Lovro Lugovic d9db38dca6 Implement hierarchical Accept for AuthQuery and StreamQuery
Reviewers: teon.banek, mtomic

Reviewed By: teon.banek

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
2018-10-29 13:57:37 +01:00

290 lines
11 KiB

/// @file
#pragma once
#include <experimental/optional>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
namespace query::plan {
/// Collects symbols from identifiers found in visited AST nodes.
class UsedSymbolsCollector : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
explicit UsedSymbolsCollector(const SymbolTable &symbol_table)
: symbol_table_(symbol_table) {}
using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::PostVisit;
using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::PreVisit;
using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::Visit;
bool PostVisit(All &all) override {
// Remove the symbol which is bound by all, because we are only interested
// in free (unbound) symbols.
return true;
bool PostVisit(Single &single) override {
// Remove the symbol which is bound by single, because we are only
// interested in free (unbound) symbols.
return true;
bool PostVisit(Reduce &reduce) override {
// Remove the symbols bound by reduce, because we are only interested
// in free (unbound) symbols.
return true;
bool Visit(Identifier &ident) override {
return true;
bool Visit(PrimitiveLiteral &) override { return true; }
bool Visit(ParameterLookup &) override { return true; }
bool Visit(query::IndexQuery &) override { return true; }
bool PreVisit(query::AuthQuery &) override { return false; }
bool PreVisit(query::StreamQuery &) override { return false; }
std::unordered_set<Symbol> symbols_;
const SymbolTable &symbol_table_;
/// Normalized representation of a pattern that needs to be matched.
struct Expansion {
/// The first node in the expansion, it can be a single node.
NodeAtom *node1 = nullptr;
/// Optional edge which connects the 2 nodes.
EdgeAtom *edge = nullptr;
/// Direction of the edge, it may be flipped compared to original
/// @c EdgeAtom during plan generation.
EdgeAtom::Direction direction = EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH;
/// True if the direction and nodes were flipped.
bool is_flipped = false;
/// Set of symbols found inside the range expressions of a variable path edge.
std::unordered_set<Symbol> symbols_in_range{};
/// Optional node at the other end of an edge. If the expansion
/// contains an edge, then this node is required.
NodeAtom *node2 = nullptr;
/// Stores the symbols and expression used to filter a property.
class PropertyFilter {
using Bound = ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::Bound;
PropertyFilter(const SymbolTable &, const Symbol &, storage::Property,
Expression *);
PropertyFilter(const SymbolTable &, const Symbol &, storage::Property,
const std::experimental::optional<Bound> &,
const std::experimental::optional<Bound> &);
/// Symbol whose property is looked up.
Symbol symbol_;
storage::Property property_;
/// True if the same symbol is used in expressions for value or bounds.
bool is_symbol_in_value_ = false;
/// Expression which when evaluated produces the value a property must
/// equal.
Expression *value_ = nullptr;
/// Expressions which produce lower and upper bounds for a property.
std::experimental::optional<Bound> lower_bound_{};
std::experimental::optional<Bound> upper_bound_{};
/// Stores additional information for a filter expression.
struct FilterInfo {
/// A FilterInfo can be a generic filter expression or a specific filtering
/// applied for labels or a property. Non generic types contain extra
/// information which can be used to produce indexed scans of graph
/// elements.
enum class Type { Generic, Label, Property };
Type type;
/// The filter expression which must be satisfied.
Expression *expression;
/// Set of used symbols by the filter @c expression.
std::unordered_set<Symbol> used_symbols;
/// Labels for Type::Label filtering.
std::vector<storage::Label> labels;
/// Property information for Type::Property filtering.
std::experimental::optional<PropertyFilter> property_filter;
/// Stores information on filters used inside the @c Matching of a @c QueryPart.
/// Info is stored as a list of FilterInfo objects corresponding to all filter
/// expressions that should be generated.
class Filters {
using iterator = std::vector<FilterInfo>::iterator;
using const_iterator = std::vector<FilterInfo>::const_iterator;
auto begin() { return all_filters_.begin(); }
auto begin() const { return all_filters_.begin(); }
auto end() { return all_filters_.end(); }
auto end() const { return all_filters_.end(); }
auto empty() const { return all_filters_.empty(); }
auto erase(iterator pos) { return all_filters_.erase(pos); }
auto erase(const_iterator pos) { return all_filters_.erase(pos); }
auto erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
return all_filters_.erase(first, last);
auto erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
return all_filters_.erase(first, last);
auto FilteredLabels(const Symbol &symbol) const {
std::unordered_set<storage::Label> labels;
for (const auto &filter : all_filters_) {
if (filter.type == FilterInfo::Type::Label &&
utils::Contains(filter.used_symbols, symbol)) {
DCHECK(filter.used_symbols.size() == 1U)
<< "Expected a single used symbol for label filter";
labels.insert(filter.labels.begin(), filter.labels.end());
