Teon Banek e67fc40743 Extract pretty printing for distributed
Knowledge of distributed operators is now removed from PlanPrinter
class. The DistributedOperatorVisitor and PlanPrinter are modified so
that they may be multiple inherited. This is done using virtual
inheritance of HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor. Multiple inheritance
is used to derived a DistributedPlanPrinter which knows how to print
distributed in operators. This removes the dependency of single node
pretty printing on distributed.

Reviewers: msantl, mtomic

Reviewed By: mtomic

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
2018-09-24 17:02:16 +02:00

585 lines
20 KiB

#include <chrono>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <experimental/optional>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/opencypher/parser.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/stripped.hpp"
#include "query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp"
#include "query/plan/distributed.hpp"
#include "query/plan/distributed_pretty_print.hpp"
#include "query/plan/planner.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "utils/hashing/fnv.hpp"
#include "utils/string.hpp"
DEFINE_string(save_mock_db_file, "",
"File where the mock database should be saved (on exit)");
DEFINE_string(load_mock_db_file, "",
"File from which the mock database should be loaded");
// TODO: This is copied from src/query/repl.cpp
// It should probably be moved to some utils file.
#include "readline/history.h"
#include "readline/readline.h"
* Helper function that reads a line from the
* standard input using the 'readline' lib.
* Adds support for history and reverse-search.
* @param prompt The prompt to display.
* @return A single command the user entered, or nullopt on EOF.
std::experimental::optional<std::string> ReadLine(const std::string &prompt) {
char *line = readline(prompt.c_str());
if (!line) return std::experimental::nullopt;
if (*line) add_history(line);
std::string r_val(line);
return r_val;
std::experimental::optional<std::string> ReadLine(const std::string &prompt) {
std::cout << prompt;
std::string line;
std::getline(std::cin, line);
if (std::cin.eof()) return std::experimental::nullopt;
return line;
#endif // HAS_READLINE
// Repeats the prompt untile the user inputs an integer.
int64_t ReadInt(const std::string &prompt) {
int64_t val = 0;
std::stringstream ss;
do {
auto line = ReadLine(prompt);
if (!line) continue;
ss >> val;
} while ( || !ss.eof());
return val;
bool AskYesNo(const std::string &prompt) {
while (auto line = ReadLine(prompt + " (y/n) ")) {
if (*line == "y" || *line == "Y") return true;
if (*line == "n" || *line == "N") return false;
return false;
class Timer {
void Start() {
duration_ =;
start_time_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
void Pause() {
if (pause_ == 0) {
duration_ += std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time_;
void Resume() {
if (pause_ == 1) {
start_time_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
pause_ = std::max(0, pause_ - 1);
template <class TFun>
auto WithPause(const TFun &fun) {
auto ret = fun();
return std::move(ret);
std::chrono::duration<double> Elapsed() {
if (pause_ == 0) {
return duration_ + (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time_);
return duration_;
std::chrono::duration<double> duration_;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> start_time_;
int pause_ = 0;
// Dummy DbAccessor which forwards user input for various vertex counts.
