Summary: GraphDbAccessor is now constructed only through GraphDb. This allows the concrete GraphDb to instantiate a concrete GraphDbAccessor. This allows us to use virtual calls, so that the implementation may be kept separate. The major downside of doing things this way is heap allocation of GraphDbAccessor. In case it turns out to be a real performance issues, another solution with pointer to static implementation may be used. InsertVertexIntoRemote is now a non-member function, which reduces coupling. It made no sense for it to be member function because it used only the public parts of GraphDbAccessor. Reviewers: msantl, mtomic, mferencevic Reviewed By: msantl Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
624 lines
23 KiB
624 lines
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#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "query_plan_common.hpp"
using namespace query;
using namespace query::plan;
using query::test_common::ToList;
using query::test_common::ToMap;
using testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
TEST(QueryPlan, Accumulate) {
// simulate the following two query execution on an empty db
// CREATE ({x:0})-[:T]->({x:0})
// MATCH (n)--(m) SET n.x = n.x + 1, m.x = m.x + 1 RETURN n.x, m.x
// without accumulation we expected results to be [[1, 1], [2, 2]]
// with accumulation we expect them to be [[2, 2], [2, 2]]
auto check = [&](bool accumulate) {
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba_ptr = db.Access();
auto &dba = *dba_ptr;
auto prop = dba.Property("x");
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
v1.PropsSet(prop, 0);
auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex();
v2.PropsSet(prop, 0);
dba.InsertEdge(v1, v2, dba.EdgeType("T"));
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto r_m =
MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, n.op_, n.sym_, "r",
EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, {}, "m", false, GraphView::OLD);
auto one = LITERAL(1);
auto n_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop);
symbol_table[*n_p->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto set_n_p =
std::make_shared<plan::SetProperty>(r_m.op_, n_p, ADD(n_p, one));
auto m_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("m", prop);
symbol_table[*m_p->expression_] = r_m.node_sym_;
auto set_m_p =
std::make_shared<plan::SetProperty>(set_n_p, m_p, ADD(m_p, one));
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> last_op = set_m_p;
if (accumulate) {
last_op = std::make_shared<Accumulate>(
last_op, std::vector<Symbol>{n.sym_, r_m.node_sym_});
auto n_p_ne = NEXPR("n.p", n_p);
symbol_table[*n_p_ne] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n_p_ne", true);
auto m_p_ne = NEXPR("m.p", m_p);
symbol_table[*m_p_ne] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("m_p_ne", true);
auto produce = MakeProduce(last_op, n_p_ne, m_p_ne);
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, dba);
std::vector<int> results_data;
for (const auto &row : results)
for (const auto &column : row)
if (accumulate)
EXPECT_THAT(results_data, testing::ElementsAre(2, 2, 2, 2));
EXPECT_THAT(results_data, testing::ElementsAre(1, 1, 2, 2));
TEST(QueryPlan, AccumulateAdvance) {
// we simulate 'CREATE (n) WITH n AS n MATCH (m) RETURN m'
// to get correct results we need to advance the command
auto check = [&](bool advance) {
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba = db.Access();
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
auto node = NODE("n");
auto sym_n = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n", true);
symbol_table[*node->identifier_] = sym_n;
auto create = std::make_shared<CreateNode>(nullptr, node, false);
auto accumulate = std::make_shared<Accumulate>(
create, std::vector<Symbol>{sym_n}, advance);
auto match = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "m", accumulate);
EXPECT_EQ(advance ? 1 : 0, PullAll(match.op_, *dba, symbol_table));
std::shared_ptr<Produce> MakeAggregationProduce(
std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input, SymbolTable &symbol_table,
AstStorage &storage, const std::vector<Expression *> aggr_inputs,
const std::vector<Aggregation::Op> aggr_ops,
const std::vector<Expression *> group_by_exprs,
const std::vector<Symbol> remember) {
// prepare all the aggregations
std::vector<Aggregate::Element> aggregates;
std::vector<NamedExpression *> named_expressions;
auto aggr_inputs_it = aggr_inputs.begin();
for (auto aggr_op : aggr_ops) {
// TODO change this from using IDENT to using AGGREGATION
// once AGGREGATION is handled properly in ExpressionEvaluation
auto named_expr = NEXPR("", IDENT("aggregation"));
symbol_table[*named_expr->expression_] =
symbol_table.CreateSymbol("aggregation", true);
symbol_table[*named_expr] =
symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression", true);
// the key expression is only used in COLLECT_MAP
Expression *key_expr_ptr =
aggr_op == Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP ? LITERAL("key") : nullptr;
Aggregate::Element{*aggr_inputs_it++, key_expr_ptr, aggr_op,
// Produce will also evaluate group_by expressions and return them after the
// aggregations.