return labels;
// Remove a filter; may invalidate iterators.
// Removal is done by comparing only the expression, so that multiple
// FilterInfo objects using the same original expression are removed.
void EraseFilter(const FilterInfo &);
// Remove a label filter for symbol; may invalidate iterators.
void EraseLabelFilter(const Symbol &, storage::Label);
// Returns a vector of FilterInfo for properties.
auto PropertyFilters(const Symbol &symbol) const {
std::vector<FilterInfo> filters;
for (const auto &filter : all_filters_) {
if (filter.type == FilterInfo::Type::Property &&
filter.property_filter->symbol_ == symbol) {
return filters;
/// Collects filtering information from a pattern.
/// Goes through all the atoms in a pattern and generates filter expressions
/// for found labels, properties and edge types. The generated expressions are
/// stored.
void CollectPatternFilters(Pattern &, SymbolTable &, AstStorage &);
/// Collects filtering information from a where expression.
/// Takes the where expression and stores it, then analyzes the expression for
/// additional information. The additional information is used to populate
/// label filters and property filters, so that indexed scanning can use it.
void CollectWhereFilter(Where &, const SymbolTable &);
void AnalyzeAndStoreFilter(Expression *, const SymbolTable &);
std::vector<FilterInfo> all_filters_;
/// Normalized representation of a single or multiple Match clauses.
/// For example, `MATCH (a :Label) -[e1]- (b) -[e2]- (c) MATCH (n) -[e3]- (m)
/// WHERE c.prop < 42` will produce the following.
/// Expansions will store `(a) -[e1]-(b)`, `(b) -[e2]- (c)` and
/// `(n) -[e3]- (m)`.
/// Edge symbols for Cyphermorphism will only contain the set `{e1, e2}` for the
/// first `MATCH` and the set `{e3}` for the second.
/// Filters will contain 2 pairs. One for testing `:Label` on symbol `a` and the
/// other obtained from `WHERE` on symbol `c`.
struct Matching {
/// All expansions that need to be performed across @c Match clauses.
std::vector<Expansion> expansions;
/// Symbols for edges established in match, used to ensure Cyphermorphism.
/// There are multiple sets, because each Match clause determines a single
/// set.
std::vector<std::unordered_set<Symbol>> edge_symbols;
/// Information on used filter expressions while matching.
Filters filters;
/// Maps node symbols to expansions which bind them.
std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::set<int>> node_symbol_to_expansions{};
/// Maps named path symbols to a vector of Symbols that define its pattern.
std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::vector<Symbol>> named_paths{};
/// All node and edge symbols across all expansions (from all matches).
std::unordered_set<Symbol> expansion_symbols{};
/// @brief Represents a read (+ write) part of a query. Parts are split on
/// `WITH` clauses.
/// Each part ends with either:
/// * `RETURN` clause;
/// * `WITH` clause or
/// * any of the write clauses.
/// For a query `MATCH (n) MERGE (n) -[e]- (m) SET n.x = 42 MERGE (l)` the
/// generated SingleQueryPart will have `matching` generated for the `MATCH`.
/// `remaining_clauses` will contain `Merge`, `SetProperty` and `Merge` clauses
/// in that exact order. The pattern inside the first `MERGE` will be used to
/// generate the first `merge_matching` element, and the second `MERGE` pattern
/// will produce the second `merge_matching` element. This way, if someone
/// traverses `remaining_clauses`, the order of appearance of `Merge` clauses is
/// in the same order as their respective `merge_matching` elements.
struct SingleQueryPart {
/// @brief All `MATCH` clauses merged into one @c Matching.
Matching matching;
/// @brief Each `OPTIONAL MATCH` converted to @c Matching.
std::vector<Matching> optional_matching{};
/// @brief @c Matching for each `MERGE` clause.
/// Storing the normalized pattern of a @c Merge does not preclude storing the
/// @c Merge clause itself inside `remaining_clauses`. The reason is that we
/// need to have access to other parts of the clause, such as `SET` clauses
/// which need to be run.
/// Since @c Merge is contained in `remaining_clauses`, this vector contains
/// matching in the same order as @c Merge appears.
std::vector<Matching> merge_matching{};
/// @brief All the remaining clauses (without @c Match).
std::vector<Clause *> remaining_clauses{};
/// Holds query parts of a single query together with the optional information
/// about the combinator used between this single query and the previous one.
struct QueryPart {
std::vector<SingleQueryPart> single_query_parts = {};
/// Optional AST query combinator node
Tree *query_combinator = nullptr;
/// Holds query parts of all single queries together with the information
/// whether or not the resulting set should contain distinct elements.
struct QueryParts {
std::vector<QueryPart> query_parts = {};
/// Distinct flag, determined by the query combinator
bool distinct = false;
/// @brief Convert the AST to multiple @c QueryParts.
/// This function will normalize patterns inside @c Match and @c Merge clauses
/// and do some other preprocessing in order to generate multiple @c QueryPart
/// structures. @c AstStorage and @c SymbolTable may be used to create new
/// AST nodes.
QueryParts CollectQueryParts(SymbolTable &, AstStorage &, CypherQuery *);
} // namespace query::plan