class InteractiveDbAccessor {
InteractiveDbAccessor(database::GraphDbAccessor &dba, int64_t vertices_count,
Timer &timer)
: dba_(dba), vertices_count_(vertices_count), timer_(timer) {}
int64_t VerticesCount() const { return vertices_count_; }
int64_t VerticesCount(storage::Label label_id) const {
auto label = dba_.LabelName(label_id);
if (label_vertex_count_.find(label) == label_vertex_count_.end()) {
label_vertex_count_[label] = ReadVertexCount("label '" + label + "'");
int64_t VerticesCount(storage::Label label_id,
storage::Property property_id) const {
auto label = dba_.LabelName(label_id);
auto property = dba_.PropertyName(property_id);
auto key = std::make_pair(label, property);
if (label_property_vertex_count_.find(key) ==
label_property_vertex_count_.end()) {
label_property_vertex_count_[key] = ReadVertexCount(
"label '" + label + "' and property '" + property + "'");
int64_t VerticesCount(storage::Label label_id, storage::Property property_id,
const PropertyValue &value) const {
auto label = dba_.LabelName(label_id);
auto property = dba_.PropertyName(property_id);
auto label_prop = std::make_pair(label, property);
if (label_property_index_.find(label_prop) == label_property_index_.end()) {
return 0;
auto &value_vertex_count = property_value_vertex_count_[label_prop];
if (value_vertex_count.find(value) == value_vertex_count.end()) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << value;
int64_t count = ReadVertexCount("label '" + label + "' and property '" +
property + "' value '" + ss.str() + "'");
value_vertex_count[value] = count;
int64_t VerticesCount(
storage::Label label_id, storage::Property property_id,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> lower,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> upper)
const {
auto label = dba_.LabelName(label_id);
auto property = dba_.PropertyName(property_id);
std::stringstream range_string;
if (lower) {
range_string << (lower->IsInclusive() ? "[" : "(") << lower->value()
<< (upper ? "," : ", inf)");
} else {
range_string << "(-inf, ";
if (upper) {
range_string << upper->value() << (upper->IsInclusive() ? "]" : ")");
return ReadVertexCount("label '" + label + "' and property '" + property +
"' in range " + range_string.str());
bool LabelPropertyIndexExists(storage::Label label_id,
storage::Property property_id) const {
auto label = dba_.LabelName(label_id);
auto property = dba_.PropertyName(property_id);
auto key = std::make_pair(label, property);
if (label_property_index_.find(key) == label_property_index_.end()) {
bool resp = timer_.WithPause([&label, &property]() {
return AskYesNo("Index for ':" + label + "(" + property + ")' exists:");
label_property_index_[key] = resp;
// Save the cached vertex counts to a stream.
void Save(std::ostream &out) {
out << "vertex-count " << vertices_count_ << std::endl;
out << "label-index-count " << label_vertex_count_.size() << std::endl;
for (const auto &label_count : label_vertex_count_) {
out << " " << label_count.first << " " << label_count.second
<< std::endl;
auto save_label_prop_map = [&](const auto &name,
const auto &label_prop_map) {
out << name << " " << label_prop_map.size() << std::endl;
for (const auto &label_prop : label_prop_map) {
out << " " << label_prop.first.first << " " << label_prop.first.second
<< " " << label_prop.second << std::endl;
save_label_prop_map("label-property-index-exists", label_property_index_);
out << "label-property-value-index-count "
<< property_value_vertex_count_.size() << std::endl;
for (const auto &prop_value_count : property_value_vertex_count_) {
out << " " << prop_value_count.first.first << " "
<< prop_value_count.first.second << " "
<< prop_value_count.second.size() << std::endl;
for (const auto &value_count : prop_value_count.second) {
const auto &value = value_count.first;
out << " " << value.type() << " " << value << " "
<< value_count.second << std::endl;
// Load the cached vertex counts from a stream.
// If loading fails, raises utils::BasicException.
void Load(std::istream &in) {
auto load_named_size = [&](const auto &name) {
int size;
in.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), ' ') >> size;
if ( {
throw utils::BasicException("Unable to load {}", name);
DLOG(INFO) << "Load " << name << " " << size;
return size;
vertices_count_ = load_named_size("vertex-count");
int label_vertex_size = load_named_size("label-index-count");
for (int i = 0; i < label_vertex_size; ++i) {
std::string label;
int64_t count;
in >> label >> count;
if ( {
throw utils::BasicException("Unable to load label count");
label_vertex_count_[label] = count;
DLOG(INFO) << "Load " << label << " " << count;
auto load_label_prop_map = [&](const auto &name, auto &label_prop_map) {
int size = load_named_size(name);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
std::string label;
std::string property;
in >> label >> property;
auto &mapped = label_prop_map[std::make_pair(label, property)];
in >> mapped;
if ( {
throw utils::BasicException("Unable to load label property");
DLOG(INFO) << "Load " << label << " " << property << " " << mapped;
load_label_prop_map("label-property-index-exists", label_property_index_);
int label_property_value_index_size =
for (int i = 0; i < label_property_value_index_size; ++i) {
std::string label;
std::string property;
int64_t value_count;
in >> label >> property >> value_count;
if ( {
throw utils::BasicException("Unable to load label property value");
DLOG(INFO) << "Load " << label << " " << property << " " << value_count;
for (int v = 0; v < value_count; ++v) {
auto value = LoadTypedValue(in);
int64_t count;
in >> count;
if ( {
throw utils::BasicException("Unable to load label property value");
DLOG(INFO) << "Load " << value.type() << " " << value << " " << count;
property_value_vertex_count_[std::make_pair(label, property)][value] =
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> LabelPropertyKey;
database::GraphDbAccessor &dba_;
int64_t vertices_count_;
Timer &timer_;
mutable std::map<std::string, int64_t> label_vertex_count_;
mutable std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, int64_t>
mutable std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, bool>
mutable std::map<
std::pair<std::string, std::string>,
std::unordered_map<query::TypedValue, int64_t, query::TypedValue::Hash,
// TODO: Cache faked index counts by range.
