671 lines
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671 lines
29 KiB
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "query/plan/preprocess.hpp"
#include "utils/algorithm.hpp"
#include "utils/exceptions.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
namespace memgraph::query::plan {
namespace {
// Ast tree visitor which collects the context for a return body.
// The return body of WITH and RETURN clauses consists of:
// * named expressions (used to produce results);
// * flag whether the results need to be DISTINCT;
// * optional SKIP expression;
// * optional LIMIT expression and
// * optional ORDER BY expressions.
// In addition to the above, we collect information on used symbols,
// aggregations and expressions used for group by.
class ReturnBodyContext : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
ReturnBodyContext(const ReturnBody &body, SymbolTable &symbol_table, const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
AstStorage &storage, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>> pc_ops,
Where *where = nullptr)
: body_(body), symbol_table_(symbol_table), bound_symbols_(bound_symbols), storage_(storage), where_(where) {
// Collect symbols from named expressions.
if (body.all_identifiers) {
// Expand '*' to expressions and symbols first, so that their results come
// before regular named expressions.
for (auto &named_expr : body_.named_expressions) {
if (pattern_comprehension_) {
if (auto it = pc_ops.find(named_expr->name_); it != pc_ops.end()) {
pattern_comprehension_op_ = std::move(it->second);
} else {
throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Operation on top of pattern comprehension");
// Collect symbols used in group by expressions.
if (!aggregations_.empty()) {
UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table_);
for (auto &group_by : group_by_) {
group_by_used_symbols_ = collector.symbols_;
if (aggregations_.empty()) {
// Visit order_by and where if we do not have aggregations. This way we
// prevent collecting group_by expressions from order_by and where, which
// would be very wrong. When we have aggregation, order_by and where can
// only use new symbols (ensured in semantic analysis), so we don't care
// about collecting used_symbols. Also, semantic analysis should
// have prevented any aggregations from appearing here.
for (const auto &order_pair : body.order_by) {
if (where) {
MG_ASSERT(aggregations_.empty(), "Unexpected aggregations in ORDER BY or WHERE");
using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::PostVisit;
using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::PreVisit;
using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::Visit;
bool Visit(PrimitiveLiteral &) override {
return true;
template <typename TLiteral, typename TIteratorToExpression>
void PostVisitCollectionLiteral(TLiteral &literal, TIteratorToExpression iterator_to_expression) {
// If there is an aggregation in the list, and there are group-bys, then we
// need to add the group-bys manually. If there are no aggregations, the
// whole list will be added as a group-by.
std::vector<Expression *> literal_group_by;
bool has_aggr = false;
auto it = has_aggregation_.end();
auto elements_it = literal.elements_.begin();
std::advance(it, -literal.elements_.size());
if (literal.GetTypeInfo() == MapProjectionLiteral::kType) {
// Erase the map variable. Grammar-wise, it’s a variable and thus never has aggregations.
std::advance(it, -1);
it = has_aggregation_.erase(it);
while (it != has_aggregation_.end()) {
if (*it) {
has_aggr = true;
} else {
it = has_aggregation_.erase(it);
if (has_aggr) {
for (auto expression_ptr : literal_group_by) group_by_.emplace_back(expression_ptr);
bool PostVisit(ListLiteral &list_literal) override {
MG_ASSERT(list_literal.elements_.size() <= has_aggregation_.size(),
"Expected as many has_aggregation_ flags as there are list"
PostVisitCollectionLiteral(list_literal, [](auto it) { return *it; });
return true;
bool PostVisit(MapLiteral &map_literal) override {
MG_ASSERT(map_literal.elements_.size() <= has_aggregation_.size(),
"Expected as many has_aggregation_ flags as there are map elements.");
PostVisitCollectionLiteral(map_literal, [](auto it) { return it->second; });
return true;
bool PostVisit(MapProjectionLiteral &map_projection_literal) override {
MG_ASSERT(map_projection_literal.elements_.size() <= has_aggregation_.size(),
"Expected as many has_aggregation_ flags as there are map elements.");
PostVisitCollectionLiteral(map_projection_literal, [](auto it) { return it->second; });
return true;
bool PostVisit(All &all) override {
// Remove the symbol which is bound by all, because we are only interested
// in free (unbound) symbols.
