Concurrent access to the same query module had a race condition on the pointer that was used to handle the custom memory management. With this commit, a mapping has been added to keep information about what thread used the pointer to handle the memory resources. This should be fine since the respected query executions are running on a dedicated thread. Access to the mapping itself is threadsafe. A simple RAII wrapper for the mapping container has also been added for simpler client-side use.
602 lines
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602 lines
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// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <queue>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "disk_test_utils.hpp"
#include "mgp.hpp"
#include "query/procedure/mg_procedure_impl.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/disk/storage.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/storage.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/view.hpp"
template <typename StorageType>
struct CppApiTestFixture : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() override { mgp::mrd.Register(&memory); }
void TearDown() override {
if (std::is_same<StorageType, memgraph::storage::DiskStorage>::value) {
mgp_graph CreateGraph(const memgraph::storage::View view = memgraph::storage::View::NEW) {
// the execution context can be null as it shouldn't be used in these tests
return mgp_graph{&CreateDbAccessor(memgraph::storage::IsolationLevel::SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION), view, ctx_.get()};
memgraph::query::DbAccessor &CreateDbAccessor(const memgraph::storage::IsolationLevel isolationLevel) {
return db_accessors_.back();
const std::string testSuite = "cpp_api";
memgraph::storage::Config config = disk_test_utils::GenerateOnDiskConfig(testSuite);
std::unique_ptr<memgraph::storage::Storage> storage{new StorageType(config)};
mgp_memory memory{memgraph::utils::NewDeleteResource()};
std::list<std::unique_ptr<memgraph::storage::Storage::Accessor>> accessors_;
std::list<memgraph::query::DbAccessor> db_accessors_;
std::unique_ptr<memgraph::query::ExecutionContext> ctx_ = std::make_unique<memgraph::query::ExecutionContext>();
using StorageTypes = ::testing::Types<memgraph::storage::InMemoryStorage, memgraph::storage::DiskStorage>;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(CppApiTestFixture, StorageTypes);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestGraph) {
mgp_graph raw_graph = this->CreateGraph();
auto graph = mgp::Graph(&raw_graph);
auto node_1 = graph.CreateNode();
ASSERT_EQ(graph.Order(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(graph.Size(), 0);
auto node_2 = graph.CreateNode();
ASSERT_EQ(graph.Order(), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(graph.Size(), 0);
auto relationship_1 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_2, "edge_type");
ASSERT_EQ(graph.Order(), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(graph.Size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(graph.ContainsNode(node_1), true);
ASSERT_EQ(graph.ContainsNode(node_2), true);
ASSERT_EQ(graph.ContainsRelationship(relationship_1), true);
auto node_3 = graph.CreateNode();
auto relationship_2 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_3, "edge_type");
auto relationship_3 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_2, node_3, "edge_type");
for (const auto &n : graph.Nodes()) {
ASSERT_EQ(graph.ContainsNode(n), true);
std::uint64_t n_rels = 0;
for (const auto &r : graph.Relationships()) {
ASSERT_EQ(graph.ContainsRelationship(r), true);
ASSERT_EQ(n_rels, 3);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestId) {
int64_t int_1 = 8;
uint64_t int_2 = 8;
int64_t int_3 = 7;
uint64_t int_4 = 7;
auto id_1 = mgp::Id::FromInt(int_1);
auto id_2 = mgp::Id::FromUint(int_2);
auto id_3 = mgp::Id::FromInt(int_3);
auto id_4 = mgp::Id::FromUint(int_4);
ASSERT_EQ(id_1.AsInt(), 8);
ASSERT_EQ(id_1.AsUint(), 8);
ASSERT_EQ(id_2.AsInt(), 8);
ASSERT_EQ(id_2.AsUint(), 8);
ASSERT_EQ(id_1, id_2);
ASSERT_EQ(id_1 != id_2, false);
ASSERT_EQ(id_1 == id_3, false);
ASSERT_EQ(id_1 == id_4, false);
ASSERT_EQ(id_2 == id_3, false);
ASSERT_EQ(id_2 == id_4, false);
ASSERT_NE(id_1, id_3);
