2023-04-07 20:49:29 +02:00

1194 lines
45 KiB

// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "storage/v2/durability/snapshot.hpp"
#include <thread>
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "storage/v2/durability/exceptions.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability/paths.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability/serialization.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability/version.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability/wal.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/edge.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/edge_accessor.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/edge_ref.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/mvcc.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/vertex.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/vertex_accessor.hpp"
#include "utils/concepts.hpp"
#include "utils/file_locker.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/message.hpp"
#include "utils/spin_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronized.hpp"
namespace memgraph::storage::durability {
// Snapshot format:
// 1) Magic string (non-encoded)
// 2) Snapshot version (non-encoded, little-endian)
// 3) Section offsets:
// * offset to the first edge in the snapshot (`0` if properties on edges
// are disabled)
// * offset to the first vertex in the snapshot
// * offset to the indices section
// * offset to the constraints section
// * offset to the mapper section
// * offset to the metadata section
// * offset to the offset-count pair of the first edge batch (`0` if properties on edges are disabled)
// * offset to the offset-count pair of the first vertex batch
// 4) Encoded edges (if properties on edges are enabled); each edge is written
// in the following format:
// * gid
// * properties
// 5) Encoded vertices; each vertex is written in the following format:
// * gid
// * labels
// * properties
// * in edges
// * edge gid
// * from vertex gid
// * edge type
// * out edges
// * edge gid
// * to vertex gid
// * edge type
// 6) Indices
// * label indices
// * label
// * label+property indices
// * label
// * property
// 7) Constraints
// * existence constraints
// * label
// * property
// * unique constraints (from version 13)
// * label
// * properties
// 8) Name to ID mapper data
// * id to name mappings
// * id
// * name
// 9) Metadata
// * storage UUID
// * snapshot transaction start timestamp (required when recovering
// from snapshot combined with WAL to determine what deltas need to be
// applied)
// * number of edges
// * number of vertices
// TODO(antaljanosbenjamin): extend with batch infos
// IMPORTANT: When changing snapshot encoding/decoding bump the snapshot/WAL
// version in `version.hpp`.
struct EdgeBatchInfo {
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t count;
struct VertexBatchInfo {
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t count;
uint64_t first_gid;
// Function used to read information about the snapshot file.
SnapshotInfo ReadSnapshotInfo(const std::filesystem::path &path) {
// Check magic and version.
Decoder snapshot;
auto version = snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic);
if (!version) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read snapshot magic and/or version!");
if (!IsVersionSupported(*version)) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot version!");
// Prepare return value.
SnapshotInfo info;
// Read offsets.
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_OFFSETS) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto snapshot_size = snapshot.GetSize();
if (!snapshot_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto read_offset = [&snapshot, snapshot_size] {
auto maybe_offset = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!maybe_offset) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot format!");
auto offset = *maybe_offset;
if (offset > *snapshot_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot format!");
return offset;
info.offset_edges = read_offset();
info.offset_vertices = read_offset();
info.offset_indices = read_offset();
info.offset_constraints = read_offset();
info.offset_mapper = read_offset();
info.offset_epoch_history = read_offset();
info.offset_metadata = read_offset();
info.offset_edge_batches = read_offset();
info.offset_vertex_batches = read_offset();
// Read metadata.
