* Fix up REPLICA GetInfo and CreateSnapshot Subtle bug where these actions were using the incorrect transactional access while in REPLICA role. This casued timestamp to be incorrectly bumped, breaking REPLICA from doing replication. * Delay DNS resolution Rather than resolve at endpoint creation, we will instread resolve only on Socket connect. This allows k8s deployments to change their IP during pod restarts. * Minor sonarsource fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Andreja <andreja.tonev@memgraph.io> Co-authored-by: DavIvek <david.ivekovic@memgraph.io>
440 lines
20 KiB
440 lines
20 KiB
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <algorithm>
#include <variant>
#include "disk_test_utils.hpp"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
// Has to be before the rest of includes because of TRUE redefinition. Antlr
// and krb5 in conflict on CentOS7.
#include "query_plan_common.hpp"
// Do NOT remove this comment because clang-format will reorder includes.
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp"
#include "query/plan/planner.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/disk/storage.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/storage.hpp"
#include "utils/algorithm.hpp"
#include "formatters.hpp"
using memgraph::replication::ReplicationRole;
using namespace memgraph::query::plan;
using memgraph::query::AstStorage;
using Type = memgraph::query::EdgeAtom::Type;
using Direction = memgraph::query::EdgeAtom::Direction;
// Functions for printing resulting rows from a query.
template <class TAccessor>
std::string ToString(const std::vector<TypedValue> &row, const TAccessor &acc) {
std::ostringstream os;
memgraph::utils::PrintIterable(os, row, ", ", [&](auto &stream, const auto &item) { stream << ToString(item, acc); });
return os.str();
template <class TAccessor>
std::string ToString(const std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> &rows, const TAccessor &acc) {
std::ostringstream os;
memgraph::utils::PrintIterable(os, rows, "\n",
[&](auto &stream, const auto &item) { stream << ToString(item, acc); });
return os.str();
namespace {
template <class TAccessor>
void AssertRows(const std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> &datum, std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> expected,
const TAccessor &acc) {
auto row_equal = [](const auto &row1, const auto &row2) {
if (row1.size() != row2.size()) {
return false;
TypedValue::BoolEqual value_eq;
auto row1_it = row1.begin();
for (auto row2_it = row2.begin(); row2_it != row2.end(); ++row1_it, ++row2_it) {
if (!value_eq(*row1_it, *row2_it)) {
return false;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(std::is_permutation(datum.begin(), datum.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end(), row_equal))
<< "Actual rows:" << std::endl
<< ToString(datum, acc) << std::endl
<< "Expected rows:" << std::endl
<< ToString(expected, acc);
void CheckPlansProduce(size_t expected_plan_count, memgraph::query::CypherQuery *query, AstStorage &storage,
memgraph::query::DbAccessor *dba,
std::function<void(const std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> &)> check) {
auto symbol_table = memgraph::query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
auto planning_context = MakePlanningContext(&storage, &symbol_table, query, dba);
auto query_parts = CollectQueryParts(symbol_table, storage, query);
EXPECT_TRUE(query_parts.query_parts.size() > 0);
auto plans = MakeLogicalPlanForSingleQuery<VariableStartPlanner>(query_parts, &planning_context);
EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(plans.begin(), plans.end()), expected_plan_count);
for (const auto &plan : plans) {
auto *produce = dynamic_cast<Produce *>(plan.get());
auto context = MakeContext(storage, symbol_table, dba);
auto results = CollectProduce(*produce, &context);
template <typename StorageType>
class TestVariableStartPlanner : public testing::Test {
const std::string testSuite = "query_variable_start_planner";
memgraph::storage::Config config = disk_test_utils::GenerateOnDiskConfig(testSuite);
std::unique_ptr<memgraph::storage::Storage> db{new StorageType(config)};
AstStorage storage;
void TearDown() override {
if (std::is_same<StorageType, memgraph::storage::DiskStorage>::value) {
using StorageTypes = ::testing::Types<memgraph::storage::InMemoryStorage, memgraph::storage::DiskStorage>;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(TestVariableStartPlanner, StorageTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchReturn) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
// Make a graph (v1) -[:r]-> (v2)
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r")).HasValue());
// Test MATCH (n) -[r]-> (m) RETURN n
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), EDGE("r", Direction::OUT), NODE("m"))), RETURN("n")));
// We have 2 nodes `n` and `m` from which we could start, so expect 2 plans.
CheckPlansProduce(2, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
// We expect to produce only a single (v1) node.
AssertRows(results, {{TypedValue(memgraph::query::VertexAccessor(v1))}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchTripletPatternReturn) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
// Make a graph (v1) -[:r]-> (v2) -[:r]-> (v3)
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v3 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r")).HasValue());
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v2, &v3, dba.NameToEdgeType("r")).HasValue());
// Test `MATCH (n) -[r]-> (m) -[e]-> (l) RETURN n`
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(
MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), EDGE("r", Direction::OUT), NODE("m"), EDGE("e", Direction::OUT), NODE("l"))),
// We have 3 nodes: `n`, `m` and `l` from which we could start.
CheckPlansProduce(3, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
// We expect to produce only a single (v1) node.