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= 3U, "Expected 3 has_aggregation_ flags for ALL arguments");
bool has_aggr = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
return true;
bool PostVisit(Single &single) override {
// Remove the symbol which is bound by single, because we are only
// interested in free (unbound) symbols.
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= 3U, "Expected 3 has_aggregation_ flags for SINGLE arguments");
bool has_aggr = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
return true;
bool PostVisit(Any &any) override {
// Remove the symbol which is bound by any, because we are only interested
// in free (unbound) symbols.
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= 3U, "Expected 3 has_aggregation_ flags for ANY arguments");
bool has_aggr = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
return true;
bool PostVisit(None &none) override {
// Remove the symbol which is bound by none, because we are only interested
// in free (unbound) symbols.
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= 3U, "Expected 3 has_aggregation_ flags for NONE arguments");
bool has_aggr = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
return true;
bool PostVisit(Reduce &reduce) override {
// Remove the symbols bound by reduce, because we are only interested
// in free (unbound) symbols.
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= 5U, "Expected 5 has_aggregation_ flags for REDUCE arguments");
bool has_aggr = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
return true;
bool PostVisit(Coalesce &coalesce) override {
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= coalesce.expressions_.size(),
"Expected >= {} has_aggregation_ flags for COALESCE arguments", has_aggregation_.size());
bool has_aggr = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < coalesce.expressions_.size(); ++i) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
return true;
bool PostVisit(Extract &extract) override {
// Remove the symbol bound by extract, because we are only interested
// in free (unbound) symbols.
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= 3U, "Expected 3 has_aggregation_ flags for EXTRACT arguments");
bool has_aggr = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
return true;
bool Visit(Identifier &ident) override {
const auto &symbol = symbol_table_.at(ident);
if (!utils::Contains(output_symbols_, symbol)) {
// Don't pick up new symbols, even though they may be used in ORDER BY or
return true;
bool PreVisit(ListSlicingOperator &list_slicing) override {
bool list_has_aggr = has_aggregation_.back();
bool has_aggr = list_has_aggr;
if (list_slicing.lower_bound_) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
if (list_slicing.upper_bound_) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
if (has_aggr && !list_has_aggr) {
// We need to group by the list expression, because it didn't have an
// aggregation inside.
return false;
bool PreVisit(IfOperator &if_operator) override {
bool has_aggr = has_aggregation_.back();
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
has_aggr = has_aggr || has_aggregation_.back();
// TODO: Once we allow aggregations here, insert appropriate stuff in
// group_by.
MG_ASSERT(!has_aggr, "Currently aggregations in CASE are not allowed");
return false;
bool PostVisit(Function &function) override {
MG_ASSERT(function.arguments_.size() <= has_aggregation_.size(),
"Expected as many has_aggregation_ flags as there are"
"function arguments.");
bool has_aggr = false;
auto it = has_aggregation_.end();
std::advance(it, -function.arguments_.size());
while (it != has_aggregation_.end()) {
has_aggr = has_aggr || *it;
it = has_aggregation_.erase(it);
return true;
#define VISIT_BINARY_OPERATOR(BinaryOperator) \
bool PostVisit(BinaryOperator &op) override { \
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= 2U, "Expected at least 2 has_aggregation_ flags."); \
/* has_aggregation_ stack is reversed, last result is from the 2nd */ \
/* expression. */ \
bool aggr2 = has_aggregation_.back(); \
has_aggregation_.pop_back(); \
bool aggr1 = has_aggregation_.back(); \
has_aggregation_.pop_back(); \
bool has_aggr = aggr1 || aggr2; \
if (has_aggr && !(aggr1 && aggr2)) { \
/* Group by the expression which does not contain aggregation. */ \
/* Possible optimization is to ignore constant value expressions */ \
group_by_.emplace_back(aggr1 ? op.expression2_ : op.expression1_); \
} \
/* Propagate that this whole expression may contain an aggregation. */ \
has_aggregation_.emplace_back(has_aggr); \
return true; \
bool PostVisit(Aggregation &aggr) override {
// Aggregation contains a virtual symbol, where the result will be stored.
