- Rename storage to shard - Add primary label and range for shard - Remove id_mapper functionality from shard - Adapt tests
1675 lines
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1675 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "communication/bolt/v1/value.hpp"
#include "glue/v2/communication.hpp"
#include "query/v2/auth_checker.hpp"
#include "query/v2/config.hpp"
#include "query/v2/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/v2/interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/v2/stream.hpp"
#include "query/v2/typed_value.hpp"
#include "query_v2_query_common.hpp"
#include "result_stream_faker.hpp"
#include "storage/v3/isolation_level.hpp"
#include "storage/v3/key_store.hpp"
#include "storage/v3/name_id_mapper.hpp"
#include "storage/v3/property_value.hpp"
#include "utils/csv_parsing.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
namespace memgraph::query::v2::tests {
auto ToEdgeList(const memgraph::communication::bolt::Value &v) {
std::vector<memgraph::communication::bolt::Edge> list;
for (auto x : v.ValueList()) {
return list;
auto StringToUnorderedSet(const std::string &element) {
const auto element_split = memgraph::utils::Split(element, ", ");
return std::unordered_set<std::string>(element_split.begin(), element_split.end());
struct InterpreterFaker {
InterpreterFaker(memgraph::storage::v3::Shard *db, const memgraph::query::v2::InterpreterConfig config,
const std::filesystem::path &data_directory)
: interpreter_context(db, config, data_directory), interpreter(&interpreter_context) {
interpreter_context.auth_checker = &auth_checker;
auto Prepare(const std::string &query,
const std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> ¶ms = {}) {
ResultStreamFaker stream(interpreter_context.db);
const auto [header, _, qid] = interpreter.Prepare(query, params, nullptr);
return std::make_pair(std::move(stream), qid);
void Pull(ResultStreamFaker *stream, std::optional<int> n = {}, std::optional<int> qid = {}) {
const auto summary = interpreter.Pull(stream, n, qid);
* Execute the given query and commit the transaction.
* Return the query stream.
auto Interpret(const std::string &query,
const std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> ¶ms = {}) {
auto prepare_result = Prepare(query, params);
auto &stream = prepare_result.first;
auto summary = interpreter.Pull(&stream, {}, prepare_result.second);
return std::move(stream);
memgraph::query::v2::AllowEverythingAuthChecker auth_checker;
memgraph::query::v2::InterpreterContext interpreter_context;
memgraph::query::v2::Interpreter interpreter;
// TODO: This is not a unit test, but tests/integration dir is chaotic at the
// moment. After tests refactoring is done, move/rename this.
class InterpreterTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
ASSERT_TRUE(db_.CreateSchema(label, {storage::v3::SchemaProperty{property, common::SchemaType::INT}}));
auto Prepare(const std::string &query,
const std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> ¶ms = {}) {
return default_interpreter.Prepare(query, params);
void Pull(ResultStreamFaker *stream, std::optional<int> n = {}, std::optional<int> qid = {}) {
default_interpreter.Pull(stream, n, qid);
auto Interpret(const std::string &query,
const std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> ¶ms = {}) {
return default_interpreter.Interpret(query, params);
storage::v3::LabelId NameToLabelId(std::string_view label_name) {
return storage::v3::LabelId::FromUint(id_mapper.NameToId(label_name));
storage::v3::PropertyId NameToPropertyId(std::string_view property_name) {
return storage::v3::PropertyId::FromUint(id_mapper.NameToId(property_name));
storage::v3::PrimaryKey pk{storage::v3::PropertyValue(0)};
memgraph::storage::v3::NameIdMapper id_mapper;
const storage::v3::LabelId label{NameToLabelId("label")};
storage::v3::Shard db_{label, pk, std::nullopt};
std::filesystem::path data_directory{std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "MG_tests_unit_query_v2_interpreter"};
const storage::v3::PropertyId property{NameToPropertyId("property")};
InterpreterFaker default_interpreter{&db_, {}, data_directory};
TEST_F(InterpreterTest, DummyTestToForceQueryV2Compilation) {
ASSERT_TRUE(true) << "This test is only here to make sure mg-query-v2 gets compiled when building unit tests so "
"clang-tidy can analyze it properly.";
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, MultiplePulls) {
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("UNWIND [1,2,3,4,5] as n RETURN n");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "n");
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(stream.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 1);
// Pull(&stream, 2);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(stream.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 3U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[1][0].ValueInt(), 2);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[2][0].ValueInt(), 3);
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_FALSE(stream.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 5U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[3][0].ValueInt(), 4);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[4][0].ValueInt(), 5);
// }
// }
// Run query with different ast twice to see if query executes correctly when
// ast is read from cache.
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, AstCache) {
// {
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 2 + 3");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "2 + 3");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 5);
// }
// {
// // Cached ast, different literals.
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 5 + 4");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 9);
// }
// {
// // Different ast (because of different types).
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 5.5 + 4");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueDouble(), 9.5);
// }
// {
// // Cached ast, same literals.
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 2 + 3");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 5);
// }
// {
// // Cached ast, different literals.
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5 + 1");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueDouble(), 11.5);
// }
// {
// // Cached ast, same literals, different whitespaces.
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5 + 1");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueDouble(), 11.5);
// }
// {
// // Cached ast, same literals, different named header.
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5+1");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "10.5+1");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueDouble(), 11.5);
// }
// }
// // Run query with same ast multiple times with different parameters.
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Parameters) {
// {
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(10)},
// {"a b", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(15)}});
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "$2 + $`a b`");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 25);
// }
// {
// // Not needed parameter.