AssertRows(results, {{TypedValue(memgraph::query::VertexAccessor(v1))}}, dba);
// Equivalent to `MATCH (n) -[r]-> (m), (m) -[e]-> (l) RETURN n`.
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), EDGE("r", Direction::OUT), NODE("m")),
PATTERN(NODE("m"), EDGE("e", Direction::OUT), NODE("l"))),
CheckPlansProduce(3, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
AssertRows(results, {{TypedValue(memgraph::query::VertexAccessor(v1))}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchOptionalMatchReturn) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
// Make a graph (v1) -[:r]-> (v2) -[:r]-> (v3)
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v3 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r")).HasValue());
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v2, &v3, dba.NameToEdgeType("r")).HasValue());
// Test MATCH (n) -[r]-> (m) OPTIONAL MATCH (m) -[e]-> (l) RETURN n, l
auto *query =
OPTIONAL_MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m"), EDGE("e", Direction::OUT), NODE("l"))), RETURN("n", "l")));
// We have 2 nodes `n` and `m` from which we could start the MATCH, and 2
// nodes for OPTIONAL MATCH. This should produce 2 * 2 plans.
CheckPlansProduce(4, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
// We expect to produce 2 rows:
// * (v1), (v3)
// * (v2), null
{{TypedValue(memgraph::query::VertexAccessor(v1)), TypedValue(memgraph::query::VertexAccessor(v3))},
{TypedValue(memgraph::query::VertexAccessor(v2)), TypedValue()}},
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchOptionalMatchMergeReturn) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
// Graph (v1) -[:r]-> (v2)
memgraph::query::VertexAccessor v1(dba.InsertVertex());
memgraph::query::VertexAccessor v2(dba.InsertVertex());
auto r_type_name = "r";
auto r_type = dba.NameToEdgeType(r_type_name);
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, r_type).HasValue());
// Test MATCH (n) -[r]-> (m) OPTIONAL MATCH (m) -[e]-> (l)
// MERGE (u) -[q:r]-> (v) RETURN n, m, l, u, v
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), EDGE("r", Direction::OUT), NODE("m"))),
OPTIONAL_MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m"), EDGE("e", Direction::OUT), NODE("l"))),
MERGE(PATTERN(NODE("u"), EDGE("q", Direction::OUT, {r_type_name}), NODE("v"))),
RETURN("n", "m", "l", "u", "v")));
// Since MATCH, OPTIONAL MATCH and MERGE each have 2 nodes from which we can
// start, we generate 2 * 2 * 2 plans.
CheckPlansProduce(8, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
// We expect to produce a single row: (v1), (v2), null, (v1), (v2)
AssertRows(results, {{TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2), TypedValue(), TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2)}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchWithMatchReturn) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
// Graph (v1) -[:r]-> (v2)
memgraph::query::VertexAccessor v1(dba.InsertVertex());
memgraph::query::VertexAccessor v2(dba.InsertVertex());
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r")).HasValue());
// Test MATCH (n) -[r]-> (m) WITH n MATCH (m) -[r]-> (l) RETURN n, m, l
auto *query =
MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m"), EDGE("r", Direction::OUT), NODE("l"))), RETURN("n", "m", "l")));
// We can start from 2 nodes in each match. Since WITH separates query parts,
// we expect to get 2 plans for each, which totals 2 * 2.
CheckPlansProduce(4, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
// We expect to produce a single row: (v1), (v1), (v2)
AssertRows(results, {{TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2)}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchVariableExpand) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
// Graph (v1) -[:r1]-> (v2) -[:r2]-> (v3)
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v3 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto r1 = *dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r1"));
auto r2 = *dba.InsertEdge(&v2, &v3, dba.NameToEdgeType("r2"));
// Test MATCH (n) -[r*]-> (m) RETURN r
auto edge = EDGE_VARIABLE("r", Type::DEPTH_FIRST, Direction::OUT);
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), edge, NODE("m"))), RETURN("r")));
// We expect to get a single column with the following rows:
TypedValue r1_list(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(r1)}); // [r1]
TypedValue r2_list(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(r2)}); // [r2]
// [r1, r2]
TypedValue r1_r2_list(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(r1), TypedValue(r2)});
CheckPlansProduce(2, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
AssertRows(results, {{r1_list}, {r2_list}, {r1_r2_list}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchVariableExpandReferenceNode) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
auto id = dba.NameToProperty("id");
// Graph (v1 {id:1}) -[:r1]-> (v2 {id: 2}) -[:r2]-> (v3 {id: 3})
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v1.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(1)).HasValue());
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v2.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(2)).HasValue());
auto v3 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v3.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(3)).HasValue());
auto r1 = *dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r1"));
auto r2 = *dba.InsertEdge(&v2, &v3, dba.NameToEdgeType("r2"));
// Test MATCH (n) -[r*..n.id]-> (m) RETURN r
auto edge = EDGE_VARIABLE("r", Type::DEPTH_FIRST, Direction::OUT);
edge->upper_bound_ = PROPERTY_LOOKUP(dba, "n", id);
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), edge, NODE("m"))), RETURN("r")));
// We expect to get a single column with the following rows:
// [r1] (v1 -[*..1]-> v2)
TypedValue r1_list(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(r1)});
// [r2] (v2 -[*..2]-> v3)
TypedValue r2_list(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(r2)});
CheckPlansProduce(2, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
AssertRows(results, {{r1_list}, {r2_list}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchVariableExpandBoth) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
auto id = dba.NameToProperty("id");
// Graph (v1 {id:1}) -[:r1]-> (v2) -[:r2]-> (v3)
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v1.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(1)).HasValue());
