketWebsite($bucket);
Common::println("bucket $bucket websiteConfig fetched:" . $websiteConfig->serializeToXml());
// 删除Bucket的静态网站托管模式
// Delete bucket static website configuration
Common::println("bucket $bucket websiteConfig deleted");
//******************************* 完整用法参考下面函数 ****************************************************
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ****************************************************
putBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket);
@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ deleteBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket);
getBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket);
* 设置bucket的静态网站托管模式配置
* Sets bucket static website configuration
* @param $ossClient OssClient
* @param $bucket string 存储空间名称
* @param $bucket string bucket name
* @return null
function putBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ function putBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取bucket的静态网站托管状态
* Get bucket static website configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ function getBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket)
* 删除bucket的静态网站托管模式配置
* Delete bucket static website configuration
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteBucketWebsite($ossClient, $bucket)

View File

@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ $bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* Simple Usage ***************************************************************
/** putObject 使用callback上传内容到oss文件
* callbackurl参数指定请求回调的服务器url
* callbackbodytype参数可为application/json或application/x-www-form-urlencoded, 可选参数默认为application/x-www-form-urlencoded
/** putObject Upload content to an OSS file using callback.
* The callbackurl specifies the server url for the request callback.
* The callbackbodytype can be application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded,the optional parameters,the default for the application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded
* Users can choose not to set OSS_BACK_VAR
$url =
$url =
@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ Common::println($result['body']);
* completeMultipartUpload 使用callback上传内容到oss文件
* callbackurl参数指定请求回调的服务器url
* callbackbodytype参数可为application/json或application/x-www-form-urlencoded, 可选参数默认为application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* completeMultipartUpload Upload content to an OSS file using callback.
* callbackurl specifies the server url for the request callback
* The callbackbodytype can be application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded,the optional parameters,the default for the application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded
* Users can choose not to set OSS_BACK_VAR.
$object = "multipart-callback-test.txt";
$copiedObject = "multipart-callback-test.txt.copied";
$ossClient->putObject($bucket, $copiedObject, file_get_contents(__FILE__));
* step 1. 初始化一个分块上传事件, 也就是初始化上传Multipart, 获取upload id
* step 1. Initialize a block upload event, that is, a multipart upload process to get an upload id
$upload_id = $ossClient->initiateMultipartUpload($bucket, $object);

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use OSS\Core\OssException;
* Class Common
* 示例程序【Samples/*.php】 的Common类用于获取OssClient实例和其他公用方法
* The Common class for 【Samples/*.php】 used to obtain OssClient instance and other common functions
class Common
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ class Common
const bucket = Config::OSS_TEST_BUCKET;
* 根据Config配置得到一个OssClient实例
* Get an OSSClient instance according to config.
* @return OssClient 一个OssClient实例
* @return OssClient An OssClient instance
public static function getOssClient()
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Common
* 工具方法创建一个存储空间如果发生异常直接exit
* A tool function which creates a bucket and exists the process if there are exceptions
public static function createBucket()
@ -81,4 +81,4 @@ class Common
# Common::createBucket();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* Class Config
* Make configurations required by the sample.
* Users can run RunAll.php which runs all the samples after configuring Endpoint, AccessId, and AccessKey.
final class Config
const OSS_ACCESS_ID = 'update me';
const OSS_ACCESS_KEY = 'update me';
const OSS_ENDPOINT = 'update me';
const OSS_TEST_BUCKET = 'update me';

View File

@ -9,54 +9,54 @@ $ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
$download_file = "download.jpg";
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* Simple Usage ***************************************************************
// 先把本地的example.jpg上传到指定$bucket, 命名为$object
// Upload example.jpg to the specified bucket and rename it to $object.
$ossClient->uploadFile($bucketName, $object, "example.jpg");
// 图片缩放
// Image resize
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $download_file,
OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => "image/resize,m_fixed,h_100,w_100", );
$ossClient->getObject($bucketName, $object, $options);
// 图片裁剪
// Image crop
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $download_file,
OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => "image/crop,w_100,h_100,x_100,y_100,r_1", );
$ossClient->getObject($bucketName, $object, $options);
printImage("iamgeCrop", $download_file);
// 图片旋转
// Image rotate
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $download_file,
OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => "image/rotate,90", );
$ossClient->getObject($bucketName, $object, $options);
printImage("imageRotate", $download_file);
// 图片锐化
// Image sharpen
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $download_file,
OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => "image/sharpen,100", );
$ossClient->getObject($bucketName, $object, $options);
printImage("imageSharpen", $download_file);
// 图片水印
// Add watermark into a image
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $download_file,
OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => "image/watermark,text_SGVsbG8g5Zu-54mH5pyN5YqhIQ", );
$ossClient->getObject($bucketName, $object, $options);
printImage("imageWatermark", $download_file);
// 图片格式转换
// Image format convertion
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $download_file,
OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => "image/format,png", );
$ossClient->getObject($bucketName, $object, $options);
printImage("imageFormat", $download_file);
// 获取图片信息
// Get image information
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $download_file,
OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => "image/info", );
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ printImage("imageInfo", $download_file);
* 生成一个带签名的可用于浏览器直接打开的url, URL的有效期是3600秒
* Generate a signed url which could be used in browser to access the object. The expiration time is 1 hour.
$timeout = 3600;
$options = array(
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ $options = array(
$signedUrl = $ossClient->signUrl($bucketName, $object, $timeout, "GET", $options);
Common::println("rtmp url: \n" . $signedUrl);
// Finally delete the $object uploaded.
$ossClient->deleteObject($bucketName, $object);
function printImage($func, $imageFile)