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(10)},
// {"a b", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(15)},
// {"c", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(10)}});
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "$2 + $`a b`");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 25);
// }
// {
// // Cached ast, different parameters.
// auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("da")},
// {"a b", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("ne")}});
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueString(), "dane");
// }
// {
// // Non-primitive literal.
// auto stream = Interpret(
// "RETURN $2", {{"2", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(std::vector<memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue>{
// memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(5), memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(2),
// memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(3)})}});
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// auto result =
// memgraph::query::v2::test_common::ToIntList(memgraph::glue::v2::ToTypedValue(stream.GetResults()[0][0]));
// ASSERT_THAT(result, testing::ElementsAre(5, 2, 3));
// }
// {
// // Cached ast, unprovided parameter.
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("da")},
// {"ab", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("ne")}}),
// memgraph::query::v2::UnprovidedParameterError);
// }
// }
// // Run CREATE/MATCH/MERGE queries with property map
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ParametersAsPropertyMap) {
// {
// std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> property_map{};
// property_map["name"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("name1");
// property_map["age"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(25);
// auto stream =
// Interpret("CREATE (n:label $prop) RETURN n", {
// {"prop",
// memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(property_map)},
// });
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "n");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// auto result = stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueVertex();
// EXPECT_EQ(result.properties["name"].ValueString(), "name1");
// EXPECT_EQ(result.properties["age"].ValueInt(), 25);
// }
// {
// EXPECT_NO_THROW(Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :Person(name STRING, age INTEGER)"));
// std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> property_map{};
// property_map["name"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("name1");
// property_map["age"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(25);
// EXPECT_NO_THROW(Interpret("CREATE (:Person {name: 'test', age: 30})"));
// auto stream = Interpret("MATCH (m:Person) CREATE (n:Person $prop) RETURN n",
// {
// {"prop", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(property_map)},
// });
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "n");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// auto result = stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueVertex();
// EXPECT_EQ(result.properties["name"].ValueString(), "name1");
// EXPECT_EQ(result.properties["age"].ValueInt(), 25);
// }
// {
// std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> property_map{};
// property_map["name"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("name1");
// property_map["weight"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(121);
// auto stream = Interpret("CREATE (:L1 {name: 'name1'})-[r:TO $prop]->(:L1 {name: 'name2'}) RETURN r",
// {
// {"prop", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(property_map)},
// });
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "r");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// auto result = stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueEdge();
// EXPECT_EQ(result.properties["name"].ValueString(), "name1");
// EXPECT_EQ(result.properties["weight"].ValueInt(), 121);
// }
// {
// std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> property_map{};
// property_map["name"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("name1");
// property_map["age"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(15);
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("MATCH (n $prop) RETURN n",
// {
// {"prop", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(property_map)},
// }),
// memgraph::query::v2::SemanticException);
// }
// {
// std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue> property_map{};
// property_map["name"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("name1");
// property_map["age"] = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(15);
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("MERGE (n:L2 $prop) RETURN n",
// {
// {"prop", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(property_map)},
// }),
// memgraph::query::v2::SemanticException);
// }
// }
// // Test bfs end to end.
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Bfs) {
// srand(0);
// const auto kNumLevels = 10;
// const auto kNumNodesPerLevel = 100;
// const auto kNumEdgesPerNode = 100;
// const auto kNumUnreachableNodes = 1000;
// const auto kNumUnreachableEdges = 100000;
// const auto kReachable = "reachable";
// const auto kId = "id";
// std::vector<std::vector<memgraph::query::v2::VertexAccessor>> levels(kNumLevels);
// int id = 0;
// // Set up.
// {
// auto storage_dba = db_.Access();
// memgraph::query::v2::DbAccessor dba(&storage_dba);
// auto add_node = [&](int level, bool reachable) {
// auto maybe_node = dba.InsertVertexAndValidate(label, {}, {{property, storage::v3::PropertyValue(id)}});
// MG_ASSERT(maybe_node.HasValue());
// auto node = maybe_node.GetValue();
// node.SetPropertyAndValidate(dba.NameToProperty(kId),
// memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(id++)).HasValue());
// node.SetPropertyAndValidate(dba.NameToProperty(kReachable),
// memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(reachable))
// .HasValue());
// levels[level].push_back(node);
// return node;
// };
// auto add_edge = [&](auto &v1, auto &v2, bool reachable) {
// auto edge = dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("edge"));
// MG_ASSERT(edge->SetProperty(dba.NameToProperty(kReachable), memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(reachable))
// .HasValue());
// };
// // Add source node.
// add_node(0, true);
// // Add reachable nodes.
// for (int i = 1; i < kNumLevels; ++i) {
// for (int j = 0; j < kNumNodesPerLevel; ++j) {
// auto node = add_node(i, true);
// for (int k = 0; k < kNumEdgesPerNode; ++k) {
// auto &node2 = levels[i - 1][rand() % levels[i - 1].size()];
// add_edge(node2, node, true);
// }
// }
// }
// // Add unreachable nodes.
// for (int i = 0; i < kNumUnreachableNodes; ++i) {
// auto node = add_node(rand() % kNumLevels, // Not really important.
// false);
// for (int j = 0; j < kNumEdgesPerNode; ++j) {
// auto &level = levels[rand() % kNumLevels];
// auto &node2 = level[rand() % level.size()];
// add_edge(node2, node, true);
// add_edge(node, node2, true);
// }
// }
// // Add unreachable edges.
