286 lines
8.6 KiB
286 lines
8.6 KiB
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "utils/csv_parsing.hpp"
#include "utils/string.hpp"
class CsvReaderTest : public ::testing::Test {
const std::filesystem::path csv_directory{std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "csv_testing"};
void SetUp() override {
void TearDown() override { Clear(); }
void CreateCsvDir() {
if (!std::filesystem::exists(csv_directory)) {
void Clear() {
if (!std::filesystem::exists(csv_directory)) return;
namespace {
class FileWriter {
explicit FileWriter(const std::filesystem::path path) { stream_.open(path); }
FileWriter(const FileWriter &) = delete;
FileWriter &operator=(const FileWriter &) = delete;
FileWriter(FileWriter &&) = delete;
FileWriter &operator=(FileWriter &&) = delete;
void Close() { stream_.close(); }
size_t WriteLine(const std::string_view line) {
if (!stream_.is_open()) {
return 0;
stream_ << line << std::endl;
// including the newline character
return line.size() + 1;
std::ofstream stream_;
std::string CreateRow(const std::vector<std::string> &columns, const std::string_view delim) {
return utils::Join(columns, delim);
auto ToPmrColumns(const std::vector<std::string> &columns) {
utils::pmr::vector<utils::pmr::string> pmr_columns(utils::NewDeleteResource());
for (const auto &col : columns) {
return pmr_columns;
} // namespace
TEST_F(CsvReaderTest, CommaDelimiter) {
// create a file with a single valid row;
const auto filepath = csv_directory / "bla.csv";
auto writer = FileWriter(filepath);
const std::vector<std::string> columns{"A", "B", "C"};
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns, ","));
utils::MemoryResource *mem{utils::NewDeleteResource()};
bool with_header = false;
bool ignore_bad = false;
utils::pmr::string delimiter{",", mem};
utils::pmr::string quote{"\"", mem};
csv::Reader::Config cfg{with_header, ignore_bad, delimiter, quote};
auto reader = csv::Reader(filepath, cfg, mem);
auto parsed_row = reader.GetNextRow(mem);
ASSERT_EQ(*parsed_row, ToPmrColumns(columns));
TEST_F(CsvReaderTest, SemicolonDelimiter) {
const auto filepath = csv_directory / "bla.csv";
auto writer = FileWriter(filepath);
utils::MemoryResource *mem(utils::NewDeleteResource());
const utils::pmr::string delimiter{";", mem};
const utils::pmr::string quote{"\"", mem};
const std::vector<std::string> columns{"A", "B", "C"};
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns, delimiter));
const bool with_header = false;
const bool ignore_bad = false;
const csv::Reader::Config cfg{with_header, ignore_bad, delimiter, quote};
auto reader = csv::Reader(filepath, cfg, mem);
auto parsed_row = reader.GetNextRow(mem);
ASSERT_EQ(*parsed_row, ToPmrColumns(columns));
TEST_F(CsvReaderTest, SkipBad) {
// create a file with invalid first two rows (containing a string with a
// missing closing quote);
// the last row is valid;
const auto filepath = csv_directory / "bla.csv";
auto writer = FileWriter(filepath);
utils::MemoryResource *mem(utils::NewDeleteResource());
const utils::pmr::string delimiter{";", mem};
const utils::pmr::string quote{"\"", mem};
const std::vector<std::string> columns_bad{"A", "B", "\"\"C"};
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns_bad, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns_bad, delimiter));
const std::vector<std::string> columns_good{"A", "B", "C"};
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns_good, delimiter));
// we set the 'ignore_bad' flag in the read configuration to 'true';
// parser's output should be solely the valid row;
const bool with_header = false;
const bool ignore_bad = true;
const csv::Reader::Config cfg{with_header, ignore_bad, delimiter, quote};
auto reader = csv::Reader(filepath, cfg, mem);
auto parsed_row = reader.GetNextRow(mem);
ASSERT_EQ(*parsed_row, ToPmrColumns(columns_good));
// we set the 'ignore_bad' flag in the read configuration to 'false';
// an exception must be thrown;
const bool with_header = false;
const bool ignore_bad = false;
const csv::Reader::Config cfg{with_header, ignore_bad, delimiter, quote};