View File

@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ $bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* 简单使用 *******************************************************
//******************************* Simple Usage *******************************************************
* Create a Live Channel
* The live channel's name is test_rtmp_live.
* The play url file is named as test.m3u8, which includes 3 ts files.
* The time period of each file is 5 seconds.(It is recommneded value only for demo purpose, the actual period depends on the key frame.)
$config = new LiveChannelConfig(array(
'description' => 'live channel test',
@ -29,9 +32,9 @@ Common::println("bucket $bucket liveChannel created:\n" .
"playurls: ". $info->getPlayUrls()[0] . "\n");
* You can use listBucketLiveChannels to list and manage all existing live channels.
* Prefix can be used to filter listed live channels by prefix.
* Max_keys indicates the maximum numbers of live channels that can be listed in an iterator at one time. Its value is 1000 in maximum and 100 by default.
$list = $ossClient->listBucketLiveChannels($bucket);
Common::println("bucket $bucket listLiveChannel:\n" .
@ -50,7 +53,9 @@ foreach($list->getChannelList() as $list)
"list live channel getNextMarker: ". $list->getLastModified() . "\n");
* Obtain the play_url (url used for rtmp stream pushing.
* If the the bucket is not globally readable and writable,
* the url must be signed as shown in the following.) and pulish_url (the url included in the m3u8 file generated in stream pushing) used to push streams.
$play_url = $ossClient->signRtmpUrl($bucket, "test_rtmp_live", 3600, array('params' => array('playlistName' => 'playlist.m3u8')));
Common::println("bucket $bucket rtmp url: \n" . $play_url);
@ -58,12 +63,13 @@ $play_url = $ossClient->signRtmpUrl($bucket, "test_rtmp_live", 3600);
Common::println("bucket $bucket rtmp url: \n" . $play_url);
* If you want to disable a created live channel (disable the pushing streaming or do not allow stream pushing to an IP address), call putLiveChannelStatus to change the channel status to "Disabled".
* If you want to enable a disabled live channel, call PutLiveChannelStatus to chanage the channel status to "Enabled".
$resp = $ossClient->putLiveChannelStatus($bucket, "test_rtmp_live", "enabled");
* You can callLiveChannelInfo to get the information about a live channel.
$info = $ossClient->getLiveChannelInfo($bucket, 'test_rtmp_live');
Common::println("bucket $bucket LiveChannelInfo:\n" .
@ -75,7 +81,7 @@ Common::println("bucket $bucket LiveChannelInfo:\n" .
"live channel info playListName: ". $info->getPlayListName() . "\n");
* Gets the historical pushing streaming records by calling getLiveChannelHistory. Now the max records to return is 10.
$history = $ossClient->getLiveChannelHistory($bucket, "test_rtmp_live");
if (count($history->getLiveRecordList()) != 0)
@ -90,9 +96,9 @@ if (count($history->getLiveRecordList()) != 0)
* Get the live channel's status by calling getLiveChannelStatus.
* If the live channel is receiving the pushing stream, all attributes in stat_result are valid.
* If the live channel is idle or disabled, then the status is idle or Disabled and other attributes have no meaning.
$status = $ossClient->getLiveChannelStatus($bucket, "test_rtmp_live");
Common::println("bucket $bucket listLiveChannel:\n" .
@ -108,9 +114,9 @@ Common::println("bucket $bucket listLiveChannel:\n" .
"live channel status AdioCodec: ". $status->getAudioCodec() . "\n");
* 如果希望利用直播推流产生的ts文件生成一个点播列表可以使用postVodPlaylist方法。
* 指定起始时间为当前时间减去60秒结束时间为当前时间这意味着将生成一个长度为60秒的点播视频。
* 播放列表指定为“vod_playlist.m3u8”也就是说这个接口调用成功之后会在OSS上生成一个名叫“vod_playlist.m3u8”的播放列表文件。
* If you want to generate a play url from the ts files generated from pushing streaming, call postVodPlayList.
* Specify the start time to 60 seconds before the current time and the end time to the current time, which means that a video of 60 seconds is generated.
* The playlist file is specified to “vod_playlist.m3u8”, which means that a palylist file named vod_playlist.m3u8 is created after the interface is called.
$current_time = time();
@ -120,6 +126,6 @@ $ossClient->postVodPlaylist($bucket,
* 如果一个直播频道已经不打算再使用了那么可以调用delete_live_channel来删除频道。
* Call delete_live_channel to delete a live channel if it will no longer be in used.
$ossClient->deleteBucketLiveChannel($bucket, "test_rtmp_live");

View File

@ -9,27 +9,27 @@ $bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* Simple usage ***************************************************************
* 查看完整用法中的 "putObjectByRawApis"函数查看使用基础的分片上传api进行文件上传用户可以基于这个自行实现断点续传等功能
* See the putObjectByRawAPis usage in complete example to check out basic multipart upload APIs which can be used as resumable upload.
// 使用分片上传接口上传文件, 接口会根据文件大小决定是使用普通上传还是分片上传
// Upload a file using the multipart upload interface, which determines to use simple upload or multipart upload based on the file size.
$ossClient->multiuploadFile($bucket, "file.php", __FILE__, array());
Common::println("local file " . __FILE__ . " is uploaded to the bucket $bucket, file.php");
// 上传本地目录到bucket内的targetdir子目录中
// Upload local directory's data into target dir
$ossClient->uploadDir($bucket, "targetdir", __DIR__);
Common::println("local dir " . __DIR__ . " is uploaded to the bucket $bucket, targetdir/");
// 列出当前未完成的分片上传
// List the incomplete multipart uploads
$listMultipartUploadInfo = $ossClient->listMultipartUploads($bucket, array());
//******************************* 完整用法参考下面函数 ****************************************************
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ****************************************************
multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket);
putObjectByRawApis($ossClient, $bucket);
@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ uploadDir($ossClient, $bucket);
listMultipartUploads($ossClient, $bucket);
* 通过multipart上传文件
* Upload files using multipart upload
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ function multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket)
* 使用基本的api分阶段进行分片上传
* Use basic multipart upload for file upload.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @throws OssException
function putObjectByRawApis($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "test/multipart-test.txt";
* step 1. 初始化一个分块上传事件, 也就是初始化上传Multipart, 获取upload id
* step 1. Initialize a block upload event, that is, a multipart upload process to get an upload id
try {
$uploadId = $ossClient->initiateMultipartUpload($bucket, $object);
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function putObjectByRawApis($ossClient, $bucket)
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": initiateMultipartUpload OK" . "\n");
* step 2. 上传分片
* step 2. Upload parts
$partSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
$uploadFile = __FILE__;
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function putObjectByRawApis($ossClient, $bucket)
$contentMd5 = OssUtil::getMd5SumForFile($uploadFile, $fromPos, $toPos);
$upOptions[$ossClient::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $contentMd5;
//2. 将每一分片上传到OSS
//2. Upload each part to OSS
try {
$responseUploadPart[] = $ossClient->uploadPart($bucket, $object, $uploadId, $upOptions);
} catch (OssException $e) {
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ function putObjectByRawApis($ossClient, $bucket)
* step 3. 完成上传
* step 3. Complete the upload
try {
$ossClient->completeMultipartUpload($bucket, $object, $uploadId, $uploadParts);
@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ function putObjectByRawApis($ossClient, $bucket)
* 按照目录上传文件
* Upload by directories
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param string $bucket bucket name
function uploadDir($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ function uploadDir($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取当前未完成的分片上传列表
* Get ongoing multipart uploads
* @param $ossClient OssClient
* @param $bucket string

