2024-01-25 09:38:10 +01:00

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// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "query/cypher_query_interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/stream/streams.hpp"
#include "query/trigger.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/storage.hpp"
#include "utils/gatekeeper.hpp"
#include "utils/lru_cache.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronized.hpp"
namespace memgraph::dbms {
struct DatabaseInfo {
storage::StorageInfo storage_info;
uint64_t triggers;
uint64_t streams;
static inline nlohmann::json ToJson(const DatabaseInfo &info) { return ToJson(info.storage_info); }
* @brief Class containing everything associated with a single Database
class Database {
* @brief Construct a new Database object
* @param config storage configuration
explicit Database(storage::Config config, replication::ReplicationState &repl_state);
* @brief Returns the raw storage pointer.
* @note Ideally everybody would be using an accessor
* TODO: Remove
* @return storage::Storage*
storage::Storage *storage() { return storage_.get(); }
storage::Storage const *storage() const { return storage_.get(); }
* @brief Storage's Accessor
* @param override_isolation_level
* @return std::unique_ptr<storage::Storage::Accessor>
std::unique_ptr<storage::Storage::Accessor> Access(
std::optional<storage::IsolationLevel> override_isolation_level = {}) {
return storage_->Access(repl_state_->GetRole(), override_isolation_level);
std::unique_ptr<storage::Storage::Accessor> UniqueAccess(
std::optional<storage::IsolationLevel> override_isolation_level = {}) {
return storage_->UniqueAccess(repl_state_->GetRole(), override_isolation_level);
* @brief Unique storage identified (name)
* @return const std::string&
const std::string &name() const { return storage_->name(); }
* @brief Unique storage identified (uuid)
* @return const utils::UUID&
const utils::UUID &uuid() const { return storage_->uuid(); }
* @brief Returns the storage configuration
* @return const storage::Config&
const storage::Config &config() const { return storage_->config_; }
* @brief Get the storage mode
* @return storage::StorageMode
storage::StorageMode GetStorageMode() const noexcept { return storage_->GetStorageMode(); }
* @brief Get the storage info
* @param force_directory Use the configured directory, do not try to decipher the multi-db version
* @return DatabaseInfo
DatabaseInfo GetInfo(bool force_directory, replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole replication_role) const {
DatabaseInfo info;
info.storage_info = storage_->GetInfo(force_directory, replication_role);
info.triggers = trigger_store_.GetTriggerInfo().size();
info.streams = streams_.GetStreamInfo().size();
return info;
* @brief Switch storage to OnDisk
void SwitchToOnDisk();
* @brief Returns the raw TriggerStore pointer
* @return query::TriggerStore*
query::TriggerStore *trigger_store() { return &trigger_store_; }
* @brief Returns the raw Streams pointer
* @return query::stream::Streams*
query::stream::Streams *streams() { return &streams_; }
* @brief Returns the raw ThreadPool pointer (used for after commit triggers)
* @return utils::ThreadPool*
utils::ThreadPool *thread_pool() { return &after_commit_trigger_pool_; }
* @brief Add task to the after commit trigger thread pool
* @param new_task
void AddTask(std::function<void()> new_task) { after_commit_trigger_pool_.AddTask(std::move(new_task)); }
* @brief Returns the PlanCache vector raw pointer
* @return utils::Synchronized<utils::LRUCache<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<PlanWrapper>>, utils::RWSpinLock>
query::PlanCacheLRU *plan_cache() { return &plan_cache_; }
std::unique_ptr<storage::Storage> storage_; //!< Underlying storage
query::TriggerStore trigger_store_; //!< Triggers associated with the storage
utils::ThreadPool after_commit_trigger_pool_{1}; //!< Thread pool for executing after commit triggers
query::stream::Streams streams_; //!< Streams associated with the storage
// TODO: Move to a better place
query::PlanCacheLRU plan_cache_; //!< Plan cache associated with the storage
const replication::ReplicationState *repl_state_;
} // namespace memgraph::dbms
extern template struct memgraph::utils::Gatekeeper<memgraph::dbms::Database>;
namespace memgraph::dbms {
using DatabaseAccess = memgraph::utils::Gatekeeper<memgraph::dbms::Database>::Accessor;
} // namespace memgraph::dbms