2428 lines
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2428 lines
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// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/storage.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <filesystem>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include "dbms/constants.hpp"
#include "memory/global_memory_control.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability/durability.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability/snapshot.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/edge_direction.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/id_types.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/edge_type_index.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/metadata_delta.hpp"
#include "dbms/inmemory/replication_handlers.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/replication/recovery.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/unique_constraints.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/property_value.hpp"
#include "utils/atomic_memory_block.hpp"
#include "utils/resource_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/stat.hpp"
namespace memgraph::storage {
namespace {
auto FindEdges(const View view, EdgeTypeId edge_type, const VertexAccessor *from_vertex, VertexAccessor *to_vertex)
-> Result<EdgesVertexAccessorResult> {
auto use_out_edges = [](Vertex const *from_vertex, Vertex const *to_vertex) {
// Obtain the locks by `gid` order to avoid lock cycles.
auto guard_from = std::unique_lock{from_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock};
auto guard_to = std::unique_lock{to_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock};
if (from_vertex->gid < to_vertex->gid) {
} else if (from_vertex->gid > to_vertex->gid) {
} else {
// The vertices are the same vertex, only lock one.
// With the potentially cheaper side FindEdges
const auto out_n = from_vertex->out_edges.size();
const auto in_n = to_vertex->in_edges.size();
return out_n <= in_n;
return use_out_edges(from_vertex->vertex_, to_vertex->vertex_) ? from_vertex->OutEdges(view, {edge_type}, to_vertex)
: to_vertex->InEdges(view, {edge_type}, from_vertex);
}; // namespace
using OOMExceptionEnabler = utils::MemoryTracker::OutOfMemoryExceptionEnabler;
InMemoryStorage::InMemoryStorage(Config config)
: Storage(config, config.salient.storage_mode),
recovery_{config.durability.storage_directory / durability::kSnapshotDirectory,
config.durability.storage_directory / durability::kWalDirectory},
lock_file_path_(config.durability.storage_directory / durability::kLockFile),
global_locker_(file_retainer_.AddLocker()) {
MG_ASSERT(config.salient.storage_mode != StorageMode::ON_DISK_TRANSACTIONAL,
"Invalid storage mode sent to InMemoryStorage constructor!");
if (config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode != Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::DISABLED ||
config_.durability.snapshot_on_exit || config_.durability.recover_on_startup) {
// Create the directory initially to crash the database in case of
// permission errors. This is done early to crash the database on startup
// instead of crashing the database for the first time during runtime (which
// could be an unpleasant surprise).
// Same reasoning as above.
// Verify that the user that started the process is the same user that is
// the owner of the storage directory.
// Create the lock file and open a handle to it. This will crash the
// database if it can't open the file for writing or if any other process is
// holding the file opened.
lock_file_handle_.Open(lock_file_path_, utils::OutputFile::Mode::OVERWRITE_EXISTING);
"Couldn't acquire lock on the storage directory {}"
"!\nAnother Memgraph process is currently running with the same "
"storage directory, please stop it first before starting this "
if (config_.durability.recover_on_startup) {
auto info = recovery_.RecoverData(&uuid_, repl_storage_state_, &vertices_, &edges_, &edges_metadata_, &edge_count_,
name_id_mapper_.get(), &indices_, &constraints_, config_, &wal_seq_num_);