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ use OSS\Core\OssException;
$bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* Simple usage ***************************************************************
// 简单上传变量的内容到oss文件
// Upload the in-memory string (hi, oss) to an OSS file
$result = $ossClient->putObject($bucket, "b.file", "hi, oss");
Common::println("b.file is created");
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Common::println($result['etag']);
// 上传本地文件
// Uploads a local file to an OSS file
$result = $ossClient->uploadFile($bucket, "c.file", __FILE__);
Common::println("c.file is created");
Common::println("b.file is created");
@ -26,21 +26,21 @@ Common::println($result['etag']);
// 下载object到本地变量
// Download an oss object as an in-memory variable
$content = $ossClient->getObject($bucket, "b.file");
Common::println("b.file is fetched, the content is: " . $content);
// 给object添加symlink
// Add a symlink to an object
$content = $ossClient->putSymlink($bucket, "test-symlink", "b.file");
Common::println("test-symlink is created");
// 获取symlink
// Get a symlink
$content = $ossClient->getSymlink($bucket, "test-symlink");
Common::println("test-symlink refer to : " . $content[OssClient::OSS_SYMLINK_TARGET]);
// 下载object到本地文件
// Download an object to a local file.
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => "./c.file.localcopy",
@ -48,26 +48,26 @@ $ossClient->getObject($bucket, "c.file", $options);
Common::println("b.file is fetched to the local file: c.file.localcopy");
Common::println("b.file is created");
// 拷贝object
// Copy an object
$result = $ossClient->copyObject($bucket, "c.file", $bucket, "c.file.copy");
Common::println("lastModifiedTime: " . $result[0]);
Common::println("ETag: " . $result[1]);
// 判断object是否存在
// Check whether an object exists
$doesExist = $ossClient->doesObjectExist($bucket, "c.file.copy");
Common::println("file c.file.copy exist? " . ($doesExist ? "yes" : "no"));
// 删除object
// Delete an object
$result = $ossClient->deleteObject($bucket, "c.file.copy");
Common::println("c.file.copy is deleted");
Common::println("b.file is created");
// 判断object是否存在
// Check whether an object exists
$doesExist = $ossClient->doesObjectExist($bucket, "c.file.copy");
Common::println("file c.file.copy exist? " . ($doesExist ? "yes" : "no"));
// 批量删除object
// Delete multiple objects in batch
$result = $ossClient->deleteObjects($bucket, array("b.file", "c.file"));
foreach($result as $object)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ foreach($result as $object)
//******************************* 完整用法参考下面函数 ****************************************************
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ****************************************************
listObjects($ossClient, $bucket);
listAllObjects($ossClient, $bucket);
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ doesObjectExist($ossClient, $bucket);
getSymlink($ossClient, $bucket);
putSymlink($ossClient, $bucket);
* 创建虚拟目录
* Create a 'virtual' folder
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function createObjectDir($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -112,12 +112,12 @@ function createObjectDir($ossClient, $bucket)
* 把本地变量的内容到文件
* Upload in-memory data to oss
* 简单上传,上传指定变量的内存值作为object的内容
* Simple upload---upload specified in-memory data to an OSS object
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putObject($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ function putObject($ossClient, $bucket)
* 上传指定的本地文件内容
* Uploads a local file to OSS
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function uploadFile($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -160,11 +160,12 @@ function uploadFile($ossClient, $bucket)
* 列出Bucket内所有目录和文件, 注意如果符合条件的文件数目超过设置的max-keys 用户需要使用返回的nextMarker作为入参通过
* 循环调用ListObjects得到所有的文件具体操作见下面的 listAllObjects 示例
* Lists all files and folders in the bucket.
* Note if there's more items than the max-keys specified, the caller needs to use the nextMarker returned as the value for the next call's maker paramter.
* Loop through all the items returned from ListObjects.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function listObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -187,8 +188,8 @@ function listObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
$objectList = $listObjectInfo->getObjectList(); // 文件列表
$prefixList = $listObjectInfo->getPrefixList(); // 目录列表
$objectList = $listObjectInfo->getObjectList(); // object list
$prefixList = $listObjectInfo->getPrefixList(); // directory list
if (!empty($objectList)) {
foreach ($objectList as $objectInfo) {
@ -204,15 +205,15 @@ function listObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
* 列出Bucket内所有目录和文件 根据返回的nextMarker循环得到所有Objects
* Lists all folders and files under the bucket. Use nextMarker repeatedly to get all objects.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function listAllObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
// Create dir/obj 'folder' and put some files into it.
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i += 1) {
$ossClient->putObject($bucket, "dir/obj" . strval($i), "hi");
$ossClient->createObjectDir($bucket, "dir/obj" . strval($i));
@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ function listAllObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
// 得到nextMarker从上一次listObjects读到的最后一个文件的下一个文件开始继续获取文件列表
// Get the nextMarker, and it would be used as the next call's marker parameter to resume from the last call
$nextMarker = $listObjectInfo->getNextMarker();
$listObject = $listObjectInfo->getObjectList();
$listPrefix = $listObjectInfo->getPrefixList();
@ -251,10 +252,10 @@ function listAllObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取object的内容
* Get the content of an object.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getObject($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -277,10 +278,10 @@ function getObject($ossClient, $bucket)
* put symlink
* Put symlink
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient The Instance of OssClient
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putSymlink($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -305,10 +306,10 @@ function putSymlink($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取symlink
* Get symlink
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getSymlink($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -333,13 +334,13 @@ function getSymlink($ossClient, $bucket)
* get_object_to_local_file
* Get_object_to_local_file
* 获取object
* 将object下载到指定的文件
* Get object
* Download object to a specified file.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getObjectToLocalFile($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -369,11 +370,11 @@ function getObjectToLocalFile($ossClient, $bucket)
* 拷贝object
* 当目的object和源object完全相同时表示修改object的meta信息
* Copy object
* When the source object is same as the target one, copy operation will just update the metadata.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function copyObject($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -395,11 +396,11 @@ function copyObject($ossClient, $bucket)
* 修改Object Meta
* 利用copyObject接口的特性当目的object和源object完全相同时表示修改object的meta信息
* Update Object Meta
* it leverages the feature of copyObject when the source object is just the target object, the metadata could be updated via copy
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function modifyMetaForObject($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -425,10 +426,10 @@ function modifyMetaForObject($ossClient, $bucket)
* 获取object meta, 也就是getObjectMeta接口
* Get object meta, that is, getObjectMeta
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getObjectMeta($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -452,10 +453,10 @@ function getObjectMeta($ossClient, $bucket)
* 删除object
* Delete an object
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteObject($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -473,10 +474,10 @@ function deleteObject($ossClient, $bucket)
* 批量删除object
* Delete multiple objects in batch
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -495,10 +496,10 @@ function deleteObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
* 判断object是否存在
* Check whether an object exists
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function doesObjectExist($ossClient, $bucket)

