florijan 3bd5a882cf Remove Update and Reconstruct from GraphDbAccessor
Summary: Code simplification made possible by making `locks_` `mutable` in `tx::Transaction`.

Reviewers: dgleich, buda

Reviewed By: buda

Differential Revision:
2017-11-29 10:02:01 +01:00

584 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Memgraph
// Created by Florijan Stamenkovic on 03.02.17.
#pragma once
#include <experimental/optional>
#include <random>
#include "cppitertools/filter.hpp"
#include "cppitertools/imap.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "graph_db.hpp"
#include "storage/edge_accessor.hpp"
#include "storage/vertex_accessor.hpp"
#include "transactions/transaction.hpp"
#include "utils/bound.hpp"
/** Thrown when creating an index which already exists. */
class IndexExistsException : public utils::BasicException {
using utils::BasicException::BasicException;
* An accessor for the database object: exposes functions for operating on the
* database. All the functions in this class should be self-sufficient: for
* example the function for creating a new Vertex should take care of all the
* book-keeping around the creation.
class GraphDbAccessor {
// We need to make friends with this guys since they need to access private
// methods for updating indices.
friend class RecordAccessor<Vertex>;
friend class RecordAccessor<Edge>;
friend class VertexAccessor;
friend class EdgeAccessor;
* Creates an accessor for the given database.
* @param db The database
explicit GraphDbAccessor(GraphDb &db);
GraphDbAccessor(const GraphDbAccessor &other) = delete;
GraphDbAccessor(GraphDbAccessor &&other) = delete;
GraphDbAccessor &operator=(const GraphDbAccessor &other) = delete;
GraphDbAccessor &operator=(GraphDbAccessor &&other) = delete;
* Creates a new Vertex and returns an accessor to it. If the ID is
* provided, the created Vertex will have that ID, and the ID counter will be
* increased to it so collisions are avoided. This should only be used by
* durability recovery, normal vertex creation should not provide the ID.
* You should NOT make interleaved recovery and normal DB op calls to this
* function. Doing so will likely mess up the ID generation and crash MG.
* Always perform recovery only once, immediately when the database is
* created, before any transactional ops start.
* @param opt_id The desired ID. Should only be provided when recovering from
* durability.
* @return See above.
VertexAccessor InsertVertex(
std::experimental::optional<int64_t> opt_id = std::experimental::nullopt);
* Removes the vertex of the given accessor. If the vertex has any outgoing or
* incoming edges, it is not deleted. See `DetachRemoveVertex` if you want to
* remove a vertex regardless of connectivity.
* If the vertex has already been deleted by the current transaction+command,
* this function will not do anything and will return true.
* @param vertex_accessor Accessor to vertex.
* @return If or not the vertex was deleted.
bool RemoveVertex(VertexAccessor &vertex_accessor);
* Removes the vertex of the given accessor along with all it's outgoing
* and incoming connections.
* @param vertex_accessor Accessor to a vertex.
void DetachRemoveVertex(VertexAccessor &vertex_accessor);
* Obtains the vertex for the given ID. If there is no vertex for the given
* ID, or it's not visible to this accessor's transaction, nullopt is
* returned.
* @param id - The ID of the sought vertex.
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
std::experimental::optional<VertexAccessor> FindVertex(int64_t id,
bool current_state);
* Returns iterable over accessors to all the vertices in the graph
* visible to the current transaction.
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
auto Vertices(bool current_state) {
DCHECK(!commited_ && !aborted_) << "Accessor committed or aborted";
// wrap version lists into accessors, which will look for visible versions
auto accessors = iter::imap(
[this](auto id_vlist) {
return VertexAccessor(*id_vlist.second, *this);
// filter out the accessors not visible to the current transaction
return iter::filter(
[this, current_state](const VertexAccessor &accessor) {
return Visible(accessor, current_state);
* Return VertexAccessors which contain the current label for the current
* transaction visibilty.
* @param label - label for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection
auto Vertices(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label, bool current_state) {
DCHECK(!commited_ && !aborted_) << "Accessor committed or aborted";
return iter::imap(
[this](auto vlist) { return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
db_.labels_index_.GetVlists(label, *transaction_, current_state));
* Return VertexAccessors which contain the current label and property for the
* given transaction visibility.
* @param label - label for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param property - property for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection
auto Vertices(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property, bool current_state) {
DCHECK(!commited_ && !aborted_) << "Accessor committed or aborted";
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property)))
<< "Label+property index doesn't exist.";
return iter::imap(
[this](auto vlist) { return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property), *transaction_,
* Return VertexAccessors which contain the current label + property, and
* those properties are equal to this 'value' for the given transaction
* visibility.
