Marko Budiselić 7f8a4f2a8b Add toolchain-v5 compatibility Revert to C++20 (#587)
* Upgrade cppitertools, spdlog, fmt, rapidcheck
* Make compilation work on both v4 and v5 toolchains
2024-02-21 17:13:36 +01:00

366 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <algorithm>
#include "replication/replication_client.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/storage.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/storage.hpp"
#include "utils/exceptions.hpp"
#include "utils/on_scope_exit.hpp"
#include "utils/uuid.hpp"
#include "utils/variant_helpers.hpp"
#include "io/network/fmt.hpp"
namespace {
template <typename>
[[maybe_unused]] inline constexpr bool always_false_v = false;
} // namespace
namespace memgraph::storage {
ReplicationStorageClient::ReplicationStorageClient(::memgraph::replication::ReplicationClient &client,
utils::UUID main_uuid)
: client_{client}, main_uuid_(main_uuid) {}
void ReplicationStorageClient::UpdateReplicaState(Storage *storage, DatabaseAccessProtector db_acc) {
uint64_t current_commit_timestamp{kTimestampInitialId};
auto &replStorageState = storage->repl_storage_state_;
auto hb_stream{client_.rpc_client_.Stream<replication::HeartbeatRpc>(
main_uuid_, storage->uuid(), replStorageState.last_commit_timestamp_, std::string{})};
const auto replica = hb_stream.AwaitResponse();
#ifdef MG_ENTERPRISE // Multi-tenancy is only supported in enterprise
if (!replica.success) { // Replica is missing the current database
client_.state_.WithLock([&](auto &state) {
spdlog::debug("Replica '{}' can't respond or missing database '{}' - '{}'", client_.name_, storage->name(),
state = memgraph::replication::ReplicationClient::State::BEHIND;
std::optional<uint64_t> branching_point;
if (replica.epoch_id != && replica.current_commit_timestamp != kTimestampInitialId) {
auto const &history = replStorageState.history;
const auto epoch_info_iter = std::find_if(history.crbegin(), history.crend(), [&](const auto &main_epoch_info) {
return main_epoch_info.first == replica.epoch_id;
if (epoch_info_iter == history.crend()) {
branching_point = 0;
} else if (epoch_info_iter->second != replica.current_commit_timestamp) {
branching_point = epoch_info_iter->second;
if (branching_point) {
"You cannot register Replica {} to this Main because at one point "
"Replica {} acted as the Main instance. Both the Main and Replica {} "
"now hold unique data. Please resolve data conflicts and start the "
"replication on a clean instance.",
client_.name_, client_.name_, client_.name_);
replica_state_.WithLock([](auto &val) { val = replication::ReplicaState::DIVERGED_FROM_MAIN; });
current_commit_timestamp = replica.current_commit_timestamp;
spdlog::trace("Current timestamp on replica {}: {}", client_.name_, current_commit_timestamp);
spdlog::trace("Current timestamp on main: {}", replStorageState.last_commit_timestamp_.load());
replica_state_.WithLock([&](auto &state) {
if (current_commit_timestamp == replStorageState.last_commit_timestamp_.load()) {
spdlog::debug("Replica '{}' up to date", client_.name_);
state = replication::ReplicaState::READY;
} else {
spdlog::debug("Replica '{}' is behind", client_.name_);
state = replication::ReplicaState::RECOVERY;
client_.thread_pool_.AddTask([storage, current_commit_timestamp, gk = std::move(db_acc), this] {
this->RecoverReplica(current_commit_timestamp, storage);
TimestampInfo ReplicationStorageClient::GetTimestampInfo(Storage const *storage) {
TimestampInfo info;
info.current_timestamp_of_replica = 0;
info.current_number_of_timestamp_behind_master = 0;
try {
auto stream{client_.rpc_client_.Stream<replication::TimestampRpc>(main_uuid_, storage->uuid())};
const auto response = stream.AwaitResponse();
const auto is_success = response.success;
auto main_time_stamp = storage->repl_storage_state_.last_commit_timestamp_.load();
info.current_timestamp_of_replica = response.current_commit_timestamp;
info.current_number_of_timestamp_behind_master = response.current_commit_timestamp - main_time_stamp;
if (!is_success || info.current_number_of_timestamp_behind_master != 0) {
replica_state_.WithLock([](auto &val) { val = replication::ReplicaState::MAYBE_BEHIND; });
} catch (const rpc::RpcFailedException &) {
replica_state_.WithLock([](auto &val) { val = replication::ReplicaState::MAYBE_BEHIND; });
LogRpcFailure(); // mutex already unlocked, if the new enqueued task dispatches immediately it probably
// won't block
return info;
void ReplicationStorageClient::LogRpcFailure() {
utils::MessageWithLink("Couldn't replicate data to {}.", client_.name_, ""));