View File

@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ require_once __DIR__ . '/BucketReferer.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/BucketLogging.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/BucketWebsite.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/Signature.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/Object.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/Object1.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/MultipartUpload.php';

View File

@ -10,33 +10,33 @@ $bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* 简单使用 ***************************************************************
//******************************* Simple Usage ***************************************************************
$ossClient->uploadFile($bucket, "a.file", __FILE__);
// 生成GetObject的签名url用户可以使用这个url直接在浏览器下载
// Generate a signed url for getting an object. The URL can be used in browser directly to download the file.
$signedUrl = $ossClient->signUrl($bucket, "a.file", 3600);
// 生成用于putObject的签名URL用户可以直接用put方法使用这个url上传文件到 "a.file"
// Generate the signed url for putting an object. User can use put method with this url to upload a file to "a.file".
$signedUrl = $ossClient->signUrl($bucket, "a.file", "3600", "PUT");
// 生成从本地文件上传PutObject的签名url, 用户可以直接使用这个url把本地文件上传到 "a.file"
// Generate the signed url for putting an object from local file. The url can be used directly to upload the file to "a.file".
$signedUrl = $ossClient->signUrl($bucket, "a.file", 3600, "PUT", array('Content-Type' => 'txt'));
//******************************* 完整用法参考下面函数 ****************************************************
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ****************************************************
getSignedUrlForPuttingObject($ossClient, $bucket);
getSignedUrlForPuttingObjectFromFile($ossClient, $bucket);
getSignedUrlForGettingObject($ossClient, $bucket);
* 生成GetObject的签名url,主要用于私有权限下的读访问控制
* Generate the signed url for getObject() to control read accesses under private privilege
* @param $ossClient OssClient OssClient实例
* @param $bucket string 存储空间名称
* @param $ossClient OssClient OssClient instance
* @param $bucket string bucket name
* @return null
function getSignedUrlForGettingObject($ossClient, $bucket)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function getSignedUrlForGettingObject($ossClient, $bucket)
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": signedUrl: " . $signedUrl . "\n");
* 可以类似的代码来访问签名的URL也可以输入到浏览器中去访问
* Use similar code to access the object by url, or use browser to access the object.
$request = new RequestCore($signedUrl);
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ function getSignedUrlForGettingObject($ossClient, $bucket)
* 生成PutObject的签名url,主要用于私有权限下的写访问控制
* Generate the signed url for PutObject to control write accesses under private privilege.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
* @throws OssException
@ -105,11 +105,10 @@ function getSignedUrlForPuttingObject($ossClient, $bucket)
* 生成PutObject的签名url,主要用于私有权限下的写访问控制, 用户可以利用生成的signedUrl
* 从文件上传文件
* Generate the signed url for PutObject's signed url. User could use the signed url to upload file directly.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient实例
* @param string $bucket 存储空间名称
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @throws OssException
function getSignedUrlForPuttingObjectFromFile($ossClient, $bucket)

View File

@ -5,16 +5,17 @@ namespace OSS\Core;
* Class MimeTypes
* 在上传文件的时候根据文件的缺省名得到其对应的Content-type
* The map of a file's extention name to its corresponding Content-Type value in the file upload request.
* If the file extention name is not predefined in this class, getMimetype() returns null.
* @package OSS\Core
class MimeTypes
* 根据文件名获取http协议header中的content-type应该填写的数据
* Get the content-type value of http header from the file's extension name.
* @param string $name 缺省名
* @param string $name Default file extension name.
* @return string content-type
public static function getMimetype($name)

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ namespace OSS\Core;
* Class OssException
* OssClient在使用的时候所抛出的异常用户在使用OssClient的时候要Try住相关代码
* try的Exception应该是OssException其中会得到相关异常原因
* This is the class that OSSClient is expected to thrown, which the caller needs to handle properly.
* It has the OSS specific errors which is useful for troubleshooting.
* @package OSS\Core