int64_t ReadVertexCount(const std::string &message) const {
return timer_.WithPause(
[&message]() { return ReadInt("Vertices with " + message + ": "); });
query::TypedValue LoadTypedValue(std::istream &in) {
std::string type;
in >> type;
if (type == "bool") {
return LoadTypedValue<bool>(in);
} else if (type == "int") {
return LoadTypedValue<int64_t>(in);
} else if (type == "double") {
return LoadTypedValue<double>(in);
} else if (type == "string") {
return LoadTypedValue<std::string>(in);
} else {
throw utils::BasicException("Unable to read type '{}'", type);
template <typename T>
query::TypedValue LoadTypedValue(std::istream &in) {
T val;
in >> val;
return query::TypedValue(val);
// Shorthand for a vector of pairs (logical_plan, cost).
typedef std::vector<
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<query::plan::LogicalOperator>, double>>
// Encapsulates a consoles command function.
struct Command {
typedef std::vector<std::string> Args;
// Function of this command
std::function<void(database::GraphDbAccessor &, const query::SymbolTable &,
PlansWithCost &, const Args &)>
// Number of arguments the function works with.
int arg_count;
// Explanation of the command.
std::string documentation;
#define DEFCOMMAND(Name) \
void Name##Command(database::GraphDbAccessor &dba, \
const query::SymbolTable &symbol_table, \
PlansWithCost &plans, const Command::Args &args)
int64_t n_plans = 0;
std::stringstream ss(args[0]);
ss >> n_plans;
if ( || !ss.eof()) return;
n_plans = std::min(static_cast<int64_t>(plans.size()), n_plans);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n_plans; ++i) {
auto &plan_pair = plans[i];
std::cout << "---- Plan #" << i << " ---- " << std::endl;
std::cout << "cost: " << plan_pair.second << std::endl;
query::plan::DistributedPrettyPrint(dba, plan_pair.first.get());
std::cout << std::endl;
int64_t plan_ix = 0;
std::stringstream ss(args[0]);
ss >> plan_ix;
if ( || !ss.eof() || plan_ix >= plans.size()) return;
const auto &plan = plans[plan_ix].first;
auto cost = plans[plan_ix].second;
std::cout << "Plan cost: " << cost << std::endl;
query::plan::DistributedPrettyPrint(dba, plan.get());
DEFCOMMAND(ShowDistributed) {
int64_t plan_ix = 0;
std::stringstream ss(args[0]);
ss >> plan_ix;
if ( || !ss.eof() || plan_ix >= plans.size()) return;
const auto &plan = plans[plan_ix].first;
std::atomic<int64_t> plan_id{0};
auto distributed_plan = MakeDistributedPlan(*plan, symbol_table, plan_id);
std::cout << "---- Master Plan ---- " << std::endl;
query::plan::DistributedPrettyPrint(dba, distributed_plan.master_plan.get());
std::cout << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < distributed_plan.worker_plans.size(); ++i) {
int64_t id;
std::shared_ptr<query::plan::LogicalOperator> worker_plan;
std::tie(id, worker_plan) = distributed_plan.worker_plans[i];
std::cout << "---- Worker Plan #" << id << " ---- " << std::endl;
query::plan::DistributedPrettyPrint(dba, worker_plan.get());
std::cout << std::endl;
std::map<std::string, Command> commands = {
{"top", {TopCommand, 1, "Show top N plans"}},
{"show", {ShowCommand, 1, "Show the Nth plan"}},
{ShowDistributedCommand, 1,
"Show the Nth plan as for distributed execution"}},
{"help", {HelpCommand, 0, "Show available commands"}},
std::cout << "Available commands:" << std::endl;
for (const auto &command : commands) {
std::cout << command.first;
for (int i = 1; i <= command.second.arg_count; ++i) {
std::cout << " arg" << i;
std::cout << " -- " << command.second.documentation << std::endl;
void ExaminePlans(
database::GraphDbAccessor &dba, const query::SymbolTable &symbol_table,
double>> &plans) {
while (true) {
auto line = ReadLine("plan? ");
if (!line || *line == "quit") break;
auto words = utils::Split(utils::ToLowerCase(*line));
if (words.empty()) continue;
auto command_name = words[0];
std::vector<std::string> args(words.begin() + 1, words.end());
auto command_it = commands.find(command_name);
if (command_it == commands.end()) {
std::cout << "Undefined command: '" << command_name << "'. Try 'help'."