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_metadata)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_METADATA) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto maybe_uuid = snapshot.ReadString();
if (!maybe_uuid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.uuid = std::move(*maybe_uuid);
auto maybe_epoch_id = snapshot.ReadString();
if (!maybe_epoch_id) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.epoch_id = std::move(*maybe_epoch_id);
auto maybe_timestamp = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!maybe_timestamp) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.start_timestamp = *maybe_timestamp;
auto maybe_edges = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!maybe_edges) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.edges_count = *maybe_edges;
auto maybe_vertices = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!maybe_vertices) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.vertices_count = *maybe_vertices;
return info;
template <typename T>
concept IsBatchInfo = utils::SameAsAnyOf<T, VertexBatchInfo, EdgeBatchInfo>;
template <IsBatchInfo TBatchInfo>
std::vector<TBatchInfo> ReadBatchInfos(Decoder &snapshot) {
std::vector<TBatchInfo> infos;
const auto infos_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!infos_size.has_value()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
TBatchInfo info;
for (auto i{0U}; i < *infos_size; ++i) {
const auto offset = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!offset.has_value()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.offset = *offset;
const auto count = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!count.has_value()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.count = *count;
if constexpr (std::same_as<TBatchInfo, VertexBatchInfo>) {
const auto first_vertex_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!first_vertex_gid.has_value()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.first_gid = *first_vertex_gid;
return infos;
template <typename TFunc>
void LoadPartialEdges(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipList<Edge> &edges, const uint64_t from_offset,
const uint64_t edges_count, const Config::Items items, TFunc get_property_from_id) {
Decoder snapshot;
snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic);
// Recover edges.
auto edge_acc = edges.access();
uint64_t last_edge_gid = 0;
spdlog::info("Recovering {} edges.", edges_count);
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(from_offset)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < edges_count; ++i) {
const auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_EDGE) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (items.properties_on_edges) {
// Insert edge.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (i > 0 && *gid <= last_edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
last_edge_gid = *gid;
spdlog::debug("Recovering edge {} with properties.", *gid);
auto [it, inserted] = edge_acc.insert(Edge{Gid::FromUint(*gid), nullptr});
if (!inserted) throw RecoveryFailure("The edge must be inserted here!");
// Recover properties.
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto &props = it->properties;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *props_size; ++j) {
auto key = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!key) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto value = snapshot.ReadPropertyValue();
if (!value) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
props.SetProperty(get_property_from_id(*key), *value);
} else {
// Read edge GID.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (i > 0 && *gid <= last_edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
last_edge_gid = *gid;
spdlog::debug("Ensuring edge {} doesn't have any properties.", *gid);
// Read properties.
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (*props_size != 0)
throw RecoveryFailure(
"The snapshot has properties on edges, but the storage is "
"configured without properties on edges!");
spdlog::info("Partial edges are recovered.");
template <typename TLabelFromIdFunc, typename TPropertyFromIdFunc>
void LoadPartialVertices(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipList<Vertex> &vertices,
const uint64_t from_offset, const uint64_t vertices_count, const NameIdMapper &name_id_mapper,
TLabelFromIdFunc get_label_from_id, TPropertyFromIdFunc get_property_from_id) {
Decoder snapshot;
snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic);
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(from_offset)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto vertex_acc = vertices.access();
uint64_t last_vertex_gid = 0;
spdlog::info("Recovering {} vertices.", vertices_count);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < vertices_count; ++i) {
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_VERTEX) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Insert vertex.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (i > 0 && *gid <= last_vertex_gid) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
last_vertex_gid = *gid;
spdlog::debug("Recovering vertex {}.", *gid);
auto [it, inserted] = vertex_acc.insert(Vertex{Gid::FromUint(*gid), nullptr});
if (!inserted) throw RecoveryFailure("The vertex must be inserted here!");
// Recover labels.
spdlog::trace("Recovering labels for vertex {}.", *gid);
auto labels_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!labels_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto &labels = it->labels;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *labels_size; ++j) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Recover properties.
spdlog::trace("Recovering properties for vertex {}.", *gid);
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto &props = it->properties;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *props_size; ++j) {
auto key = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!key) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto value = snapshot.ReadPropertyValue();
if (!value) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
props.SetProperty(get_property_from_id(*key), *value);
// Skip in edges.
auto in_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!in_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *in_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto from_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!from_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip out edges.