if (info) {
vertex_id_ = info->next_vertex_id;
edge_id_ = info->next_edge_id;
timestamp_ = std::max(timestamp_, info->next_timestamp);
if (info->last_commit_timestamp) {
repl_storage_state_.last_commit_timestamp_ = *info->last_commit_timestamp;
spdlog::trace("Recovering last commit timestamp {}", *info->last_commit_timestamp);
} else if (config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode != Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::DISABLED ||
config_.durability.snapshot_on_exit) {
bool files_moved = false;
auto backup_root = config_.durability.storage_directory / durability::kBackupDirectory;
for (const auto &[path, dirname, what] :
{std::make_tuple(recovery_.snapshot_directory_, durability::kSnapshotDirectory, "snapshot"),
std::make_tuple(recovery_.wal_directory_, durability::kWalDirectory, "WAL")}) {
if (!utils::DirExists(path)) continue;
auto backup_curr = backup_root / dirname;
std::error_code error_code;
for (const auto &item : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(path, error_code)) {
std::error_code item_error_code;
std::filesystem::rename(item.path(), backup_curr / item.path().filename(), item_error_code);
MG_ASSERT(!item_error_code, "Couldn't move {} file {} because of: {}", what, item.path(),
files_moved = true;
MG_ASSERT(!error_code, "Couldn't backup {} files because of: {}", what, error_code.message());
if (files_moved) {
"Since Memgraph was not supposed to recover on startup and "
"durability is enabled, your current durability files will likely "
"be overridden. To prevent important data loss, Memgraph has stored "
"those files into a .backup directory inside the storage directory.");
if (config_.gc.type == Config::Gc::Type::PERIODIC) {
// TODO: move out of storage have one global gc_runner_
gc_runner_.Run("Storage GC", config_.gc.interval, [this] { this->FreeMemory({}, true); });
if (timestamp_ == kTimestampInitialId) {
} else {
InMemoryStorage::~InMemoryStorage() {
if (config_.gc.type == Config::Gc::Type::PERIODIC) {
// Stop replication (Stop all clients or stop the REPLICA server)
if (wal_file_) {
wal_file_ = std::nullopt;
if (config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode != Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::DISABLED) {
if (config_.durability.snapshot_on_exit && this->create_snapshot_handler) {
committed_transactions_.WithLock([](auto &transactions) { transactions.clear(); });
auto tag, InMemoryStorage *storage, IsolationLevel isolation_level, StorageMode storage_mode,
memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole replication_role)
: Accessor(tag, storage, isolation_level, storage_mode, replication_role),
config_(storage->config_.salient.items) {}
InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::InMemoryAccessor(InMemoryAccessor &&other) noexcept
: Accessor(std::move(other)), config_(other.config_) {}
InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::~InMemoryAccessor() {
if (is_transaction_active_) {
// We didn't actually commit
VertexAccessor InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateVertex() {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto gid = mem_storage->vertex_id_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
auto acc = mem_storage->vertices_.access();
auto *delta = CreateDeleteObjectDelta(&transaction_);
auto [it, inserted] = acc.insert(Vertex{storage::Gid::FromUint(gid), delta});
MG_ASSERT(inserted, "The vertex must be inserted here!");
MG_ASSERT(it != acc.end(), "Invalid Vertex accessor!");
if (delta) {
return {&*it, storage_, &transaction_};
VertexAccessor InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateVertexEx(storage::Gid gid) {
// NOTE: When we update the next `vertex_id_` here we perform a RMW
// (read-modify-write) operation that ISN'T atomic! But, that isn't an issue
// because this function is only called from the replication delta applier
// that runs single-threadedly and while this instance is set-up to apply
// threads (it is the replica), it is guaranteed that no other writes are
// possible.