for (auto group_by_expr : group_by_exprs) {
auto named_expr = NEXPR("", group_by_expr);
symbol_table[*named_expr] =
symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression", true);
auto aggregation =
std::make_shared<Aggregate>(input, aggregates, group_by_exprs, remember);
return std::make_shared<Produce>(aggregation, named_expressions);
/** Test fixture for all the aggregation ops in one return. */
class QueryPlanAggregateOps : public ::testing::Test {
database::SingleNode db;
std::unique_ptr<database::GraphDbAccessor> dba_ptr{db.Access()};
database::GraphDbAccessor &dba{*dba_ptr};
storage::Property prop = dba.Property("prop");
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
void AddData() {
// setup is several nodes most of which have an int property set
// we will take the sum, avg, min, max and count
// we won't group by anything
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(prop, 5);
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(prop, 7);
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(prop, 12);
// a missing property (null) gets ignored by all aggregations except
// COUNT(*)
auto AggregationResults(bool with_group_by,
std::vector<Aggregation::Op> ops = {
Aggregation::Op::COUNT, Aggregation::Op::COUNT,
Aggregation::Op::MIN, Aggregation::Op::MAX,
Aggregation::Op::SUM, Aggregation::Op::AVG,
Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP}) {
// match all nodes and perform aggregations
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto n_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop);
symbol_table[*n_p->expression_] = n.sym_;
std::vector<Expression *> aggregation_expressions(ops.size(), n_p);
std::vector<Expression *> group_bys;
if (with_group_by) group_bys.push_back(n_p);
aggregation_expressions[0] = nullptr;
auto produce =
MakeAggregationProduce(n.op_, symbol_table, storage,
aggregation_expressions, ops, group_bys, {});
return CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, dba);
TEST_F(QueryPlanAggregateOps, WithData) {
auto results = AggregationResults(false);
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(results[0].size(), 8);
// count(*)
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][0].type(), TypedValue::Type::Int);
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][0].Value<int64_t>(), 4);
// count
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][1].type(), TypedValue::Type::Int);
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][1].Value<int64_t>(), 3);
// min
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][2].type(), TypedValue::Type::Int);
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][2].Value<int64_t>(), 5);
// max
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][3].type(), TypedValue::Type::Int);
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][3].Value<int64_t>(), 12);
// sum
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][4].type(), TypedValue::Type::Int);
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][4].Value<int64_t>(), 24);
// avg
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][5].type(), TypedValue::Type::Double);
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(results[0][5].Value<double>(), 24 / 3.0);
// collect list
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][6].type(), TypedValue::Type::List);
EXPECT_THAT(ToList<int64_t>(results[0][6]), UnorderedElementsAre(5, 7, 12));
// collect map
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][7].type(), TypedValue::Type::Map);
auto map = ToMap<int64_t>(results[0][7]);
ASSERT_EQ(map.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(map.begin()->first, "key");
EXPECT_FALSE(std::set<int>({5, 7, 12}).insert(map.begin()->second).second);
TEST_F(QueryPlanAggregateOps, WithoutDataWithGroupBy) {
auto results = AggregationResults(true, {Aggregation::Op::COUNT});
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0);
auto results = AggregationResults(true, {Aggregation::Op::SUM});
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0);
auto results = AggregationResults(true, {Aggregation::Op::AVG});
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0);
auto results = AggregationResults(true, {Aggregation::Op::MIN});
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0);
auto results = AggregationResults(true, {Aggregation::Op::MAX});
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0);
auto results = AggregationResults(true, {Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST});
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0);
auto results = AggregationResults(true, {Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP});
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0);
TEST_F(QueryPlanAggregateOps, WithoutDataWithoutGroupBy) {
auto results = AggregationResults(false);
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(results[0].size(), 8);
// count(*)
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][0].type(), TypedValue::Type::Int);
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][0].Value<int64_t>(), 0);
// count
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][1].type(), TypedValue::Type::Int);
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][1].Value<int64_t>(), 0);
// min
// max
// sum
// avg
// collect list
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][6].type(), TypedValue::Type::List);
EXPECT_EQ(ToList<int64_t>(results[0][6]).size(), 0);
// collect map
ASSERT_EQ(results[0][7].type(), TypedValue::Type::Map);
EXPECT_EQ(ToMap<int64_t>(results[0][7]).size(), 0);
TEST(QueryPlan, AggregateGroupByValues) {
// Tests that distinct groups are aggregated properly for values of all types.
// Also test the "remember" part of the Aggregation API as final results are
// obtained via a property lookup of a remembered node.
