60 lines
2.1 KiB
60 lines
2.1 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase, basic_auth, types
# initialize driver and create session
# default username and password are used
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost",
auth=basic_auth("neo4j", "neo4j"),
session = driver.session()
# all test queries and expected results
# one element in queries is called test entry
# it contains test query +
# touple(number of expected results, expected properties)
# TODO: create custom data structures
queries = [
("CREATE (n:Garment {garment_id: 1234, garment_category_id: 1}) RETURN n",
(1, [{"garment_id": 1234, "garment_category_id": 1}])),
("CREATE(p:Profile {profile_id: 111, partner_id: 55}) RETURN p",
(1, [{"profile_id": 111, "partner_id": 55}])),
# ("MATCH (p:Profile) RETURN p",
# (1, [{"profile_id": 111, "partner_id": 55}])),
("MATCH (n) DELETE n",
(0, []))
# iterate through all queries and execute them agains the database
for query, result in queries:
# extract count and properties from test entries
count, test_properties = result
records = [record for record in session.run(query)]
# check count
assert len(records) == count, \
"Number of results for %s isn't good;" \
" expected: %s, got %s" % (query, count, len(records))
# in case that result should contain just one result
# test properties
# TODO: test others
if count == 1:
# extract properties from record
record = records[0]
record_name, = record
received_properties = {key: value
for (key, value) in record[record_name].items()}
# get expected properties
expected_properties = test_properties[0]
# check properties
assert expected_properties == received_properties, \
"Received properties for %s are not good; expected: %s, " \
"got %s" % (query, expected_properties, received_properties)
print("Dressipi integration test passed OK")