Summary: Extracted `TypedValueVectorCompare` and `RemotePuller` from operators so it can be reused. The new `PullRemoteOrerBy` operator pulls one result from each worker and one from master, relies on the fact that workers/master returned sorted results, returns the next one in order, and pulls the source of that result to get the next one. Depends on D1215 that (at the moment) is still in review. Reviewers: florijan, teon.banek Reviewed By: teon.banek Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
323 lines
12 KiB
323 lines
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#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "distributed/coordination.hpp"
#include "distributed/coordination_master.hpp"
#include "distributed/coordination_worker.hpp"
#include "distributed/plan_consumer.hpp"
#include "distributed/plan_dispatcher.hpp"
#include "distributed/remote_data_rpc_clients.hpp"
#include "distributed/remote_data_rpc_server.hpp"
#include "distributed/remote_pull_rpc_clients.hpp"
#include "distributed_common.hpp"
#include "io/network/endpoint.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/plan/planner.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "query_common.hpp"
#include "query_plan_common.hpp"
#include "transactions/engine_master.hpp"
using namespace distributed;
using namespace database;
TEST_F(DistributedGraphDbTest, RemotePullProduceRpc) {
GraphDbAccessor dba{master()};
Context ctx{dba};
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_};
AstTreeStorage storage;
// Query plan for: UNWIND [42, true, "bla", 1, 2] as x RETURN x
using namespace query;
auto list =
auto x = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("x", true);
auto unwind = std::make_shared<plan::Unwind>(nullptr, list, x);
auto x_expr = IDENT("x");
ctx.symbol_table_[*x_expr] = x;
auto x_ne = NEXPR("x", x_expr);
ctx.symbol_table_[*x_ne] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("x_ne", true);
auto produce = MakeProduce(unwind, x_ne);
// Test that the plan works locally.
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), ctx.symbol_table_, dba);
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 5);
const int plan_id = 42;
master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, produce, ctx.symbol_table_);
Parameters params;
std::vector<query::Symbol> symbols{ctx.symbol_table_[*x_ne]};
auto remote_pull = [this, ¶ms, &symbols](GraphDbAccessor &dba,
int worker_id) {
return master().remote_pull_clients().RemotePull(dba, worker_id, plan_id,
params, symbols, false, 3);
auto expect_first_batch = [](auto &batch) {
ASSERT_EQ(batch.frames.size(), 3);
ASSERT_EQ(batch.frames[0].size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[0][0].ValueInt(), 42);
EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[1][0].ValueBool(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[2][0].ValueString(), "bla");
auto expect_second_batch = [](auto &batch) {
EXPECT_EQ(batch.pull_state, distributed::RemotePullState::CURSOR_EXHAUSTED);
ASSERT_EQ(batch.frames.size(), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(batch.frames[0].size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[0][0].ValueInt(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[1][0].ValueInt(), 2);
GraphDbAccessor dba_1{master()};
GraphDbAccessor dba_2{master()};
for (int worker_id : {1, 2}) {
// TODO flor, proper test async here.
auto tx1_batch1 = remote_pull(dba_1, worker_id).get();
auto tx2_batch1 = remote_pull(dba_2, worker_id).get();
auto tx2_batch2 = remote_pull(dba_2, worker_id).get();
auto tx1_batch2 = remote_pull(dba_1, worker_id).get();
TEST_F(DistributedGraphDbTest, RemotePullProduceRpcWithGraphElements) {
// Create some data on the master and both workers. Eeach edge (3 of them) and
// vertex (6 of them) will be uniquely identified with their worker id and
// sequence ID, so we can check we retrieved all.