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace OSS\Core;
* Class OssUtil
* Oss工具类主要供OssClient使用用户也可以使用本类进行返回结果的格式化
* Oss Util class for OssClient. The caller could use it for formating the result from OssClient.
* @package OSS
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ class OssUtil
const OSS_MIN_PART_SIZE = 102400; // 100KB
* 生成query params
* Generate query params
* @param array $options 关联数组
* @return string 返回诸如 key1=value1&key2=value2
* @param array $options: a key-value pair array.
* @return string: the key-value list in the format such as key1=value1&key2=value2
public static function toQueryString($options = array())
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class OssUtil
* 转义字符替换
* Html encoding '<', '>', '&', '\', '"' in subject parameter.
* @param string $subject
* @return string
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class OssUtil
* 检查是否是中文编码
* Check whether the string includes any chinese character
* @param $str
* @return int
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ class OssUtil
* 检测是否GB2312编码
* Checks if the string is encoded by GB2312.
* @param string $str
* @return boolean false UTF-8编码 TRUE GB2312编码
* @return boolean false UTF-8 encoding TRUE GB2312 encoding
public static function isGb2312($str)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class OssUtil
* 检测是否GBK编码
* Checks if the string is encoded by GBK
* @param string $str
* @param boolean $gbk
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ class OssUtil
* 检验bucket名称是否合法
* bucket的命名规范:
* 1. 只能包括小写字母,数字
* 2. 必须以小写字母或者数字开头
* 3. 长度必须在3-63字节之间
* Checks if the bucket name is valid
* bucket naming rules
* 1. Can only include lowercase letters, numbers, or dashes
* 2. Must start and end with lowercase letters or numbers
* 3. Must be within a length from 3 to 63 bytes.
* @param string $bucket Bucket名称
* @param string $bucket Bucket name
* @return boolean
public static function validateBucket($bucket)
@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ class OssUtil
* 检验object名称是否合法
* object命名规范:
* 1. 规则长度必须在1-1023字节之间
* 2. 使用UTF-8编码
* 3. 不能以 "/" "\\"开头
* Checks if object name is valid
* object naming rules:
* 1. Must be within a length from 1 to 1023 bytes
* 2. Cannot start with '/' or '\\'.
* 3. Must be encoded in UTF-8.
* @param string $object Object名称
* @return boolean
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class OssUtil
* 判断字符串$str是不是以$findMe开始
* Checks if $str starts with $findMe
* @param string $str
* @param string $findMe
@ -170,8 +170,9 @@ class OssUtil
* 生成createBucketXmlBody接口的xml消息
* Generate the xml message of createBucketXmlBody.
* @param string $storageClass
* @return string
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ class OssUtil
* 检验$options
* validate $options
* @param array $options
* @throws OssException
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ class OssUtil
* 检查上传文件的内容是否合法
* check whether the Content is valid.
* @param $content string
* @throws OssException
@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ class OssUtil
* @param string $name
* @param string $errMsg
@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ class OssUtil
* 仅供测试使用的接口,请勿使用
* This is a method for test only. DO NOT USE.
* @param $filename
* @param $size
@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ BBB;
* 得到文件的md5编码
* Get MD5 of the file.
* @param $filename
* @param $from_pos
@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ BBB;
* 检测是否windows系统因为windows系统默认编码为GBK
* Check if the OS is Windows. The default encoding in Windows is GBK.
* @return bool
@ -328,7 +329,9 @@ BBB;
* 主要是由于windows系统编码是gbk遇到中文时候如果不进行转换处理会出现找不到文件的问题
* Encodes the file path from GBK to UTF-8.
* The default encoding in Windows is GBK.
* And if the file path is in Chinese, the file would not be found without the transcoding to UTF-8.
* @param $file_path
* @return string
@ -342,9 +345,9 @@ BBB;
* 判断用户输入的endpoint是否是 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port 或者 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx的ip格式
* Check if the endpoint is in the IPv4 format, such as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port or xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
* @param string $endpoint 需要做判断的endpoint
* @param string $endpoint The endpoint to check.
* @return boolean
public static function isIPFormat($endpoint)
@ -360,7 +363,44 @@ BBB;
* 生成DeleteMultiObjects接口的xml消息
* Get the host:port from endpoint.
* @param string $endpoint the endpoint.
* @return boolean
public static function getHostPortFromEndpoint($endpoint)
$str = $endpoint;
$pos = strpos($str, "://");
if ($pos !== false) {
$str = substr($str, $pos+3);
$pos = strpos($str, '#');
if ($pos !== false) {
$str = substr($str, 0, $pos);
$pos = strpos($str, '?');
if ($pos !== false) {
$str = substr($str, 0, $pos);
$pos = strpos($str, '/');
if ($pos !== false) {
$str = substr($str, 0, $pos);
$pos = strpos($str, '@');
if ($pos !== false) {
$str = substr($str, $pos+1);
return $str;
* Generate the xml message of DeleteMultiObjects.
* @param string[] $objects
* @param bool $quiet
@ -379,7 +419,7 @@ BBB;
* 生成CompleteMultipartUpload接口的xml消息
* Generate the xml message of CompleteMultipartUpload.
* @param array[] $listParts
* @return string
@ -396,7 +436,7 @@ BBB;
* 读取目录
* Read the directory, return a associative array in which the MD5 is the named key and the <path,filanme> is the value.
* @param string $dir
* @param string $exclude