* @param label - label for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param property - property for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param value - property value for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection
auto Vertices(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const PropertyValue &value, bool current_state) {
DCHECK(!commited_ && !aborted_) << "Accessor committed or aborted";
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property)))
<< "Label+property index doesn't exist.";
CHECK(value.type() != PropertyValue::Type::Null)
<< "Can't query index for propery value type null.";
return iter::imap(
[this](auto vlist) { return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property), value, *transaction_,
* Return an iterable over VertexAccessors which contain the
* given label and whose property value (for the given property)
* falls within the given (lower, upper) @c Bound.
* The returned iterator will only contain
* vertices/edges whose property value is comparable with the
* given bounds (w.r.t. type). This has implications on Cypher
* query execuction semantics which have not been resovled yet.
* At least one of the bounds must be specified. Bonds can't be
* @c PropertyValue::Null. If both bounds are
* specified, their PropertyValue elments must be of comparable
* types.
* @param label - label for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param property - property for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param lower - Lower bound of the interval.
* @param upper - Upper bound of the interval.
* @param value - property value for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection of record accessors
* satisfy the bounds and are visible to the current transaction.
auto Vertices(
const GraphDbTypes::Label &label, const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> lower,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> upper,
bool current_state) {
DCHECK(!commited_ && !aborted_) << "Accessor committed or aborted";
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property)))
<< "Label+property index doesn't exist.";
return iter::imap(
[this](auto vlist) { return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property), lower, upper,
*transaction_, current_state));
* Creates a new Edge and returns an accessor to it. If the ID is
* provided, the created Edge will have that ID, and the ID counter will be
* increased to it so collisions are avoided. This should only be used by
* durability recovery, normal edge creation should not provide the ID.
* You should NOT make interleaved recovery and normal DB op calls to this
* function. Doing so will likely mess up the ID generation and crash MG.
* Always perform recovery only once, immediately when the database is
* created, before any transactional ops start.
* @param from The 'from' vertex.
* @param to The 'to' vertex'
* @param type Edge type.
* @param opt_id The desired ID. Should only be provided when recovering from
* durability.
* @return An accessor to the edge.
EdgeAccessor InsertEdge(
VertexAccessor &from, VertexAccessor &to, GraphDbTypes::EdgeType type,
std::experimental::optional<int64_t> opt_id = std::experimental::nullopt);
* Removes an edge from the graph. Parameters can indicate if the edge should
* be removed from data structures in vertices it connects. When removing an
* edge both arguments should be `true`. `false` is only used when
* detach-deleting a vertex.
* @param edge_accessor The accessor to an edge.
* @param remove_from_from If the edge should be removed from the its origin
* side.
* @param remove_from_to If the edge should be removed from the its
* destination side.
void RemoveEdge(EdgeAccessor &edge_accessor, bool remove_from = true,
bool remove_to = true);
* Obtains the edge for the given ID. If there is no edge for the given
* ID, or it's not visible to this accessor's transaction, nullopt is
* returned.
* @param id - The ID of the sought edge.
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
std::experimental::optional<EdgeAccessor> FindEdge(int64_t id,
bool current_state);
* Returns iterable over accessors to all the edges in the graph
* visible to the current transaction.
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
auto Edges(bool current_state) {
DCHECK(!commited_ && !aborted_) << "Accessor committed or aborted";
// wrap version lists into accessors, which will look for visible versions
auto accessors = iter::imap(
[this](auto id_vlist) { return EdgeAccessor(*id_vlist.second, *this); },
// filter out the accessors not visible to the current transaction
return iter::filter(
[this, current_state](const EdgeAccessor &accessor) {
return Visible(accessor, current_state);
* Creates and returns a new accessor that represents the same graph element
* (node / version) as the given `accessor`, but in this `GraphDbAccessor`.
* It is possible that the given `accessor` graph element is not visible in
* this `GraphDbAccessor`'s transaction. If that is the case, a `nullopt` is
* returned.
* The returned accessor does NOT have the same `current_` set as the given
* `accessor`. It has default post-construction `current_` set (`old` if
* available, otherwise `new`).
* @param accessor The [Vertex/Edge]Accessor whose underlying graph element we
* want in this GraphDbAccessor.
* @return See above.
* @tparam TAccessor Either VertexAccessor or EdgeAccessor
template <typename TAccessor>
std::experimental::optional<TAccessor> Transfer(const TAccessor &accessor) {
if (accessor.db_accessor_ == this)
return std::experimental::make_optional(accessor);
TAccessor accessor_in_this(*accessor.vlist_, *this);
if (accessor_in_this.current_)
return std::experimental::make_optional(std::move(accessor_in_this));
return std::experimental::nullopt;
* Adds an index for the given (label, property) and populates it with
* existing vertices that belong to it.
* You should never call BuildIndex on a GraphDbAccessor (transaction) on
* which new vertices have been inserted or existing ones updated. Do it
* in a new accessor instead.