// for (int i = 0; i < kNumUnreachableEdges; ++i) {
// auto &level1 = levels[rand() % kNumLevels];
// auto &node1 = level1[rand() % level1.size()];
// auto &level2 = levels[rand() % kNumLevels];
// auto &node2 = level2[rand() % level2.size()];
// add_edge(node1, node2, false);
// }
// ASSERT_FALSE(dba.Commit().HasError());
// }
// auto stream = Interpret(
// "MATCH (n {id: 0})-[r *bfs..5 (e, n | n.reachable and "
// "e.reachable)]->(m) RETURN n, r, m");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 3U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "n");
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[1], "r");
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[2], "m");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 5 * kNumNodesPerLevel);
// auto dba = db_.Access();
// int expected_level = 1;
// int remaining_nodes_in_level = kNumNodesPerLevel;
// std::unordered_set<int64_t> matched_ids;
// for (const auto &result : stream.GetResults()) {
// const auto &begin = result[0].ValueVertex();
// const auto &edges = ToEdgeList(result[1]);
// const auto &end = result[2].ValueVertex();
// // Check that path is of expected length. Returned paths should be from
// // shorter to longer ones.
// EXPECT_EQ(edges.size(), expected_level);
// // Check that starting node is correct.
// EXPECT_EQ(edges.front().from, begin.id);
// EXPECT_EQ(begin.properties.at(kId).ValueInt(), 0);
// for (int i = 1; i < static_cast<int>(edges.size()); ++i) {
// // Check that edges form a connected path.
// EXPECT_EQ(edges[i - 1].to.AsInt(), edges[i].from.AsInt());
// }
// auto matched_id = end.properties.at(kId).ValueInt();
// EXPECT_EQ(edges.back().to, end.id);
// // Check that we didn't match that node already.
// EXPECT_TRUE(matched_ids.insert(matched_id).second);
// // Check that shortest path was found.
// EXPECT_TRUE(matched_id > kNumNodesPerLevel * (expected_level - 1) &&
// matched_id <= kNumNodesPerLevel * expected_level);
// if (!--remaining_nodes_in_level) {
// remaining_nodes_in_level = kNumNodesPerLevel;
// ++expected_level;
// }
// }
// }
// // Test shortest path end to end.
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ShortestPath) {
// const auto test_shortest_path = [this](const bool use_duration) {
// const auto get_weight = [use_duration](const auto value) {
// return fmt::format(fmt::runtime(use_duration ? "DURATION('PT{}S')" : "{}"), value);
// };
// Interpret(
// fmt::format("CREATE (n:A {{x: 1}}), (m:B {{x: 2}}), (l:C {{x: 1}}), (n)-[:r1 {{w: {} "
// "}}]->(m)-[:r2 {{w: {}}}]->(l), (n)-[:r3 {{w: {}}}]->(l)",
// get_weight(1), get_weight(2), get_weight(4)));
// auto stream = Interpret("MATCH (n)-[e *wshortest 5 (e, n | e.w) ]->(m) return e");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "e");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 3U);
// auto dba = db_.Access();
// std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> expected_results{{"r1"}, {"r2"}, {"r1", "r2"}};
// for (const auto &result : stream.GetResults()) {
// const auto &edges = ToEdgeList(result[0]);
// std::vector<std::string> datum;
// datum.reserve(edges.size());
// for (const auto &edge : edges) {
// datum.push_back(edge.type);
// }
// bool any_match = false;
// for (const auto &expected : expected_results) {
// if (expected == datum) {
// any_match = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// EXPECT_TRUE(any_match);
// }
// Interpret("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n");
// };
// static constexpr bool kUseNumeric{false};
// static constexpr bool kUseDuration{true};
// {
// SCOPED_TRACE("Test with numeric values");
// test_shortest_path(kUseNumeric);
// }
// {
// SCOPED_TRACE("Test with Duration values");
// test_shortest_path(kUseDuration);
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CreateLabelIndexInMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE INDEX ON :X"), memgraph::query::v2::IndexInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CreateLabelPropertyIndexInMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE INDEX ON :X(y)"), memgraph::query::v2::IndexInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CreateExistenceConstraintInMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// memgraph::query::v2::ConstraintInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CreateUniqueConstraintInMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// memgraph::query::v2::ConstraintInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ShowIndexInfoInMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("SHOW INDEX INFO"), memgraph::query::v2::InfoInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ShowConstraintInfoInMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("SHOW CONSTRAINT INFO"), memgraph::query::v2::InfoInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ShowStorageInfoInMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("SHOW STORAGE INFO"), memgraph::query::v2::InfoInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// // // NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExistenceConstraintTest) {
// Interpret("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:A) ASSERT EXISTS (n.b);");
// Interpret("CREATE (:A{a: 3, b:1})");
// Interpret("CREATE (:A{a: 3, b:2})");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE (:A {a: 12})"), memgraph::query::v2::QueryException);
// Interpret("MATCH (n:A{a:3, b: 2}) SET n.b=5");
// Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:2, b: 3})");
// Interpret("MATCH (n:A{a:3, b: 1}) DETACH DELETE n");
// Interpret("CREATE (n:A{a:2, b: 3})");
// memgraph::query::v2::QueryRuntimeException);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, UniqueConstraintTest) {
// // Empty property list should result with syntax exception.
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:A) ASSERT IS UNIQUE;"), memgraph::query::v2::SyntaxException);
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:A) ASSERT IS UNIQUE;"), memgraph::query::v2::SyntaxException);
// // Too large list of properties should also result with syntax exception.
