Reviewers: teon.banek, dgleich Reviewed By: teon.banek, dgleich Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
1623 lines
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1623 lines
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/** @file */
#pragma once
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <experimental/optional>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/common.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp"
#include "query/path.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "storage/types.hpp"
#include "utils/bound.hpp"
#include "utils/hashing/fnv.hpp"
#include "utils/visitor.hpp"
namespace query {
class Context;
class ExpressionEvaluator;
class Frame;
namespace plan {
/** @brief Base class for iteration cursors of @c LogicalOperator classes.
* Each @c LogicalOperator must produce a concrete @c Cursor, which provides
* the iteration mechanism.
class Cursor {
/** @brief Run an iteration of a @c LogicalOperator.
* Since operators may be chained, the iteration may pull results from
* multiple operators.
* @param Frame May be read from or written to while performing the
* iteration.
* @param Context Used to get the position of symbols in frame and other
* information.
virtual bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) = 0;
* Resets the Cursor to it's initial state.
virtual void Reset() = 0;
virtual ~Cursor() {}
class Once;
class CreateNode;
class CreateExpand;
class ScanAll;
class ScanAllByLabel;
class ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange;
class ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue;
class Expand;
class ExpandVariable;
class ConstructNamedPath;
class Filter;
class Produce;
class Delete;
class SetProperty;
class SetProperties;
class SetLabels;
class RemoveProperty;
class RemoveLabels;
template <typename TAccessor>
class ExpandUniquenessFilter;
class Accumulate;
class AdvanceCommand;
class Aggregate;
class Skip;
class Limit;
class OrderBy;
class Merge;
class Optional;
class Unwind;
class Distinct;
class CreateIndex;
class Union;
using LogicalOperatorCompositeVisitor = ::utils::CompositeVisitor<
Once, CreateNode, CreateExpand, ScanAll, ScanAllByLabel,
ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange, ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue, Expand,
ExpandVariable, ConstructNamedPath, Filter, Produce, Delete, SetProperty,
SetProperties, SetLabels, RemoveProperty, RemoveLabels,
ExpandUniquenessFilter<EdgeAccessor>, Accumulate, AdvanceCommand, Aggregate,
Skip, Limit, OrderBy, Merge, Optional, Unwind, Distinct, Union>;
using LogicalOperatorLeafVisitor = ::utils::LeafVisitor<Once, CreateIndex>;
* @brief Base class for hierarhical visitors of @c LogicalOperator class
* hierarchy.
class HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor
: public LogicalOperatorCompositeVisitor,
public LogicalOperatorLeafVisitor {
using LogicalOperatorCompositeVisitor::PostVisit;
using LogicalOperatorCompositeVisitor::PreVisit;
using LogicalOperatorLeafVisitor::Visit;
using typename LogicalOperatorLeafVisitor::ReturnType;
/** @brief Base class for logical operators.
* Each operator describes an operation, which is to be performed on the
* database. Operators are iterated over using a @c Cursor. Various operators
* can serve as inputs to others and thus a sequence of operations is formed.
class LogicalOperator
: public ::utils::Visitable<HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor> {
/** @brief Constructs a @c Cursor which is used to run this operator.
* @param database::GraphDbAccessor Used to perform operations on the
* database.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const = 0;
/** @brief Return @c Symbol vector where the results will be stored.
* Currently, outputs symbols are generated in @c Produce and @c Union
* operators. @c Skip, @c Limit, @c OrderBy and @c Distinct propagate the
* symbols from @c Produce (if it exists as input operator). In the future, we
* may want this method to return the symbols that will be set in this
* operator.
* @param SymbolTable used to find symbols for expressions.
* @return std::vector<Symbol> used for results.
virtual std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const {
return std::vector<Symbol>();
virtual ~LogicalOperator() {}
* A logical operator whose Cursor returns true on the first Pull
* and false on every following Pull.
class Once : public LogicalOperator {
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
class OnceCursor : public Cursor {
OnceCursor() {}
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
bool did_pull_{false};
/** @brief Operator for creating a node.
* This op is used both for creating a single node (`CREATE` statement without
* a preceeding `MATCH`), or multiple nodes (`MATCH ... CREATE` or
* `CREATE (), () ...`).
* @sa CreateExpand
class CreateNode : public LogicalOperator {
* @param node_atom @c NodeAtom with information on how to create a node.
* @param input Optional. If @c nullptr, then a single node will be
* created (a single successful @c Cursor::Pull from this op's @c Cursor).
* If a valid input, then a node will be created for each
* successful pull from the given input.
