- Remove the compile time control - Introduce the runtime control flag New flag `--experimental-enabled=system-replication`
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// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "replication_handler/system_replication.hpp"
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include "auth/replication_handlers.hpp"
#include "dbms/replication_handlers.hpp"
#include "flags/experimental.hpp"
#include "license/license.hpp"
#include "replication_handler/system_rpc.hpp"
namespace memgraph::replication {
void SystemHeartbeatHandler(const uint64_t ts, const std::optional<utils::UUID> ¤t_main_uuid,
slk::Reader *req_reader, slk::Builder *res_builder) {
replication::SystemHeartbeatRes res{0};
// Ignore if no license
if (!license::global_license_checker.IsEnterpriseValidFast()) {
spdlog::error("Handling SystemHeartbeat, an enterprise RPC message, without license.");
memgraph::slk::Save(res, res_builder);
replication::SystemHeartbeatReq req;
replication::SystemHeartbeatReq::Load(&req, req_reader);
if (!current_main_uuid.has_value() || req.main_uuid != current_main_uuid) [[unlikely]] {
LogWrongMain(current_main_uuid, req.main_uuid, replication::SystemHeartbeatRes::kType.name);
replication::SystemHeartbeatRes res(-1);
memgraph::slk::Save(res, res_builder);
res = replication::SystemHeartbeatRes{ts};
memgraph::slk::Save(res, res_builder);
void SystemRecoveryHandler(memgraph::system::ReplicaHandlerAccessToState &system_state_access,
const std::optional<utils::UUID> ¤t_main_uuid, dbms::DbmsHandler &dbms_handler,
auth::SynchedAuth &auth, slk::Reader *req_reader, slk::Builder *res_builder) {
using memgraph::replication::SystemRecoveryRes;
SystemRecoveryRes res(SystemRecoveryRes::Result::FAILURE);
utils::OnScopeExit send_on_exit([&]() { memgraph::slk::Save(res, res_builder); });
memgraph::replication::SystemRecoveryReq req;
memgraph::slk::Load(&req, req_reader);
using enum memgraph::flags::Experiments;
auto experimental_system_replication = flags::AreExperimentsEnabled(SYSTEM_REPLICATION);
// validate
if (!current_main_uuid.has_value() || req.main_uuid != current_main_uuid) [[unlikely]] {
LogWrongMain(current_main_uuid, req.main_uuid, SystemRecoveryReq::kType.name);
if (!experimental_system_replication) {
if (req.database_configs.size() != 1 && req.database_configs[0].name != dbms::kDefaultDB) {
// a partial system recovery should be only be updating the default database uuid
return; // Failure sent on exit
if (!req.users.empty() || !req.roles.empty()) {
// a partial system recovery should not be updating any users or roles
return; // Failure sent on exit
if (!dbms::SystemRecoveryHandler(dbms_handler, req.database_configs)) return; // Failure sent on exit
if (experimental_system_replication) {
if (!auth::SystemRecoveryHandler(auth, req.auth_config, req.users, req.roles)) return; // Failure sent on exit
spdlog::debug("SystemRecoveryHandler: SUCCESS updated LCTS to {}", req.forced_group_timestamp);
res = SystemRecoveryRes(SystemRecoveryRes::Result::SUCCESS);
void Register(replication::RoleReplicaData const &data, system::System &system, dbms::DbmsHandler &dbms_handler,
auth::SynchedAuth &auth) {
// NOTE: Register even without license as the user could add a license at run-time
auto system_state_access = system.CreateSystemStateAccess();
using enum memgraph::flags::Experiments;
auto experimental_system_replication = flags::AreExperimentsEnabled(SYSTEM_REPLICATION);
// System
if (experimental_system_replication) {
[&data, system_state_access](auto *req_reader, auto *res_builder) {
spdlog::debug("Received SystemHeartbeatRpc");
SystemHeartbeatHandler(system_state_access.LastCommitedTS(), data.uuid_, req_reader, res_builder);
// Needed even with experimental_system_replication=false becasue
// need to tell REPLICA the uuid to use for "memgraph" default database
[&data, system_state_access, &dbms_handler, &auth](auto *req_reader, auto *res_builder) mutable {
spdlog::debug("Received SystemRecoveryRpc");
SystemRecoveryHandler(system_state_access, data.uuid_, dbms_handler, auth, req_reader, res_builder);
if (experimental_system_replication) {
dbms::Register(data, system_state_access, dbms_handler);
// Auth
auth::Register(data, system_state_access, auth);
bool StartRpcServer(dbms::DbmsHandler &dbms_handler, replication::RoleReplicaData &data, auth::SynchedAuth &auth,
system::System &system) {
bool StartRpcServer(dbms::DbmsHandler &dbms_handler, replication::RoleReplicaData &data) {
// Register storage handlers
dbms::InMemoryReplicationHandlers::Register(&dbms_handler, data);
// Register system handlers
Register(data, system, dbms_handler, auth);
// Start server
if (!data.server->Start()) {
spdlog::error("Unable to start the replication server.");
return false;
return true;
} // namespace memgraph::replication