void ReplicationStorageClient::TryCheckReplicaStateAsync(Storage *storage, DatabaseAccessProtector db_acc) {
client_.thread_pool_.AddTask([storage, db_acc = std::move(db_acc), this]() mutable {
this->TryCheckReplicaStateSync(storage, std::move(db_acc));
void ReplicationStorageClient::TryCheckReplicaStateSync(Storage *storage, DatabaseAccessProtector db_acc) {
try {
UpdateReplicaState(storage, std::move(db_acc));
} catch (const rpc::VersionMismatchRpcFailedException &) {
replica_state_.WithLock([](auto &val) { val = replication::ReplicaState::MAYBE_BEHIND; });
utils::MessageWithLink("Failed to connect to replica {} at the endpoint {}. Because the replica "
"deployed is not a compatible version.",
client_.name_, client_.rpc_client_.Endpoint(), ""));
} catch (const rpc::RpcFailedException &) {
replica_state_.WithLock([](auto &val) { val = replication::ReplicaState::MAYBE_BEHIND; });
spdlog::error(utils::MessageWithLink("Failed to connect to replica {} at the endpoint {}.", client_.name_,
client_.rpc_client_.Endpoint(), ""));
void ReplicationStorageClient::StartTransactionReplication(const uint64_t current_wal_seq_num, Storage *storage,
DatabaseAccessProtector db_acc) {
auto locked_state = replica_state_.Lock();
switch (*locked_state) {
using enum replication::ReplicaState;
spdlog::debug("Replica {} is behind MAIN instance", client_.name_);
spdlog::debug("Replica {} missed a transaction", client_.name_);
// We missed a transaction because we're still replicating
// the previous transaction so we need to go to RECOVERY
// state to catch up with the missing transaction
// We cannot queue the recovery process here because
// an error can happen while we're replicating the previous
// transaction after which the client should go to
// INVALID state before starting the recovery process
// This is a signal to any async streams that are still finalizing to start recovery, since this commit will be
// missed.
*locked_state = RECOVERY;
utils::MessageWithLink("Couldn't replicate data to {}.", client_.name_, ""));
TryCheckReplicaStateAsync(storage, std::move(db_acc));
spdlog::error(utils::MessageWithLink("Couldn't replicate data to {} since replica has diverged from main.",
client_.name_, ""));
case READY:
try {
replica_stream_.emplace(storage, client_.rpc_client_, current_wal_seq_num, main_uuid_);
*locked_state = REPLICATING;
} catch (const rpc::RpcFailedException &) {
*locked_state = MAYBE_BEHIND;
//////// AF: you can't finialize transaction replication if you are not replicating
/////// AF: if there is no stream or it is Defunct than we need to set replica in MAYBE_BEHIND -> is that even used
/////// AF:
bool ReplicationStorageClient::FinalizeTransactionReplication(Storage *storage, DatabaseAccessProtector db_acc) {
// We can only check the state because it guarantees to be only
// valid during a single transaction replication (if the assumption
// that this and other transaction replication functions can only be
// called from a one thread stands)
if (State() != replication::ReplicaState::REPLICATING) {
return false;
if (!replica_stream_ || replica_stream_->IsDefunct()) {
replica_state_.WithLock([this](auto &state) {
state = replication::ReplicaState::MAYBE_BEHIND;
return false;
auto task = [storage, db_acc = std::move(db_acc), this]() mutable {
MG_ASSERT(replica_stream_, "Missing stream for transaction deltas");
try {
auto response = replica_stream_->Finalize();
return replica_state_.WithLock([storage, &response, db_acc = std::move(db_acc), this](auto &state) mutable {
if (!response.success || state == replication::ReplicaState::RECOVERY) {
state = replication::ReplicaState::RECOVERY;
client_.thread_pool_.AddTask([storage, &response, db_acc = std::move(db_acc), this] {
this->RecoverReplica(response.current_commit_timestamp, storage);
return false;
state = replication::ReplicaState::READY;
return true;
} catch (const rpc::RpcFailedException &) {
replica_state_.WithLock([this](auto &state) {
state = replication::ReplicaState::MAYBE_BEHIND;
return false;
if (client_.mode_ == replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationMode::ASYNC) {
client_.thread_pool_.AddTask([task = std::move(task)]() mutable { (void)task(); });
return true;
return task();
void ReplicationStorageClient::Start(Storage *storage, DatabaseAccessProtector db_acc) {
spdlog::trace("Replication client started for database \"{}\"", storage->name());
TryCheckReplicaStateSync(storage, std::move(db_acc));
void ReplicationStorageClient::RecoverReplica(uint64_t replica_commit, memgraph::storage::Storage *storage) {
if (storage->storage_mode_ != StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_TRANSACTIONAL) {