auto out_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!out_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *out_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto to_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!to_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Partial vertices are recovered.");
template <typename TEdgeTypeFromIdFunc>
void LoadPartialConnectivity(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipList<Vertex> &vertices,
utils::SkipList<Edge> &edges, std::atomic<uint64_t> &edge_count,
const uint64_t from_offset, const Gid start_vertex_gid, const uint64_t vertices_count,
const Config::Items items, TEdgeTypeFromIdFunc get_edge_type_from_id) {
Decoder snapshot;
snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic);
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(from_offset)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto vertex_acc = vertices.access();
auto edge_acc = edges.access();
auto vertex_it = vertex_acc.find(start_vertex_gid);
if (vertex_it == vertex_acc.end()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering connectivity for {} vertices.", vertices_count);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < vertices_count; ++i) {
auto &vertex = *vertex_it;
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_VERTEX) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (gid != vertex.gid.AsUint()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip labels.
auto labels_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!labels_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *labels_size; ++j) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip properties.
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *props_size; ++j) {
auto key = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!key) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto value = snapshot.SkipPropertyValue();
if (!value) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Recover in edges.
spdlog::trace("Recovering inbound edges for vertex {}.", vertex.gid.AsUint());
auto in_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!in_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *in_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto from_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!from_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto from_vertex = vertex_acc.find(Gid::FromUint(*from_gid));
if (from_vertex == vertex_acc.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid from vertex!");
EdgeRef edge_ref(Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid));
if (items.properties_on_edges) {
auto edge = edge_acc.find(Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid));
if (edge == edge_acc.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid edge!");
edge_ref = EdgeRef(&*edge);
} else {
auto [edge, inserted] = edge_acc.insert(Edge{Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid), nullptr});
edge_ref = EdgeRef(&*edge);
vertex.in_edges.emplace_back(get_edge_type_from_id(*edge_type), &*from_vertex, edge_ref);
// Recover out edges.
spdlog::trace("Recovering outbound edges for vertex {}.", vertex.gid.AsUint());
auto out_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!out_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *out_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto to_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!to_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto to_vertex = vertex_acc.find(Gid::FromUint(*to_gid));
if (to_vertex == vertex_acc.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid to vertex!");
EdgeRef edge_ref(Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid));
if (items.properties_on_edges) {
auto edge = edge_acc.find(Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid));
if (edge == edge_acc.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid edge!");
edge_ref = EdgeRef(&*edge);
} else {
auto [edge, inserted] = edge_acc.insert(Edge{Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid), nullptr});
edge_ref = EdgeRef(&*edge);
vertex.out_edges.emplace_back(get_edge_type_from_id(*edge_type), &*to_vertex, edge_ref);
// Increment edge count. We only increment the count here because the
// information is duplicated in in_edges.
edge_count.fetch_add(*out_size, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
spdlog::info("Partial connectivities are recovered.");
RecoveredSnapshot LoadSnapshot(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipList<Vertex> *vertices,
utils::SkipList<Edge> *edges,
std::deque<std::pair<std::string, uint64_t>> *epoch_history,
NameIdMapper *name_id_mapper, std::atomic<uint64_t> *edge_count, Config::Items items) {
RecoveryInfo ret;
RecoveredIndicesAndConstraints indices_constraints;
Decoder snapshot;
auto version = snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic);
if (!version) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read snapshot magic and/or version!");
if (!IsVersionSupported(*version)) throw RecoveryFailure(fmt::format("Invalid snapshot version {}", *version));
// Cleanup of loaded data in case of failure.
bool success = false;
utils::OnScopeExit cleanup([&] {
if (!success) {
// Read snapshot info.
const auto info = ReadSnapshotInfo(path);
spdlog::info("Recovering {} vertices and {} edges.", info.vertices_count, info.edges_count);
// Check for edges.