ASSERT_NE(id_1, id_4);
ASSERT_NE(id_2, id_3);
ASSERT_NE(id_2, id_4);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestList) {
auto list_1 = mgp::List();
ASSERT_EQ(list_1.Size(), 0);
auto list_2 = mgp::List(10);
ASSERT_EQ(list_2.Size(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(list_1, list_2);
auto a = mgp::Value("a");
ASSERT_EQ(list_2.Size(), 3);
std::vector<mgp::Value> values{mgp::Value("a"), mgp::Value("b"), mgp::Value("c")};
auto list_3 = mgp::List(values);
ASSERT_EQ(list_3.Size(), 3);
auto list_4 = mgp::List({mgp::Value("d"), mgp::Value("e"), mgp::Value("f")});
ASSERT_EQ(list_4.Size(), 3);
// Use copy assignment
auto list_x = list_1;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::List> vector_x;
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(list_1);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(mgp::List());
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestMap) {
auto map_1 = mgp::Map();
std::map<std::string_view, mgp::Value> map_1a;
for (const auto &e : map_1) {
map_1a.insert(std::pair<std::string_view, mgp::Value>(e.key, e.value));
ASSERT_EQ(map_1.Size(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(map_1a.size(), 0);
auto map_2 = mgp::Map();
auto y = mgp::Value("y");
map_2.Insert("x", y);
ASSERT_EQ(map_2.Size(), 1);
ASSERT_NE(map_1, map_2);
auto v_1 = mgp::Value("1");
auto v_2 = mgp::Value("2");
auto p_1 = std::pair{"a", v_1};
auto p_2 = std::pair{"b", v_2};
auto map_3 = mgp::Map({p_1, p_2});
ASSERT_EQ(map_3.Size(), 2);
// Use copy assignment
auto map_x = map_1;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::Map> vector_x;
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(map_1);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(mgp::Map());
auto value_z = value_x;
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestNode) {
mgp_graph raw_graph = this->CreateGraph();
auto graph = mgp::Graph(&raw_graph);
auto node_1 = graph.CreateNode();
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.HasLabel("L1"), false);
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.HasLabel("L1"), true);
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.HasLabel("L1"), true);
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.HasLabel("L2"), true);
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.Properties().size(), 0);
auto node_2 = graph.GetNodeById(node_1.Id());
ASSERT_EQ(node_1, node_2);
int count_out_relationships = 0;
for (const auto _ : node_1.OutRelationships()) {
ASSERT_EQ(count_out_relationships, 0);
int count_in_relationships = 0;
for (const auto _ : node_1.InRelationships()) {
ASSERT_EQ(count_in_relationships, 0);
// Use copy assignment
auto node_x = node_1;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::Node> vector_x;
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(node_1);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(graph.CreateNode());
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestNodeWithNeighbors) {
mgp_graph raw_graph = this->CreateGraph();
auto graph = mgp::Graph(&raw_graph);
auto node_1 = graph.CreateNode();
auto node_2 = graph.CreateNode();
auto node_3 = graph.CreateNode();
auto relationship_1 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_2, "edge_type");
auto relationship_2 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_3, "edge_type");
int count_out_relationships = 0;
int count_in_relationships = 0;
for (const auto &node : graph.Nodes()) {
for (const auto _ : node.OutRelationships()) {
for (const auto _ : node.InRelationships()) {
ASSERT_EQ(count_out_relationships, 2);
ASSERT_EQ(count_in_relationships, 2);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestRelationship) {
mgp_graph raw_graph = this->CreateGraph();
auto graph = mgp::Graph(&raw_graph);
auto node_1 = graph.CreateNode();
auto node_2 = graph.CreateNode();
auto relationship = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_2, "edge_type");
ASSERT_EQ(relationship.Type(), "edge_type");
ASSERT_EQ(relationship.Properties().size(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(relationship.From().Id(), node_1.Id());
ASSERT_EQ(relationship.To().Id(), node_2.Id());
// Use copy assignment
auto relationship_x = relationship;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::Relationship> vector_x;
