Reviewers: teon.banek, dgleich Reviewed By: teon.banek, dgleich Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
488 lines
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488 lines
23 KiB
/// @file
#pragma once
#include <experimental/optional>
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "query/plan/preprocess.hpp"
namespace query::plan {
/// @brief Context which contains variables commonly used during planning.
template <class TDbAccessor>
struct PlanningContext {
/// @brief SymbolTable is used to determine inputs and outputs of planned
/// operators.
/// Newly created AST nodes may be added to reference existing symbols.
SymbolTable &symbol_table;
/// @brief The storage is used to traverse the AST as well as create new nodes
/// for use in operators.
AstTreeStorage &ast_storage;
/// @brief TDbAccessor, which may be used to get some information from the
/// database to generate better plans. The accessor is required only to live
/// long enough for the plan generation to finish.
const TDbAccessor &db;
/// @brief Symbol set is used to differentiate cycles in pattern matching.
/// During planning, symbols will be added as each operator produces values
/// for them. This way, the operator can be correctly initialized whether to
/// read a symbol or write it. E.g. `MATCH (n) -[r]- (n)` would bind (and
/// write) the first `n`, but the latter `n` would only read the already
/// written information.
std::unordered_set<Symbol> bound_symbols{};
template <class TDbAccessor>
auto MakePlanningContext(AstTreeStorage &ast_storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table,
const TDbAccessor &db) {
return PlanningContext<TDbAccessor>{symbol_table, ast_storage, db};
// Contextual information used for generating match operators.
struct MatchContext {
const Matching &matching;
const SymbolTable &symbol_table;
// Already bound symbols, which are used to determine whether the operator
// should reference them or establish new. This is both read from and written
// to during generation.
std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols;
// Determines whether the match should see the new graph state or not.
GraphView graph_view = GraphView::OLD;
// All the newly established symbols in match.
std::vector<Symbol> new_symbols{};
namespace impl {
// These functions are an internal implementation of RuleBasedPlanner. To avoid
// writing the whole code inline in this header file, they are declared here and
// defined in the cpp file.
// Iterates over `Filters` joining them in one expression via
// `AndOperator` if symbols they use are bound.. All the joined filters are
// removed from `Filters`.
Expression *ExtractFilters(const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &, Filters &,
AstTreeStorage &);
LogicalOperator *GenFilters(LogicalOperator *,
const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &, Filters &,
AstTreeStorage &);
// For all given `named_paths` checks if all its symbols have been bound.
// If so, it creates a logical operator for named path generation, binds its
// symbol, removes that path from the collection of unhandled ones and returns
// the new op. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`.
LogicalOperator *GenNamedPaths(
LogicalOperator *last_op, std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::vector<Symbol>> &named_paths);
LogicalOperator *GenReturn(Return &ret, LogicalOperator *input_op,
SymbolTable &symbol_table, bool is_write,
const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
AstTreeStorage &storage);
LogicalOperator *GenCreateForPattern(Pattern &pattern,
LogicalOperator *input_op,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols);
LogicalOperator *HandleWriteClause(Clause *clause, LogicalOperator *input_op,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols);
LogicalOperator *GenWith(With &with, LogicalOperator *input_op,
SymbolTable &symbol_table, bool is_write,
std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
AstTreeStorage &storage);
LogicalOperator *GenUnion(CypherUnion &cypher_union,
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> left_op,
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> right_op,
SymbolTable &symbol_table);
template <class TBoolOperator>
Expression *BoolJoin(AstTreeStorage &storage, Expression *expr1,
Expression *expr2) {
if (expr1 && expr2) {
return storage.Create<TBoolOperator>(expr1, expr2);
return expr1 ? expr1 : expr2;
} // namespace impl
/// @brief Planner which uses hardcoded rules to produce operators.
/// @sa MakeLogicalPlan
template <class TPlanningContext>
class RuleBasedPlanner {
explicit RuleBasedPlanner(TPlanningContext &context) : context_(context) {}
/// @brief The result of plan generation is the root of the generated operator
/// tree.
using PlanResult = std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator>;
/// @brief Generates the operator tree based on explicitly set rules.