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba_ptr = db.Access();
auto &dba = *dba_ptr;
// a vector of TypedValue to be set as property values on vertices
// most of them should result in a distinct group (commented where not)
std::vector<TypedValue> group_by_vals;
group_by_vals.emplace_back(std::vector<TypedValue>{1, 2});
group_by_vals.emplace_back(std::vector<TypedValue>{2, 1});
// should NOT result in another group because 7.0 == 7
// should NOT result in another group
group_by_vals.emplace_back(std::vector<TypedValue>{1, 2.0});
// generate a lot of vertices and set props on them
auto prop = dba.Property("prop");
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(prop, group_by_vals[i % group_by_vals.size()]);
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
// match all nodes and perform aggregations
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto n_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop);
symbol_table[*n_p->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto produce =
MakeAggregationProduce(n.op_, symbol_table, storage, {n_p},
{Aggregation::Op::COUNT}, {n_p}, {n.sym_});
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, dba);
ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), group_by_vals.size() - 2);
TypedValue::unordered_set result_group_bys;
for (const auto &row : results) {
ASSERT_EQ(2, row.size());
ASSERT_EQ(result_group_bys.size(), group_by_vals.size() - 2);
std::is_permutation(group_by_vals.begin(), group_by_vals.end() - 2,
result_group_bys.begin(), TypedValue::BoolEqual{}));
TEST(QueryPlan, AggregateMultipleGroupBy) {
// in this test we have 3 different properties that have different values
// for different records and assert that we get the correct combination
// of values in our groups
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba_ptr = db.Access();
auto &dba = *dba_ptr;
auto prop1 = dba.Property("prop1");
auto prop2 = dba.Property("prop2");
auto prop3 = dba.Property("prop3");
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * 3 * 5; ++i) {
auto v = dba.InsertVertex();
v.PropsSet(prop1, (bool)(i % 2));
v.PropsSet(prop2, i % 3);
v.PropsSet(prop3, "value" + std::to_string(i % 5));
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
// match all nodes and perform aggregations
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto n_p1 = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop1);
auto n_p2 = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop2);
auto n_p3 = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop3);
symbol_table[*n_p1->expression_] = n.sym_;
symbol_table[*n_p2->expression_] = n.sym_;
symbol_table[*n_p3->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto produce = MakeAggregationProduce(n.op_, symbol_table, storage, {n_p1},
{n_p1, n_p2, n_p3}, {n.sym_});
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, dba);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 2 * 3 * 5);
TEST(QueryPlan, AggregateNoInput) {
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba = db.Access();
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
auto two = LITERAL(2);
auto output = NEXPR("two", IDENT("two"));
symbol_table[*output->expression_] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("two", true);
auto produce = MakeAggregationProduce(nullptr, symbol_table, storage, {two},
{Aggregation::Op::COUNT}, {}, {});
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, *dba);
EXPECT_EQ(1, results.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, results[0].size());
EXPECT_EQ(TypedValue::Type::Int, results[0][0].type());
EXPECT_EQ(1, results[0][0].Value<int64_t>());
TEST(QueryPlan, AggregateCountEdgeCases) {
// tests for detected bugs in the COUNT aggregation behavior
// ensure that COUNT returns correctly for
// - 0 vertices in database
// - 1 vertex in database, property not set
// - 1 vertex in database, property set
// - 2 vertices in database, property set on one
// - 2 vertices in database, property set on both
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba_ptr = db.Access();
auto &dba = *dba_ptr;
auto prop = dba.Property("prop");
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto n_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop);
symbol_table[*n_p->expression_] = n.sym_;
// returns -1 when there are no results
// otherwise returns MATCH (n) RETURN count(n.prop)
auto count = [&]() {
auto produce = MakeAggregationProduce(n.op_, symbol_table, storage, {n_p},
{Aggregation::Op::COUNT}, {}, {});
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, dba);
if (results.size() == 0) return -1L;
EXPECT_EQ(1, results.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, results[0].size());
EXPECT_EQ(TypedValue::Type::Int, results[0][0].type());
return results[0][0].Value<int64_t>();
// no vertices yet in database
EXPECT_EQ(0, count());
// one vertex, no property set
EXPECT_EQ(0, count());
// one vertex, property set
for (VertexAccessor va : dba.Vertices(false)) va.PropsSet(prop, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(1, count());
// two vertices, one with property set
EXPECT_EQ(1, count());
// two vertices, both with property set
for (VertexAccessor va : dba.Vertices(false)) va.PropsSet(prop, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(2, count());
TEST(QueryPlan, AggregateFirstValueTypes) {
// testing exceptions that get emitted by the first-value
// type check
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba_ptr = db.Access();
auto &dba = *dba_ptr;
auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex();
auto prop_string = dba.Property("string");
v1.PropsSet(prop_string, "johhny");
auto prop_int = dba.Property("int");
v1.PropsSet(prop_int, 12);
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto n_prop_string = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop_string);