CreateNode(const NodeAtom *node_atom,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const NodeAtom *node_atom_ = nullptr;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
class CreateNodeCursor : public Cursor {
CreateNodeCursor(const CreateNode &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const CreateNode &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* Creates a single node and places it in the frame.
void Create(Frame &, Context &);
/** @brief Operator for creating edges and destination nodes.
* This operator extends already created nodes with an edge. If the other node
* on the edge does not exist, it will be created. For example, in `MATCH (n)
* CREATE (n) -[r:r]-> (n)` query, this operator will create just the edge `r`.
* In `MATCH (n) CREATE (n) -[r:r]-> (m)` query, the operator will create both
* the edge `r` and the node `m`. In case of `CREATE (n) -[r:r]-> (m)` the
* first node `n` is created by @c CreateNode operator, while @c CreateExpand
* will create the edge `r` and `m`. Similarly, multiple @c CreateExpand are
* chained in cases when longer paths need creating.
* @sa CreateNode
class CreateExpand : public LogicalOperator {
/** @brief Construct @c CreateExpand.
* @param node_atom @c NodeAtom at the end of the edge. Used to create a node,
* unless it refers to an existing one.
* @param edge_atom @c EdgeAtom with information for the edge to be created.
* @param input Optional. Previous @c LogicalOperator which will be pulled.
* For each successful @c Cursor::Pull, this operator will create an
* expansion.
* @param input_symbol @c Symbol for the node at the start of the edge.
* @param existing_node @c bool indicating whether the @c node_atom refers to
* an existing node. If @c false, the operator will also create the node.
CreateExpand(const NodeAtom *node_atom, const EdgeAtom *edge_atom,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, bool existing_node);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
// info on what's getting expanded
const NodeAtom *node_atom_;
const EdgeAtom *edge_atom_;
// the input op and the symbol under which the op's result
// can be found in the frame
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const Symbol input_symbol_;
// if the given node atom refers to an existing node
// (either matched or created)
const bool existing_node_;
class CreateExpandCursor : public Cursor {
CreateExpandCursor(const CreateExpand &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const CreateExpand &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* Helper function for getting an existing node or creating a new one.
* @return The newly created or already existing node.
VertexAccessor &OtherVertex(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator);
* Helper function for creating an edge and adding it
* to the frame.
* @param from Origin vertex of the edge.
* @param to Destination vertex of the edge.
* @param evaluator Expression evaluator for property value eval.
void CreateEdge(VertexAccessor &from, VertexAccessor &to, Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator);
* @brief Operator which iterates over all the nodes currently in the database.
* When given an input (optional), does a cartesian product.
* It accepts an optional input. If provided then this op scans all the nodes
* currently in the database for each successful Pull from it's input, thereby
* producing a cartesian product of input Pulls and database elements.
* ScanAll can either iterate over the previous graph state (state before
* the current transacton+command) or over current state. This is controlled
* with a constructor argument.
* @sa ScanAllByLabel
* @sa ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange
* @sa ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue
class ScanAll : public LogicalOperator {
ScanAll(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Symbol output_symbol,
GraphView graph_view = GraphView::OLD);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
auto input() const { return input_; }
auto output_symbol() const { return output_symbol_; }
auto graph_view() const { return graph_view_; }
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const Symbol output_symbol_;
* @brief Controls which graph state is used to produce vertices.
* If @c GraphView::OLD, @c ScanAll will produce vertices visible in the
* previous graph state, before modifications done by current transaction &
* command. With @c GraphView::NEW, all vertices will be produced the current
* transaction sees along with their modifications.
const GraphView graph_view_;
* @brief Behaves like @c ScanAll, but this operator produces only vertices with
* given label.
* @sa ScanAll
* @sa ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange
* @sa ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue
class ScanAllByLabel : public ScanAll {
ScanAllByLabel(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol output_symbol, storage::Label label,
GraphView graph_view = GraphView::OLD);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
storage::Label label() const { return label_; }
const storage::Label label_;
* Behaves like @c ScanAll, but produces only vertices with given label and
* property value which is inside a range (inclusive or exlusive).
* @sa ScanAll
* @sa ScanAllByLabel
* @sa ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue
class ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange : public ScanAll {
/** Bound with expression which when evaluated produces the bound value. */
using Bound = utils::Bound<Expression *>;
* Constructs the operator for given label and property value in range
* (inclusive).
* Range bounds are optional, but only one bound can be left out.
* @param input Preceding operator which will serve as the input.
* @param output_symbol Symbol where the vertices will be stored.
* @param label Label which the vertex must have.
* @param property Property from which the value will be looked up from.