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
mem_storage->vertex_id_.store(std::max(mem_storage->vertex_id_.load(std::memory_order_acquire), gid.AsUint() + 1),
auto acc = mem_storage->vertices_.access();
auto *delta = CreateDeleteObjectDelta(&transaction_);
auto [it, inserted] = acc.insert(Vertex{gid, delta});
MG_ASSERT(inserted, "The vertex must be inserted here!");
MG_ASSERT(it != acc.end(), "Invalid Vertex accessor!");
if (delta) {
return {&*it, storage_, &transaction_};
std::optional<VertexAccessor> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::FindVertex(Gid gid, View view) {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto acc = mem_storage->vertices_.access();
auto it = acc.find(gid);
if (it == acc.end()) return std::nullopt;
return VertexAccessor::Create(&*it, storage_, &transaction_, view);
Result<std::optional<std::pair<std::vector<VertexAccessor>, std::vector<EdgeAccessor>>>>
InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::DetachDelete(std::vector<VertexAccessor *> nodes, std::vector<EdgeAccessor *> edges,
bool detach) {
using ReturnType = std::pair<std::vector<VertexAccessor>, std::vector<EdgeAccessor>>;
auto maybe_result = Storage::Accessor::DetachDelete(nodes, edges, detach);
if (maybe_result.HasError()) {
return maybe_result.GetError();
auto value = maybe_result.GetValue();
if (!value) {
return std::make_optional<ReturnType>();
auto &[deleted_vertices, deleted_edges] = *value;
// Need to inform the next CollectGarbage call that there are some
// non-transactional deletions that need to be collected
auto const inform_gc_vertex_deletion = utils::OnScopeExit{[this, &deleted_vertices = deleted_vertices]() {
if (!deleted_vertices.empty() && transaction_.storage_mode == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL) {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
mem_storage->gc_full_scan_vertices_delete_ = true;
auto const inform_gc_edge_deletion = utils::OnScopeExit{[this, &deleted_edges = deleted_edges]() {
if (!deleted_edges.empty() && transaction_.storage_mode == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL) {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
mem_storage->gc_full_scan_edges_delete_ = true;
for (auto const &vertex : deleted_vertices) {
for (const auto &edge : deleted_edges) {
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(edge.from_vertex_, edge.edge_type_, EdgeDirection::OUT);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(edge.to_vertex_, edge.edge_type_, EdgeDirection::IN);
return maybe_result;
Result<EdgeAccessor> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateEdge(VertexAccessor *from, VertexAccessor *to,
EdgeTypeId edge_type) {
MG_ASSERT(from->transaction_ == to->transaction_,
"VertexAccessors must be from the same transaction when creating "
"an edge!");
MG_ASSERT(from->transaction_ == &transaction_,
"VertexAccessors must be from the same transaction in when "
"creating an edge!");
auto *from_vertex = from->vertex_;
auto *to_vertex = to->vertex_;
// Obtain the locks by `gid` order to avoid lock cycles.
auto guard_from = std::unique_lock{from_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock};
auto guard_to = std::unique_lock{to_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock};
if (from_vertex->gid < to_vertex->gid) {
} else if (from_vertex->gid > to_vertex->gid) {
} else {
// The vertices are the same vertex, only lock one.
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, from_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
if (from_vertex->deleted) return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
if (to_vertex != from_vertex) {
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, to_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
if (to_vertex->deleted) return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
if (storage_->config_.salient.items.enable_schema_metadata) {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto gid = storage::Gid::FromUint(mem_storage->edge_id_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel));
EdgeRef edge(gid);
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
auto acc = mem_storage->edges_.access();
auto *delta = CreateDeleteObjectDelta(&transaction_);
auto [it, inserted] = acc.insert(Edge(gid, delta));
MG_ASSERT(inserted, "The edge must be inserted here!");
MG_ASSERT(it != acc.end(), "Invalid Edge accessor!");
edge = EdgeRef(&*it);
if (delta) {
if (config_.enable_edges_metadata) {
auto acc = mem_storage->edges_metadata_.access();
auto [_, inserted] = acc.insert(EdgeMetadata(gid, from->vertex_));
MG_ASSERT(inserted, "The edge must be inserted here!");
utils::AtomicMemoryBlock atomic_memory_block{
[this, edge, from_vertex = from_vertex, edge_type = edge_type, to_vertex = to_vertex]() {
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, from_vertex, Delta::RemoveOutEdgeTag(), edge_type, to_vertex, edge);
from_vertex->out_edges.emplace_back(edge_type, to_vertex, edge);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, to_vertex, Delta::RemoveInEdgeTag(), edge_type, from_vertex, edge);
to_vertex->in_edges.emplace_back(edge_type, from_vertex, edge);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(from_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::OUT);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(to_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::IN);
// Update indices if they exist.
storage_->indices_.UpdateOnEdgeCreation(from_vertex, to_vertex, edge, edge_type, transaction_);
// Increment edge count.