throw utils::BasicException("Only InMemoryTransactional mode supports replication!");
spdlog::debug("Starting replica recovery");
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage);
while (true) {
auto file_locker = mem_storage->file_retainer_.AddLocker();
const auto steps = GetRecoverySteps(replica_commit, &file_locker, mem_storage);
int i = 0;
for (const RecoveryStep &recovery_step : steps) {
spdlog::trace("Recovering in step: {}", i++);
try {
rpc::Client &rpcClient = client_.rpc_client_;
[&replica_commit, mem_storage, &rpcClient, main_uuid = main_uuid_](RecoverySnapshot const &snapshot) {
spdlog::debug("Sending the latest snapshot file: {}", snapshot);
auto response = TransferSnapshot(main_uuid, mem_storage->uuid(), rpcClient, snapshot);
replica_commit = response.current_commit_timestamp;
[&replica_commit, mem_storage, &rpcClient, main_uuid = main_uuid_](RecoveryWals const &wals) {
spdlog::debug("Sending the latest wal files");
auto response = TransferWalFiles(main_uuid, mem_storage->uuid(), rpcClient, wals);
replica_commit = response.current_commit_timestamp;
spdlog::debug("Wal files successfully transferred.");
[&replica_commit, mem_storage, &rpcClient,
main_uuid = main_uuid_](RecoveryCurrentWal const &current_wal) {
std::unique_lock transaction_guard(mem_storage->engine_lock_);
if (mem_storage->wal_file_ &&
mem_storage->wal_file_->SequenceNumber() == current_wal.current_wal_seq_num) {
utils::OnScopeExit on_exit([mem_storage]() { mem_storage->wal_file_->EnableFlushing(); });
spdlog::debug("Sending current wal file");
replica_commit = ReplicateCurrentWal(main_uuid, mem_storage, rpcClient, *mem_storage->wal_file_);
} else {
spdlog::debug("Cannot recover using current wal file");
[](auto const &in) {
static_assert(always_false_v<decltype(in)>, "Missing type from variant visitor");
} catch (const rpc::RpcFailedException &) {
replica_state_.WithLock([](auto &val) { val = replication::ReplicaState::MAYBE_BEHIND; });
spdlog::trace("Current timestamp on replica: {}", replica_commit);
// To avoid the situation where we read a correct commit timestamp in
// one thread, and after that another thread commits a different a
// transaction and THEN we set the state to READY in the first thread,
// we set this lock before checking the timestamp.
// We will detect that the state is invalid during the next commit,
// because replication::AppendDeltasRpc sends the last commit timestamp which
// replica checks if it's the same last commit timestamp it received
// and we will go to recovery.
// By adding this lock, we can avoid that, and go to RECOVERY immediately.
const auto last_commit_timestamp = storage->repl_storage_state_.last_commit_timestamp_.load();
SPDLOG_INFO("Replica timestamp: {}", replica_commit);
SPDLOG_INFO("Last commit: {}", last_commit_timestamp);
if (last_commit_timestamp == replica_commit) {
replica_state_.WithLock([](auto &val) { val = replication::ReplicaState::READY; });
////// ReplicaStream //////
ReplicaStream::ReplicaStream(Storage *storage, rpc::Client &rpc_client, const uint64_t current_seq_num,
utils::UUID main_uuid)
: storage_{storage},
main_uuid, storage->uuid(), storage->repl_storage_state_.last_commit_timestamp_.load(), current_seq_num)),
main_uuid_(main_uuid) {
replication::Encoder encoder{stream_.GetBuilder()};
void ReplicaStream::AppendDelta(const Delta &delta, const Vertex &vertex, uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
replication::Encoder encoder(stream_.GetBuilder());
EncodeDelta(&encoder, storage_->name_id_mapper_.get(), storage_->config_.salient.items, delta, vertex,
void ReplicaStream::AppendDelta(const Delta &delta, const Edge &edge, uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
replication::Encoder encoder(stream_.GetBuilder());
EncodeDelta(&encoder, storage_->name_id_mapper_.get(), delta, edge, final_commit_timestamp);
void ReplicaStream::AppendTransactionEnd(uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
replication::Encoder encoder(stream_.GetBuilder());
EncodeTransactionEnd(&encoder, final_commit_timestamp);
void ReplicaStream::AppendOperation(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties, const LabelIndexStats &stats,
const LabelPropertyIndexStats &property_stats, uint64_t timestamp) {
replication::Encoder encoder(stream_.GetBuilder());
EncodeOperation(&encoder, storage_->name_id_mapper_.get(), operation, label, properties, stats, property_stats,
replication::AppendDeltasRes ReplicaStream::Finalize() { return stream_.AwaitResponse(); }
} // namespace memgraph::storage