vector_x.push_back(graph.CreateRelationship(node_2, node_1, "relationship_x"));
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(relationship);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(graph.CreateRelationship(node_2, node_1, "edge_type"));
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestPath) {
mgp_graph raw_graph = this->CreateGraph();
auto graph = mgp::Graph(&raw_graph);
auto node_1 = graph.CreateNode();
auto node_2 = graph.CreateNode();
auto relationship = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_2, "edge_type");
auto node_0 = graph.GetNodeById(mgp::Id::FromInt(0));
auto path = mgp::Path(node_0);
ASSERT_EQ(path.Length(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(path.Length(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(path.GetNodeAt(0).Id(), node_0.Id());
ASSERT_EQ(path.GetRelationshipAt(0).Id(), relationship.Id());
// Use copy assignment
auto path_x = path;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::Path> vector_x;
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(path);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(mgp::Path(node_0));
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestDate) {
auto date_1 = mgp::Date("2022-04-09");
auto date_2 = mgp::Date(2022, 4, 9);
auto date_3 = mgp::Date::Now();
ASSERT_EQ(date_1.Year(), 2022);
ASSERT_EQ(date_1.Month(), 4);
ASSERT_EQ(date_1.Day(), 9);
ASSERT_EQ(date_1.Timestamp() >= 0, true);
ASSERT_EQ(date_1, date_2);
ASSERT_NE(date_2, date_3);
// Use copy assignment
auto date_x = date_1;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::Date> vector_x;
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(date_1);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(mgp::Date("2022-04-09"));
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestLocalTime) {
auto lt_1 = mgp::LocalTime("09:15:00");
auto lt_2 = mgp::LocalTime(9, 15, 0, 0, 0);
auto lt_3 = mgp::LocalTime::Now();
ASSERT_EQ(lt_1.Hour(), 9);
ASSERT_EQ(lt_1.Minute(), 15);
ASSERT_EQ(lt_1.Second(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(lt_1.Millisecond() >= 0, true);
ASSERT_EQ(lt_1.Microsecond() >= 0, true);
ASSERT_EQ(lt_1.Timestamp() >= 0, true);
ASSERT_EQ(lt_1, lt_2);
ASSERT_NE(lt_2, lt_3);
// Use copy assignment
auto lt_x = lt_1;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::LocalTime> vector_x;
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(lt_1);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(mgp::LocalTime("09:15:00"));
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestLocalDateTime) {
auto ldt_1 = mgp::LocalDateTime("2021-10-05T14:15:00");
auto ldt_2 = mgp::LocalDateTime(2021, 10, 5, 14, 15, 0, 0, 0);
2021, 10, 0, 14, 15, 0, 0,
0)); // ...10, 0, 14... <- 0 is an illegal value for the `day` parameter; must throw an exception
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Year(), 2021);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Month(), 10);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Day(), 5);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Hour(), 14);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Minute(), 15);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Second(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Millisecond() >= 0, true);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Microsecond() >= 0, true);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1.Timestamp() >= 0, true);
ASSERT_EQ(ldt_1, ldt_2);
// Use copy assignment
auto ldt_x = ldt_1;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::LocalDateTime> vector_x;
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(ldt_1);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(mgp::LocalDateTime("2021-10-05T14:15:00"));
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestDuration) {
auto duration_1 = mgp::Duration("PT2M2.33S");
auto duration_2 = mgp::Duration(1465355);
auto duration_3 = mgp::Duration(5, 14, 15, 0, 0, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(duration_2.Microseconds(), 1465355);
ASSERT_NE(duration_1, duration_2);
ASSERT_NE(duration_2, duration_3);
// Use copy assignment
auto duration_x = duration_1;
// Use move assignment