* @param lower_bound Optional lower @c Bound.
* @param upper_bound Optional upper @c Bound.
* @param graph_view GraphView used when obtaining vertices.
ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol output_symbol, storage::Label label,
storage::Property property,
std::experimental::optional<Bound> lower_bound,
std::experimental::optional<Bound> upper_bound,
GraphView graph_view = GraphView::OLD);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
auto label() const { return label_; }
auto property() const { return property_; }
auto lower_bound() const { return lower_bound_; }
auto upper_bound() const { return upper_bound_; }
const storage::Label label_;
const storage::Property property_;
std::experimental::optional<Bound> lower_bound_;
std::experimental::optional<Bound> upper_bound_;
* Behaves like @c ScanAll, but produces only vertices with given label and
* property value.
* @sa ScanAll
* @sa ScanAllByLabel
* @sa ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange
class ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue : public ScanAll {
* Constructs the operator for given label and property value.
* @param input Preceding operator which will serve as the input.
* @param output_symbol Symbol where the vertices will be stored.
* @param label Label which the vertex must have.
* @param property Property from which the value will be looked up from.
* @param expression Expression producing the value of the vertex property.
* @param graph_view GraphView used when obtaining vertices.
ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol output_symbol, storage::Label label,
storage::Property property,
Expression *expression,
GraphView graph_view = GraphView::OLD);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
auto label() const { return label_; }
auto property() const { return property_; }
auto expression() const { return expression_; }
const storage::Label label_;
const storage::Property property_;
Expression *expression_;
* Common functionality and data members of single-edge
* and variable-length expansion
class ExpandCommon {
// types that we'll use for members in both subclasses
using InEdgeT = decltype(std::declval<VertexAccessor>().in());
using InEdgeIteratorT = decltype(std::declval<VertexAccessor>().in().begin());
using OutEdgeT = decltype(std::declval<VertexAccessor>().out());
using OutEdgeIteratorT =
* Initializes common expansion parameters.
* Edge/Node existence are controlled with booleans. 'true'
* denotes that this expansion references an already
* Pulled node/edge, and should only be checked for equality
* during expansion.
* Expansion can be done from old or new state of the vertex
* the expansion originates from. This is controlled with a
* constructor argument.
* @param node_symbol Symbol pointing to the node to be expanded. This is
* where the new node will be stored.
* @param edge_symbol Symbol for the edges to be expanded. This is where
* a TypedValue containing a list of expanded edges will be stored.
* @param direction EdgeAtom::Direction determining the direction of edge
* expansion. The direction is relative to the starting vertex for each
* expansion.
* @param edge_types storage::EdgeType specifying which edges we
* want to expand. If empty, all edges are valid. If not empty, only edges
* with one of the given types are valid.
* @param input Optional LogicalOperator that preceeds this one.
* @param input_symbol Symbol that points to a VertexAccessor in the Frame
* that expansion should emanate from.
* @param existing_node If or not the node to be expanded is already present
* in the Frame and should just be checked for equality.
ExpandCommon(Symbol node_symbol, Symbol edge_symbol,
EdgeAtom::Direction direction,
const std::vector<storage::EdgeType> &edge_types,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, bool existing_node,
GraphView graph_view = GraphView::AS_IS);
const auto &input_symbol() const { return input_symbol_; }
const auto &node_symbol() const { return node_symbol_; }
const auto &edge_symbol() const { return edge_symbol_; }
const auto &direction() const { return direction_; }
const auto &edge_types() const { return edge_types_; }
// info on what's getting expanded
const Symbol node_symbol_;
const Symbol edge_symbol_;
const EdgeAtom::Direction direction_;
const std::vector<storage::EdgeType> edge_types_;
// the input op and the symbol under which the op's result
// can be found in the frame
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const Symbol input_symbol_;
// If the given node atom refer to a symbol that has already been expanded and
// should be just validated in the frame.
const bool existing_node_;
// from which state the input node should get expanded
const GraphView graph_view_;
* For a newly expanded node handles existence checking and
* frame placement.
* @return If or not the given new_node is a valid expansion. It is not
* valid only when matching and existing node and new_node does not match
* the old.
bool HandleExistingNode(const VertexAccessor &new_node, Frame &frame) const;
* @brief Expansion operator. For a node existing in the frame it
* expands one edge and one node and places them on the frame.
* This class does not handle node/edge filtering based on
* properties, labels and edge types. However, it does handle
* filtering on existing node / edge.