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ namespace OSS\Http;
* Handles all HTTP requests using cURL and manages the responses.
* Handle all HTTP requests using cURL and manages the responses.
* @version 2011.06.07
* @copyright 2006-2011 Ryan Parman
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class RequestCore
public $method;
* Stores the proxy settings to use for the request.
* Store the proxy settings to use for the request.
public $proxy = null;
@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ class RequestCore
public $registered_streaming_write_callback = null;
* 请求超时时间, 默认是5184000秒6天
* The request timeout time, which is 5,184,000 seconds,that is, 6 days by default
* @var int
public $timeout = 5184000;
* 连接超时时间默认是10秒
* The connection timeout time, which is 10 seconds by default
* @var int
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Constructs a new instance of this class.
* Construct a new instance of this class.
* @param string $url (Optional) The URL to request or service endpoint to query.
* @param string $proxy (Optional) The faux-url to use for proxy settings. Takes the following format: `proxy://user:pass@hostname:port`
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Destructs the instance. Closes opened file handles.
* Destruct the instance. Closes opened file handles.
* @return $this A reference to the current instance.
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Sets the credentials to use for authentication.
* Set the credentials to use for authentication.
* @param string $user (Required) The username to authenticate with.
* @param string $pass (Required) The password to authenticate with.
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Adds a custom HTTP header to the cURL request.
* Add a custom HTTP header to the cURL request.
* @param string $key (Required) The custom HTTP header to set.
* @param mixed $value (Required) The value to assign to the custom HTTP header.
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Removes an HTTP header from the cURL request.
* Remove an HTTP header from the cURL request.
* @param string $key (Required) The custom HTTP header to set.
* @return $this A reference to the current instance.
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Sets a custom useragent string for the class.
* Set a custom useragent string for the class.
* @param string $ua (Required) The useragent string to use.
* @return $this A reference to the current instance.
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Sets the length in bytes to read from the stream while streaming up.
* Set the length in bytes to read from the stream while streaming up.
* @param integer $size (Required) The length in bytes to read from the stream.
* @return $this A reference to the current instance.
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Sets the resource to read from while streaming up. Reads the stream from its current position until
* Set the resource to read from while streaming up. Reads the stream from its current position until
* EOF or `$size` bytes have been read. If `$size` is not given it will be determined by <php:fstat()> and
* <php:ftell()>.
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Sets the file to read from while streaming up.
* Set the file to read from while streaming up.
* @param string $location (Required) The readable location to read from.
* @return $this A reference to the current instance.
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Sets the resource to write to while streaming down.
* Set the resource to write to while streaming down.
* @param resource $resource (Required) The writeable resource to write to.
* @return $this A reference to the current instance.
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Sets the file to write to while streaming down.
* Set the file to write to while streaming down.
* @param string $location (Required) The writeable location to write to.
* @return $this A reference to the current instance.
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Prepares and adds the details of the cURL request. This can be passed along to a <php:curl_multi_exec()>
* Prepare and adds the details of the cURL request. This can be passed along to a <php:curl_multi_exec()>
* function.
* @return resource The handle for the cURL object.
@ -685,7 +685,6 @@ class RequestCore
// Enable a proxy connection if requested.
if ($this->proxy) {
$host = $this->proxy['host'];
$host .= ($this->proxy['port']) ? ':' . $this->proxy['port'] : '';
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, $host);
@ -830,7 +829,7 @@ class RequestCore
* Sends the request, calling necessary utility functions to update built-in properties.
* Send the request, calling necessary utility functions to update built-in properties.
* @param boolean $parse (Optional) Whether to parse the response with ResponseCore or not.
* @return string The resulting unparsed data from the request.

View File

@ -8,25 +8,25 @@ namespace OSS\Http;
class ResponseCore
* Stores the HTTP header information.
* Store the HTTP header information.
public $header;
* Stores the SimpleXML response.
* Store the SimpleXML response.
public $body;
* Stores the HTTP response code.
* Store the HTTP response code.
public $status;
* Constructs a new instance of this class.
* Construct a new instance of this class.
* @param array $header (Required) Associative array of HTTP headers (typically returned by <RequestCore::get_response_header()>).
* @param string $body (Required) XML-formatted response from AWS.
* @param string $body (Required) XML-formatted response from OSS.
* @param integer $status (Optional) HTTP response status code from the request.
* @return Mixed Contains an <php:array> `header` property (HTTP headers as an associative array), a <php:SimpleXMLElement> or <php:string> `body` property, and an <php:integer> `status` code.

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace OSS\Model;
* Bucket信息ListBuckets接口返回数据
* Bucket information class. This is the type of element in BucketListInfo's
* Class BucketInfo
* @package OSS\Model
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class BucketInfo
* 得到bucket所在的region
* Get bucket location
* @return string
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class BucketInfo
* 得到bucket的名称
* Get bucket name
* @return string
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class BucketInfo
* 得到bucket的创建时间
* Get bucket creation time.
* @return string
@ -56,20 +56,20 @@ class BucketInfo
* bucket所在的region
* bucket region
* @var string
private $location;
* bucket的名称
* bucket name
* @var string
private $name;
* bucket的创建事件
* bucket creation time
* @var string

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace OSS\Model;
* Class BucketListInfo
* ListBuckets接口返回的数据类型
* It's the type of return value of ListBuckets.
* @package OSS\Model
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class BucketListInfo
* 得到BucketInfo列表
* Get the BucketInfo list
* @return BucketInfo[]
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class BucketListInfo
* BucketInfo信息列表
* BucketInfo list
* @var array

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class CorsConfig implements XmlConfig
* 得到CorsRule列表
* Get CorsRule list
* @return CorsRule[]
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class CorsConfig implements XmlConfig
* 添加一条CorsRule
* Add a new CorsRule
* @param CorsRule $rule
* @throws OssException
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class CorsConfig implements XmlConfig
* 从xml数据中解析出CorsConfig
* Parse CorsConfig from the xml.
* @param string $strXml
* @throws OssException
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class CorsConfig implements XmlConfig
* 生成xml字符串
* Serialize the object into xml string.
* @return string
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class CorsConfig implements XmlConfig
const OSS_MAX_RULES = 10;
* orsRule列表
* CorsRule list
* @var CorsRule[]

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use OSS\Core\OssException;
class CorsRule
* Rule中增加一条allowedOrigin
* Add an allowedOrigin rule
* @param string $allowedOrigin
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class CorsRule
* Rule中增加一条allowedMethod
* Add an allowedMethod rule
* @param string $allowedMethod
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class CorsRule
* Rule中增加一条allowedHeader
* Add an allowedHeader rule
* @param string $allowedHeader
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class CorsRule
* Rule中增加一条exposeHeader
* Add an exposeHeader rule
* @param string $exposeHeader
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class CorsRule
* 得到AllowedHeaders列表
* Get the AllowedHeaders list
* @return string[]
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class CorsRule
* 得到AllowedOrigins列表
* Get the AllowedOrigins list
* @return string[]
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class CorsRule
* 得到AllowedMethods列表
* Get the AllowedMethods list
* @return string[]
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class CorsRule
* 得到ExposeHeaders列表
* Get the ExposeHeaders list
* @return string[]
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class CorsRule
* 根据提供的xmlRule 把this按照一定的规则插入到$xmlRule中
* Serialize all the rules into the xml represented by parameter $xmlRule
* @param \SimpleXMLElement $xmlRule
* @throws OssException

