The communication between the ShardRequestManager and the RsmClient used to be direct. In this PR this changes into a future-based communication type. The RsmClient stores state about the currently processed future (either read or write request) and exposes blocking and non-blocking functionality to obtain the filled future. The ShardRequestManager -for now- will send of the set of requests present in the ExecutionState and block on each of them until the requests are completed or the set of paginated responses(caused by, for example the batch-limit in ScanAll) are ready for the next round.
363 lines
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363 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <chrono>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "common/types.hpp"
#include "coordinator/coordinator_client.hpp"
#include "coordinator/coordinator_rsm.hpp"
#include "io/address.hpp"
#include "io/errors.hpp"
#include "io/rsm/raft.hpp"
#include "io/rsm/rsm_client.hpp"
#include "io/rsm/shard_rsm.hpp"
#include "io/simulator/simulator.hpp"
#include "io/simulator/simulator_transport.hpp"
#include "storage/v3/id_types.hpp"
#include "storage/v3/schemas.hpp"
#include "utils/result.hpp"
using memgraph::common::SchemaType;
using memgraph::coordinator::AddressAndStatus;
using memgraph::coordinator::Coordinator;
using memgraph::coordinator::CoordinatorClient;
using memgraph::coordinator::CoordinatorRsm;
using memgraph::coordinator::HlcRequest;
using memgraph::coordinator::HlcResponse;
using memgraph::coordinator::PrimaryKey;
using memgraph::coordinator::Shard;
using memgraph::coordinator::ShardMap;
using memgraph::coordinator::Shards;
using memgraph::coordinator::Status;
using memgraph::io::Address;
using memgraph::io::Io;
using memgraph::io::ResponseEnvelope;
using memgraph::io::ResponseFuture;
using memgraph::io::Time;
using memgraph::io::TimedOut;
using memgraph::io::rsm::Raft;
using memgraph::io::rsm::ReadRequest;
using memgraph::io::rsm::ReadResponse;
using memgraph::io::rsm::RsmClient;
using memgraph::io::rsm::ShardRsm;
using memgraph::io::rsm::StorageReadRequest;
using memgraph::io::rsm::StorageReadResponse;
using memgraph::io::rsm::StorageWriteRequest;
using memgraph::io::rsm::StorageWriteResponse;
using memgraph::io::rsm::WriteRequest;
using memgraph::io::rsm::WriteResponse;
using memgraph::io::simulator::Simulator;
using memgraph::io::simulator::SimulatorConfig;
using memgraph::io::simulator::SimulatorStats;
using memgraph::io::simulator::SimulatorTransport;
using memgraph::storage::v3::LabelId;
using memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue;
using memgraph::storage::v3::SchemaProperty;
using memgraph::utils::BasicResult;
using PrimaryKey = std::vector<PropertyValue>;
using ShardClient =
RsmClient<SimulatorTransport, StorageWriteRequest, StorageWriteResponse, StorageReadRequest, StorageReadResponse>;
namespace {
const std::string label_name = std::string("test_label");
ShardMap CreateDummyShardmap(Address a_io_1, Address a_io_2, Address a_io_3, Address b_io_1, Address b_io_2,
Address b_io_3) {
ShardMap sm;
// register new properties
const std::vector<std::string> property_names = {"property_1", "property_2"};
const auto properties = sm.AllocatePropertyIds(property_names);
const auto property_id_1 ="property_1");
const auto property_id_2 ="property_2");
const auto type_1 = SchemaType::INT;
const auto type_2 = SchemaType::INT;
// register new label space
std::vector<SchemaProperty> schema = {
SchemaProperty{.property_id = property_id_1, .type = type_1},
SchemaProperty{.property_id = property_id_2, .type = type_2},
size_t replication_factor = 3;
std::optional<LabelId> label_id_opt =
sm.InitializeNewLabel(label_name, schema, replication_factor, sm.shard_map_version);
const LabelId label_id = label_id_opt.value();
auto &label_space =;
Shards &shards_for_label = label_space.shards;
// add first shard at [0, 0]
AddressAndStatus aas1_1{.address = a_io_1, .status = Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT};
AddressAndStatus aas1_2{.address = a_io_2, .status = Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT};
AddressAndStatus aas1_3{.address = a_io_3, .status = Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT};