const auto &symbol = symbol_table_.at(aggr);
Aggregate::Element{aggr.expression1_, aggr.expression2_, aggr.op_, symbol, aggr.distinct_});
// Aggregation expression1_ is optional in COUNT(*), and COLLECT_MAP uses
// two expressions, so we can have 0, 1 or 2 elements on the
// has_aggregation_stack for this Aggregation expression.
if (aggr.op_ == Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP) has_aggregation_.pop_back();
if (aggr.expression1_)
has_aggregation_.back() = true;
// Possible optimization is to skip remembering symbols inside aggregation.
// If and when implementing this, don't forget that Accumulate needs *all*
// the symbols, including those inside aggregation.
return true;
bool PostVisit(NamedExpression &named_expr) override {
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() == 1U, "Expected to reduce has_aggregation_ to single boolean.");
if (!has_aggregation_.back()) {
return true;
bool Visit(ParameterLookup & /*unused*/) override {
return true;
bool PostVisit(RegexMatch & /*unused*/) override {
MG_ASSERT(has_aggregation_.size() >= 2U, "Expected 2 has_aggregation_ flags for RegexMatch arguments");
bool has_aggr = has_aggregation_.back();
has_aggregation_.back() |= has_aggr;
return true;
bool PreVisit(PatternComprehension & /*unused*/) override {
pattern_compression_aggregations_start_index_ = has_aggregation_.size();
return true;
bool PostVisit(PatternComprehension &pattern_comprehension) override {
bool has_aggr = false;
for (auto i = has_aggregation_.size(); i > pattern_compression_aggregations_start_index_; --i) {
has_aggr |= has_aggregation_.back();
pattern_comprehension_ = &pattern_comprehension;
return true;
// Creates NamedExpression with an Identifier for each user declared symbol.
// This should be used when body.all_identifiers is true, to generate
// expressions for Produce operator.
void ExpandUserSymbols() {
MG_ASSERT(named_expressions_.empty(), "ExpandUserSymbols should be first to fill named_expressions_");
MG_ASSERT(output_symbols_.empty(), "ExpandUserSymbols should be first to fill output_symbols_");
for (const auto &symbol : bound_symbols_) {
if (!symbol.user_declared()) {
auto *ident = storage_.Create<Identifier>(symbol.name())->MapTo(symbol);
auto *named_expr = storage_.Create<NamedExpression>(symbol.name(), ident)->MapTo(symbol);
// Fill output expressions and symbols with expanded identifiers.
// Don't forget to group by expanded identifiers.
// Cypher RETURN/WITH * expects to expand '*' sorted by name.
std::sort(output_symbols_.begin(), output_symbols_.end(),
[](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a.name() < b.name(); });
std::sort(named_expressions_.begin(), named_expressions_.end(),
[](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a->name_ < b->name_; });
// If true, results need to be distinct.
bool distinct() const { return body_.distinct; }
// Named expressions which are used to produce results.
const auto &named_expressions() const { return named_expressions_; }
// Pairs of (Ordering, Expression *) for sorting results.
const auto &order_by() const { return body_.order_by; }
// Optional expression which determines how many results to skip.
auto *skip() const { return body_.skip; }
// Optional expression which determines how many results to produce.
auto *limit() const { return body_.limit; }
// Optional Where clause for filtering.
const auto *where() const { return where_; }
// Set of symbols used inside the visited expressions, including the inside of
// aggregation expression. These only includes old symbols, even though new
// ones may have been used in ORDER BY or WHERE.
const auto &used_symbols() const { return used_symbols_; }
// List of aggregation elements found in expressions.
const auto &aggregations() const { return aggregations_; }
// When there is at least one aggregation element, all the non-aggregate (sub)
// expressions are used for grouping. For example, in `WITH sum(n.a) + 2 * n.b
// AS sum, n.c AS nc`, we will group by `2 * n.b` and `n.c`.