PlanResult Plan(const std::vector<SingleQueryPart> &query_parts) {
auto &context = context_;
LogicalOperator *input_op = nullptr;
// Set to true if a query command writes to the database.
bool is_write = false;
for (const auto &query_part : query_parts) {
MatchContext match_ctx{query_part.matching, context.symbol_table,
input_op = PlanMatching(match_ctx, input_op);
for (const auto &matching : query_part.optional_matching) {
MatchContext opt_ctx{matching, context.symbol_table,
auto *match_op = PlanMatching(opt_ctx, nullptr);
if (match_op) {
input_op = new Optional(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(input_op),
int merge_id = 0;
for (auto &clause : query_part.remaining_clauses) {
DCHECK(!dynamic_cast<Match *>(clause))
<< "Unexpected Match in remaining clauses";
if (auto *ret = dynamic_cast<Return *>(clause)) {
input_op =
impl::GenReturn(*ret, input_op, context.symbol_table, is_write,
context.bound_symbols, context.ast_storage);
} else if (auto *merge = dynamic_cast<query::Merge *>(clause)) {
input_op =
GenMerge(*merge, input_op, query_part.merge_matching[merge_id++]);
// Treat MERGE clause as write, because we do not know if it will
// create anything.
is_write = true;
} else if (auto *with = dynamic_cast<query::With *>(clause)) {
input_op =
impl::GenWith(*with, input_op, context.symbol_table, is_write,
context.bound_symbols, context.ast_storage);
// WITH clause advances the command, so reset the flag.
is_write = false;
} else if (auto *op = impl::HandleWriteClause(clause, input_op,
context.bound_symbols)) {
is_write = true;
input_op = op;
} else if (auto *unwind = dynamic_cast<query::Unwind *>(clause)) {
const auto &symbol =
input_op =
new plan::Unwind(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(input_op),
unwind->named_expression_->expression_, symbol);
} else if (auto *create_index =
dynamic_cast<query::CreateIndex *>(clause)) {
DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before CreateIndex";
input_op = new plan::CreateIndex(create_index->label_,
} else {
throw utils::NotYetImplemented("clause conversion to operator(s)");
return std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator>(input_op);
TPlanningContext &context_;
struct LabelPropertyIndex {
storage::Label label;
// FilterInfo with PropertyFilter.
FilterInfo filter;
int64_t vertex_count;
// Finds the label-property combination which has indexed the lowest amount of
// vertices. If the index cannot be found, nullopt is returned.
std::experimental::optional<LabelPropertyIndex> FindBestLabelPropertyIndex(
const Symbol &symbol, const Filters &filters,
const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols) {
auto are_bound = [&bound_symbols](const auto &used_symbols) {
for (const auto &used_symbol : used_symbols) {
if (!utils::Contains(bound_symbols, used_symbol)) {
return false;
return true;
std::experimental::optional<LabelPropertyIndex> found;
for (const auto &label : filters.FilteredLabels(symbol)) {
for (const auto &filter : filters.PropertyFilters(symbol)) {
const auto &property = filter.property_filter->property_;
if (context_.db.LabelPropertyIndexExists(label, property)) {
int64_t vertex_count = context_.db.VerticesCount(label, property);
if (!found || vertex_count < found->vertex_count) {
if (filter.property_filter->is_symbol_in_value_) {
// Skip filter expressions which use the symbol whose property
// we are looking up. We cannot scan by such expressions. For
// example, in `n.a = 2 + n.b` both sides of `=` refer to `n`,
// so we cannot scan `n` by property index.
if (are_bound(filter.used_symbols)) {
// Take the property filter which uses bound symbols.
found = LabelPropertyIndex{label, filter, vertex_count};
return found;
storage::Label FindBestLabelIndex(
const std::unordered_set<storage::Label> &labels) {
<< "Trying to find the best label without any labels.";
return *std::min_element(labels.begin(), labels.end(),
[this](const auto &label1, const auto &label2) {
return context_.db.VerticesCount(label1) <
// Creates a ScanAll by the best possible index for the `node_symbol`. Best
// index is defined as the index with least number of vertices. If the node
// does not have at least a label, no indexed lookup can be created and
// `nullptr` is returned. The operator is chained after `last_op`. Optional
// `max_vertex_count` controls, whether no operator should be created if the
// vertex count in the best index exceeds this number. In such a case,
// `nullptr` is returned and `last_op` is not chained.