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class LifecycleAction
* appendToXml 把actions插入到xml中
* Use appendToXml to insert actions into xml.
* @param \SimpleXMLElement $xmlRule

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use OSS\Core\OssException;
class LifecycleConfig implements XmlConfig
* 从xml数据中解析出LifecycleConfig
* Parse the xml into this object.
* @param string $strXml
* @throws OssException
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class LifecycleConfig implements XmlConfig
* 生成xml字符串
* Serialize the object to xml
* @return string
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class LifecycleConfig implements XmlConfig
* 添加LifecycleRule
* Add a LifecycleRule
* @param LifecycleRule $lifecycleRule
* @throws OssException
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class LifecycleConfig implements XmlConfig
* 将配置转换成字符串,便于用户查看
* Serialize the object into xml string.
* @return string
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class LifecycleConfig implements XmlConfig
* 得到所有的生命周期规则
* Get all lifecycle rules.
* @return LifecycleRule[]

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace OSS\Model;
class LifecycleRule
* 得到规则ID
* Get Id
* @return string
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class LifecycleRule
* @param string $id 规则ID
* @param string $id Rule Id
public function setId($id)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class LifecycleRule
* 得到文件前缀
* Get a file prefix
* @return string
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ class LifecycleRule
* 设置文件前缀
* Set a file prefix
* @param string $prefix 文件前缀
* @param string $prefix The file prefix
public function setPrefix($prefix)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class LifecycleRule
* Lifecycle规则的状态
* Get Lifecycle status
* @return string
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class LifecycleRule
* 设置Lifecycle规则状态
* Set Lifecycle status
* @param string $status
@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ class LifecycleRule
* LifecycleRule constructor.
* @param string $id 规则ID
* @param string $prefix 文件前缀
* @param string $status 规则状态,可选[self::LIFECYCLE_STATUS_ENABLED, self::LIFECYCLE_STATUS_DISABLED]
* @param string $id rule Id
* @param string $prefix File prefix
* @param string $status Rule status, which has the following valid values: [self::LIFECYCLE_STATUS_ENABLED, self::LIFECYCLE_STATUS_DISABLED]
* @param LifecycleAction[] $actions
public function __construct($id, $prefix, $status, $actions)

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace OSS\Model;
* Class LiveChannelListInfo
* ListBucketLiveChannels接口返回数据
* The data returned by ListBucketLiveChannels
* @package OSS\Model
* @link http://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/oss/api-reference/bucket/GetBucket.html

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class LoggingConfig implements XmlConfig
* 序列化成xml字符串
* Serialize to xml string
public function serializeToXml()

View File

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ namespace OSS\Model;
* Class ObjectInfo
* listObjects接口中返回的Object列表中的类
* The element type of ObjectListInfo, which is the return value type of listObjects
* listObjects接口返回数据中包含两个Array
* 一个是拿到的Object列表【可以理解成对应文件系统中的文件列表】
* 一个是拿到的Prefix列表【可以理解成对应文件系统中的目录列表】
* The return value of listObjects includes two arrays
* One is the returned ObjectListInfo, which is similar to a file list in a file system.
* The other is the returned prefix list, which is similar to a folder list in a file system.
* @package OSS\Model

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace OSS\Model;
* Class ObjectListInfo
* ListObjects接口返回数据
* The class of return value of ListObjects
* @package OSS\Model
* @link http://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/oss/api-reference/bucket/GetBucket.html
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class ObjectListInfo
* 返回ListObjects接口返回数据中的ObjectInfo列表
* Get the ObjectInfo list.
* @return ObjectInfo[]
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class ObjectListInfo
* 返回ListObjects接口返回数据中的PrefixInfo列表
* Get the PrefixInfo list
* @return PrefixInfo[]

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@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ namespace OSS\Model;
* Class PrefixInfo
* listObjects接口中返回的Prefix列表中的类
* listObjects接口返回数据中包含两个Array:
* 一个是拿到的Object列表【可以理解成对应文件系统中的文件列表
* 一个是拿到的Prefix列表【可以理解成对应文件系统中的目录列表
* ListObjects return Prefix list of classes
* The returned data contains two arrays
* One is to get the list of objects【Can be understood as the corresponding file system file list
* One is to get Prefix list【Can be understood as the corresponding file system directory list
* @package OSS\Model
* @link http://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/oss/api-reference/bucket/GetBucket.html

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class RefererConfig implements XmlConfig
* 把RefererConfig序列化成xml
* serialize the RefererConfig object into xml string
* @return string

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class StorageCapacityConfig implements XmlConfig
* 把StorageCapacityConfig序列化成xml
* Serialize StorageCapacityConfig into xml
* @return string

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace OSS\Model;
* Class UploadInfo
* ListMultipartUpload接口得到的UploadInfo
* The return value of ListMultipartUpload
* @package OSS\Model

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class WebsiteConfig implements XmlConfig
* 把WebsiteConfig序列化成xml
* Serialize the WebsiteConfig object into xml string.
* @return string
* @throws OssException

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface XmlConfig
* 接口定义实现此接口的类都需要实现从xml数据解析的函数
* Interface method: Parse the object from the xml.
* @param string $strXml
* @return null
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ interface XmlConfig
public function parseFromXml($strXml);
* 接口定义实现此接口的类都需要实现把子类序列化成xml字符串的接口
* Interface method: Serialize the object into xml.
* @return string

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ namespace OSS\Result;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
* Class AclResult getBucketAcl接口返回结果类封装了
* 返回的xml数据的解析
* The type of the return value of getBucketAcl, it wraps the data parsed from xml.
* @package OSS\Result

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use OSS\Core\OssException;
class AppendResult extends Result
* 结果中part的next-append-position
* Get the value of next-append-position from append's response headers
* @return int
* @throws OssException