storage::Property prop;
GraphDbAccessor dba{master()};
prop = dba.Property("prop");
auto create_data = [prop](GraphDbAccessor &dba, int worker_id) {
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
v1.PropsSet(prop, worker_id * 10);
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
v2.PropsSet(prop, worker_id * 10 + 1);
auto e12 = dba.InsertEdge(v1, v2, dba.EdgeType("et"));
e12.PropsSet(prop, worker_id * 10 + 2);
create_data(dba, 0);
GraphDbAccessor dba_w1{worker(1), dba.transaction_id()};
create_data(dba_w1, 1);
GraphDbAccessor dba_w2{worker(2), dba.transaction_id()};
create_data(dba_w2, 2);
GraphDbAccessor dba{master()};
Context ctx{dba};
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_};
AstTreeStorage storage;
// Query plan for: MATCH p = (n)-[r]->(m) return [n, r], m, p
// Use this query to test graph elements are transferred correctly in
// collections too.
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, "n");
auto r_m =
MakeExpand(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, n.op_, n.sym_, "r",
EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, {}, "m", false, GraphView::OLD);
auto p_sym = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("p", true);
auto p = std::make_shared<query::plan::ConstructNamedPath>(
r_m.op_, p_sym,
std::vector<Symbol>{n.sym_, r_m.edge_sym_, r_m.node_sym_});
auto return_n = IDENT("n");
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_n] = n.sym_;
auto return_r = IDENT("r");
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_r] = r_m.edge_sym_;
auto return_n_r = NEXPR("[n, r]", LIST(return_n, return_r));
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_n_r] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("", true);
auto return_m = NEXPR("m", IDENT("m"));
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_m->expression_] = r_m.node_sym_;
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_m] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("", true);
auto return_p = NEXPR("p", IDENT("p"));
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_p->expression_] = p_sym;
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_p] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("", true);
auto produce = MakeProduce(p, return_n_r, return_m, return_p);
auto check_result = [prop](
int worker_id,
const std::vector<std::vector<query::TypedValue>> &frames) {
int offset = worker_id * 10;
ASSERT_EQ(frames.size(), 1);
auto &row = frames[0];
ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 3);
auto &list = row[0].ValueList();
ASSERT_EQ(list.size(), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(list[0].ValueVertex().PropsAt(prop).Value<int64_t>(), offset);
ASSERT_EQ(list[1].ValueEdge().PropsAt(prop).Value<int64_t>(), offset + 2);
ASSERT_EQ(row[1].ValueVertex().PropsAt(prop).Value<int64_t>(), offset + 1);
auto &path = row[2].ValuePath();
ASSERT_EQ(path.size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(path.vertices()[0].PropsAt(prop).Value<int64_t>(), offset);
ASSERT_EQ(path.edges()[0].PropsAt(prop).Value<int64_t>(), offset + 2);
ASSERT_EQ(path.vertices()[1].PropsAt(prop).Value<int64_t>(), offset + 1);
// Test that the plan works locally.
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), ctx.symbol_table_, dba);
check_result(0, results);
const int plan_id = 42;
master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, produce, ctx.symbol_table_);
Parameters params;
std::vector<query::Symbol> symbols{ctx.symbol_table_[*return_n_r],
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_m], p_sym};
auto remote_pull = [this, ¶ms, &symbols](GraphDbAccessor &dba,
int worker_id) {
return master().remote_pull_clients().RemotePull(dba, worker_id, plan_id,
params, symbols, false, 3);
auto future_w1_results = remote_pull(dba, 1);
auto future_w2_results = remote_pull(dba, 2);
check_result(1, future_w1_results.get().frames);
check_result(2, future_w2_results.get().frames);
TEST_F(DistributedGraphDbTest, Synchronize) {
auto from = InsertVertex(worker(1));
auto to = InsertVertex(worker(2));
InsertEdge(from, to, "et");
// Query: MATCH (n)--(m) SET m.prop = 2 RETURN n.prop
// This query ensures that a remote update gets applied and the local stuff
// gets reconstructed.