Shard shard1 = {aas1_1, aas1_2, aas1_3};
const auto key1 = PropertyValue(0);
const auto key2 = PropertyValue(0);
const PrimaryKey compound_key_1 = {key1, key2};
shards_for_label.emplace(compound_key_1, shard1);
// add second shard at [12, 13]
AddressAndStatus aas2_1{.address = b_io_1, .status = Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT};
AddressAndStatus aas2_2{.address = b_io_2, .status = Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT};
AddressAndStatus aas2_3{.address = b_io_3, .status = Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT};
Shard shard2 = {aas2_1, aas2_2, aas2_3};
auto key3 = PropertyValue(12);
auto key4 = PropertyValue(13);
PrimaryKey compound_key_2 = {key3, key4};
shards_for_label[compound_key_2] = shard2;
return sm;
std::optional<ShardClient *> DetermineShardLocation(const Shard &target_shard, const std::vector<Address> &a_addrs,
ShardClient &a_client, const std::vector<Address> &b_addrs,
ShardClient &b_client) {
for (const auto &addr : target_shard) {
if (addr.address == b_addrs[0]) {
return &b_client;
if (addr.address == a_addrs[0]) {
return &a_client;
return {};
} // namespace
using ConcreteCoordinatorRsm = CoordinatorRsm<SimulatorTransport>;
using ConcreteShardRsm = Raft<SimulatorTransport, ShardRsm, StorageWriteRequest, StorageWriteResponse,
StorageReadRequest, StorageReadResponse>;
template <typename IoImpl>
void RunStorageRaft(
Raft<IoImpl, ShardRsm, StorageWriteRequest, StorageWriteResponse, StorageReadRequest, StorageReadResponse> server) {
int main() {
SimulatorConfig config{
.drop_percent = 5,
.perform_timeouts = true,
.scramble_messages = true,
.rng_seed = 0,
.start_time = Time::min() + std::chrono::microseconds{256 * 1024},
.abort_time = Time::min() + std::chrono::microseconds{2 * 8 * 1024 * 1024},
auto simulator = Simulator(config);
Io<SimulatorTransport> cli_io = simulator.RegisterNew();
// Register
Io<SimulatorTransport> a_io_1 = simulator.RegisterNew();
Io<SimulatorTransport> a_io_2 = simulator.RegisterNew();
Io<SimulatorTransport> a_io_3 = simulator.RegisterNew();
Io<SimulatorTransport> b_io_1 = simulator.RegisterNew();
Io<SimulatorTransport> b_io_2 = simulator.RegisterNew();
Io<SimulatorTransport> b_io_3 = simulator.RegisterNew();
// Preconfigure coordinator with kv shard 'A' and 'B'
auto sm1 = CreateDummyShardmap(a_io_1.GetAddress(), a_io_2.GetAddress(), a_io_3.GetAddress(), b_io_1.GetAddress(),
b_io_2.GetAddress(), b_io_3.GetAddress());
auto sm2 = CreateDummyShardmap(a_io_1.GetAddress(), a_io_2.GetAddress(), a_io_3.GetAddress(), b_io_1.GetAddress(),
b_io_2.GetAddress(), b_io_3.GetAddress());
auto sm3 = CreateDummyShardmap(a_io_1.GetAddress(), a_io_2.GetAddress(), a_io_3.GetAddress(), b_io_1.GetAddress(),
b_io_2.GetAddress(), b_io_3.GetAddress());
// Spin up shard A
std::vector<Address> a_addrs = {a_io_1.GetAddress(), a_io_2.GetAddress(), a_io_3.GetAddress()};
std::vector<Address> a_1_peers = {a_addrs[1], a_addrs[2]};
std::vector<Address> a_2_peers = {a_addrs[0], a_addrs[2]};
std::vector<Address> a_3_peers = {a_addrs[0], a_addrs[1]};
ConcreteShardRsm a_1{std::move(a_io_1), a_1_peers, ShardRsm{}};
ConcreteShardRsm a_2{std::move(a_io_2), a_2_peers, ShardRsm{}};
ConcreteShardRsm a_3{std::move(a_io_3), a_3_peers, ShardRsm{}};
auto a_thread_1 = std::jthread(RunStorageRaft<SimulatorTransport>, std::move(a_1));
auto a_thread_2 = std::jthread(RunStorageRaft<SimulatorTransport>, std::move(a_2));
auto a_thread_3 = std::jthread(RunStorageRaft<SimulatorTransport>, std::move(a_3));
// Spin up shard B
std::vector<Address> b_addrs = {b_io_1.GetAddress(), b_io_2.GetAddress(), b_io_3.GetAddress()};
std::vector<Address> b_1_peers = {b_addrs[1], b_addrs[2]};
std::vector<Address> b_2_peers = {b_addrs[0], b_addrs[2]};
std::vector<Address> b_3_peers = {b_addrs[0], b_addrs[1]};
ConcreteShardRsm b_1{std::move(b_io_1), b_1_peers, ShardRsm{}};
ConcreteShardRsm b_2{std::move(b_io_2), b_2_peers, ShardRsm{}};
ConcreteShardRsm b_3{std::move(b_io_3), b_3_peers, ShardRsm{}};
auto b_thread_1 = std::jthread(RunStorageRaft<SimulatorTransport>, std::move(b_1));
auto b_thread_2 = std::jthread(RunStorageRaft<SimulatorTransport>, std::move(b_2));
