* Added handshake support * Add support for v4 hello and goodbye * Add support for pulling n results * Add support for transactions * Add pull n for the dump * Add support for NOOP * Add support for multiple queries * Update bolt session to support qid * Update drivers test with multiple versions and go * Extract failure handling into a function * Use unique ptr instead of optional for query execution * Destroy stream before query execution Co-authored-by: Antonio Andelic <antonio.andelic@memgraph.io>
39 lines
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39 lines
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import org.neo4j.driver.v1.*;
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.types.*;
import static org.neo4j.driver.v1.Values.parameters;
import java.util.*;
public class Basic {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Config config = Config.build().withoutEncryption().toConfig();
Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt://localhost:7687", AuthTokens.basic( "neo4j", "1234" ), config );
try ( Session session = driver.session() ) {
StatementResult rs1 = session.run( "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n" );
System.out.println( "Database cleared." );
StatementResult rs2 = session.run( "CREATE (alice: Person {name: 'Alice', age: 22})" );
System.out.println( "Record created." );
StatementResult rs3 = session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n" );
System.out.println( "Record matched." );
List<Record> records = rs3.list();
Record record = records.get( 0 );
Node node = record.get( "n" ).asNode();
if ( !node.get("name").asString().equals( "Alice" ) || node.get("age").asInt() != 22 ) {
System.out.println( "Data doesn't match!" );
System.exit( 1 );
System.out.println( "All ok!" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
System.out.println( e );
System.exit( 1 );