435 lines
14 KiB
435 lines
14 KiB
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "barrier/barrier.hpp"
using namespace std;
namespace barrier
auto load_queries(Db &db)
std::map<uint64_t, std::function<bool(const properties_t &)>> queries;
// CREATE (n {prop: 0}) RETURN n)
auto create_node = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto prop_key = t.vertex_property_key("prop", args[0]->flags);
auto vertex_accessor = t.vertex_insert();
vertex_accessor.set(prop_key, args[0]);
return t.commit();
queries[11597417457737499503u] = create_node;
auto create_labeled_and_named_node = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto prop_key = t.vertex_property_key("name", args[0]->flags);
auto &label = t.label_find_or_create("LABEL");
auto vertex_accessor = t.vertex_insert();
vertex_accessor.set(prop_key, args[0]);
// cout_properties(vertex_accessor.properties());
return t.commit();
auto create_labeled_and_named_node_v2 = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto prop_key = t.vertex_property_key("name", args[0]->flags);
auto &label = t.label_find_or_create("OTHER");
auto vertex_accessor = t.vertex_insert();
vertex_accessor.set(prop_key, args[0]);
// cout_properties(vertex_accessor.properties());
return t.commit();
auto create_account = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto prop_id = t.vertex_property_key("id", args[0]->flags);
auto prop_name = t.vertex_property_key("name", args[1]->flags);
auto prop_country = t.vertex_property_key("country", args[2]->flags);
auto prop_created = t.vertex_property_key("created_at", args[3]->flags);
auto &label = t.label_find_or_create("ACCOUNT");
auto vertex_accessor = t.vertex_insert();
vertex_accessor.set(prop_id, args[0]);
vertex_accessor.set(prop_name, args[1]);
vertex_accessor.set(prop_country, args[2]);
vertex_accessor.set(prop_created, args[3]);
// cout_properties(vertex_accessor.properties());
return t.commit();
auto find_node_by_internal_id = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto maybe_va = t.vertex_find(Id(args[0]->as<Int32>().value));
if (!option_fill(maybe_va)) {
cout << "vertex doesn't exist" << endl;
return false;
auto vertex_accessor = maybe_va.get();
// cout_properties(vertex_accessor.properties());
cout << "LABELS:" << endl;
for (auto label_ref : vertex_accessor.labels()) {
// cout << label_ref.get() << endl;
return t.commit();
auto create_edge = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto &edge_type = t.type_find_or_create("IS");
auto v1 = t.vertex_find(args[0]->as<Int32>().value);
if (!option_fill(v1)) return t.commit(), false;
auto v2 = t.vertex_find(args[1]->as<Int32>().value);
if (!option_fill(v2)) return t.commit(), false;
auto edge_accessor = t.edge_insert(v1.get(), v2.get());
bool ret = t.commit();
// cout << edge_accessor.edge_type() << endl;
// cout_properties(edge_accessor.properties());
return ret;
auto find_edge_by_internal_id = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto maybe_ea = t.edge_find(args[0]->as<Int32>().value);
if (!option_fill(maybe_ea)) return t.commit(), false;
auto edge_accessor = maybe_ea.get();
// print edge type and properties
// cout << "EDGE_TYPE: " << edge_accessor.edge_type() << endl;
auto from = edge_accessor.from();
if (!from.fill()) return t.commit(), false;
cout << "FROM:" << endl;
// cout_properties(from->data.props);
auto to = edge_accessor.to();
if (!to.fill()) return t.commit(), false;
cout << "TO:" << endl;
// cout_properties(to->data.props);
return t.commit();
auto update_node = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto prop_name = t.vertex_property_key("name", args[1]->flags);
auto maybe_v = t.vertex_find(args[0]->as<Int32>().value);
if (!option_fill(maybe_v)) return t.commit(), false;
auto v = maybe_v.get();
v.set(prop_name, args[1]);
// cout_properties(v.properties());
return t.commit();
// MATCH (n1), (n2) WHERE ID(n1)=0 AND ID(n2)=1 CREATE (n1)<-[r:IS {age: 25,
// weight: 70}]-(n2) RETURN r
auto create_edge_v2 = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto prop_age = t.edge_property_key("age", args[2]->flags);
auto prop_weight = t.edge_property_key("weight", args[3]->flags);
auto n1 = t.vertex_find(args[0]->as<Int64>().value);
if (!option_fill(n1)) return t.commit(), false;
auto n2 = t.vertex_find(args[1]->as<Int64>().value);
if (!option_fill(n2)) return t.commit(), false;
auto r = t.edge_insert(n2.get(), n1.get());
r.set(prop_age, args[2]);
r.set(prop_weight, args[3]);
auto &IS = t.type_find_or_create("IS");
return t.commit();
auto match_all_nodes = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
[&](auto vertex) { cout << vertex.id() << endl; });
return t.commit();
auto match_by_label = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto &label = t.label_find_or_create("LABEL");
auto prop_key = t.vertex_property_key("name", Flags::String);
cout << "VERTICES" << endl;
[&](auto a) { cout << a.at(prop_key) << endl; });
return t.commit();
auto match_all_delete = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
[&](auto a) { a.remove(); });
return t.commit();
auto match_label_delete = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto &label = t.label_find_or_create("LABEL");
[&](auto a) { a.remove(); });
return t.commit();
// MATCH (n) WHERE ID(n) = id DELETE n
auto match_id_delete = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto ov = t.vertex_find(args[0]->as<Int64>().value);
if (!option_fill(ov)) return t.commit(), false;
auto v = ov.take();
if (!v.isolated()) return t.commit(), false;
return t.commit();
// MATCH ()-[r]-() WHERE ID(r) = id DELETE r
auto match_edge_id_delete = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto ov = t.edge_find(args[0]->as<Int64>().value);
if (!option_fill(ov)) return t.commit(), false;
auto v = ov.take();
return t.commit();
// MATCH ()-[r]-() DELETE r
auto match_edge_all_delete = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
t.edge_access().fill().for_all([&](auto a) { a.remove(); });
return t.commit();
// MATCH ()-[r:TYPE]-() DELETE r
auto match_edge_type_delete = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto &type = t.type_find_or_create("TYPE");
type.index().for_range(t).for_all([&](auto a) { a.remove(); });
return t.commit();
// MATCH (n)-[:TYPE]->(m) WHERE ID(n) = id RETURN m
auto match_id_type_return = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto &type = t.type_find_or_create("TYPE");
auto ov = t.vertex_find(args[0]->as<Int64>().value);
if (!option_fill(ov)) return t.commit(), false;
auto v = ov.take();
auto results = v.out().fill().type(type).to();
// Example of Print resoult.