// {
// std::stringstream stream;
// stream << " ON (n:A) ASSERT ";
// for (size_t i = 0; i < 33; ++i) {
// if (i > 0) stream << ", ";
// stream << "n.prop" << i;
// }
// stream << " IS UNIQUE;";
// std::string create_query = "CREATE CONSTRAINT" + stream.str();
// std::string drop_query = "DROP CONSTRAINT" + stream.str();
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret(create_query), memgraph::query::v2::SyntaxException);
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret(drop_query), memgraph::query::v2::SyntaxException);
// }
// // Providing property list with duplicates results with syntax exception.
// memgraph::query::v2::SyntaxException);
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:A) ASSERT n.a, n.b, n.a IS UNIQUE;"),
// memgraph::query::v2::SyntaxException);
// // Commit of vertex should fail if a constraint is violated.
// Interpret("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:A) ASSERT n.a, n.b IS UNIQUE;");
// Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:1, b:2})");
// Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:1, b:3})");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:1, b:2})"), memgraph::query::v2::QueryException);
// // Attempt to create a constraint should fail if it's violated.
// Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:1, c:2})");
// Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:1, c:2})");
// memgraph::query::v2::QueryRuntimeException);
// Interpret("MATCH (n:A{a:2, b:2}) SET n.a=1");
// Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:2})");
// Interpret("MATCH (n:A{a:2}) DETACH DELETE n");
// Interpret("CREATE (n:A{a:2})");
// // Show constraint info.
// {
// auto stream = Interpret("SHOW CONSTRAINT INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 3U);
// const auto &header = stream.GetHeader();
// ASSERT_EQ(header[0], "constraint type");
// ASSERT_EQ(header[1], "label");
// ASSERT_EQ(header[2], "properties");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// const auto &result = stream.GetResults().front();
// ASSERT_EQ(result.size(), 3U);
// ASSERT_EQ(result[0].ValueString(), "unique");
// ASSERT_EQ(result[1].ValueString(), "A");
// const auto &properties = result[2].ValueList();
// ASSERT_EQ(properties.size(), 2U);
// ASSERT_EQ(properties[0].ValueString(), "a");
// ASSERT_EQ(properties[1].ValueString(), "b");
// }
// // Drop constraint.
// Interpret("DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:A) ASSERT n.a, n.b IS UNIQUE;");
// // Removing the same constraint twice should not throw any exception.
// Interpret("DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:A) ASSERT n.a, n.b IS UNIQUE;");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExplainQuery) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 0U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 0U);
// auto stream = Interpret("EXPLAIN MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().front(), "QUERY PLAN");
// std::vector<std::string> expected_rows{" * Produce {n}", " * ScanAll (n)", " * Once"};
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size());
// auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin();
// for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) {
// ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// }
// // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// // We should have AST cache for EXPLAIN ... and for inner MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExplainQueryMultiplePulls) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 0U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 0U);
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("EXPLAIN MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().front(), "QUERY PLAN");
// std::vector<std::string> expected_rows{" * Produce {n}", " * ScanAll (n)", " * Once"};
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1);
// auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin();
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 2);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[1].size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[1].front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 3);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[2].size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[2].front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// // We should have AST cache for EXPLAIN ... and for inner MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExplainQueryInMulticommandTransaction) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 0U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 0U);
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// auto stream = Interpret("EXPLAIN MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// Interpret("COMMIT");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().front(), "QUERY PLAN");
// std::vector<std::string> expected_rows{" * Produce {n}", " * ScanAll (n)", " * Once"};
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size());
// auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin();
// for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) {
// ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// }
// // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// // We should have AST cache for EXPLAIN ... and for inner MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExplainQueryWithParams) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 0U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 0U);
// auto stream =
// Interpret("EXPLAIN MATCH (n) WHERE n.id = $id RETURN *;", {{"id", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(42)}});
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().front(), "QUERY PLAN");
// std::vector<std::string> expected_rows{" * Produce {n}", " * Filter", " * ScanAll (n)", " * Once"};
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size());
// auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin();
// for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) {
// ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// }
// // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// // We should have AST cache for EXPLAIN ... and for inner MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// Interpret("MATCH (n) WHERE n.id = $id RETURN *;", {{"id", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("something
// else")}}); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(),
// 2U);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ProfileQuery) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 0U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 0U);
// auto stream = Interpret("PROFILE MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// std::vector<std::string> expected_header{"OPERATOR", "ACTUAL HITS", "RELATIVE TIME", "ABSOLUTE TIME"};
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader(), expected_header);
// std::vector<std::string> expected_rows{"* Produce", "* ScanAll", "* Once"};
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size());
// auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin();
// for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) {
// ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 4U);
// EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// }
// // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// // We should have AST cache for PROFILE ... and for inner MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ProfileQueryMultiplePulls) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 0U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 0U);
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("PROFILE MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// std::vector<std::string> expected_header{"OPERATOR", "ACTUAL HITS", "RELATIVE TIME", "ABSOLUTE TIME"};
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader(), expected_header);
// std::vector<std::string> expected_rows{"* Produce", "* ScanAll", "* Once"};
// auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin();
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 4U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 2U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[1].size(), 4U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[1][0].ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 3U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[2].size(), 4U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[2][0].ValueString(), *expected_it);
// // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// // We should have AST cache for PROFILE ... and for inner MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN *;");
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ProfileQueryInMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("PROFILE MATCH (n) RETURN *;"), memgraph::query::v2::ProfileInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ProfileQueryWithParams) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 0U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 0U);
// auto stream =
// Interpret("PROFILE MATCH (n) WHERE n.id = $id RETURN *;", {{"id", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(42)}});
// std::vector<std::string> expected_header{"OPERATOR", "ACTUAL HITS", "RELATIVE TIME", "ABSOLUTE TIME"};
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader(), expected_header);
// std::vector<std::string> expected_rows{"* Produce", "* Filter", "* ScanAll", "* Once"};
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size());
// auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin();
// for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) {
// ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 4U);
// EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// }
// // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// // We should have AST cache for PROFILE ... and for inner MATCH ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 2U);
// Interpret("MATCH (n) WHERE n.id = $id RETURN *;", {{"id", memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue("something
// else")}}); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(),
// 2U);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ProfileQueryWithLiterals) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 0U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 1U);
// auto stream = Interpret("PROFILE UNWIND range(1, 1000) AS x CREATE (:Node {id: x});", {});
// std::vector<std::string> expected_header{"OPERATOR", "ACTUAL HITS", "RELATIVE TIME", "ABSOLUTE TIME"};
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader(), expected_header);
// std::vector<std::string> expected_rows{"* CreateNode", "* Unwind", "* Once"};
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size());
// auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin();
// for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) {
// ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 4U);
// EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it);
// ++expected_it;
// }
// // We should have a plan cache for UNWIND ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// // We should have AST cache for PROFILE ... and for inner UNWIND ...
