Lovro Lugovic dbd226d05d LCP: Minor improvements
- Add a unified `generate_lcp` target
- Rework WITH-VARS
- Expect CPP-CLASS, not CPP-TYPE
- Add util.lisp to LCP's source files in CMake
- Make the CMake variable `lcp_src_files` a cache (persistent) variable
- Add `lcp_src_files` as a dependency to `test_lcp`
- Rename `lcp_compile` to `compile-lcp`
- Fetch docstrings for CPP-NAME-* functions at run-time
- Remove existing C++ entities on redefinition

Reviewers: mtomic, teon.banek

Reviewed By: teon.banek

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
2019-06-12 09:38:02 +02:00

259 lines
11 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package #:lcp.clone)
(define-condition clone-error (simple-error)
(defun clone-error (format-control &rest format-arguments)
(error 'clone-error :format-control format-control
:format-arguments format-arguments))
(defun cloning-parent (cpp-class)
(check-type cpp-class lcp::cpp-class)
(let ((supers (lcp::cpp-class-super-classes cpp-class))
(opts (lcp::cpp-class-clone-opts cpp-class)))
(unless opts
(clone-error "Class ~A isn't cloneable" (lcp::cpp-type-name cpp-class)))
((lcp::clone-opts-base opts)
((lcp::clone-opts-ignore-other-base-classes opts)
(car supers))
(when (> (length supers) 1)
(clone-error "Cloning doesn't support multiple inheritance (class '~A', parents: '~A')"
(lcp::cpp-type-name cpp-class) supers))
(car supers)))))
(defun cloning-root (cpp-class)
(check-type cpp-class lcp::cpp-class)
(let ((parent-class (cloning-parent cpp-class)))
(if parent-class
(cloning-root parent-class)
(defun members-for-cloning (cpp-class)
(check-type cpp-class lcp::cpp-class)
(loop :for current := cpp-class :then (cloning-parent current)
:while current
:collect (remove-if-not #'lcp::cpp-member-clone
(lcp::cpp-class-members current))))))
(defun copy-object (source-name dest-name)
(format nil "~A = ~A;" dest-name source-name))
(defun clone-by-copy-p (object-type)
(check-type object-type lcp::cpp-type)
((string= "vector" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
(clone-by-copy-p (car (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type))))
((string= "optional" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
(clone-by-copy-p (car (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type))))
((string= "unordered_map" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
(and (clone-by-copy-p (first (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type)))
(clone-by-copy-p (second (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type)))))
((string= "pair" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
(and (clone-by-copy-p (first (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type)))
(clone-by-copy-p (second (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type)))))
((lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type) nil)
((or (lcp::cpp-enum-p object-type)
(lcp::cpp-type-primitive-p object-type)
(string= "string" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
;; TODO: We might want to forbid implicit copying of unknown types once
;; there's a way to globally mark type as trivially copyable. Now it is
;; too annoying to add (:clone :copy) option everywhere.
(not (lcp::cpp-class-p object-type)))
;; We know now that we're dealing with a C++ class defined in LCP. A class
;; is cloneable by copy only if it doesn't have `Clone` function defined,
;; all of its members are cloneable by copy and it is not a member of a
;; class hierarchy.
(assert (and (lcp::cpp-type-known-p object-type)
(lcp::cpp-type-class-p object-type)))
(and (not (lcp::cpp-class-clone-opts object-type))
(not (lcp::cpp-class-direct-subclasses object-type))
(not (lcp::cpp-class-super-classes object-type))
(every (lambda (member)
(or (eq (lcp::cpp-member-clone member) :copy)
(clone-by-copy-p (lcp::cpp-member-type member))))
(lcp::cpp-class-members object-type))))))
(defun clone-object (object-type source-name dest-name &key args)
(check-type object-type lcp::cpp-type)
(let ((arg-list (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}"
(mapcar (lambda (name-and-type)
(lcp::cpp-name-for-variable (first name-and-type)))
((clone-by-copy-p object-type)
(copy-object source-name dest-name))
((lcp::cpp-type-pointer-p object-type)
(format nil "~A = ~A ? ~A->Clone(~A) : nullptr;"
dest-name source-name source-name arg-list))
((string= "optional" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
(let ((value-type (car (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type))))
(clone-optional value-type source-name dest-name :args args)))
((string= "vector" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