bool snapshot_has_edges = info.offset_edges != 0;
// Recover mapper.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint64_t> snapshot_id_map;
spdlog::info("Recovering mapper metadata.");
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_mapper)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_MAPPER) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto id = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!id) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto name = snapshot.ReadString();
if (!name) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto my_id = name_id_mapper->NameToId(*name);
snapshot_id_map.emplace(*id, my_id);
SPDLOG_TRACE("Mapping \"{}\"from snapshot id {} to actual id {}.", *name, *id, my_id);
auto get_label_from_id = [&snapshot_id_map](uint64_t snapshot_id) {
auto it = snapshot_id_map.find(snapshot_id);
if (it == snapshot_id_map.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
return LabelId::FromUint(it->second);
auto get_property_from_id = [&snapshot_id_map](uint64_t snapshot_id) {
auto it = snapshot_id_map.find(snapshot_id);
if (it == snapshot_id_map.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
return PropertyId::FromUint(it->second);
auto get_edge_type_from_id = [&snapshot_id_map](uint64_t snapshot_id) {
auto it = snapshot_id_map.find(snapshot_id);
if (it == snapshot_id_map.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
return EdgeTypeId::FromUint(it->second);
// Reset current edge count.
edge_count->store(0, std::memory_order_release);
static constexpr auto kThreadCount = 2U;
spdlog::info("Recovering edges.");
// Recover edges.
if (snapshot_has_edges) {
std::vector<std::jthread> threads;
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_edge_batches)) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
const auto edge_batches = ReadBatchInfos<EdgeBatchInfo>(snapshot);
std::atomic<uint64_t> batch_counter = 0;
for (auto i{0U}; i < kThreadCount; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([path, edges, &edge_batches, &batch_counter, items, &get_property_from_id]() mutable {
while (true) {
const auto batch_index = batch_counter++;
if (batch_index >= edge_batches.size()) {
const auto &batch = edge_batches[batch_index];
LoadPartialEdges(path, *edges, batch.offset, batch.count, items, get_property_from_id);
spdlog::info("Edges are recovered.");
// Recover vertices (labels and properties).
spdlog::info("Recovering vertices.", info.vertices_count);
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_vertex_batches)) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
const auto vertex_batches = ReadBatchInfos<VertexBatchInfo>(snapshot);
std::vector<std::jthread> threads;
std::atomic<uint64_t> batch_counter = 0;
for (auto i{0U}; i < kThreadCount; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([path, vertices, &vertex_batches, &batch_counter, name_id_mapper, &get_label_from_id,
&get_property_from_id]() mutable {
while (true) {
const auto batch_index = batch_counter++;
if (batch_index >= vertex_batches.size()) {
const auto &batch = vertex_batches[batch_index];
LoadPartialVertices(path, *vertices, batch.offset, batch.count, *name_id_mapper, get_label_from_id,
spdlog::info("Vertices are recovered.");
// Recover vertices (in/out edges).
spdlog::info("Recover connectivity.");
std::vector<std::jthread> threads;
std::atomic<uint64_t> batch_counter = 0;
for (auto i{0U}; i < kThreadCount; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([path, vertices, edges, edge_count, &vertex_batches, &batch_counter, items,
&get_edge_type_from_id]() mutable {
while (true) {
const auto batch_index = batch_counter++;
if (batch_index >= vertex_batches.size()) {
const auto &batch = vertex_batches[batch_index];
LoadPartialConnectivity(path, *vertices, *edges, *edge_count, batch.offset, Gid::FromUint(batch.first_gid),
batch.count, items, get_edge_type_from_id);
spdlog::info("Connectivity is recovered.");
// Set initial values for edge/vertex ID generators.
// TODO(antaljanosbenjamin): Figure out proper values
ret.next_edge_id = info.edges_count + 2;
ret.next_vertex_id = info.vertices_count + 2;
// Recover indices.
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of indices.");
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_indices)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_INDICES) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Recover label indices.
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of {} label indices.", *size);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
AddRecoveredIndexConstraint(&indices_constraints.indices.label, get_label_from_id(*label),
"The label index already exists!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered metadata of label index for :{}", name_id_mapper->IdToName(*label)));
spdlog::info("Metadata of label indices are recovered.");
// Recover label+property indices.
