Reviewers: llugovic, ipaljak, mferencevic Reviewed By: ipaljak Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
394 lines
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394 lines
11 KiB
This module provides the API for usage in custom openCypher procedures.
# C API using `mgp_memory` is not exposed in Python, instead the usage of such
# API is hidden behind Python API. Any function requiring an instance of
# `mgp_memory` should go through a `ProcCtx` instance.
# `mgp_value` does not exist as such in Python, instead all `mgp_value`
# instances are marshalled to an appropriate Python object. This implies that
# `mgp_list` and `mgp_map` are mapped to `list` and `dict` respectively.
# Only the public API is stubbed out here. Any private details are left for the
# actual implementation. Functions have type annotations as supported by Python
# 3.5, but variable type annotations are only available with Python 3.6+
from collections import namedtuple
import typing
import _mgp
class Label:
'''Label of a Vertex.'''
def name(self) -> str:
class Labels:
'''A collection of labels on a Vertex.'''
def __len__(self) -> int:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Label:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterable[Label]:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
def __contains__(self, label: typing.Union[Label, str]) -> bool:
'''Test whether a label exists, either by name or another Label.
Raise InvalidVertexError.
# Named property value of a Vertex or an Edge.
# It would be better to use typing.NamedTuple with typed fields, but that is
# not available in Python 3.5.
Property = namedtuple('Property', ('name', 'value'))
class Properties:
'''A collection of properties either on a Vertex or an Edge.'''
def get(self, property_name: str, default=None) -> object:
'''Get the value of a property with the given name or return default.
Raise InvalidEdgeError or InvalidVertexError.
def items(self) -> typing.Iterable[Property]:
'''Raise InvalidEdgeError or InvalidVertexError.'''
def keys(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]:
'''Iterate over property names.
Raise InvalidEdgeError or InvalidVertexError.
def values(self) -> typing.Iterable[object]:
'''Iterate over property values.
Raise InvalidEdgeError or InvalidVertexError.
def __len__(self) -> int:
'''Raise InvalidEdgeError or InvalidVertexError.'''
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]:
'''Iterate over property names.
Raise InvalidEdgeError or InvalidVertexError.
def __getitem__(self, property_name: str) -> object:
'''Get the value of a property with the given name or raise KeyError.
Raise InvalidEdgeError or InvalidVertexError.'''
def __contains__(self, property_name: str) -> bool:
class EdgeType:
'''Type of an Edge.'''
def name(self) -> str:
class InvalidEdgeError(Exception):
'''Signals using an Edge instance not part of the procedure context.'''
class Edge:
'''Edge in the graph database.
Access to an Edge is only valid during a single execution of a procedure in
a query. You should not globally store an instance of an Edge. Using an
invalid Edge instance will raise InvalidEdgeError.
def type(self) -> EdgeType:
'''Raise InvalidEdgeError.'''
def from_vertex(self): # -> Vertex:
'''Raise InvalidEdgeError.'''
def to_vertex(self): # -> Vertex:
'''Raise InvalidEdgeError.'''
def properties(self) -> Properties:
'''Raise InvalidEdgeError.'''
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
'''Raise InvalidEdgeError.'''
VertexId = typing.NewType('VertexId', int)
class InvalidVertexError(Exception):
'''Signals using a Vertex instance not part of the procedure context.'''
class Vertex:
'''Vertex in the graph database.
Access to a Vertex is only valid during a single execution of a procedure
in a query. You should not globally store an instance of a Vertex. Using an
invalid Vertex instance will raise InvalidVertexError.
def __init__(self, vertex):
raise NotImplementedError()
def id(self) -> VertexId:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
def labels(self) -> Labels:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
def properties(self) -> Properties:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
def in_edges(self) -> typing.Iterable[Edge]:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
def out_edges(self) -> typing.Iterable[Edge]:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
'''Raise InvalidVertexError.'''
class Path:
'''Path containing Vertex and Edge instances.'''
def __init__(self, starting_vertex: Vertex):
'''Initialize with a starting Vertex.
Raise InvalidVertexError if passed in Vertex is invalid.
def expand(self, edge: Edge):
'''Append an edge continuing from the last vertex on the path.
The last vertex on the path will become the other endpoint of the given
edge, as continued from the current last vertex.
Raise ValueError if the current last vertex in the path is not part of
the given edge.
