* Add AUTH system tx deltas * Add auth data RPC and handlers * Support multiple system deltas in a single transaction * Added e2e test * Bugfix: KVStore segfault after move --------- Co-authored-by: Gareth Lloyd <gareth.lloyd@memgraph.io>
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// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <chrono>
#include <stop_token>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "disk_test_utils.hpp"
#include "interpreter_faker.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter_context.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/storage.hpp"
Tests rely on the fact that interpreters are sequentially added to runninng_interpreters to get transaction_id of its
corresponding interpreter/.
template <typename StorageType>
class TransactionQueueSimpleTest : public ::testing::Test {
const std::string testSuite = "transactin_queue";
std::filesystem::path data_directory{std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "MG_tests_unit_transaction_queue_intr"};
memgraph::storage::Config config{
[&]() {
memgraph::storage::Config config{};
config.durability.storage_directory = data_directory;
config.disk.main_storage_directory = config.durability.storage_directory / "disk";
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<StorageType, memgraph::storage::DiskStorage>) {
config.disk = disk_test_utils::GenerateOnDiskConfig(testSuite).disk;
config.force_on_disk = true;
return config;
}() // iile
memgraph::replication::ReplicationState repl_state{memgraph::storage::ReplicationStateRootPath(config)};
memgraph::utils::Gatekeeper<memgraph::dbms::Database> db_gk{config, repl_state};
memgraph::dbms::DatabaseAccess db{
[&]() {
auto db_acc_opt = db_gk.access();
MG_ASSERT(db_acc_opt, "Failed to access db");
auto &db_acc = *db_acc_opt;
MG_ASSERT(db_acc->GetStorageMode() == (std::is_same_v<StorageType, memgraph::storage::DiskStorage>
? memgraph::storage::StorageMode::ON_DISK_TRANSACTIONAL
: memgraph::storage::StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_TRANSACTIONAL),
"Wrong storage mode!");
return db_acc;
}() // iile
memgraph::system::System system_state;
memgraph::query::InterpreterContext interpreter_context{{},
InterpreterFaker running_interpreter{&interpreter_context, db}, main_interpreter{&interpreter_context, db};
void TearDown() override {
using StorageTypes = ::testing::Types<memgraph::storage::InMemoryStorage, memgraph::storage::DiskStorage>;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(TransactionQueueSimpleTest, StorageTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TransactionQueueSimpleTest, TwoInterpretersInterleaving) {
bool started = false;
std::jthread running_thread = std::jthread(
[this, &started](std::stop_token st, int thread_index) {
started = true;
while (!started) {
this->main_interpreter.Interpret("CREATE (:Person {prop: 1})");
auto show_stream = this->main_interpreter.Interpret("SHOW TRANSACTIONS");
ASSERT_EQ(show_stream.GetResults().size(), 2U);
// superadmin executing the transaction
EXPECT_EQ(show_stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueString(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(show_stream.GetResults()[0][2].ValueList().at(0).ValueString(), "SHOW TRANSACTIONS");
// Also anonymous user executing
EXPECT_EQ(show_stream.GetResults()[1][0].ValueString(), "");
// Kill the other transaction
std::string run_trans_id = show_stream.GetResults()[1][1].ValueString();
std::string esc_run_trans_id = "'" + run_trans_id + "'";
auto terminate_stream = this->main_interpreter.Interpret("TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS " + esc_run_trans_id);
// check result of killing
ASSERT_EQ(terminate_stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(terminate_stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueString(), run_trans_id);
ASSERT_TRUE(terminate_stream.GetResults()[0][1].ValueBool()); // that the transaction is actually killed
// check the number of transactions now
auto show_stream_after_killing = this->main_interpreter.Interpret("SHOW TRANSACTIONS");
ASSERT_EQ(show_stream_after_killing.GetResults().size(), 1U);
// test the state of the database
auto results_stream = this->main_interpreter.Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN n");
ASSERT_EQ(results_stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); // from the main interpreter
this->main_interpreter.Interpret("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n");
// finish thread