* Build index throws if an index for the given (label, property) already
* exists (even if it's being built by a concurrent transaction and is not yet
* ready for use).
* It also throws if there is another index being built concurrently on the
* same database this accessor is for.
* @param label - label to build for
* @param property - property to build for
void BuildIndex(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property);
* @brief - Returns true if the given label+property index already exists and
* is ready for use.
bool LabelPropertyIndexExists(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property) const {
DCHECK(!commited_ && !aborted_) << "Accessor committed or aborted";
return db_.label_property_index_.IndexExists(
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property));
* @brief - Returns vector of keys of label-property indices.
std::vector<LabelPropertyIndex::Key> GetIndicesKeys() {
DCHECK(!commited_ && !aborted_) << "Accessor committed or aborted";
return db_.label_property_index_.Keys();
* Return approximate number of all vertices in the database.
* Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
int64_t VerticesCount() const;
* Return approximate number of all edges in the database.
* Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
int64_t EdgesCount() const;
* Return approximate number of vertices under indexes with the given label.
* Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
* @param label - label to check for
* @return number of vertices with the given label
int64_t VerticesCount(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label) const;
* Return approximate number of vertices under indexes with the given label
* and property. Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an
* under-estimate.
* @param label - label to check for
* @param property - property to check for
* @return number of vertices with the given label, fails if no such
* label+property index exists.
int64_t VerticesCount(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property) const;
* Returns approximate number of vertices that have the given label
* and the given value for the given property.
* Assumes that an index for that (label, property) exists.
int64_t VerticesCount(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const PropertyValue &value) const;
* Returns approximate number of vertices that have the given label
* and whose vaue is in the range defined by upper and lower @c Bound.
* At least one bound must be specified. Neither can be
* PropertyValue::Null.
* Assumes that an index for that (label, property) exists.
int64_t VerticesCount(
const GraphDbTypes::Label &label, const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> lower,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> upper)
* Obtains the Label for the label's name.
* @return See above.
GraphDbTypes::Label Label(const std::string &label_name);
* Obtains the label name (a string) for the given label.
* @param label a Label.
* @return See above.
const std::string &LabelName(const GraphDbTypes::Label label) const;
* Obtains the EdgeType for it's name.
* @return See above.
GraphDbTypes::EdgeType EdgeType(const std::string &edge_type_name);
* Obtains the edge type name (a string) for the given edge type.
* @param edge_type an EdgeType.
* @return See above.
const std::string &EdgeTypeName(const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType edge_type) const;
* Obtains the Property for it's name.
* @return See above.
GraphDbTypes::Property Property(const std::string &property_name);
* Obtains the property name (a string) for the given property.
* @param property a Property.
* @return See above.
const std::string &PropertyName(const GraphDbTypes::Property property) const;
/** Returns the id of this accessor's transaction */
tx::transaction_id_t transaction_id() const;
* Advances transaction's command id by 1.
void AdvanceCommand();
* Commit transaction.
void Commit();
* Abort transaction.
void Abort();
* Return true if transaction is hinted to abort.
bool should_abort() const;
/** Returns the transaction of this accessor */
const tx::Transaction &transaction() const { return *transaction_; }
/** Return's the database's write-ahead log */
durability::WriteAheadLog &wal();
* Returns the current value of the counter with the given name, and
* increments that counter. If the counter with the given name does not exist,
* a new counter is created and this function returns 0.
int64_t Counter(const std::string &name);
* Sets the counter with the given name to the given value. Returns nothing.
* If the counter with the given name does not exist, a new counter is created
* and set to the given value.
void CounterSet(const std::string &name, int64_t value);
* Returns a list of index names present in the database.
std::vector<std::string> IndexInfo() const;
* Insert this vertex into corresponding label and label+property (if it
* exists) index.
* @param label - label with which to insert vertex label record
* @param vertex_accessor - vertex_accessor to insert
* @param vertex - vertex record to insert
void UpdateLabelIndices(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const VertexAccessor &vertex_accessor,
const Vertex *const vertex);
* Insert this vertex into corresponding any label + 'property' index.
* @param property - vertex will be inserted into indexes which contain this
* property
* @param record_accessor - record_accessor to insert
* @param vertex - vertex to insert
void UpdatePropertyIndex(const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const RecordAccessor<Vertex> &record_accessor,
const Vertex *const vertex);
/** Returns true if the given accessor (made with this GraphDbAccessor) is
* visible given the `current_state` flag. */
template <typename TRecord>
bool Visible(const RecordAccessor<TRecord> &accessor,
bool current_state) const {
return (accessor.old_ &&
!(current_state && accessor.old_->is_expired_by(*transaction_))) ||
(current_state && accessor.new_ &&
GraphDb &db_;
/** The current transaction */
tx::Transaction *const transaction_;
bool commited_{false};
bool aborted_{false};