const auto &group_by() const { return group_by_; }
// Set of symbols used in group by expressions.
const auto &group_by_used_symbols() const { return group_by_used_symbols_; }
// All symbols generated by named expressions. They are collected in order of
// named_expressions.
const auto &output_symbols() const { return output_symbols_; }
const auto *pattern_comprehension() const { return pattern_comprehension_; }
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> pattern_comprehension_op() const { return pattern_comprehension_op_; }
const ReturnBody &body_;
SymbolTable &symbol_table_;
const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols_;
AstStorage &storage_;
const Where *const where_ = nullptr;
std::unordered_set<Symbol> used_symbols_;
std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols_;
std::vector<Aggregate::Element> aggregations_;
std::vector<Expression *> group_by_;
std::unordered_set<Symbol> group_by_used_symbols_;
// Flag stack indicating whether an expression contains an aggregation. A
// stack is needed to address the case where one child sub-expression has
// an aggregation, while the other child does not.
// For example, the AST (+ (sum x) y) is as follows:
// * (sum x) -- Has an aggregation.
// * y -- Doesn't, we need to group by this.
// * (+ (sum x) y) -- The whole expression has an aggregation, so we don't
// group by it.
std::list<bool> has_aggregation_;
std::vector<NamedExpression *> named_expressions_;
PatternComprehension *pattern_comprehension_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> pattern_comprehension_op_;
size_t pattern_compression_aggregations_start_index_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> GenReturnBody(std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_op, bool advance_command,
const ReturnBodyContext &body, bool accumulate) {
std::vector<Symbol> used_symbols(body.used_symbols().begin(), body.used_symbols().end());
auto last_op = std::move(input_op);
if (accumulate) {
// We only advance the command in Accumulate. This is done for WITH clause,
// when the first part updated the database. RETURN clause may only need an
// accumulation after updates, without advancing the command.
last_op = std::make_unique<Accumulate>(std::move(last_op), used_symbols, advance_command);
if (!body.aggregations().empty()) {
// When we have aggregation, SKIP/LIMIT should always come after it.
std::vector<Symbol> remember(body.group_by_used_symbols().begin(), body.group_by_used_symbols().end());
last_op = std::make_unique<Aggregate>(std::move(last_op), body.aggregations(), body.group_by(), remember);
if (body.pattern_comprehension()) {
last_op = std::make_unique<RollUpApply>(std::move(last_op), body.pattern_comprehension_op());
last_op = std::make_unique<Produce>(std::move(last_op), body.named_expressions());
// Distinct in ReturnBody only makes Produce values unique, so plan after it.
if (body.distinct()) {
last_op = std::make_unique<Distinct>(std::move(last_op), body.output_symbols());
// Like Where, OrderBy can read from symbols established by named expressions
// in Produce, so it must come after it.
if (!body.order_by().empty()) {
last_op = std::make_unique<OrderBy>(std::move(last_op), body.order_by(), body.output_symbols());
// Finally, Skip and Limit must come after OrderBy.
if (body.skip()) {
last_op = std::make_unique<Skip>(std::move(last_op), body.skip());
// Limit is always after Skip.
if (body.limit()) {
last_op = std::make_unique<Limit>(std::move(last_op), body.limit());
// Where may see new symbols so it comes after we generate Produce and in
// general, comes after any OrderBy, Skip or Limit.
