2015-10-11 20:59:27 +02:00

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#include <memory>
#include "speedy/speedy.hpp"
#include "utils/crtp.hpp"
/** @brief GET handler method for the resource
* Contains the code for registering GET handler for a URL to Speedy
struct GET
/** @brief Links ::get handler to speedy for a given path
* @tparam T Class type containing the required handler
* @param app Instance of speedy to register the method to
* @param path URL of the resource being registered
* @param resource Object containing ::get http::request_cb_t handler
template <class T>
void link(sp::Speedy& app, const std::string& path, T& resource)
using namespace std::placeholders;
app.get(path, std::bind(&T::get, std::ref(resource), _1, _2));
/** @brief POST handler method for the resource
* Contains the code for registering POST handler for a URL to Speedy
struct POST
/** @brief Links ::post handler to speedy for a given path
* @tparam T Class type containing the required handler
* @param app Instance of speedy to register the method to
* @param path URL of the resource being registered
* @param resource Object containing ::post http::request_cb_t handler
template <class T>
void link(sp::Speedy& app, const std::string& path, T& resource)
using namespace std::placeholders;, std::bind(&T::post, std::ref(resource), _1, _2));
struct PUT
template <class T>
void link(sp::Speedy& app, const std::string& path, T& resource)
using namespace std::placeholders;
app.put(path, std::bind(&T::put, std::ref(resource), _1, _2));
struct DELETE
template <class T>
void link(sp::Speedy& app, const std::string& path, T& resource)
using namespace std::placeholders;
app.del(path, std::bind(&T::del, std::ref(resource), _1, _2));
namespace detail
/** @brief Registers a method for a path to speedy
* @tparam T Derived class containing the handler of the method
* @tparam M A method to register
template <class T, class M>
struct Method : public M
/** Registers a route handler for the resource
* Registers a method handler for M on the given URL
* @param app instance of speedy to register the method to
* @param path URL of the resource being registered
Method(T& resource, sp::Speedy& app, const std::string& path)
M::link(app, path, resource);
/** @brief Generates the Method<T, M> inheritance for each M in Ms
* Implemented inheriting recursively using variadic templates
* @tparam T Derived class containing handlers for each method M in Ms
* @tparam Ms... Methods to register
template <class T, class... Ms>
struct Methods;
/** @brief specialization of the struct Methods<T, Ms...>
* Unrolls one method M and generates a handler for this method by inheriting
* from Method<T, M> and generates the rest of the handlers recursively by
* inheriting from Methods<T, Ms...> and unrolling one M each time.
* @tparam T Derived class containing handlers for each method M in Ms
* @tparam M Unrolled method M for which to generate a handler
* @tparam Ms... The rest of the methods
template <class T, class M, class... Ms>
struct Methods<T, M, Ms...> : public Method<T, M>, public Methods<T, Ms...>
Methods(T& resource, sp::Speedy& app, const std::string& path)
: Method<T, M>(resource, app, path),
Methods<T, Ms...>(resource, app, path) {}
/** @brief specialization of the struct Methods<T, Ms...>
* Specializes the recursion termination case containing only one method M
* @tparam T Derived class containing handlers for method M
* @tparam M Unrolled method M for which to generate a handler
template <class T, class M>
struct Methods<T, M> : public Method<T, M>
using Method<T, M>::Method;
/** @brief Represents a restful resource
* Automatically registers get, put, post, del... methods inside the derived
* class T. Methods are given as a template parameter to the class. Valid
* template parameters are classes which implement a function
* void link(sp::Speedy&, const std::string&, T& resource)
* which registers a method you want to use with speedy
* @tparam T Derived class (CRTP)
* @tparam Ms... HTTP methods to register for this resource (GET, POST...)
template <class T, class... Ms>
class Restful : public detail::Methods<T, Ms...>
Restful(T& resource, sp::Speedy& app, const std::string& path)
: detail::Methods<T, Ms...>(resource, app, path) {}