symbol_table[*n_prop_string->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto n_prop_int = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop_int);
symbol_table[*n_prop_int->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto n_id = n_prop_string->expression_;
auto aggregate = [&](Expression *expression, Aggregation::Op aggr_op) {
auto produce = MakeAggregationProduce(n.op_, symbol_table, storage,
{expression}, {aggr_op}, {}, {});
CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, dba);
// everything except for COUNT and COLLECT fails on a Vertex
aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::COUNT);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::MIN), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::MAX), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::AVG), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::SUM), QueryRuntimeException);
// on strings AVG and SUM fail
aggregate(n_prop_string, Aggregation::Op::COUNT);
aggregate(n_prop_string, Aggregation::Op::MIN);
aggregate(n_prop_string, Aggregation::Op::MAX);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_prop_string, Aggregation::Op::AVG),
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_prop_string, Aggregation::Op::SUM),
// on ints nothing fails
aggregate(n_prop_int, Aggregation::Op::COUNT);
aggregate(n_prop_int, Aggregation::Op::MIN);
aggregate(n_prop_int, Aggregation::Op::MAX);
aggregate(n_prop_int, Aggregation::Op::AVG);
aggregate(n_prop_int, Aggregation::Op::SUM);
aggregate(n_prop_int, Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST);
aggregate(n_prop_int, Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP);
TEST(QueryPlan, AggregateTypes) {
// testing exceptions that can get emitted by an aggregation
// does not check all combinations that can result in an exception
// (that logic is defined and tested by TypedValue)
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba_ptr = db.Access();
auto &dba = *dba_ptr;
auto p1 = dba.Property("p1"); // has only string props
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(p1, "string");
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(p1, "str2");
auto p2 = dba.Property("p2"); // combines int and bool
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(p2, 42);
dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(p2, true);
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto n_p1 = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", p1);
symbol_table[*n_p1->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto n_p2 = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", p2);
symbol_table[*n_p2->expression_] = n.sym_;
auto aggregate = [&](Expression *expression, Aggregation::Op aggr_op) {
auto produce = MakeAggregationProduce(n.op_, symbol_table, storage,
{expression}, {aggr_op}, {}, {});
CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, dba);
// everything except for COUNT and COLLECT fails on a Vertex
auto n_id = n_p1->expression_;
aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::COUNT);
aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST);
aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::MIN), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::MAX), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::AVG), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_id, Aggregation::Op::SUM), QueryRuntimeException);
// on strings AVG and SUM fail
aggregate(n_p1, Aggregation::Op::COUNT);
aggregate(n_p1, Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST);
aggregate(n_p1, Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP);
aggregate(n_p1, Aggregation::Op::MIN);
aggregate(n_p1, Aggregation::Op::MAX);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_p1, Aggregation::Op::AVG), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_p1, Aggregation::Op::SUM), QueryRuntimeException);
// combination of int and bool, everything except COUNT and COLLECT fails
aggregate(n_p2, Aggregation::Op::COUNT);
aggregate(n_p2, Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST);
aggregate(n_p2, Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_p2, Aggregation::Op::MIN), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_p2, Aggregation::Op::MAX), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_p2, Aggregation::Op::AVG), QueryRuntimeException);
EXPECT_THROW(aggregate(n_p2, Aggregation::Op::SUM), QueryRuntimeException);
TEST(QueryPlan, Unwind) {
database::SingleNode db;
auto dba = db.Access();
AstStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
// UNWIND [ [1, true, "x"], [], ["bla"] ] AS x UNWIND x as y RETURN x, y
auto input_expr = storage.Create<PrimitiveLiteral>(std::vector<TypedValue>{
std::vector<TypedValue>{1, true, "x"}, std::vector<TypedValue>{},
auto x = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("x", true);
auto unwind_0 = std::make_shared<plan::Unwind>(nullptr, input_expr, x);
auto x_expr = IDENT("x");
symbol_table[*x_expr] = x;
auto y = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("y", true);
auto unwind_1 = std::make_shared<plan::Unwind>(unwind_0, x_expr, y);
auto x_ne = NEXPR("x", x_expr);
symbol_table[*x_ne] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("x_ne", true);
auto y_ne = NEXPR("y", IDENT("y"));
symbol_table[*y_ne->expression_] = y;
symbol_table[*y_ne] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("y_ne", true);
auto produce = MakeProduce(unwind_1, x_ne, y_ne);
auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), symbol_table, *dba);
ASSERT_EQ(4, results.size());
const std::vector<int> expected_x_card{3, 3, 3, 1};
auto expected_x_card_it = expected_x_card.begin();
const std::vector<TypedValue> expected_y{1, true, "x", "bla"};
auto expected_y_it = expected_y.begin();
for (const auto &row : results) {
ASSERT_EQ(2, row.size());
ASSERT_EQ(row[0].type(), TypedValue::Type::List);
EXPECT_EQ(row[1].type(), expected_y_it->type());