* Filtering on existing means that for a pattern that references
* an already declared node or edge (for example in
* MATCH (a) MATCH (a)--(b)),
* only expansions that match defined equalities are succesfully
* pulled.
class Expand : public LogicalOperator, public ExpandCommon {
* Creates an expansion. All parameters are forwarded to @c ExpandCommon and
* are documented there.
using ExpandCommon::ExpandCommon;
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
class ExpandCursor : public Cursor {
ExpandCursor(const Expand &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Expand &self_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
// The iterable over edges and the current edge iterator are referenced via
// optional because they can not be initialized in the constructor of
// this class. They are initialized once for each pull from the input.
std::experimental::optional<InEdgeT> in_edges_;
std::experimental::optional<InEdgeIteratorT> in_edges_it_;
std::experimental::optional<OutEdgeT> out_edges_;
std::experimental::optional<OutEdgeIteratorT> out_edges_it_;
bool InitEdges(Frame &, Context &);
* Variable-length expansion operator. For a node existing in
* the frame it expands a variable number of edges and places them
* (in a list-type TypedValue), as well as the final destination node,
* on the frame.
* This class does not handle node/edge filtering based on
* properties, labels and edge types. However, it does handle
* filtering on existing node / edge. Additionally it handles's
* edge-uniquess (cyphermorphism) because it's not feasable to do
* later.
* Filtering on existing means that for a pattern that references
* an already declared node or edge (for example in
* MATCH (a) MATCH (a)--(b)),
* only expansions that match defined equalities are succesfully
* pulled.
class ExpandVariable : public LogicalOperator, public ExpandCommon {
// the Cursors are not declared in the header because
// it's edges_ and edges_it_ are decltyped using a helper function
// that should be inaccessible (private class function won't compile)
friend class ExpandVariableCursor;
friend class ExpandBreadthFirstCursor;
* Creates a variable-length expansion. Most params are forwarded
* to the @c ExpandCommon constructor, and are documented there.
* Expansion length bounds are both inclusive (as in Neo's Cypher
* implementation).
* @param type - Either Type::DEPTH_FIRST (default variable-length expansion),
* @param is_reverse Set to `true` if the edges written on frame should expand
* from `node_symbol` to `input_symbol`. Opposed to the usual expanding
* from `input_symbol` to `node_symbol`.
* @param lower_bound An optional indicator of the minimum number of edges
* that get expanded (inclusive).
* @param upper_bound An optional indicator of the maximum number of edges
* that get expanded (inclusive).
* @param inner_edge_symbol Like `inner_node_symbol`
* @param inner_node_symbol For each expansion the node expanded into is
* assigned to this symbol so it can be evaulated by the 'where'
* expression.
* @param filter_ The filter that must be satisfied for an expansion to
* succeed. Can use inner(node|edge) symbols. If nullptr, it is ignored.
ExpandVariable(Symbol node_symbol, Symbol edge_symbol, EdgeAtom::Type type,
EdgeAtom::Direction direction,
const std::vector<storage::EdgeType> &edge_types,
bool is_reverse, Expression *lower_bound,
Expression *upper_bound,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, bool existing_node,
Symbol inner_edge_symbol, Symbol inner_node_symbol,
Expression *filter = nullptr,
GraphView graph_view = GraphView::AS_IS);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
auto type() const { return type_; }
const EdgeAtom::Type type_;
// True if the path should be written as expanding from node_symbol to
// input_symbol.
const bool is_reverse_;
// lower and upper bounds of the variable length expansion
// both are optional, defaults are (1, inf)
Expression *lower_bound_;
Expression *upper_bound_;
// symbols for a single node and edge that are currently getting expanded
const Symbol inner_edge_symbol_;
const Symbol inner_node_symbol_;
// a filtering expression for skipping expansions during expansion
// can refer to inner node and edges
Expression *filter_;
* Constructs a named path from it's elements and places it on the frame.
class ConstructNamedPath : public LogicalOperator {
ConstructNamedPath(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol path_symbol,
const std::vector<Symbol> &path_elements)
: input_(input),
path_elements_(path_elements) {}
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const auto &input() const { return input_; }
const auto &path_symbol() const { return path_symbol_; }
const auto &path_elements() const { return path_elements_; }
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const Symbol path_symbol_;
const std::vector<Symbol> path_elements_;
* @brief Filter whose Pull returns true only when the given expression
* evaluates into true.
* The given expression is assumed to return either NULL (treated as false) or
* a
* boolean value.
class Filter : public LogicalOperator {
Filter(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input_,
Expression *expression_);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
Expression *expression_;
class FilterCursor : public Cursor {
FilterCursor(const Filter &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Filter &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* @brief A logical operator that places an arbitrary number
* if named expressions on the frame (the logical operator
* for the RETURN clause).