ScanAll *GenScanByIndex(LogicalOperator *last_op, const Symbol &node_symbol,
const MatchContext &match_ctx, Filters &filters,
const std::experimental::optional<int64_t>
&max_vertex_count = std::experimental::nullopt) {
const auto labels = filters.FilteredLabels(node_symbol);
if (labels.empty()) {
// Without labels, we cannot generated any indexed ScanAll.
return nullptr;
// First, try to see if we can use label+property index. If not, use just
// the label index (which ought to exist).
auto found_index = FindBestLabelPropertyIndex(node_symbol, filters,
if (found_index &&
// Use label+property index if we satisfy max_vertex_count.
(!max_vertex_count || *max_vertex_count >= found_index->vertex_count)) {
// Copy the property filter and then erase it from filters.
const auto prop_filter = *found_index->filter.property_filter;
filters.EraseLabelFilter(node_symbol, found_index->label);
if (prop_filter.lower_bound_ || prop_filter.upper_bound_) {
return new ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange(
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), node_symbol,
found_index->label, prop_filter.property_, prop_filter.lower_bound_,
prop_filter.upper_bound_, match_ctx.graph_view);
} else {
DCHECK(prop_filter.value_) << "Property filter should either have "
"bounds or a value expression.";
return new ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue(
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), node_symbol,
found_index->label, prop_filter.property_, prop_filter.value_,
auto label = FindBestLabelIndex(labels);
if (max_vertex_count &&
context_.db.VerticesCount(label) > *max_vertex_count) {
// Don't create an indexed lookup, since we have more labeled vertices
// than the allowed count.
return nullptr;
filters.EraseLabelFilter(node_symbol, label);
return new ScanAllByLabel(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op),
node_symbol, label, match_ctx.graph_view);
LogicalOperator *PlanMatching(MatchContext &match_context,
LogicalOperator *input_op) {
auto &bound_symbols = match_context.bound_symbols;
auto &storage = context_.ast_storage;
const auto &symbol_table = match_context.symbol_table;
const auto &matching = match_context.matching;
// Copy filters, because we will modify them as we generate Filters.
auto filters = matching.filters;
// Copy the named_paths for the same reason.
auto named_paths = matching.named_paths;
// Try to generate any filters even before the 1st match operator. This
// optimizes the optional match which filters only on symbols bound in
// regular match.
auto *last_op = impl::GenFilters(input_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
for (const auto &expansion : matching.expansions) {
const auto &node1_symbol =*expansion.node1->identifier_);
if (bound_symbols.insert(node1_symbol).second) {
// We have just bound this symbol, so generate ScanAll which fills it.
if (auto *indexed_scan =
GenScanByIndex(last_op, node1_symbol, match_context, filters)) {
// First, try to get an indexed scan.
last_op = indexed_scan;
} else {
// If indexed scan is not possible, we can only generate ScanAll of
// everything.
last_op = new ScanAll(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op),
node1_symbol, match_context.graph_view);
last_op = impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
last_op = impl::GenNamedPaths(last_op, bound_symbols, named_paths);
last_op = impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
// We have an edge, so generate Expand.
if (expansion.edge) {
auto *edge = expansion.edge;
// If the expand symbols were already bound, then we need to indicate
// that they exist. The Expand will then check whether the pattern holds
// instead of writing the expansion to symbols.
const auto &node_symbol =
auto existing_node = utils::Contains(bound_symbols, node_symbol);
const auto &edge_symbol =*edge->identifier_);
DCHECK(!utils::Contains(bound_symbols, edge_symbol))
<< "Existing edges are not supported";
if (edge->IsVariable()) {
Symbol inner_edge_symbol =*edge->inner_edge_);
Symbol inner_node_symbol =*edge->inner_node_);
// Bind the inner edge and node symbols so they're available for
// inline filtering in ExpandVariable.