(let ((elem-type (car (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type))))
(clone-vector elem-type source-name dest-name :args args)))
((string= "unordered_map" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
(let ((key-type (first (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type)))
(value-type (second (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type))))
(clone-map key-type value-type source-name dest-name :args args)))
((string= "pair" (lcp::cpp-type-name object-type))
(let ((first-type (first (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type)))
(second-type (second (lcp::cpp-type-type-args object-type))))
(clone-pair first-type second-type source-name dest-name :args args)))
((and (lcp::cpp-class-p object-type)
(lcp::cpp-class-clone-opts object-type))
(format nil "~A = ~A.Clone(~A);" dest-name source-name arg-list))
(t (clone-error "Don't know how to clone object of type ~A"
(lcp::cpp-type-decl object-type))))))
(defun clone-vector (elem-type source-name dest-name &key args)
(lcp::with-cpp-gensyms ((loop-counter "i"))
(format nil
for (auto ~A = 0; ~A < ~A.size(); ++~A) { ~A }"
dest-name source-name
loop-counter loop-counter source-name loop-counter
(clone-object elem-type
(format nil "~A[~A]" source-name loop-counter)
(format nil "~A[~A]" dest-name loop-counter)
:args args))))
(defun clone-map (key-type value-type source-name dest-name &key args)
(lcp::with-cpp-gensyms ((loop-var "kv")
(entry-var "entry"))
(let ((entry-type (lcp::make-cpp-type
:namespace '("std")
:type-args (list key-type value-type))))
(format nil
"for (const auto &~A : ~A) {
~A ~A;
loop-var source-name
(lcp::cpp-type-decl entry-type) entry-var
(clone-object entry-type loop-var entry-var :args args)
dest-name entry-var))))
(defun clone-optional (value-type source-name dest-name &key args)
(lcp::with-cpp-gensyms ((value-var "value"))
(format nil
"if (~A) {
~A ~A;
} else {
~A = std::nullopt;
(lcp::cpp-type-decl value-type) value-var
(clone-object value-type
(format nil "(*~A)" source-name)
:args args)
dest-name value-var
(defun clone-pair (first-type second-type source-name dest-name &key args)
(lcp::with-cpp-gensyms ((first-var "first")
(second-var "second"))
(with-output-to-string (cpp-out)
(lcp::with-cpp-block-output (cpp-out)
(format cpp-out
"~A ~A;
~A ~A;
~A = std::make_pair(std::move(~A), std::move(~A));"
(lcp::cpp-type-decl first-type) first-var
(clone-object first-type
(format nil "~A.first" source-name)
:args args)
(lcp::cpp-type-decl second-type) second-var
(clone-object second-type
(format nil "~A.second" source-name)
:args args)
dest-name first-var second-var))
(defun clone-function-definition-for-class (cpp-class)
(check-type cpp-class lcp::cpp-class)
(when (lcp::cpp-type-class-template-p cpp-class)
(clone-error "Don't know how to clone class template '~A'"
(lcp::cpp-type-name cpp-class)))
(let* ((cloning-root (cloning-root cpp-class))
(root-opts (lcp::cpp-class-clone-opts cloning-root))
(inheritancep (or (lcp::cpp-class-direct-subclasses cpp-class)
(cloning-parent cpp-class)))
((lcp::clone-opts-return-type root-opts)
(funcall (lcp::clone-opts-return-type root-opts)
(lcp::cpp-type-name cpp-class))))
(format nil "std::unique_ptr<~A>"
(lcp::cpp-type-name (cloning-root cpp-class))))
(lcp::cpp-type-name cpp-class))))
cpp-class "Clone"
:args (lcp::clone-opts-args root-opts)
:returns return-type
:virtual (and inheritancep
(eq cpp-class cloning-root))
:inline t
:const t
:override (and inheritancep
(not (eq cpp-class cloning-root)))
:delete (lcp::cpp-class-abstractp cpp-class))))
(if (lcp::cpp-class-abstractp cpp-class)
(return-from clone-function-definition-for-class
(format nil "~A;" declaration)))
(with-output-to-string (cpp-out)
(lcp::with-cpp-block-output (cpp-out :name declaration :semicolonp nil)
(let (object-access)
((lcp::clone-opts-init-object root-opts)
(setf object-access "object->")
(funcall (lcp::clone-opts-init-object root-opts)
"object" (lcp::cpp-type-name cpp-class)))
(setf object-access "object->")
(format cpp-out "~&auto object = std::make_unique<~A>();"
(lcp::cpp-type-name cpp-class)))
(setf object-access "object.")
(format cpp-out "~&~A object;"
(lcp::cpp-type-name cpp-class))))
(dolist (member (members-for-cloning cpp-class))
(let* ((source (lcp::cpp-member-name member))
(dest (format nil "~A~A" object-access source)))
((eq (lcp::cpp-member-clone member) :copy)
(format cpp-out "~&~A" (copy-object source dest)))
((functionp (lcp::cpp-member-clone member))
(format cpp-out "~&~A"
(lcp::cpp-code (funcall (lcp::cpp-member-clone member)
source dest))))
(format cpp-out "~&~A"
(lcp::cpp-member-type member)
source dest
:args (lcp::clone-opts-args root-opts)))))))
(format cpp-out "~&return object;"))))))