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@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
namespace OSS\Result;
* Class ExistResult 检查bucket和object是否存在的返回结果
* 根据返回response的http status判断
* Class ExistResult checks if bucket or object exists, according to the http status in response headers.
* @package OSS\Result
class ExistResult extends Result
@ -18,8 +17,8 @@ class ExistResult extends Result
* 根据返回http状态码判断[200-299]即认为是OK, 判断是否存在的接口404也认为是一种
* 有效响应
* Check if the response status is OK according to the http status code.
* [200-299]: OK; [404]: Not found. It means the object or bucket is not found--it's a valid response too.
* @return bool

View File

@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ class GetCorsResult extends Result
* 根据返回http状态码判断[200-299]即认为是OK, 获取bucket相关配置的接口404也认为是一种
* 有效响应
* Check if the response is OK, according to the http status. [200-299]:OK, the Cors config could be got; [404]: not found--no Cors config.
* @return bool

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use OSS\Model\LifecycleConfig;
class GetLifecycleResult extends Result
* 解析Lifestyle数据
* Parse the LifecycleConfig object from the response
* @return LifecycleConfig
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class GetLifecycleResult extends Result
* 根据返回http状态码判断[200-299]即认为是OK, 获取bucket相关配置的接口404也认为是一种
* 有效响应
* Check if the response is OK according to the http status.
* [200-299]: OK, and the LifecycleConfig could be got; [404] The Life cycle config is not found.
* @return bool
@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ class GetLifecycleResult extends Result
return false;

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@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ namespace OSS\Result;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
* Class GetLocationResult getBucketLocation接口返回结果类,封装了
* 返回的xml数据的解析
* Class GetLocationResult getBucketLocation interface returns the result class, encapsulated
* The returned xml data is parsed
* @package OSS\Result

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use OSS\Model\LoggingConfig;
class GetLoggingResult extends Result
* 解析LoggingConfig数据
* Parse LoggingConfig data
* @return LoggingConfig
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class GetLoggingResult extends Result
* 根据返回http状态码判断[200-299]即认为是OK, 获取bucket相关配置的接口404也认为是一种
* 有效响应
* Judged according to the return HTTP status code, [200-299] that is OK, get the bucket configuration interface,
* 404 is also considered a valid response
* @return bool

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use OSS\Model\RefererConfig;
class GetRefererResult extends Result
* 解析RefererConfig数据
* Parse RefererConfig data
* @return RefererConfig
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class GetRefererResult extends Result
* 根据返回http状态码判断[200-299]即认为是OK, 获取bucket相关配置的接口404也认为是一种
* 有效响应
* Judged according to the return HTTP status code, [200-299] that is OK, get the bucket configuration interface,
* 404 is also considered a valid response
* @return bool

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ namespace OSS\Result;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
* Class AclResult getBucketAcl接口返回结果类封装了
* 返回的xml数据的解析
* Class AclResult GetBucketAcl interface returns the result class, encapsulated
* The returned xml data is parsed
* @package OSS\Result

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use OSS\Model\WebsiteConfig;
class GetWebsiteResult extends Result
* 解析WebsiteConfig数据
* Parse WebsiteConfig data
* @return WebsiteConfig
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ class GetWebsiteResult extends Result
* 根据返回http状态码判断[200-299]即认为是OK, 获取bucket相关配置的接口404也认为是一种
* 有效响应
* Judged according to the return HTTP status code, [200-299] that is OK, get the bucket configuration interface,
* 404 is also considered a valid response
* @return bool

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace OSS\Result;
class HeaderResult extends Result
* 把返回的ResponseCore中的header作为返回数据
* The returned ResponseCore header is used as the return data
* @return array

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use OSS\Core\OssException;
class InitiateMultipartUploadResult extends Result
* 结果中获取uploadId并返回
* Get uploadId in result and return
* @throws OssException
* @return string

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use OSS\Model\UploadInfo;
class ListMultipartUploadResult extends Result
* 解析从ListMultipartUpload接口的返回数据
* Parse the return data from the ListMultipartUpload interface
* @return ListMultipartUploadInfo

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use OSS\Model\PrefixInfo;
class ListObjectsResult extends Result
* 解析ListObjects接口返回的xml数据
* Parse the xml data returned by the ListObjects interface
* return ObjectListInfo

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use OSS\Model\PartInfo;
class ListPartsResult extends Result
* 解析ListParts接口返回的xml数据
* Parse the xml data returned by the ListParts interface
* @return ListPartsInfo

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@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ use OSS\Http\ResponseCore;
* Class Result, 操作结果类的基类,不同的请求在处理返回数据的时候有不同的逻辑,
* 具体的解析逻辑推迟到子类实现
* Class Result, The result class of The operation of the base class, different requests in dealing with the return of data have different logic,
* The specific parsing logic postponed to subclass implementation
* @package OSS\Model
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ abstract class Result
* 获取requestId
* Get requestId
* @return string
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ abstract class Result
* 得到返回数据,不同的请求返回数据格式不同
* Get the returned data, different request returns the data format is different
* $return mixed
@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ abstract class Result
* 由子类实现,不同的请求返回数据有不同的解析逻辑,由子类实现
* Subclass implementation, different requests return data has different analytical logic, implemented by subclasses
* @return mixed
abstract protected function parseDataFromResponse();
* 操作是否成功
* Whether the operation is successful
* @return mixed
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ abstract class Result
* 尝试从body中获取错误Message
* Try to get the error message from body
* @param $body
* @return string
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ abstract class Result
* 尝试从body中获取错误Code
* Try to get the error Code from body
* @param $body
* @return string
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ abstract class Result
* 根据返回http状态码判断[200-299]即认为是OK
* Judging from the return http status code, [200-299] that is OK
* @return bool
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ abstract class Result
* 返回原始的返回数据
* Return the original return data
* @return ResponseCore
@ -159,15 +159,15 @@ abstract class Result
* 标示请求是否成功
* Indicate whether the request is successful
protected $isOk = false;
* 由子类解析过的数据
* Data parsed by subclasses
protected $parsedData = null;
* 存放auth函数返回的原始Response
* Store the original Response returned by the auth function
* @var ResponseCore

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