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v3 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto r1 = *dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r1"));
auto r2 = *dba.InsertEdge(&v2, &v3, dba.NameToEdgeType("r2"));
// Test MATCH (n {id:1}) -[r*]- (m) RETURN r
auto edge = EDGE_VARIABLE("r", Type::DEPTH_FIRST, Direction::BOTH);
auto node_n = NODE("n");
std::get<0>(node_n->properties_)[this->storage.GetPropertyIx("id")] = LITERAL(1);
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(node_n, edge, NODE("m"))), RETURN("r")));
// We expect to get a single column with the following rows:
TypedValue r1_list(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(r1)}); // [r1]
// [r1, r2]
TypedValue r1_r2_list(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(r1), TypedValue(r2)});
CheckPlansProduce(2, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
AssertRows(results, {{r1_list}, {r1_r2_list}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, MatchBfs) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
auto id = dba.NameToProperty("id");
// Graph (v1 {id:1}) -[:r1]-> (v2 {id: 2}) -[:r2]-> (v3 {id: 3})
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v1.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(1)).HasValue());
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v2.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(2)).HasValue());
auto v3 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v3.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(3)).HasValue());
auto r1 = *dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r1"));
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v2, &v3, dba.NameToEdgeType("r2")).HasValue());
// Test MATCH (n) -[r *bfs..10](r, n | n.id <> 3)]-> (m) RETURN r
auto *bfs = this->storage.template Create<memgraph::query::EdgeAtom>(
IDENT("r"), EdgeAtom::Type::BREADTH_FIRST, Direction::OUT, std::vector<memgraph::query::EdgeTypeIx>{});
bfs->filter_lambda_.inner_edge = IDENT("r");
bfs->filter_lambda_.inner_node = IDENT("n");
bfs->filter_lambda_.expression = NEQ(PROPERTY_LOOKUP(dba, "n", id), LITERAL(3));
bfs->upper_bound_ = LITERAL(10);
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), bfs, NODE("m"))), RETURN("r")));
// We expect to get a single column with the following rows:
TypedValue r1_list(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(r1)}); // [r1]
CheckPlansProduce(2, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) { AssertRows(results, {{r1_list}}, dba); });
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, TestBasicSubquery) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto *subquery = SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m"))), RETURN("m"));
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"))), CALL_SUBQUERY(subquery), RETURN("n", "m")));
CheckPlansProduce(1, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
{{TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v1)},
{TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2)},
{TypedValue(v2), TypedValue(v1)},
{TypedValue(v2), TypedValue(v2)}},
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, TestBasicSubqueryWithMatching) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r1")).HasValue());
auto *subquery =
SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m2"), EDGE("r2", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n2"))), RETURN("m2"));
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m1"), EDGE("r1", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n1"))),
CALL_SUBQUERY(subquery), RETURN("m1", "m2")));
CheckPlansProduce(4, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
AssertRows(results, {{TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v1)}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, TestSubqueryWithUnion) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
auto id = dba.NameToProperty("id");
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v1.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(1)).HasValue());
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v2.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(2)).HasValue());
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r1")).HasValue());
auto *subquery =
QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m2"), EDGE("r2", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n2"))), RETURN("n2")),
UNION_ALL(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m2"), EDGE("r2", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n2"))),
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m1"), EDGE("r1", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n1"))),
CALL_SUBQUERY(subquery), RETURN("m1", "n2")));
CheckPlansProduce(8, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
AssertRows(results, {{TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2)}, {TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2)}}, dba);
TYPED_TEST(TestVariableStartPlanner, TestSubqueryWithTripleUnion) {
auto storage_dba = this->db->Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN);
memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(storage_dba.get());
auto id = dba.NameToProperty("id");
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v1.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(1)).HasValue());
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
ASSERT_TRUE(v2.SetProperty(id, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue(2)).HasValue());
ASSERT_TRUE(dba.InsertEdge(&v1, &v2, dba.NameToEdgeType("r1")).HasValue());
auto *subquery =
QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m2"), EDGE("r2", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n2"))), RETURN("n2")),
UNION_ALL(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m2"), EDGE("r2", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n2"))),
UNION_ALL(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m2"), EDGE("r2", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n2"))),
auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("m1"), EDGE("r1", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT), NODE("n1"))),
CALL_SUBQUERY(subquery), RETURN("m1", "n2")));
CheckPlansProduce(16, query, this->storage, &dba, [&](const auto &results) {
{{TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2)}, {TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2)}, {TypedValue(v1), TypedValue(v2)}},
} // namespace