Kruno Tomola Fabro ac7f6f507f Implemented ConncurentMap and updated it's users.
Added tests for ConcurrentMap.
Implemented ~SkipList.
2016-07-30 21:20:21 +01:00

136 lines
3.8 KiB

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <thread>
#include "data_structures/concurrent/concurrent_map.hpp"
#include "data_structures/concurrent/skiplist.hpp"
#include "data_structures/static_array.hpp"
#include "utils/assert.hpp"
#include "utils/sysinfo/memory.hpp"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using skiplist_t = ConcurrentMap<int, int>;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
auto rand_gen(size_t n) {
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(0, n - 1);
return std::bind(distribution, generator);
// Returns random bool generator with distribution of 1 true for n false.
auto rand_gen_bool(size_t n = 1) {
auto gen = rand_gen(n + 1);
return [=]() mutable { return gen() == 0; };
void check_present_same(skiplist_t::Accessor &acc,
std::pair<size_t, std::vector<size_t>> &owned) {
for (auto num : owned.second) {
permanent_assert(acc.find(num)->second == owned.first,
"My data is present and my");
void check_present_same(skiplist_t::Accessor &acc, size_t owner,
std::vector<size_t> &owned) {
for (auto num : owned) {
permanent_assert(acc.find(num)->second == owner,
"My data is present and my");
void check_size(const skiplist_t::Accessor &acc, long long size) {
// check size
permanent_assert(acc.size() == size,
"Size should be " << size << ", but size is " << acc.size());
// check count
size_t iterator_counter = 0;
for (auto elem : acc) {
permanent_assert(iterator_counter == size, "Iterator count should be "
<< size << ", but size is "
<< acc.size());
template <class R>
std::vector<std::future<std::pair<size_t, R>>>
run(size_t threads_no, skiplist_t &skiplist,
std::function<R(skiplist_t::Accessor, size_t)> f) {
std::vector<std::future<std::pair<size_t, R>>> futures;
for (size_t thread_i = 0; thread_i < threads_no; ++thread_i) {
std::packaged_task<std::pair<size_t, R>()> task([&skiplist, f, thread_i]() {
return std::pair<size_t, R>(thread_i, f(skiplist.access(), thread_i));
}); // wrap the function
futures.push_back(task.get_future()); // get a future
return futures;
template <class R> auto collect(std::vector<std::future<R>> &collect) {
std::vector<R> collection;
for (auto &fut : collect) {
return collection;
template <class K, class D>
auto insert_try(skiplist_t::Accessor &acc, size_t &downcount,
std::vector<K> &owned) {
return [&](K key, D data) mutable {
if (acc.insert(key, data).second) {
int parseLine(char *line) {
// This assumes that a digit will be found and the line ends in " Kb".
int i = strlen(line);
const char *p = line;
while (*p < '0' || *p > '9')
line[i - 3] = '\0';
i = atoi(p);
return i;
int currently_used_memory() { // Note: this value is in KB!
FILE *file = fopen("/proc/self/status", "r");
int result = -1;
char line[128];
while (fgets(line, 128, file) != NULL) {
if (strncmp(line, "VmSize:", 7) == 0) {
result = parseLine(line);
return result;
void memory_check(size_t no_threads, std::function<void()> f) {
long long start = currently_used_memory();
long long leaked =
currently_used_memory() - start -
no_threads * 73732; // OS sensitive, 73732 size allocated for thread
std::cout << "leaked: " << leaked << "\n";
permanent_assert(leaked <= 0, "Memory leak check");