if (body.where()) {
last_op = std::make_unique<Filter>(std::move(last_op), std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>>{},
return last_op;
} // namespace
namespace impl {
bool HasBoundFilterSymbols(const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols, const FilterInfo &filter) {
return std::ranges::all_of(
filter.used_symbols.begin(), filter.used_symbols.end(),
[&bound_symbols](const auto &symbol) { return bound_symbols.find(symbol) != bound_symbols.end(); });
Expression *ExtractFilters(const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols, Filters &filters, AstStorage &storage) {
Expression *filter_expr = nullptr;
std::vector<FilterInfo> and_joinable_filters{};
for (auto filters_it = filters.begin(); filters_it != filters.end();) {
if (HasBoundFilterSymbols(bound_symbols, *filters_it)) {
filters_it = filters.erase(filters_it);
} else {
// Idea here is to join filters in a way
// that pattern filter ( exists() ) is at the end
// so if any of the AND filters before
// evaluate to false we don't need to
// evaluate pattern ( exists() ) filter
std::partition(and_joinable_filters.begin(), and_joinable_filters.end(),
[](const FilterInfo &filter_info) { return filter_info.type != FilterInfo::Type::Pattern; });
for (auto &and_joinable_filter : and_joinable_filters) {
filter_expr = impl::BoolJoin<AndOperator>(storage, filter_expr, and_joinable_filter.expression);
return filter_expr;
std::unordered_set<Symbol> GetSubqueryBoundSymbols(
const std::vector<SingleQueryPart> &single_query_parts, SymbolTable &symbol_table, AstStorage &storage,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>> pc_ops) {
const auto &query = single_query_parts[0];
if (!query.matching.expansions.empty() || query.remaining_clauses.empty()) {
return {};
if (std::unordered_set<Symbol> bound_symbols; auto *with = utils::Downcast<query::With>(query.remaining_clauses[0])) {
auto input_op = impl::GenWith(*with, nullptr, symbol_table, false, bound_symbols, storage, pc_ops);
return bound_symbols;
return {};
std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> GenNamedPaths(std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> last_op,
std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::vector<Symbol>> &named_paths) {
auto all_are_bound = [&bound_symbols](const std::vector<Symbol> &syms) {
for (const auto &sym : syms)
if (bound_symbols.find(sym) == bound_symbols.end()) return false;
return true;
for (auto named_path_it = named_paths.begin(); named_path_it != named_paths.end();) {
if (all_are_bound(named_path_it->second)) {
last_op = std::make_unique<ConstructNamedPath>(std::move(last_op), named_path_it->first,
named_path_it = named_paths.erase(named_path_it);
} else {
return last_op;
std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> GenReturn(Return &ret, std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_op,
SymbolTable &symbol_table, bool is_write,
const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols, AstStorage &storage,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>> pc_ops) {
// Similar to WITH clause, but we want to accumulate when the query writes to
// the database. This way we handle the case when we want to return
// expressions with the latest updated results. For example, `MATCH (n) -- ()
// SET n.prop = n.prop + 1 RETURN n.prop`. If we match same `n` multiple 'k'
// times, we want to return 'k' results where the property value is the same,
// final result of 'k' increments.
bool accumulate = is_write;
bool advance_command = false;
ReturnBodyContext body(ret.body_, symbol_table, bound_symbols, storage, pc_ops);
return GenReturnBody(std::move(input_op), advance_command, body, accumulate);
std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> GenWith(With &with, std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_op,
SymbolTable &symbol_table, bool is_write,
std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols, AstStorage &storage,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>> pc_ops) {
// WITH clause is Accumulate/Aggregate (advance_command) + Produce and
// optional Filter. In case of update and aggregation, we want to accumulate
// first, so that when aggregating, we get the latest results. Similar to
// RETURN clause.
bool accumulate = is_write;
// No need to advance the command if we only performed reads.
bool advance_command = is_write;
ReturnBodyContext body(with.body_, symbol_table, bound_symbols, storage, pc_ops, with.where_);
auto last_op = GenReturnBody(std::move(input_op), advance_command, body, accumulate);
// Reset bound symbols, so that only those in WITH are exposed.
for (const auto &symbol : body.output_symbols()) {
return last_op;
std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> GenUnion(const CypherUnion &cypher_union, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> left_op,
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> right_op, SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
return std::make_unique<Union>(left_op, right_op, cypher_union.union_symbols_, left_op->OutputSymbols(symbol_table),
Symbol GetSymbol(NodeAtom *atom, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) { return symbol_table.at(*atom->identifier_); }
Symbol GetSymbol(EdgeAtom *atom, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) { return symbol_table.at(*atom->identifier_); }
} // namespace impl
} // namespace memgraph::query::plan