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of {} label+property indices.", *size);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto property = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!property) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
{get_label_from_id(*label), get_property_from_id(*property)},
"The label+property index already exists!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered metadata of label+property index for :{}({})",
spdlog::info("Metadata of label+property indices are recovered.");
spdlog::info("Metadata of indices are recovered.");
// Recover constraints.
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of constraints.");
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_constraints)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_CONSTRAINTS) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Recover existence constraints.
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of {} existence constraints.", *size);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto property = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!property) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
{get_label_from_id(*label), get_property_from_id(*property)},
"The existence constraint already exists!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered metadata of existence constraint for :{}({})",
spdlog::info("Metadata of existence constraints are recovered.");
// Recover unique constraints.
// Snapshot version should be checked since unique constraints were
// implemented in later versions of snapshot.
if (*version >= kUniqueConstraintVersion) {
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of {} unique constraints.", *size);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto properties_count = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!properties_count) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
std::set<PropertyId> properties;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *properties_count; ++j) {
auto property = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!property) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
AddRecoveredIndexConstraint(&indices_constraints.constraints.unique, {get_label_from_id(*label), properties},
"The unique constraint already exists!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered metadata of unique constraints for :{}",
spdlog::info("Metadata of unique constraints are recovered.");
spdlog::info("Metadata of constraints are recovered.");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata.");
// Recover epoch history
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_epoch_history)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
const auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_EPOCH_HISTORY) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
const auto history_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!history_size) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (int i = 0; i < *history_size; ++i) {
auto maybe_epoch_id = snapshot.ReadString();
if (!maybe_epoch_id) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
const auto maybe_last_commit_timestamp = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!maybe_last_commit_timestamp) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
epoch_history->emplace_back(std::move(*maybe_epoch_id), *maybe_last_commit_timestamp);
spdlog::info("Metadata recovered.");
// Recover timestamp.
ret.next_timestamp = info.start_timestamp + 1;
// Set success flag (to disable cleanup).
success = true;
return {info, ret, std::move(indices_constraints)};
void CreateSnapshot(Transaction *transaction, const std::filesystem::path &snapshot_directory,
const std::filesystem::path &wal_directory, uint64_t snapshot_retention_count,
utils::SkipList<Vertex> *vertices, utils::SkipList<Edge> *edges, NameIdMapper *name_id_mapper,
Indices *indices, Constraints *constraints, Config::Items items, const std::string &uuid,
const std::string_view epoch_id, const std::deque<std::pair<std::string, uint64_t>> &epoch_history,
utils::FileRetainer *file_retainer) {
// Ensure that the storage directory exists.
// Create snapshot file.
auto path = snapshot_directory / MakeSnapshotName(transaction->start_timestamp);
spdlog::info("Starting snapshot creation to {}", path);
Encoder snapshot;
snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic, kVersion);
// Write placeholder offsets.
uint64_t offset_offsets = 0;
uint64_t offset_edges = 0;
uint64_t offset_vertices = 0;
uint64_t offset_indices = 0;
uint64_t offset_constraints = 0;
uint64_t offset_mapper = 0;
uint64_t offset_metadata = 0;
uint64_t offset_epoch_history = 0;
uint64_t offset_edge_batches = 0;
uint64_t offset_vertex_batches = 0;
offset_offsets = snapshot.GetPosition();
// Object counters.
uint64_t edges_count = 0;
uint64_t vertices_count = 0;
// Mapper data.
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> used_ids;
auto write_mapping = [&snapshot, &used_ids](auto mapping) {
std::vector<EdgeBatchInfo> edge_batch_infos;
static constexpr auto kDesiredEdgeCountPerBatch{1'000'000ULL};
auto items_in_current_batch{0UL};
offset_edges = snapshot.GetPosition();
auto batch_start_offset{offset_edges};
// Store all edges.
if (items.properties_on_edges) {
auto acc = edges->access();
for (auto &edge : acc) {
// The edge visibility check must be done here manually because we don't
// allow direct access to the edges through the public API.