auto &db = master();
GraphDbAccessor dba{db};
Context ctx{dba};
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_};
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, "n");
auto r_m =
MakeExpand(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, n.op_, n.sym_, "r",
EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, {}, "m", false, GraphView::OLD);
// SET
auto literal = LITERAL(42);
auto prop = PROPERTY_PAIR("prop");
auto m_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("m", prop);
ctx.symbol_table_[*m_p->expression_] = r_m.node_sym_;
auto set_m_p = std::make_shared<plan::SetProperty>(r_m.op_, m_p, literal);
const int plan_id = 42;
master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, set_m_p, ctx.symbol_table_);
// Master-side PullRemote, Synchronize
auto pull_remote = std::make_shared<query::plan::PullRemote>(
nullptr, plan_id, std::vector<Symbol>{n.sym_});
auto synchronize =
std::make_shared<query::plan::Synchronize>(set_m_p, pull_remote, true);
auto n_p =
storage.Create<PropertyLookup>(storage.Create<Identifier>("n"), prop);
ctx.symbol_table_[*n_p->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto return_n_p = NEXPR("n.prop", n_p);
auto return_n_p_sym = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("n.p", true);
ctx.symbol_table_[*return_n_p] = return_n_p_sym;
auto produce = MakeProduce(synchronize, return_n_p);
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), ctx.symbol_table_, dba);
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(results[0].size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][0].ValueInt(), 42);
ASSERT_EQ(results[1].size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(results[1][0].ValueInt(), 42);
// TODO test without advance command?
TEST_F(DistributedGraphDbTest, Create) {
// Query: UNWIND range(0, 1000) as x CREATE ()
auto &db = master();
GraphDbAccessor dba{db};
Context ctx{dba};
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_};
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto range = FN("range", LITERAL(0), LITERAL(1000));
auto x = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("x", true);
auto unwind = std::make_shared<plan::Unwind>(nullptr, range, x);
auto node = NODE("n");
ctx.symbol_table_[*node->identifier_] =
ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("n", true);
auto create = std::make_shared<query::plan::CreateNode>(unwind, node, true);
PullAll(create, dba, ctx.symbol_table_);
EXPECT_GT(VertexCount(master()), 200);
EXPECT_GT(VertexCount(worker(1)), 200);
EXPECT_GT(VertexCount(worker(2)), 200);
TEST_F(DistributedGraphDbTest, PullRemoteOrderBy) {
// Create some data on the master and both workers.
storage::Property prop;
GraphDbAccessor dba{master()};
auto tx_id = dba.transaction_id();
GraphDbAccessor dba1{worker(1), tx_id};
GraphDbAccessor dba2{worker(2), tx_id};
prop = dba.Property("prop");
auto add_data = [prop](GraphDbAccessor &dba, int value) {
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(prop, value);
std::vector<int> data;
for (int i = 0; i < 300; ++i) data.push_back(i);
std::random_shuffle(data.begin(), data.end());
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) add_data(dba, data[i]);
for (int i = 100; i < 200; ++i) add_data(dba1, data[i]);
for (int i = 200; i < 300; ++i) add_data(dba2, data[i]);
auto &db = master();
GraphDbAccessor dba{db};
Context ctx{dba};
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_};
AstTreeStorage storage;
// Query plan for: MATCH (n) RETURN n.prop ORDER BY n.prop;
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, "n");
auto n_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop);
ctx.symbol_table_[*n_p->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto order_by = std::make_shared<plan::OrderBy>(
std::vector<std::pair<Ordering, Expression *>>{{Ordering::ASC, n_p}},
const int plan_id = 42;
master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, order_by, ctx.symbol_table_);
auto pull_remote_order_by = std::make_shared<plan::PullRemoteOrderBy>(
order_by, plan_id,
std::vector<std::pair<Ordering, Expression *>>{{Ordering::ASC, n_p}},
auto n_p_ne = NEXPR("n.prop", n_p);
ctx.symbol_table_[*n_p_ne] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("n.prop", true);
auto produce = MakeProduce(pull_remote_order_by, n_p_ne);
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), ctx.symbol_table_, dba);
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 300);
for (int j = 0; j < 300; ++j) {
EXPECT_TRUE(TypedValue::BoolEqual{}(results[j][0], j));