// results.for_all([&](auto va) {
// va is VertexAccessor
// });
return t.commit();
// MATCH (n)-[:TYPE]->(m) WHERE n.name = "kruno" RETURN m
auto match_name_type_return = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto &type = t.type_find_or_create("TYPE");
auto prop_name = t.vertex_property_key("name", args[0]->flags);
Option<const EdgeAccessor> r;
auto it_type = type.index()
.clone_to(r) // Savepoint
.from() // Backtracing
.has_property(prop_name, *args[0].get())
.replace(r); // Load savepoint
auto it_vertex = t.vertex_access()
.has_property(prop_name, *args[0].get())
if (it_type.count() > it_vertex.count()) {
// Going through vertices wiil probably be faster
it_vertex.to().for_all([&](auto m) {
// PRINT m
} else {
// Going through edges wiil probably be faster
it_type.to().for_all([&](auto m) {
// PRINT m
return t.commit();
// MATCH (n)-[:TYPE]->(m) WHERE n.name = "kruno" RETURN n,m
auto match_name_type_return_cross = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
auto &type = t.type_find_or_create("TYPE");
auto prop_name = t.vertex_property_key("name", args[0]->flags);
Option<const VertexAccessor> n;
Option<const EdgeAccessor> r;
auto it_type = type.index()
.clone_to(r) // Savepoint
.from() // Backtracing
.has_property(prop_name, *args[0].get())
.clone_to(n) // Savepoint
.replace(r); // Load savepoint
auto it_vertex = t.vertex_access()
.has_property(prop_name, *args[0].get())
.clone_to(n) // Savepoint
if (it_type.count() > it_vertex.count()) {
// Going through vertices wiil probably be faster
it_vertex.to().for_all([&](auto m) {
// PRINT n, m
} else {
// Going through edges wiil probably be faster
it_type.to().for_all([&](auto m) {
// PRINT n, m
return t.commit();
// MATCH (n:LABEL)-[:TYPE]->(m) RETURN n
auto match_label_type_return = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
DbAccessor t(db);
try {
auto &type = t.type_find_or_create("TYPE");
auto &label = t.label_find_or_create("LABEL");
Option<const VertexAccessor> bt;
auto it_type = type.index().for_range(t).from().label(label);
auto it_vertex = t.vertex_access()
.clone_to(bt) // Savepoint
.replace(bt); // Load savepoint
if (it_type.count() > it_vertex.count()) {
// Going through vertices wiil probably be faster
it_vertex.for_all([&](auto n) {
// PRINT n
} else {
// Going through edges wiil probably be faster
it_type.for_all([&](auto n) {
// PRINT n
return t.commit();
} catch (...) {
// Catch all exceptions
// Print something to logger
return false;
// Blueprint:
// auto = [&db](const properties_t &args) {
// DbAccessor t(db);
// return t.commit();
// };
queries[15284086425088081497u] = match_all_nodes;
queries[4857652843629217005u] = match_by_label;
queries[15648836733456301916u] = create_edge_v2;
queries[10597108978382323595u] = create_account;
queries[5397556489557792025u] = create_labeled_and_named_node;
queries[16090682663946456821u] = create_labeled_and_named_node_v2;
queries[7939106225150551899u] = create_edge;
queries[6579425155585886196u] = create_edge;
queries[11198568396549106428u] = find_node_by_internal_id;
queries[8320600413058284114u] = find_edge_by_internal_id;
queries[6813335159006269041u] = update_node;
queries[10506105811763742758u] = match_all_delete;
queries[13742779491897528506u] = match_label_delete;
queries[11349462498691305864u] = match_id_delete;
queries[6963549500479100885u] = match_edge_id_delete;
queries[14897166600223619735u] = match_edge_all_delete;
queries[16888549834923624215u] = match_edge_type_delete;
queries[11675960684124428508u] = match_id_type_return;
queries[15698881472054193835u] = match_name_type_return;
queries[12595102442911913761u] = match_name_type_return_cross;
queries[8918221081398321263u] = match_label_type_return;
return queries;