bool is_visible = true;
Delta *delta = nullptr;
std::lock_guard<utils::SpinLock> guard(edge.lock);
is_visible = !edge.deleted;
delta =;
ApplyDeltasForRead(transaction, delta, View::OLD, [&is_visible](const Delta &delta) {
switch (delta.action) {
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY:
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT: {
is_visible = true;
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT: {
is_visible = false;
if (!is_visible) continue;
EdgeRef edge_ref(&edge);
// Here we create an edge accessor that we will use to get the
// properties of the edge. The accessor is created with an invalid
// type and invalid from/to pointers because we don't know them here,
// but that isn't an issue because we won't use that part of the API
// here.
auto ea =
EdgeAccessor{edge_ref, EdgeTypeId::FromUint(0UL), nullptr, nullptr, transaction, indices, constraints, items};
// Get edge data.
auto maybe_props = ea.Properties(View::OLD);
MG_ASSERT(maybe_props.HasValue(), "Invalid database state!");
// Store the edge.
const auto &props = maybe_props.GetValue();
for (const auto &item : props) {
if (items_in_current_batch == kDesiredEdgeCountPerBatch) {
edge_batch_infos.push_back(EdgeBatchInfo{batch_start_offset, items_in_current_batch});
batch_start_offset = snapshot.GetPosition();
items_in_current_batch = 0;
if (items_in_current_batch > 0) {
edge_batch_infos.push_back(EdgeBatchInfo{batch_start_offset, items_in_current_batch});
std::vector<VertexBatchInfo> vertex_batch_infos;
// Store all vertices.
static constexpr auto kDesiredVertexCountPerBatch{1'000'000ULL};
items_in_current_batch = 0;
offset_vertices = snapshot.GetPosition();
batch_start_offset = offset_vertices;
std::optional<uint64_t> first_vertex_gid;
auto acc = vertices->access();
for (auto &vertex : acc) {
if (!first_vertex_gid.has_value()) {
first_vertex_gid = vertex.gid.AsUint();
// The visibility check is implemented for vertices so we use it here.
auto va = VertexAccessor::Create(&vertex, transaction, indices, constraints, items, View::OLD);
if (!va) continue;
// Get vertex data.
// TODO (mferencevic): All of these functions could be written into a
// single function so that we traverse the undo deltas only once.
auto maybe_labels = va->Labels(View::OLD);
MG_ASSERT(maybe_labels.HasValue(), "Invalid database state!");
auto maybe_props = va->Properties(View::OLD);
MG_ASSERT(maybe_props.HasValue(), "Invalid database state!");
auto maybe_in_edges = va->InEdges(View::OLD);
MG_ASSERT(maybe_in_edges.HasValue(), "Invalid database state!");
auto maybe_out_edges = va->OutEdges(View::OLD);
MG_ASSERT(maybe_out_edges.HasValue(), "Invalid database state!");
// Store the vertex.
const auto &labels = maybe_labels.GetValue();
for (const auto &item : labels) {
const auto &props = maybe_props.GetValue();
for (const auto &item : props) {
const auto &in_edges = maybe_in_edges.GetValue();
for (const auto &item : in_edges) {
const auto &out_edges = maybe_out_edges.GetValue();
for (const auto &item : out_edges) {
if (items_in_current_batch == kDesiredVertexCountPerBatch) {
vertex_batch_infos.push_back(VertexBatchInfo{batch_start_offset, items_in_current_batch, *first_vertex_gid});
batch_start_offset = snapshot.GetPosition();
items_in_current_batch = 0;
if (items_in_current_batch > 0) {
vertex_batch_infos.push_back(VertexBatchInfo{batch_start_offset, items_in_current_batch, *first_vertex_gid});
// Write indices.
offset_indices = snapshot.GetPosition();
// Write label indices.
auto label = indices->label_index.ListIndices();
for (const auto &item : label) {
// Write label+property indices.
auto label_property = indices->label_property_index.ListIndices();
for (const auto &item : label_property) {
// Write constraints.