bool inner_edge_bound =
bool inner_node_bound =
DCHECK(inner_edge_bound && inner_node_bound)
<< "An inner edge and node can't be bound from before";
// Join regular filters with lambda filter expression, so that they
// are done inline together. Semantic analysis should guarantee that
// lambda filtering uses bound symbols.
auto *filter_expr = impl::BoolJoin<AndOperator>(
storage, impl::ExtractFilters(bound_symbols, filters, storage),
// At this point it's possible we have leftover filters for inline
// filtering (they use the inner symbols. If they were not collected,
// we have to remove them manually because no other filter-extraction
// will ever bind them again.
std::remove_if(filters.begin(), filters.end(),
[ e = inner_edge_symbol,
n = inner_node_symbol ](FilterInfo & fi) {
return utils::Contains(fi.used_symbols, e) ||
utils::Contains(fi.used_symbols, n);
// Unbind the temporarily bound inner symbols for filtering.
last_op = new ExpandVariable(
node_symbol, edge_symbol, edge->type_, expansion.direction,
edge->edge_types_, expansion.is_flipped, edge->lower_bound_,
edge->upper_bound_, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op),
node1_symbol, existing_node, inner_edge_symbol, inner_node_symbol,
filter_expr, match_context.graph_view);
} else {
if (!existing_node) {
// Try to get better behaviour by creating an indexed scan and then
// expanding into existing, instead of letting the Expand iterate
// over all the edges.
// Currently, just use the maximum vertex count flag, below which we
// want to replace Expand with index ScanAll + Expand into existing.
// It would be better to somehow test whether the input vertex
// degree is larger than the destination vertex index count.
auto *indexed_scan =
GenScanByIndex(last_op, node_symbol, match_context, filters,
if (indexed_scan) {
last_op = indexed_scan;
existing_node = true;
last_op = new Expand(
node_symbol, edge_symbol, expansion.direction, edge->edge_types_,
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), node1_symbol,
existing_node, match_context.graph_view);
// Bind the expanded edge and node.
if (bound_symbols.insert(node_symbol).second) {
// Ensure Cyphermorphism (different edge symbols always map to
// different edges).
for (const auto &edge_symbols : matching.edge_symbols) {
if (edge_symbols.find(edge_symbol) == edge_symbols.end()) {
std::vector<Symbol> other_symbols;
for (const auto &symbol : edge_symbols) {
if (symbol == edge_symbol ||
bound_symbols.find(symbol) == bound_symbols.end()) {
if (!other_symbols.empty()) {
last_op = new ExpandUniquenessFilter<EdgeAccessor>(
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), edge_symbol,
last_op = impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
last_op = impl::GenNamedPaths(last_op, bound_symbols, named_paths);
last_op = impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
DCHECK(named_paths.empty()) << "Expected to generate all named paths";
// We bound all named path symbols, so just add them to new_symbols.
for (const auto &named_path : matching.named_paths) {
DCHECK(utils::Contains(bound_symbols, named_path.first))
<< "Expected generated named path to have bound symbol";
DCHECK(filters.empty()) << "Expected to generate all filters";
return last_op;
auto GenMerge(query::Merge &merge, LogicalOperator *input_op,
const Matching &matching) {
// Copy the bound symbol set, because we don't want to use the updated
// version when generating the create part.
std::unordered_set<Symbol> bound_symbols_copy(context_.bound_symbols);
MatchContext match_ctx{matching, context_.symbol_table, bound_symbols_copy,
auto on_match = PlanMatching(match_ctx, nullptr);
// Use the original bound_symbols, so we fill it with new symbols.
auto on_create = impl::GenCreateForPattern(*merge.pattern_, nullptr,
for (auto &set : merge.on_create_) {
on_create = impl::HandleWriteClause(set, on_create, context_.symbol_table,
DCHECK(on_create) << "Expected SET in MERGE ... ON CREATE";
for (auto &set : merge.on_match_) {
on_match = impl::HandleWriteClause(set, on_match, context_.symbol_table,
DCHECK(on_match) << "Expected SET in MERGE ... ON MATCH";
return new plan::Merge(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(input_op),
} // namespace query::plan