storage_->edge_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
return EdgeAccessor(edge, edge_type, from_vertex, to_vertex, storage_, &transaction_);
std::optional<EdgeAccessor> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::FindEdge(Gid gid, const View view, EdgeTypeId edge_type,
VertexAccessor *from_vertex,
VertexAccessor *to_vertex) {
auto res = FindEdges(view, edge_type, from_vertex, to_vertex);
if (res.HasError()) return std::nullopt; // TODO: use a Result type
auto const it = std::invoke([this, gid, &res]() {
auto const byGid = [gid](EdgeAccessor const &edge_accessor) { return edge_accessor.edge_.gid == gid; };
auto const byEdgePtr = [gid](EdgeAccessor const &edge_accessor) { return edge_accessor.edge_.ptr->gid == gid; };
if (config_.properties_on_edges) return std::ranges::find_if(res->edges, byEdgePtr);
return std::ranges::find_if(res->edges, byGid);
if (it == res->edges.end()) return std::nullopt; // TODO: use a Result type
return *it;
Result<EdgeAccessor> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateEdgeEx(VertexAccessor *from, VertexAccessor *to,
EdgeTypeId edge_type, storage::Gid gid) {
MG_ASSERT(from->transaction_ == to->transaction_,
"VertexAccessors must be from the same transaction when creating "
"an edge!");
MG_ASSERT(from->transaction_ == &transaction_,
"VertexAccessors must be from the same transaction in when "
"creating an edge!");
auto *from_vertex = from->vertex_;
auto *to_vertex = to->vertex_;
// Obtain the locks by `gid` order to avoid lock cycles.
auto guard_from = std::unique_lock{from_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock};
auto guard_to = std::unique_lock{to_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock};
if (from_vertex->gid < to_vertex->gid) {
} else if (from_vertex->gid > to_vertex->gid) {
} else {
// The vertices are the same vertex, only lock one.
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, from_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
if (from_vertex->deleted) return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
if (to_vertex != from_vertex) {
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, to_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
if (to_vertex->deleted) return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
if (storage_->config_.salient.items.enable_schema_metadata) {
// NOTE: When we update the next `edge_id_` here we perform a RMW
// (read-modify-write) operation that ISN'T atomic! But, that isn't an issue
// because this function is only called from the replication delta applier
// that runs single-threadedly and while this instance is set-up to apply
// threads (it is the replica), it is guaranteed that no other writes are
// possible.
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
mem_storage->edge_id_.store(std::max(mem_storage->edge_id_.load(std::memory_order_acquire), gid.AsUint() + 1),
EdgeRef edge(gid);
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
auto acc = mem_storage->edges_.access();
auto *delta = CreateDeleteObjectDelta(&transaction_);
auto [it, inserted] = acc.insert(Edge(gid, delta));
MG_ASSERT(inserted, "The edge must be inserted here!");
MG_ASSERT(it != acc.end(), "Invalid Edge accessor!");
edge = EdgeRef(&*it);
if (delta) {
if (config_.enable_edges_metadata) {
auto acc = mem_storage->edges_metadata_.access();
auto [_, inserted] = acc.insert(EdgeMetadata(gid, from->vertex_));
MG_ASSERT(inserted, "The edge must be inserted here!");
utils::AtomicMemoryBlock atomic_memory_block{
[this, edge, from_vertex = from_vertex, edge_type = edge_type, to_vertex = to_vertex]() {
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, from_vertex, Delta::RemoveOutEdgeTag(), edge_type, to_vertex, edge);
from_vertex->out_edges.emplace_back(edge_type, to_vertex, edge);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, to_vertex, Delta::RemoveInEdgeTag(), edge_type, from_vertex, edge);
to_vertex->in_edges.emplace_back(edge_type, from_vertex, edge);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(from_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::OUT);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(to_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::IN);
// Increment edge count.