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 3U);
// Interpret("UNWIND range(42, 4242) AS x CREATE (:Node {id: x});", {});
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 3U);
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Transactions) {
// auto &interpreter = default_interpreter.interpreter;
// {
// ASSERT_THROW(interpreter.CommitTransaction(), memgraph::query::v2::ExplicitTransactionUsageException);
// ASSERT_THROW(interpreter.RollbackTransaction(), memgraph::query::v2::ExplicitTransactionUsageException);
// interpreter.BeginTransaction();
// ASSERT_THROW(interpreter.BeginTransaction(), memgraph::query::v2::ExplicitTransactionUsageException);
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("RETURN 2");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "2");
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_FALSE(stream.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 2);
// interpreter.CommitTransaction();
// }
// {
// interpreter.BeginTransaction();
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("RETURN 2");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "2");
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_FALSE(stream.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 2);
// interpreter.RollbackTransaction();
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Qid) {
// auto &interpreter = default_interpreter.interpreter;
// {
// interpreter.BeginTransaction();
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("RETURN 2");
// ASSERT_TRUE(qid);
// ASSERT_THROW(Pull(&stream, {}, *qid + 1), memgraph::query::v2::InvalidArgumentsException);
// interpreter.RollbackTransaction();
// }
// {
// interpreter.BeginTransaction();
// auto [stream1, qid1] = Prepare("UNWIND(range(1,3)) as n RETURN n");
// ASSERT_TRUE(qid1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream1.GetHeader()[0], "n");
// auto [stream2, qid2] = Prepare("UNWIND(range(4,6)) as n RETURN n");
// ASSERT_TRUE(qid2);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream2.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream2.GetHeader()[0], "n");
// Pull(&stream1, 1, qid1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(stream1.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 1);
// auto [stream3, qid3] = Prepare("UNWIND(range(7,9)) as n RETURN n");
// ASSERT_TRUE(qid3);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream3.GetHeader()[0], "n");
// Pull(&stream2, {}, qid2);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream2.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_FALSE(stream2.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream2.GetResults().size(), 3U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream2.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream2.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 4);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream2.GetResults()[1][0].ValueInt(), 5);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream2.GetResults()[2][0].ValueInt(), 6);
// Pull(&stream3, 1, qid3);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(stream3.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 7);
// Pull(&stream1, {}, qid1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_FALSE(stream1.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetResults().size(), 3U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetResults()[1].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetResults()[1][0].ValueInt(), 2);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream1.GetResults()[2][0].ValueInt(), 3);
// Pull(&stream3);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_FALSE(stream3.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetResults().size(), 3U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetResults()[1].size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetResults()[1][0].ValueInt(), 8);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream3.GetResults()[2][0].ValueInt(), 9);
// interpreter.CommitTransaction();
// }
// }
// namespace {
// // copied from utils_csv_parsing.cpp - tmp dir management and csv file writer
// class TmpDirManager final {
// public:
// explicit TmpDirManager(const std::string_view directory)
// : tmp_dir_{std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / directory} {
// CreateDir();
// }
// ~TmpDirManager() { Clear(); }
// const std::filesystem::path &Path() const { return tmp_dir_; }
// private:
// std::filesystem::path tmp_dir_;
// void CreateDir() {
// if (!std::filesystem::exists(tmp_dir_)) {
// std::filesystem::create_directory(tmp_dir_);
// }
// }
// void Clear() {
// if (!std::filesystem::exists(tmp_dir_)) return;
// std::filesystem::remove_all(tmp_dir_);
// }
// };
// class FileWriter {
// public:
// explicit FileWriter(const std::filesystem::path path) { stream_.open(path); }
// FileWriter(const FileWriter &) = delete;
// FileWriter &operator=(const FileWriter &) = delete;
// FileWriter(FileWriter &&) = delete;
// FileWriter &operator=(FileWriter &&) = delete;
// void Close() { stream_.close(); }
// size_t WriteLine(const std::string_view line) {
// if (!stream_.is_open()) {
// return 0;
// }
// stream_ << line << std::endl;
// // including the newline character
// return line.size() + 1;
// }
// private:
// std::ofstream stream_;
// };
// std::string CreateRow(const std::vector<std::string> &columns, const std::string_view delim) {
// return memgraph::utils::Join(columns, delim);
// }
// } // namespace
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, LoadCsvClause) {
// auto dir_manager = TmpDirManager("csv_directory");
// const auto csv_path = dir_manager.Path() / "file.csv";
// auto writer = FileWriter(csv_path);
// const std::string delimiter{"|"};
// const std::vector<std::string> header{"A", "B", "C"};
// writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(header, delimiter));
// const std::vector<std::string> good_columns_1{"a", "b", "c"};
// writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(good_columns_1, delimiter));
// const std::vector<std::string> bad_columns{"\"\"1", "2", "3"};
// writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(bad_columns, delimiter));
// const std::vector<std::string> good_columns_2{"d", "e", "f"};
// writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(good_columns_2, delimiter));
// writer.Close();
// {
// const std::string query = fmt::format(R"(LOAD CSV FROM "{}" WITH HEADER IGNORE BAD DELIMITER "{}" AS x RETURN
// x.A)",
// csv_path.string(), delimiter);
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare(query);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "x.A");
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(stream.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueString(), "a");
// Pull(&stream, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_FALSE(stream.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 2U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[1][0].ValueString(), "d");
// }
// {
// const std::string query = fmt::format(R"(LOAD CSV FROM "{}" WITH HEADER IGNORE BAD DELIMITER "{}" AS x RETURN