* Supports optional input. When the input is provided,
* it is Pulled from and the Produce succeeds once for
* every input Pull (typically a MATCH/RETURN query).
* When the input is not provided (typically a standalone
* RETURN clause) the Produce's pull succeeds exactly once.
class Produce : public LogicalOperator {
Produce(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<NamedExpression *> &named_expressions);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
const std::vector<NamedExpression *> &named_expressions();
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const std::vector<NamedExpression *> named_expressions_;
class ProduceCursor : public Cursor {
ProduceCursor(const Produce &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Produce &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* @brief Operator for deleting vertices and edges.
* Has a flag for using DETACH DELETE when deleting
* vertices.
class Delete : public LogicalOperator {
Delete(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input_,
const std::vector<Expression *> &expressions, bool detach_);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const std::vector<Expression *> expressions_;
// if the vertex should be detached before deletion
// if not detached, and has connections, an error is raised
// ignored when deleting edges
const bool detach_;
class DeleteCursor : public Cursor {
DeleteCursor(const Delete &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Delete &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* @brief Logical Op for setting a single property on a single vertex or edge.
* The property value is an expression that must evaluate to some type that
* can be stored (a TypedValue that can be converted to PropertyValue).
class SetProperty : public LogicalOperator {
SetProperty(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
PropertyLookup *lhs, Expression *rhs);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
PropertyLookup *lhs_;
Expression *rhs_;
class SetPropertyCursor : public Cursor {
SetPropertyCursor(const SetProperty &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const SetProperty &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* @brief Logical op for setting the whole properties set on a vertex or an
* edge.
* The value being set is an expression that must evaluate to a vertex, edge
* or
* map (literal or parameter).
* Supports setting (replacing the whole properties set with another) and
* updating.
class SetProperties : public LogicalOperator {
* @brief Defines how setting the properties works.
* @c UPDATE means that the current property set is augmented with
* additional
* ones (existing props of the same name are replaced), while @c REPLACE
* means
* that the old props are discarded and replaced with new ones.
enum class Op { UPDATE, REPLACE };
SetProperties(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, Expression *rhs, Op op);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const Symbol input_symbol_;
Expression *rhs_;
Op op_;
class SetPropertiesCursor : public Cursor {
SetPropertiesCursor(const SetProperties &self,
database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const SetProperties &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
/** Helper function that sets the given values on either
* a VertexRecord or an EdgeRecord.
* @tparam TRecordAccessor Either RecordAccessor<Vertex> or
* RecordAccessor<Edge>
template <typename TRecordAccessor>
void Set(TRecordAccessor &record, const TypedValue &rhs) const;
* @brief Logical operator for setting an arbitrary number of labels on a
* Vertex.
* It does NOT remove labels that are already set on that Vertex.
class SetLabels : public LogicalOperator {
SetLabels(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Symbol input_symbol,
const std::vector<storage::Label> &labels);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const Symbol input_symbol_;
const std::vector<storage::Label> labels_;
class SetLabelsCursor : public Cursor {
SetLabelsCursor(const SetLabels &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const SetLabels &self_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* @brief Logical op for removing a property from an
* edge or a vertex.
class RemoveProperty : public LogicalOperator {
RemoveProperty(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
PropertyLookup *lhs);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
PropertyLookup *lhs_;
class RemovePropertyCursor : public Cursor {
RemovePropertyCursor(const RemoveProperty &self,
database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const RemoveProperty &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* @brief Logical operator for removing an arbitrary number of
* labels on a Vertex.
* If a label does not exist on a Vertex, nothing happens.
class RemoveLabels : public LogicalOperator {
RemoveLabels(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, const std::vector<storage::Label> &labels);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const Symbol input_symbol_;
const std::vector<storage::Label> labels_;
class RemoveLabelsCursor : public Cursor {
RemoveLabelsCursor(const RemoveLabels &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const RemoveLabels &self_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
* Filter whose Pull returns true only when the given
* expand_symbol frame value (the latest expansion) is not
* equal to any of the previous_symbols frame values.
* Used for implementing [iso|cypher]morphism.
* Isomorphism is vertex-uniqueness. It means that
* two different vertices in a pattern can not map to the
* same data vertex. For example, if the database
* contains one vertex with a recursive relationship,
* then the query
* MATCH ()-[]->() combined with vertex uniqueness
* yields no results (no uniqueness yields one).
* Cyphermorphism is edge-uniqueness (the above
* explanation applies). By default Neo4j uses
* Cyphermorphism (that's where the name stems from,
* it is not a valid graph-theory term).