storage_->edge_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
return EdgeAccessor(edge, edge_type, from_vertex, to_vertex, storage_, &transaction_);
void InMemoryStorage::UpdateEdgesMetadataOnModification(Edge *edge, Vertex *from_vertex) {
auto edge_metadata_acc = edges_metadata_.access();
auto edge_to_modify = edge_metadata_acc.find(edge->gid);
if (edge_to_modify == edge_metadata_acc.end()) {
throw utils::BasicException("Invalid transaction! Please raise an issue, {}:{}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
edge_to_modify->from_vertex = from_vertex;
Result<EdgeAccessor> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::EdgeSetFrom(EdgeAccessor *edge, VertexAccessor *new_from) {
MG_ASSERT(edge->transaction_ == new_from->transaction_,
"EdgeAccessor must be from the same transaction as the new from vertex "
"accessor when deleting an edge!");
MG_ASSERT(edge->transaction_ == &transaction_,
"EdgeAccessor must be from the same transaction as the storage "
"accessor when changing an edge!");
auto *old_from_vertex = edge->from_vertex_;
auto *new_from_vertex = new_from->vertex_;
auto *to_vertex = edge->to_vertex_;
if (old_from_vertex->gid == new_from_vertex->gid) return *edge;
auto edge_ref = edge->edge_;
auto edge_type = edge->edge_type_;
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard;
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
auto *edge_ptr = edge_ref.ptr;
guard = std::unique_lock{edge_ptr->lock};
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, edge_ptr)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
if (edge_ptr->deleted) return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard_old_from(old_from_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock);
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard_new_from(new_from_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock);
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard_to(to_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock);
// lock in increasing gid order, if two vertices have the same gid need to only lock once
std::vector<memgraph::storage::Vertex *> vertices{old_from_vertex, new_from_vertex, to_vertex};
std::sort(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), [](auto x, auto y) { return x->gid < y->gid; });
vertices.erase(std::unique(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), [](auto x, auto y) { return x->gid == y->gid; }),
for (auto *vertex : vertices) {
if (vertex == old_from_vertex) {
} else if (vertex == new_from_vertex) {
} else if (vertex == to_vertex) {
} else {
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, old_from_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
MG_ASSERT(!old_from_vertex->deleted, "Invalid database state!");
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, new_from_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
MG_ASSERT(!new_from_vertex->deleted, "Invalid database state!");
if (to_vertex != old_from_vertex && to_vertex != new_from_vertex) {
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, to_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
MG_ASSERT(!to_vertex->deleted, "Invalid database state!");
auto delete_edge_from_storage = [&edge_type, &edge_ref, this](auto *vertex, auto *edges) {
std::tuple<EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, EdgeRef> link(edge_type, vertex, edge_ref);
auto it = std::find(edges->begin(), edges->end(), link);
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
MG_ASSERT(it != edges->end(), "Invalid database state!");
} else if (it == edges->end()) {
return false;
std::swap(*it, *edges->rbegin());
return true;
auto op1 = delete_edge_from_storage(to_vertex, &old_from_vertex->out_edges);
auto op2 = delete_edge_from_storage(old_from_vertex, &to_vertex->in_edges);
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
MG_ASSERT((op1 && op2), "Invalid database state!");
} else {
MG_ASSERT((op1 && op2) || (!op1 && !op2), "Invalid database state!");
if (!op1 && !op2) {
// The edge is already deleted.