// x.C)",
// csv_path.string(), delimiter);
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare(query);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "x.C");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
// ASSERT_FALSE(stream.GetSummary().at("has_more").ValueBool());
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 2U);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueString(), "c");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[1][0].ValueString(), "f");
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CacheableQueries) {
// const auto &interpreter_context = default_interpreter.interpreter_context;
// // This should be cached
// {
// SCOPED_TRACE("Cacheable query");
// Interpret("RETURN 1");
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// }
// {
// SCOPED_TRACE("Uncacheable query");
// // Queries which are calling procedure should not be cached because the
// // result signature could be changed
// Interpret("CALL mg.load_all()");
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.ast_cache.size(), 1U);
// EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context.plan_cache.size(), 1U);
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, AllowLoadCsvConfig) {
// const auto check_load_csv_queries = [&](const bool allow_load_csv) {
// TmpDirManager directory_manager{"allow_load_csv"};
// const auto csv_path = directory_manager.Path() / "file.csv";
// auto writer = FileWriter(csv_path);
// const std::vector<std::string> data{"A", "B", "C"};
// writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(data, ","));
// writer.Close();
// const std::array<std::string, 2> queries = {
// fmt::format("LOAD CSV FROM \"{}\" WITH HEADER AS row RETURN row", csv_path.string()),
// "row"};
// InterpreterFaker interpreter_faker{&db_, {.query = {.allow_load_csv = allow_load_csv}},
// directory_manager.Path()}; for (const auto &query : queries) {
// if (allow_load_csv) {
// SCOPED_TRACE(fmt::format("'{}' should not throw because LOAD CSV is allowed", query));
// ASSERT_NO_THROW(interpreter_faker.Interpret(query));
// } else {
// SCOPED_TRACE(fmt::format("'{}' should throw becuase LOAD CSV is not allowed", query));
// ASSERT_THROW(interpreter_faker.Interpret(query), memgraph::utils::BasicException);
// }
// SCOPED_TRACE(fmt::format("Normal query should not throw (allow_load_csv: {})", allow_load_csv));
// ASSERT_NO_THROW(interpreter_faker.Interpret("RETURN 1"));
// }
// };
// check_load_csv_queries(true);
// check_load_csv_queries(false);
// }
// void AssertAllValuesAreZero(const std::map<std::string, memgraph::communication::bolt::Value> &map,
// const std::vector<std::string> &exceptions) {
// for (const auto &[key, value] : map) {
// if (const auto it = std::find(exceptions.begin(), exceptions.end(), key); it != exceptions.end()) continue;
// ASSERT_EQ(value.ValueInt(), 0) << "Value " << key << " actual: " << value.ValueInt() << ", expected 0";
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExecutionStatsIsValid) {
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("MATCH (n) DELETE n;");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("stats"), 0);
// }
// {
// std::array stats_keys{"nodes-created", "nodes-deleted", "relationships-created", "relationships-deleted",
// "properties-set", "labels-added", "labels-removed"};
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE (:L1 {name: 'name1'});");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("stats"), 1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(stream.GetSummary().at("stats").IsMap());
// auto stats = stream.GetSummary().at("stats").ValueMap();
// std::all_of(stats_keys.begin(), stats_keys.end(), [&stats](const auto &key) { return stats.contains(key);
// }));
// AssertAllValuesAreZero(stats, {"nodes-created"});
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExecutionStatsValues) {
// {
// auto [stream, qid] =
// Prepare("CREATE (:L1{name: 'name1'}),(:L1{name: 'name2'}),(:L1{name: 'name3'}),(:L1{name: 'name4'});");
// Pull(&stream);
// auto stats = stream.GetSummary().at("stats").ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["nodes-created"].ValueInt(), 4);
// AssertAllValuesAreZero(stats, {"nodes-created", "labels-added"});
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("MATCH (n) DELETE n;");
// Pull(&stream);
// auto stats = stream.GetSummary().at("stats").ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["nodes-deleted"].ValueInt(), 4);
// AssertAllValuesAreZero(stats, {"nodes-deleted"});
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] =
// Prepare("CREATE (n:L1 {name: 'name5'})-[:TO]->(m:L1{name: 'name6'}), (n)-[:TO]->(m), (n)-[:TO]->(m);");
// Pull(&stream);
// auto stats = stream.GetSummary().at("stats").ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["nodes-created"].ValueInt(), 2);
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["relationships-created"].ValueInt(), 3);
// AssertAllValuesAreZero(stats, {"nodes-created", "relationships-created"});
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;");
// Pull(&stream);
// auto stats = stream.GetSummary().at("stats").ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["nodes-deleted"].ValueInt(), 2);
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["relationships-deleted"].ValueInt(), 3);
// AssertAllValuesAreZero(stats, {"nodes-deleted", "relationships-deleted"});
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE (n:L1 {name: 'name7'}) SET n:L2:L3:L4");
// Pull(&stream);
// auto stats = stream.GetSummary().at("stats").ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["nodes-created"].ValueInt(), 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["labels-added"].ValueInt(), 3);
// AssertAllValuesAreZero(stats, {"nodes-created", "labels-added"});
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("MATCH (n:L1) SET n.name2='test';");
// Pull(&stream);
// auto stats = stream.GetSummary().at("stats").ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(stats["properties-set"].ValueInt(), 1);
// AssertAllValuesAreZero(stats, {"properties-set"});
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, NotificationsValidStructure) {
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("MATCH (n) DELETE n;");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 0);
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE INDEX ON :Person(id);");
// Pull(&stream);
// // Assert notifications list
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").IsList());
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// // Assert one notification structure
// ASSERT_EQ(notifications.size(), 1);
// ASSERT_TRUE(notifications[0].IsMap());
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_TRUE(notification.contains("severity"));
// ASSERT_TRUE(notification.contains("code"));
// ASSERT_TRUE(notification.contains("title"));
// ASSERT_TRUE(notification.contains("description"));
// ASSERT_TRUE(notification["severity"].IsString());
// ASSERT_TRUE(notification["code"].IsString());