<< std::endl;
const auto &command = command_it->second;
if (args.size() < command.arg_count) {
std::cout << command_name << " expects " << command.arg_count
<< " arguments" << std::endl;
command.function(dba, symbol_table, plans, args);
query::AstStorage MakeAst(const std::string &query,
database::GraphDbAccessor &dba) {
query::ParsingContext parsing_context;
parsing_context.is_query_cached = false;
// query -> AST
auto parser = std::make_unique<query::frontend::opencypher::Parser>(query);
// AST -> high level tree
query::frontend::CypherMainVisitor visitor(parsing_context, &dba);
return std::move(;
query::SymbolTable MakeSymbolTable(const query::AstStorage &ast) {
query::SymbolTable symbol_table;
query::SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
return symbol_table;
// Returns a list of pairs (plan, estimated cost), sorted in the ascending
// order by cost.
auto MakeLogicalPlans(query::AstStorage &ast, query::SymbolTable &symbol_table,
InteractiveDbAccessor &dba) {
auto query_parts = query::plan::CollectQueryParts(symbol_table, ast);
std::vector<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<query::plan::LogicalOperator>, double>>
auto ctx = query::plan::MakePlanningContext(ast, symbol_table, dba);
if (query_parts.query_parts.size() <= 0) {
std::cerr << "Failed to extract query parts" << std::endl;
auto plans = query::plan::MakeLogicalPlanForSingleQuery<
query::plan::VariableStartPlanner>(, ctx);
query::Parameters parameters;
for (auto plan : plans) {
query::plan::CostEstimator<InteractiveDbAccessor> estimator(dba,
plans_with_cost.emplace_back(std::move(plan), estimator.cost());
plans_with_cost.begin(), plans_with_cost.end(),
[](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a.second < b.second; });
return plans_with_cost;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
FLAGS_min_log_level = google::ERROR;
auto in_db_filename = utils::Trim(FLAGS_load_mock_db_file);
if (!in_db_filename.empty() &&
!std::experimental::filesystem::exists(in_db_filename)) {
std::cerr << "File '" << in_db_filename << "' does not exist!" << std::endl;
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba = db.Access();
Timer planning_timer;
InteractiveDbAccessor interactive_db(
*dba, in_db_filename.empty() ? ReadInt("Vertices in DB: ") : 0,
if (!in_db_filename.empty()) {
std::ifstream db_file(in_db_filename);
while (true) {
auto line = ReadLine("query? ");
if (!line || *line == "quit") break;
if (line->empty()) continue;
try {
auto ast = MakeAst(*line, *dba);
auto symbol_table = MakeSymbolTable(ast);
auto plans = MakeLogicalPlans(ast, symbol_table, interactive_db);
auto planning_time = planning_timer.Elapsed();
<< "Planning took "
<< std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(planning_time).count()
<< "ms" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Generated " << plans.size() << " plans" << std::endl;
ExaminePlans(*dba, symbol_table, plans);
} catch (const utils::BasicException &e) {
std::cout << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
auto db_filename = utils::Trim(FLAGS_save_mock_db_file);
if (!db_filename.empty()) {
std::ofstream db_file(db_filename);
return 0;