std::vector<mgp::Duration> vector_x;
// Use Value copy constructor
auto value_x = mgp::Value(duration_1);
// Use Value move constructor
auto value_y = mgp::Value(mgp::Duration("PT2M2.33S"));
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestNodeProperties) {
mgp_graph raw_graph = this->CreateGraph(memgraph::storage::View::NEW);
auto graph = mgp::Graph(&raw_graph);
auto node_1 = graph.CreateNode();
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.Properties().size(), 0);
std::map<std::string, mgp::Value> node1_prop = node_1.Properties();
node_1.SetProperty("b", mgp::Value("b"));
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.Properties().size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.Properties()["b"].ValueString(), "b");
ASSERT_EQ(node_1.GetProperty("b").ValueString(), "b");
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestValueOperatorLessThan) {
const int64_t int1 = 3;
const int64_t int2 = 4;
const double double1 = 3.5;
const mgp::List list1 = mgp::List();
const mgp::Map map1 = mgp::Map();
const mgp::Value int_test1 = mgp::Value(int1);
const mgp::Value int_test2 = mgp::Value(int2);
const mgp::Value double_test1 = mgp::Value(double1);
const mgp::Value list_test = mgp::Value(list1);
const mgp::Value map_test = mgp::Value(map1);
ASSERT_TRUE(int_test1 < int_test2);
ASSERT_TRUE(double_test1 < int_test2);
const std::string string1 = "string";
const mgp::Value string_test1 = mgp::Value(string1);
ASSERT_THROW(int_test1 < string_test1, mgp::ValueException);
ASSERT_THROW(list_test < map_test, mgp::ValueException);
ASSERT_THROW(list_test < list_test, mgp::ValueException);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestNumberEquality) {
mgp::Value double_1{1.0};
mgp::Value int_1{static_cast<int64_t>(1)};
ASSERT_TRUE(double_1 == int_1);
mgp::Value double_2{2.01};
mgp::Value int_2{static_cast<int64_t>(2)};
ASSERT_FALSE(double_2 == int_2);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestTypeOperatorStream) {
std::string string1 = "string";
int64_t int1 = 4;
mgp::List list = mgp::List();
mgp::Value string_value = mgp::Value(string1);
mgp::Value int_value = mgp::Value(int1);
mgp::Value list_value = mgp::Value(list);
std::ostringstream oss_str;
oss_str << string_value.Type();
std::string str_test = oss_str.str();
std::ostringstream oss_int;
oss_int << int_value.Type();
std::string int_test = oss_int.str();
std::ostringstream oss_list;
oss_list << list_value.Type();
std::string list_test = oss_list.str();
ASSERT_EQ(str_test, "string");
ASSERT_EQ(int_test, "int");
ASSERT_EQ(list_test, "list");
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestMapUpdate) {
mgp::Map map{};
mgp::Value double_1{1.0};
mgp::Value double_2{2.0};
map.Update("1", double_1);
ASSERT_EQ(map.At("1"), double_1);
map.Update("1", double_2);
ASSERT_EQ(map.At("1"), double_2);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestMapErase) {
mgp::Map map{};
mgp::Value double_1{1.0};
mgp::Value double_2{2.0};
map.Insert("1", double_1);
map.Insert("2", double_2);
ASSERT_EQ(map.Size(), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(map.Size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(map.Size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(map.Size(), 0);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestNodeRemoveProperty) {
mgp_graph raw_graph = this->CreateGraph(memgraph::storage::View::NEW);
auto graph = mgp::Graph(&raw_graph);
auto node = graph.CreateNode();
int64_t int1 = 100;
mgp::Value value{int1};
node.SetProperty("key", value);
ASSERT_EQ(node.Properties().size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(node.Properties().size(), 0);
TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestValuePrint) {
std::string string_1{"abc"};
int64_t int_1{4};
mgp::Date date_1{"2020-12-12"};
mgp::Value string_value{string_1};
mgp::Value int_value{int_1};
mgp::Value date_value{date_1};
std::ostringstream oss_str;
oss_str << string_value;
std::string str_test = oss_str.str();
ASSERT_EQ(string_1, str_test);
std::ostringstream oss_int;
oss_int << int_value;
std::string int_test = oss_int.str();
ASSERT_EQ("4", int_test);
std::ostringstream oss_date;
oss_date << date_value;
std::string date_test = oss_date.str();
ASSERT_EQ("2020-12-12", date_test);