offset_constraints = snapshot.GetPosition();
// Write existence constraints.
auto existence = ListExistenceConstraints(*constraints);
for (const auto &item : existence) {
// Write unique constraints.
auto unique = constraints->unique_constraints.ListConstraints();
for (const auto &item : unique) {
for (const auto &property : item.second) {
// Write mapper data.
offset_mapper = snapshot.GetPosition();
for (auto item : used_ids) {
// Write epoch history
offset_epoch_history = snapshot.GetPosition();
for (const auto &[epoch_id, last_commit_timestamp] : epoch_history) {
// Write metadata.
offset_metadata = snapshot.GetPosition();
// Write edge batches
offset_edge_batches = snapshot.GetPosition();
for (const auto &batch_info : edge_batch_infos) {
// Write vertex batches
offset_vertex_batches = snapshot.GetPosition();
for (const auto &batch_info : vertex_batch_infos) {
// Write true offsets.
// Finalize snapshot file.
spdlog::info("Snapshot creation successful!");
// Ensure exactly `snapshot_retention_count` snapshots exist.
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, std::filesystem::path>> old_snapshot_files;
std::error_code error_code;
for (const auto &item : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(snapshot_directory, error_code)) {
if (!item.is_regular_file()) continue;
if (item.path() == path) continue;
try {
auto info = ReadSnapshotInfo(item.path());
if (info.uuid != uuid) continue;
old_snapshot_files.emplace_back(info.start_timestamp, item.path());
} catch (const RecoveryFailure &e) {
spdlog::warn("Found a corrupt snapshot file {} becuase of: {}", item.path(), e.what());
if (error_code) {
utils::MessageWithLink("Couldn't ensure that exactly {} snapshots exist because an error occurred: {}.",
snapshot_retention_count, error_code.message(), ""));
std::sort(old_snapshot_files.begin(), old_snapshot_files.end());
if (old_snapshot_files.size() > snapshot_retention_count - 1) {
auto num_to_erase = old_snapshot_files.size() - (snapshot_retention_count - 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_to_erase; ++i) {
const auto &[start_timestamp, snapshot_path] = old_snapshot_files[i];
old_snapshot_files.erase(old_snapshot_files.begin(), old_snapshot_files.begin() + num_to_erase);
// Ensure that only the absolutely necessary WAL files exist.
if (old_snapshot_files.size() == snapshot_retention_count - 1 && utils::DirExists(wal_directory)) {
std::vector<std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, std::filesystem::path>> wal_files;
std::error_code error_code;
for (const auto &item : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(wal_directory, error_code)) {
if (!item.is_regular_file()) continue;
try {
auto info = ReadWalInfo(item.path());
if (info.uuid != uuid) continue;
wal_files.emplace_back(info.seq_num, info.from_timestamp, info.to_timestamp, item.path());
} catch (const RecoveryFailure &e) {
if (error_code) {
utils::MessageWithLink("Couldn't ensure that only the absolutely necessary WAL files exist "
"because an error occurred: {}.",
error_code.message(), ""));
std::sort(wal_files.begin(), wal_files.end());
uint64_t snapshot_start_timestamp = transaction->start_timestamp;
if (!old_snapshot_files.empty()) {
snapshot_start_timestamp = old_snapshot_files.front().first;
std::optional<uint64_t> pos = 0;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < wal_files.size(); ++i) {
const auto &[seq_num, from_timestamp, to_timestamp, wal_path] = wal_files[i];
if (from_timestamp <= snapshot_start_timestamp) {
pos = i;
} else {
if (pos && *pos > 0) {
// We need to leave at least one WAL file that contains deltas that were
// created before the oldest snapshot. Because we always leave at least
// one WAL file that contains deltas before the snapshot, this correctly
// handles the edge case when that one file is the current WAL file that
// is being appended to.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *pos; ++i) {
const auto &[seq_num, from_timestamp, to_timestamp, wal_path] = wal_files[i];
} // namespace memgraph::storage::durability