Raise InvalidEdgeError if passed in edge is invalid.
def vertices(self) -> typing.Tuple[Vertex, ...]:
'''Vertices ordered from the start to the end of the path.'''
def edges(self) -> typing.Tuple[Edge, ...]:
'''Edges ordered from the start to the end of the path.'''
class Record:
'''Represents a record of resulting field values.'''
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
'''Initialize with name=value fields in kwargs.'''
class InvalidProcCtxError(Exception):
'''Signals using an ProcCtx instance outside of the registered procedure.'''
class Vertices:
'''Iterable over vertices in a graph.'''
__slots__ = ('_graph',)
def __init__(self, graph):
if not isinstance(graph, _mgp.Graph):
raise TypeError("Expected '_mgp.Graph', got '{}'".fmt(type(graph)))
self._graph = graph
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
'''Return True if `self` is in valid context and may be used.'''
return self._graph.is_valid()
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterable[Vertex]:
'''Raise InvalidProcCtxError if context is invalid.'''
if not self.is_valid():
raise InvalidProcCtxError()
vertices_it = self._graph.iter_vertices()
vertex = vertices_it.get()
while vertex is not None:
yield Vertex(vertex)
if not self.is_valid():
raise InvalidProcCtxError()
vertex =
class Graph:
'''State of the graph database in current ProcCtx.'''
__slots__ = ('_graph',)
def __init__(self, graph):
if not isinstance(graph, _mgp.Graph):
raise TypeError("Expected '_mgp.Graph', got '{}'".format(type(graph)))
self._graph = graph
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
'''Return True if `self` is in valid context and may be used.'''
return self._graph.is_valid()
def get_vertex_by_id(self, vertex_id: VertexId) -> Vertex:
'''Return the Vertex corresponding to given vertex_id from the graph.
Access to a Vertex is only valid during a single execution of a
procedure in a query. You should not globally store the returned
Raise IndexError if unable to find the given vertex_id.
Raise InvalidProcCtxError if context is invalid.
if not self.is_valid():
raise InvalidProcCtxError()
vertex = self._graph.get_vertex_by_id(vertex_id)
return Vertex(vertex)
def vertices(self) -> Vertices:
'''All vertices in the graph.
Access to a Vertex is only valid during a single execution of a
procedure in a query. You should not globally store the returned Vertex
Raise InvalidProcCtxError if context is invalid.
if not self.is_valid():
raise InvalidProcCtxError()
return Vertices(self._graph)
class ProcCtx:
'''Context of a procedure being executed.
Access to a ProcCtx is only valid during a single execution of a procedure
in a query. You should not globally store a ProcCtx instance.
def graph(self) -> Graph:
'''Raise InvalidProcCtxError if context is invalid.'''
# Additional typing support
Number = typing.Union[int, float]
List = typing.List
Map = typing.Union[dict, Edge, Vertex]
Any = typing.Union[bool, str, Number, Map, Path, list]
Nullable = typing.Optional
# Procedure registration
class Deprecated:
'''Annotate a resulting Record's field as deprecated.'''
def __init__(self, type_):
def read_proc(func: typing.Callable[..., Record]):
Register `func` as a a read-only procedure of the current module.
`read_proc` is meant to be used as a decorator function to register module
procedures. The registered `func` needs to be a callable which optionally
takes `ProcCtx` as the first argument. Other arguments of `func` will be
bound to values passed in the cypherQuery. The full signature of `func`
needs to be annotated with types. The return type must be
`Record(field_name=type, ...)` and the procedure must produce either a
complete Record or None. To mark a field as deprecated, use
`Record(field_name=Deprecated(type), ...)`. Multiple records can be
produced by returning an iterable of them. Registering generator functions
is currently not supported.
Example usage.
import mgp
def procedure(context: mgp.ProcCtx,
required_arg: mgp.Nullable[mgp.Any],
optional_arg: mgp.Nullable[mgp.Any] = None
) -> mgp.Record(result=str, args=list):
args = [required_arg, optional_arg]
# Multiple rows can be produced by returning an iterable of mgp.Record
return mgp.Record(args=args, result='Hello World!')
The example procedure above returns 2 fields: `args` and `result`.
* `args` is a copy of arguments passed to the procedure.
* `result` is the result of this procedure, a "Hello World!" string.
Any errors can be reported by raising an Exception.
The procedure can be invoked in openCypher using the following calls:
CALL example.procedure(1, 2) YIELD args, result;
CALL example.procedure(1) YIELD args, result;
Naturally, you may pass in different arguments or yield less fields.