auto reader = csv::Reader(filepath, cfg, mem);
EXPECT_THROW(reader.GetNextRow(mem), csv::CsvReadException);
TEST_F(CsvReaderTest, AllRowsValid) {
// create a file with all rows valid;
// parser should return 'std::nullopt'
const auto filepath = csv_directory / "bla.csv";
auto writer = FileWriter(filepath);
utils::MemoryResource *mem(utils::NewDeleteResource());
const utils::pmr::string delimiter{",", mem};
const utils::pmr::string quote{"\"", mem};
std::vector<std::string> columns{"A", "B", "C"};
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns, delimiter));
const bool with_header = false;
const bool ignore_bad = false;
const csv::Reader::Config cfg{with_header, ignore_bad, delimiter, quote};
auto reader = csv::Reader(filepath, cfg);
const auto pmr_columns = ToPmrColumns(columns);
while (auto parsed_row = reader.GetNextRow(mem)) {
ASSERT_EQ(*parsed_row, pmr_columns);
TEST_F(CsvReaderTest, SkipAllRows) {
// create a file with all rows invalid (containing a string with a missing closing quote);
// parser should return 'std::nullopt'
const auto filepath = csv_directory / "bla.csv";
auto writer = FileWriter(filepath);
utils::MemoryResource *mem(utils::NewDeleteResource());
const utils::pmr::string delimiter{",", mem};
const utils::pmr::string quote{"\"", mem};
const std::vector<std::string> columns_bad{"A", "B", "\"\"C"};
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns_bad, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns_bad, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns_bad, delimiter));
const bool with_header = false;
const bool ignore_bad = true;
const csv::Reader::Config cfg{with_header, ignore_bad, delimiter, quote};
auto reader = csv::Reader(filepath, cfg);
auto parsed_row = reader.GetNextRow(mem);
ASSERT_EQ(parsed_row, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(CsvReaderTest, WithHeader) {
const auto filepath = csv_directory / "bla.csv";
auto writer = FileWriter(filepath);
utils::MemoryResource *mem(utils::NewDeleteResource());
const utils::pmr::string delimiter{",", mem};
const utils::pmr::string quote{"\"", mem};
const std::vector<std::string> header{"A", "B", "C"};
const std::vector<std::string> columns{"1", "2", "3"};
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(header, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(columns, delimiter));
const bool with_header = true;
const bool ignore_bad = false;
const csv::Reader::Config cfg(with_header, ignore_bad, delimiter, quote);
auto reader = csv::Reader(filepath, cfg);
const auto pmr_header = ToPmrColumns(header);
ASSERT_EQ(reader.GetHeader(), pmr_header);
const auto pmr_columns = ToPmrColumns(columns);
while (auto parsed_row = reader.GetNextRow(mem)) {
ASSERT_EQ(*parsed_row, pmr_columns);
TEST_F(CsvReaderTest, MultilineQuotedString) {
// create a file with first row valid and the second row containing a quoted
// string spanning two lines;
// parser should return two valid rows
const auto filepath = csv_directory / "bla.csv";
auto writer = FileWriter(filepath);
utils::MemoryResource *mem(utils::NewDeleteResource());
const utils::pmr::string delimiter{",", mem};
const utils::pmr::string quote{"\"", mem};
const std::vector<std::string> first_row{"A", "B", "C"};
const std::vector<std::string> multiline_first{"D", "\"E", "\"\"F"};
const std::vector<std::string> multiline_second{"G\"", "H"};
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(first_row, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(multiline_first, delimiter));
writer.WriteLine(CreateRow(multiline_second, delimiter));
const bool with_header = false;
const bool ignore_bad = true;
const csv::Reader::Config cfg{with_header, ignore_bad, delimiter, quote};
auto reader = csv::Reader(filepath, cfg);
auto parsed_row = reader.GetNextRow(mem);
ASSERT_EQ(*parsed_row, ToPmrColumns(first_row));
const std::vector<std::string> expected_multiline{"D", "E,\"FG", "H"};
parsed_row = reader.GetNextRow(mem);
ASSERT_EQ(*parsed_row, ToPmrColumns(expected_multiline));