* Works for both Edge and Vertex uniqueness checks
* (provide the accessor type as a template argument).
* Supports variable-length-edges (uniqueness comparisons
* between edges and an edge lists).
template <typename TAccessor>
class ExpandUniquenessFilter : public LogicalOperator {
ExpandUniquenessFilter(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol expand_symbol,
const std::vector<Symbol> &previous_symbols);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
Symbol expand_symbol_;
const std::vector<Symbol> previous_symbols_;
class ExpandUniquenessFilterCursor : public Cursor {
ExpandUniquenessFilterCursor(const ExpandUniquenessFilter &self,
database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const ExpandUniquenessFilter &self_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
/** @brief Pulls everything from the input before passing it through.
* Optionally advances the command after accumulation and before emitting.
* On the first Pull from this Op's Cursor the input Cursor will be
* Pulled until it is empty. The results will be accumulated in the
* temporary cache. Once the input Cursor is empty, this Op's Cursor
* will start returning cached stuff from it's Pull.
* This technique is used for ensuring all the operations from the
* previous LogicalOp have been performed before exposing data
* to the next. A typical use-case is the `MATCH - SET - RETURN`
* query in which every SET iteration must be performed before
* RETURN starts iterating (see Memgraph Wiki for detailed reasoning).
* IMPORTANT: This Op does not cache all the results but only those
* elements from the frame whose symbols (frame positions) it was given.
* All other frame positions will contain undefined junk after this
* op has executed, and should not be used.
* This op can also advance the command after the accumulation and
* before emitting. If the command gets advanced, every value that
* has been cached will be reconstructed before Pull returns.
* @param input Input @c LogicalOperator.
* @param symbols A vector of Symbols that need to be accumulated
* and exposed to the next op.
class Accumulate : public LogicalOperator {
Accumulate(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<Symbol> &symbols, bool advance_command = false);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const auto &symbols() const { return symbols_; };
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const std::vector<Symbol> symbols_;
const bool advance_command_;
class AccumulateCursor : public Cursor {
AccumulateCursor(const Accumulate &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Accumulate &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> cache_;
decltype(cache_.begin()) cache_it_ = cache_.begin();
bool pulled_all_input_{false};
* Custom equality function for a vector of typed values.
* Used in unordered_maps in Aggregate and Distinct operators.
struct TypedValueVectorEqual {
bool operator()(const std::vector<TypedValue> &left,
const std::vector<TypedValue> &right) const;
/** @brief Performs an arbitrary number of aggregations of data
* from the given input grouped by the given criteria.
* Aggregations are defined by triples that define
* (input data expression, type of aggregation, output symbol).
* Input data is grouped based on the given set of named
* expressions. Grouping is done on unique values.
* Ops taking their input from an aggregation are only
* allowed to use frame values that are either aggregation
* outputs or group-by named-expressions. All other frame
* elements are in an undefined state after aggregation.
class Aggregate : public LogicalOperator {
/** @brief An aggregation element, contains:
* (input data expression, key expression - only used in COLLECT_MAP, type of
* aggregation, output symbol).
struct Element {
Expression *value;
Expression *key;
Aggregation::Op op;
Symbol output_sym;
Aggregate(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<Element> &aggregations,
const std::vector<Expression *> &group_by,
const std::vector<Symbol> &remember);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
const auto &aggregations() const { return aggregations_; }
const auto &group_by() const { return group_by_; }
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const std::vector<Element> aggregations_;
const std::vector<Expression *> group_by_;
const std::vector<Symbol> remember_;
class AggregateCursor : public Cursor {
AggregateCursor(const Aggregate &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
// Data structure for a single aggregation cache.
// does NOT include the group-by values since those
// are a key in the aggregation map.
// The vectors in an AggregationValue contain one element
// for each aggregation in this LogicalOp.
struct AggregationValue {
// how many input rows has been aggregated in respective
// values_ element so far
std::vector<int> counts_;
// aggregated values. Initially Null (until at least one
// input row with a valid value gets processed)
std::vector<TypedValue> values_;
// remember values.
std::vector<TypedValue> remember_;
const Aggregate &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
// storage for aggregated data
// map key is the vector of group-by values
// map value is an AggregationValue struct
std::vector<TypedValue>, AggregationValue,
// use FNV collection hashing specialized for a vector of TypedValues
FnvCollection<std::vector<TypedValue>, TypedValue, TypedValue::Hash>,
// custom equality
// iterator over the accumulated cache
decltype(aggregation_.begin()) aggregation_it_ = aggregation_.begin();
// this LogicalOp pulls all from the input on it's first pull
// this switch tracks if this has been performed
bool pulled_all_input_{false};
* Pulls from the input operator until exhausted and aggregates the
* results. If the input operator is not provided, a single call
* to ProcessOne is issued.