// ASSERT_TRUE(notification["title"].IsString());
// ASSERT_TRUE(notification["description"].IsString());
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, IndexInfoNotifications) {
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE INDEX ON :Person;");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "CreateIndex");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Created index on label Person on properties .");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE INDEX ON :Person(id);");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "CreateIndex");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Created index on label Person on properties id.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE INDEX ON :Person(id);");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "IndexAlreadyExists");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Index on label Person on properties id already exists.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("DROP INDEX ON :Person(id);");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "DropIndex");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Dropped index on label Person on properties id.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("DROP INDEX ON :Person(id);");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "IndexDoesNotExist");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Index on label Person on properties id doesn't exist.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ConstraintUniqueInfoNotifications) {
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:Person) ASSERT n.email, n.id IS UNIQUE;");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "CreateConstraint");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(),
// "Created UNIQUE constraint on label Person on properties email, id.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:Person) ASSERT n.email, n.id IS UNIQUE;");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "ConstraintAlreadyExists");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(),
// "Constraint UNIQUE on label Person on properties email, id already exists.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:Person) ASSERT n.email, n.id IS UNIQUE;");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "DropConstraint");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(),
// "Dropped UNIQUE constraint on label Person on properties email, id.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:Person) ASSERT n.email, n.id IS UNIQUE;");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "ConstraintDoesNotExist");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(),
// "Constraint UNIQUE on label Person on properties email, id doesn't exist.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ConstraintExistsInfoNotifications) {
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:L1) ASSERT EXISTS (n.name);");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "CreateConstraint");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Created EXISTS constraint on label L1 on properties name.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:L1) ASSERT EXISTS (n.name);");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "ConstraintAlreadyExists");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Constraint EXISTS on label L1 on properties name already
// exists."); ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:L1) ASSERT EXISTS (n.name);");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "DropConstraint");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Dropped EXISTS constraint on label L1 on properties name.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:L1) ASSERT EXISTS (n.name);");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "ConstraintDoesNotExist");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Constraint EXISTS on label L1 on properties name doesn'texist.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, TriggerInfoNotifications) {
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare(
// "CREATE ();");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "CreateTrigger");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Created trigger bestTriggerEver.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// {
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare("DROP TRIGGER bestTriggerEver;");
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "DropTrigger");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(), "Dropped trigger bestTriggerEver.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, LoadCsvClauseNotification) {
// auto dir_manager = TmpDirManager("csv_directory");
// const auto csv_path = dir_manager.Path() / "file.csv";
// auto writer = FileWriter(csv_path);
// const std::string delimiter{"|"};
// const std::vector<std::string> header{"A", "B", "C"};
// writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(header, delimiter));
// const std::vector<std::string> good_columns_1{"a", "b", "c"};
// writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(good_columns_1, delimiter));
// writer.Close();
// const std::string query = fmt::format(R"(LOAD CSV FROM "{}" WITH HEADER IGNORE BAD DELIMITER "{}" AS x RETURN x;)",
// csv_path.string(), delimiter);
// auto [stream, qid] = Prepare(query);
// Pull(&stream);
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("notifications"), 1);
// auto notifications = stream.GetSummary().at("notifications").ValueList();
// auto notification = notifications[0].ValueMap();
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["severity"].ValueString(), "INFO");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["code"].ValueString(), "LoadCSVTip");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["title"].ValueString(),
// "It's important to note that the parser parses the values as strings. It's up to the user to "
// "convert the parsed row values to the appropriate type. This can be done using the built-in "
// "conversion functions such as ToInteger, ToFloat, ToBoolean etc.");
// ASSERT_EQ(notification["description"].ValueString(), "");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CreateSchemaMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label(name STRING, age INTEGER)"),
// memgraph::query::v2::ConstraintInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ShowSchemasMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("SHOW SCHEMAS"), memgraph::query::v2::ConstraintInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ShowSchemaMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("SHOW SCHEMA ON :label"), memgraph::query::v2::ConstraintInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, DropSchemaMulticommandTransaction) {
// Interpret("BEGIN");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("DROP SCHEMA ON :label"), memgraph::query::v2::ConstraintInMulticommandTxException);
// Interpret("ROLLBACK");
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, SchemaTestCreateAndShow) {
// // Empty schema type map should result with syntax exception.
