2022-11-04 14:07:49 +00:00

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// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <variant>
#include "coordinator/coordinator.hpp"
#include "coordinator/coordinator_rsm.hpp"
#include "coordinator/shard_map.hpp"
#include "io/address.hpp"
#include "io/future.hpp"
#include "io/messages.hpp"
#include "io/rsm/raft.hpp"
#include "io/time.hpp"
#include "io/transport.hpp"
#include "query/v2/requests.hpp"
namespace memgraph::coordinator::coordinator_worker {
/// Obligations:
/// * ShutDown
/// * Cron
/// * RouteMessage
using coordinator::Coordinator;
using coordinator::CoordinatorRsm;
using io::Address;
using io::RequestId;
using io::Time;
using io::messages::CoordinatorMessages;
using msgs::ReadRequests;
using msgs::ReadResponses;
using msgs::WriteRequests;
using msgs::WriteResponses;
struct ShutDown {};
struct Cron {};
struct RouteMessage {
CoordinatorMessages message;
RequestId request_id;
Address to;
Address from;
using Message = std::variant<RouteMessage, Cron, ShutDown>;
struct QueueInner {
std::mutex mu{};
std::condition_variable cv;
// TODO(tyler) handle simulator communication std::shared_ptr<std::atomic<int>> blocked;
// TODO(tyler) investigate using a priority queue that prioritizes messages in a way that
// improves overall QoS. For example, maybe we want to schedule raft Append messages
// ahead of Read messages or generally writes before reads for lowering the load on the
// overall system faster etc... When we do this, we need to make sure to avoid
// starvation by sometimes randomizing priorities, rather than following a strict
// prioritization.
std::deque<Message> queue;
/// There are two reasons to implement our own Queue instead of using
/// one off-the-shelf:
/// 1. we will need to know in the simulator when all threads are waiting
/// 2. we will want to implement our own priority queue within this for QoS
class Queue {
std::shared_ptr<QueueInner> inner_ = std::make_shared<QueueInner>();
void Push(Message &&message) {
MG_ASSERT(inner_.use_count() > 0);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(inner_->mu);
} // lock dropped before notifying condition variable
Message Pop() {
MG_ASSERT(inner_.use_count() > 0);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(inner_->mu);
while (inner_->queue.empty()) {
Message message = std::move(inner_->queue.front());
return message;
/// A CoordinatorWorker owns Raft<CoordinatorRsm> instances. receives messages from the MachineManager.
template <typename IoImpl>
class CoordinatorWorker {
io::Io<IoImpl> io_;
Queue queue_;
CoordinatorRsm<IoImpl> coordinator_;
bool Process(ShutDown && /*shut_down*/) { return false; }
bool Process(Cron && /* cron */) {
return true;
bool Process(RouteMessage &&route_message) {
coordinator_.Handle(std::move(route_message.message), route_message.request_id, route_message.from);
return true;
CoordinatorWorker(io::Io<IoImpl> io, Queue queue, Coordinator coordinator)
: io_(io), queue_(std::move(queue)), coordinator_{std::move(io.ForkLocal()), {}, std::move(coordinator)} {}
CoordinatorWorker(CoordinatorWorker &&) noexcept = default;
CoordinatorWorker &operator=(CoordinatorWorker &&) noexcept = default;
CoordinatorWorker(const CoordinatorWorker &) = delete;
CoordinatorWorker &operator=(const CoordinatorWorker &) = delete;
~CoordinatorWorker() = default;
void Run() {
while (true) {
Message message = queue_.Pop();
const bool should_continue =
std::visit([this](auto &&msg) { return Process(std::forward<decltype(msg)>(msg)); }, std::move(message));
if (!should_continue) {
} // namespace memgraph::coordinator::coordinator_worker