auto b_thread_3 = std::jthread(RunStorageRaft<SimulatorTransport>, std::move(b_3));
// Spin up coordinators
Io<SimulatorTransport> c_io_1 = simulator.RegisterNew();
Io<SimulatorTransport> c_io_2 = simulator.RegisterNew();
Io<SimulatorTransport> c_io_3 = simulator.RegisterNew();
std::vector<Address> c_addrs = {c_io_1.GetAddress(), c_io_2.GetAddress(), c_io_3.GetAddress()};
std::vector<Address> c_1_peers = {c_addrs[1], c_addrs[2]};
std::vector<Address> c_2_peers = {c_addrs[0], c_addrs[2]};
std::vector<Address> c_3_peers = {c_addrs[0], c_addrs[1]};
ConcreteCoordinatorRsm c_1{std::move(c_io_1), c_1_peers, Coordinator{(sm1)}};
ConcreteCoordinatorRsm c_2{std::move(c_io_2), c_2_peers, Coordinator{(sm2)}};
ConcreteCoordinatorRsm c_3{std::move(c_io_3), c_3_peers, Coordinator{(sm3)}};
auto c_thread_1 = std::jthread([c_1]() mutable { c_1.Run(); });
auto c_thread_2 = std::jthread([c_2]() mutable { c_2.Run(); });
auto c_thread_3 = std::jthread([c_3]() mutable { c_3.Run(); });
std::cout << "beginning test after servers have become quiescent" << std::endl;
// Have client contact coordinator RSM for a new transaction ID and
// also get the current shard map
CoordinatorClient<SimulatorTransport> coordinator_client(cli_io, c_addrs[0], c_addrs);
ShardClient shard_a_client(cli_io, a_addrs[0], a_addrs);
ShardClient shard_b_client(cli_io, b_addrs[0], b_addrs);
memgraph::coordinator::HlcRequest req;
// Last ShardMap Version The query engine knows about.
ShardMap client_shard_map;
req.last_shard_map_version = client_shard_map.GetHlc();
while (true) {
// Create PrimaryKey
const auto cm_key_1 = PropertyValue(3);
const auto cm_key_2 = PropertyValue(4);
const PrimaryKey compound_key = {cm_key_1, cm_key_2};
// Look for Shard
BasicResult<TimedOut, memgraph::coordinator::CoordinatorWriteResponses> read_res =
if (read_res.HasError()) {
// timeout
auto coordinator_read_response = read_res.GetValue();
HlcResponse hlc_response = std::get<HlcResponse>(coordinator_read_response);
// Transaction ID to be used later...
auto transaction_id = hlc_response.new_hlc;
if (hlc_response.fresher_shard_map) {
client_shard_map = hlc_response.fresher_shard_map.value();
auto target_shard = client_shard_map.GetShardForKey(label_name, compound_key);
// Determine which shard to send the requests to. This should be a more proper client cache in the "real" version.
auto storage_client_opt = DetermineShardLocation(target_shard, a_addrs, shard_a_client, b_addrs, shard_b_client);
auto storage_client = storage_client_opt.value();
LabelId label_id =;
// Have client use shard map to decide which shard to communicate
// with in order to write a new value
// client_shard_map.
StorageWriteRequest storage_req;
storage_req.label_id = label_id;
storage_req.key = compound_key;
storage_req.value = 1000;
storage_req.transaction_id = transaction_id;
auto write_response_result = storage_client->SendWriteRequest(storage_req);
if (write_response_result.HasError()) {
// timed out
auto write_response = write_response_result.GetValue();
bool cas_succeeded = write_response.shard_rsm_success;
if (!cas_succeeded) {
// Have client use shard map to decide which shard to communicate
// with to read that same value back
StorageReadRequest storage_get_req;
storage_get_req.label_id = label_id;
storage_get_req.key = compound_key;
storage_get_req.transaction_id = transaction_id;
auto get_response_result = storage_client->SendReadRequest(storage_get_req);
if (get_response_result.HasError()) {
// timed out
auto get_response = get_response_result.GetValue();
auto val = get_response.value.value();
MG_ASSERT(val == 1000);
SimulatorStats stats = simulator.Stats();
std::cout << "total messages: " << stats.total_messages << std::endl;
std::cout << "dropped messages: " << stats.dropped_messages << std::endl;
std::cout << "timed out requests: " << stats.timed_out_requests << std::endl;
std::cout << "total requests: " << stats.total_requests << std::endl;
std::cout << "total responses: " << stats.total_responses << std::endl;
std::cout << "simulator ticks: " << stats.simulator_ticks << std::endl;
std::cout << "========================== SUCCESS :) ==========================" << std::endl;
return 0;