* Accumulation automatically groups the results so that `aggregation_`
* cache cardinality depends on number of
* aggregation results, and not on the number of inputs.
void ProcessAll(Frame &, Context &);
* Performs a single accumulation.
void ProcessOne(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbolTable,
ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator);
/** Ensures the new AggregationValue has been initialized. This means
* that the value vectors are filled with an appropriate number of Nulls,
* counts are set to 0 and remember values are remembered.
void EnsureInitialized(Frame &frame, AggregationValue &agg_value) const;
/** Updates the given AggregationValue with new data. Assumes that
* the AggregationValue has been initialized */
void Update(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator, AggregationValue &agg_value);
/** Checks if the given TypedValue is legal in MIN and MAX. If not
* an appropriate exception is thrown. */
void EnsureOkForMinMax(const TypedValue &value) const;
/** Checks if the given TypedValue is legal in AVG and SUM. If not
* an appropriate exception is thrown. */
void EnsureOkForAvgSum(const TypedValue &value) const;
/** @brief Skips a number of Pulls from the input op.
* The given expression determines how many Pulls from the input
* should be skipped (ignored).
* All other successful Pulls from the
* input are simply passed through.
* The given expression is evaluated after the first Pull from
* the input, and only once. Neo does not allow this expression
* to contain identifiers, and neither does Memgraph, but this
* operator's implementation does not expect this.
class Skip : public LogicalOperator {
Skip(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Expression *expression);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
Expression *expression_;
class SkipCursor : public Cursor {
SkipCursor(const Skip &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Skip &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
// init to_skip_ to -1, indicating
// that it's still unknown (input has not been Pulled yet)
int to_skip_{-1};
int skipped_{0};
/** @brief Limits the number of Pulls from the input op.
* The given expression determines how many
* input Pulls should be passed through. The input is not
* Pulled once this limit is reached. Note that this has
* implications: the out-of-bounds input Pulls are never
* evaluated.
* The limit expression must NOT use anything from the
* Frame. It is evaluated before the first Pull from the
* input. This is consistent with Neo (they don't allow
* identifiers in limit expressions), and it's necessary
* when limit evaluates to 0 (because 0 Pulls from the
* input should be performed).
class Limit : public LogicalOperator {
Limit(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Expression *expression);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
Expression *expression_;
class LimitCursor : public Cursor {
LimitCursor(const Limit &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Limit &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
// init limit_ to -1, indicating
// that it's still unknown (Cursor has not been Pulled yet)
int limit_{-1};
int pulled_{0};
/** @brief Logical operator for ordering (sorting) results.
* Sorts the input rows based on an arbitrary number of
* Expressions. Ascending or descending ordering can be chosen
* for each independently (not providing enough orderings
* results in a runtime error).
* For each row an arbitrary number of Frame elements can be
* remembered. Only these elements (defined by their Symbols)
* are valid for usage after the OrderBy operator.
class OrderBy : public LogicalOperator {
OrderBy(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<std::pair<Ordering, Expression *>> &order_by,
const std::vector<Symbol> &output_symbols);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
const auto &output_symbols() const { return output_symbols_; }
// custom Comparator type for comparing vectors of TypedValues
// does lexicographical ordering of elements based on the above
// defined TypedValueCompare, and also accepts a vector of Orderings
// the define how respective elements compare
class TypedValueVectorCompare {
TypedValueVectorCompare() {}
explicit TypedValueVectorCompare(const std::vector<Ordering> &ordering)
: ordering_(ordering) {}
bool operator()(const std::vector<TypedValue> &c1,
const std::vector<TypedValue> &c2) const;
std::vector<Ordering> ordering_;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
TypedValueVectorCompare compare_;
std::vector<Expression *> order_by_;
const std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols_;
// custom comparison for TypedValue objects
// behaves generally like Neo's ORDER BY comparison operator:
// - null is greater than anything else
// - primitives compare naturally, only implicit cast is int->double
// - (list, map, path, vertex, edge) can't compare to anything
static bool TypedValueCompare(const TypedValue &a, const TypedValue &b);
class OrderByCursor : public Cursor {
OrderByCursor(const OrderBy &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const OrderBy &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
bool did_pull_all_{false};
// a cache of elements pulled from the input
// first pair element is the order-by vector
// second pair is the remember vector
// the cache is filled and sorted (only on first pair elem) on first Pull
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<TypedValue>, std::vector<TypedValue>>>
// iterator over the cache_, maintains state between Pulls
decltype(cache_.begin()) cache_it_ = cache_.begin();
* Merge operator. For every sucessful Pull from the
* input operator a Pull from the merge_match is attempted. All
* successfull Pulls from the merge_match are passed on as output.