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label();"), memgraph::query::v2::SyntaxException);
// // Duplicate properties are should also cause an exception
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label(name STRING, name STRING);"),
// memgraph::query::v2::SemanticException); ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label(name STRING, name
// INTEGER);"),
// memgraph::query::v2::SemanticException);
// {
// // Cannot create same schema twice
// Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label(name STRING, age INTEGER)");
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label(name STRING);"), memgraph::query::v2::QueryException);
// }
// // Show schema
// {
// auto stream = Interpret("SHOW SCHEMA ON :label");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 2U);
// const auto &header = stream.GetHeader();
// ASSERT_EQ(header[0], "property_name");
// ASSERT_EQ(header[1], "property_type");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 2U);
// std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> result_table{{"age", "Integer"}, {"name", "String"}};
// const auto &result = stream.GetResults().front();
// ASSERT_EQ(result.size(), 2U);
// const auto key1 = result[0].ValueString();
// ASSERT_TRUE(result_table.contains(key1));
// ASSERT_EQ(result[1].ValueString(), result_table[key1]);
// const auto &result2 = stream.GetResults().front();
// ASSERT_EQ(result2.size(), 2U);
// const auto key2 = result2[0].ValueString();
// ASSERT_TRUE(result_table.contains(key2));
// ASSERT_EQ(result[1].ValueString(), result_table[key2]);
// }
// // Create Another Schema
// Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label2(place STRING, dur DURATION)");
// // Show schemas
// {
// auto stream = Interpret("SHOW SCHEMAS");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 2U);
// const auto &header = stream.GetHeader();
// ASSERT_EQ(header[0], "label");
// ASSERT_EQ(header[1], "primary_key");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 2U);
// std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>> result_table{
// {"label", {"name::String", "age::Integer"}}, {"label2", {"place::String", "dur::Duration"}}};
// const auto &result = stream.GetResults().front();
// ASSERT_EQ(result.size(), 2U);
// const auto key1 = result[0].ValueString();
// ASSERT_TRUE(result_table.contains(key1));
// const auto primary_key_split = StringToUnorderedSet(result[1].ValueString());
// ASSERT_EQ(primary_key_split.size(), 2);
// ASSERT_TRUE(primary_key_split == result_table[key1]) << "actual value is: " << result[1].ValueString();
// const auto &result2 = stream.GetResults().front();
// ASSERT_EQ(result2.size(), 2U);
// const auto key2 = result2[0].ValueString();
// ASSERT_TRUE(result_table.contains(key2));
// const auto primary_key_split2 = StringToUnorderedSet(result2[1].ValueString());
// ASSERT_EQ(primary_key_split2.size(), 2);
// ASSERT_TRUE(primary_key_split2 == result_table[key2]) << "Real value is: " << result[1].ValueString();
// }
// }
// TEST_F(InterpreterTest, SchemaTestCreateDropAndShow) {
// Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label(name STRING, age INTEGER)");
// // Wrong syntax for dropping schema.
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("DROP SCHEMA ON :label();"), memgraph::query::v2::SyntaxException);
// // Cannot drop non existant schema.
// ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("DROP SCHEMA ON :label1;"), memgraph::query::v2::QueryException);
// // Create Schema and Drop
// auto get_number_of_schemas = [this]() {
// auto stream = Interpret("SHOW SCHEMAS");
// return stream.GetResults().size();
// };
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 1);
// Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label1(name STRING, age INTEGER)");
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 2);
// Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label2(name STRING, alive BOOL)");
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 3);
// Interpret("DROP SCHEMA ON :label1");
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 2);
// Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label3(name STRING, birthday LOCALDATETIME)");
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 3);
// Interpret("DROP SCHEMA ON :label2");
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 2);
// Interpret("CREATE SCHEMA ON :label4(name STRING, age DURATION)");
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 3);
// Interpret("DROP SCHEMA ON :label3");
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 2);
// Interpret("DROP SCHEMA ON :label");
// ASSERT_EQ(get_number_of_schemas(), 1);
// // Show schemas
// auto stream = Interpret("SHOW SCHEMAS");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 2U);
// const auto &header = stream.GetHeader();
// ASSERT_EQ(header[0], "label");
// ASSERT_EQ(header[1], "primary_key");
// ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>> result_table{
// {"label4", {"name::String", "age::Duration"}}};
// const auto &result = stream.GetResults().front();
// ASSERT_EQ(result.size(), 2U);
// const auto key1 = result[0].ValueString();
// ASSERT_TRUE(result_table.contains(key1));
// const auto primary_key_split = StringToUnorderedSet(result[1].ValueString());
// ASSERT_EQ(primary_key_split.size(), 2);
// ASSERT_TRUE(primary_key_split == result_table[key1]);
// }
} // namespace memgraph::query::v2::tests