* If merge_match Pull does not yield any elements, a single Pull
* from the merge_create op is performed.
* The input logical op is optional. If false (nullptr)
* it will be replaced by a Once op.
* For an argumentation of this implementation see the wiki
* documentation.
class Merge : public LogicalOperator {
Merge(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &merge_match,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &merge_create);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
auto input() const { return input_; }
auto merge_match() const { return merge_match_; }
auto merge_create() const { return merge_create_; }
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> merge_match_;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> merge_create_;
class MergeCursor : public Cursor {
MergeCursor(const Merge &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> merge_match_cursor_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> merge_create_cursor_;
// indicates if the next Pull from this cursor
// should perform a pull from input_cursor_
// this is true when:
// - first Pulling from this cursor
// - previous Pull from this cursor exhausted the merge_match_cursor
bool pull_input_{true};
* Optional operator. Used for optional match. For every
* successful Pull from the input branch a Pull from the optional
* branch is attempted (and Pulled from till exhausted). If zero
* Pulls succeed from the optional branch, the Optional operator
* sets the optional symbols to TypedValue::Null on the Frame
* and returns true, once.
class Optional : public LogicalOperator {
Optional(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &optional,
const std::vector<Symbol> &optional_symbols);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
auto input() const { return input_; }
auto optional() const { return optional_; }
const auto &optional_symbols() const { return optional_symbols_; }
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> optional_;
const std::vector<Symbol> optional_symbols_;
class OptionalCursor : public Cursor {
OptionalCursor(const Optional &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Optional &self_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> optional_cursor_;
// indicates if the next Pull from this cursor should
// perform a Pull from the input_cursor_
// this is true when:
// - first pulling from this Cursor
// - previous Pull from this cursor exhausted the optional_cursor_
bool pull_input_{true};
* Takes a list TypedValue as it's input and yields each
* element as it's output.
* Input is optional (unwind can be the first clause in a query).
class Unwind : public LogicalOperator {
Unwind(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Expression *input_expression_, Symbol output_symbol);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
Expression *input_expression() const { return input_expression_; }
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
Expression *input_expression_;
const Symbol output_symbol_;
class UnwindCursor : public Cursor {
UnwindCursor(const Unwind &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Unwind &self_;
database::GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
// typed values we are unwinding and yielding
std::vector<TypedValue> input_value_;
// current position in input_value_
std::vector<TypedValue>::iterator input_value_it_ = input_value_.end();
* Ensures that only distinct rows are yielded.
* This implementation accepts a vector of Symbols
* which define a row. Only those Symbols are valid
* for use in operators following Distinct.
* This implementation maintains input ordering.
class Distinct : public LogicalOperator {
Distinct(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<Symbol> &value_symbols);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const std::vector<Symbol> value_symbols_;
class DistinctCursor : public Cursor {
DistinctCursor(const Distinct &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Distinct &self_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
// a set of already seen rows
// use FNV collection hashing specialized for a vector of TypedValues
FnvCollection<std::vector<TypedValue>, TypedValue, TypedValue::Hash>,
* Creates an index for a combination of label and a property.
* This operator takes no input and it shouldn't serve as an input to any
* operator. Pulling from the cursor of this operator will create an index in
* the database for the vertices which have the given label and property. In
* case the index already exists, nothing happens.
class CreateIndex : public LogicalOperator {
CreateIndex(storage::Label label, storage::Property property);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
auto label() const { return label_; }
auto property() const { return property_; }
storage::Label label_;
storage::Property property_;
* A logical operator that applies UNION operator on inputs and places the
* result on the frame.
* This operator takes two inputs, a vector of symbols for the result, and
* vectors of symbols used by each of the inputs.
class Union : public LogicalOperator {
Union(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &left_op,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &right_op,
const std::vector<Symbol> &union_symbols,
const std::vector<Symbol> &left_symbols,
const std::vector<Symbol> &right_symbols);
bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> left_op_, right_op_;
const std::vector<Symbol> union_symbols_, left_symbols_, right_symbols_;
class UnionCursor : public Cursor {
UnionCursor(const Union &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &, Context &) override;
void Reset() override;
const Union &self_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> left_cursor_, right_cursor_;
} // namespace plan
} // namespace query