return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
utils::AtomicMemoryBlock atomic_memory_block{
[this, edge_ref, old_from_vertex, new_from_vertex, edge_type, to_vertex]() {
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, old_from_vertex, Delta::AddOutEdgeTag(), edge_type, to_vertex, edge_ref);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, to_vertex, Delta::AddInEdgeTag(), edge_type, old_from_vertex, edge_ref);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, new_from_vertex, Delta::RemoveOutEdgeTag(), edge_type, to_vertex, edge_ref);
new_from_vertex->out_edges.emplace_back(edge_type, to_vertex, edge_ref);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, to_vertex, Delta::RemoveInEdgeTag(), edge_type, new_from_vertex, edge_ref);
to_vertex->in_edges.emplace_back(edge_type, new_from_vertex, edge_ref);
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_edge_type_index = static_cast<InMemoryEdgeTypeIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.edge_type_index_.get());
mem_edge_type_index->UpdateOnEdgeModification(old_from_vertex, to_vertex, new_from_vertex, to_vertex, edge_ref,
edge_type, transaction_);
if (config_.enable_edges_metadata) {
in_memory->UpdateEdgesMetadataOnModification(edge_ref.ptr, new_from_vertex);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(new_from_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::OUT);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(old_from_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::OUT);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(to_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::IN);
return EdgeAccessor(edge_ref, edge_type, new_from_vertex, to_vertex, storage_, &transaction_);
Result<EdgeAccessor> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::EdgeSetTo(EdgeAccessor *edge, VertexAccessor *new_to) {
MG_ASSERT(edge->transaction_ == new_to->transaction_,
"EdgeAccessor must be from the same transaction as the new to vertex "
"accessor when deleting an edge!");
MG_ASSERT(edge->transaction_ == &transaction_,
"EdgeAccessor must be from the same transaction as the storage "
"accessor when deleting an edge!");
auto *from_vertex = edge->from_vertex_;
auto *old_to_vertex = edge->to_vertex_;
auto *new_to_vertex = new_to->vertex_;
if (old_to_vertex->gid == new_to_vertex->gid) return *edge;
auto &edge_ref = edge->edge_;
auto &edge_type = edge->edge_type_;
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard;
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
auto *edge_ptr = edge_ref.ptr;
guard = std::unique_lock{edge_ptr->lock};
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, edge_ptr)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
if (edge_ptr->deleted) return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard_from(from_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock);
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard_old_to(old_to_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock);
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard_new_to(new_to_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock);
// lock in increasing gid order, if two vertices have the same gid need to only lock once
std::vector<memgraph::storage::Vertex *> vertices{from_vertex, old_to_vertex, new_to_vertex};
std::sort(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), [](auto x, auto y) { return x->gid < y->gid; });
vertices.erase(std::unique(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), [](auto x, auto y) { return x->gid == y->gid; }),
for (auto *vertex : vertices) {
if (vertex == from_vertex) {
} else if (vertex == old_to_vertex) {
} else if (vertex == new_to_vertex) {
} else {
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, old_to_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
MG_ASSERT(!old_to_vertex->deleted, "Invalid database state!");
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, new_to_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
MG_ASSERT(!new_to_vertex->deleted, "Invalid database state!");
if (from_vertex != old_to_vertex && from_vertex != new_to_vertex) {
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, from_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
MG_ASSERT(!from_vertex->deleted, "Invalid database state!");
auto delete_edge_from_storage = [&edge_type, &edge_ref, this](auto *vertex, auto *edges) {
std::tuple<EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, EdgeRef> link(edge_type, vertex, edge_ref);
auto it = std::find(edges->begin(), edges->end(), link);
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
MG_ASSERT(it != edges->end(), "Invalid database state!");
} else if (it == edges->end()) {
return false;
std::swap(*it, *edges->rbegin());
return true;
auto op1 = delete_edge_from_storage(old_to_vertex, &from_vertex->out_edges);
auto op2 = delete_edge_from_storage(from_vertex, &old_to_vertex->in_edges);
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
MG_ASSERT((op1 && op2), "Invalid database state!");
} else {
MG_ASSERT((op1 && op2) || (!op1 && !op2), "Invalid database state!");
if (!op1 && !op2) {
// The edge is already deleted.
return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
utils::AtomicMemoryBlock atomic_memory_block{
[this, edge_ref, old_to_vertex, from_vertex, edge_type, new_to_vertex]() {
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, from_vertex, Delta::AddOutEdgeTag(), edge_type, old_to_vertex, edge_ref);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, old_to_vertex, Delta::AddInEdgeTag(), edge_type, from_vertex, edge_ref);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, from_vertex, Delta::RemoveOutEdgeTag(), edge_type, new_to_vertex, edge_ref);
from_vertex->out_edges.emplace_back(edge_type, new_to_vertex, edge_ref);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, new_to_vertex, Delta::RemoveInEdgeTag(), edge_type, from_vertex, edge_ref);
new_to_vertex->in_edges.emplace_back(edge_type, from_vertex, edge_ref);
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_edge_type_index = static_cast<InMemoryEdgeTypeIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.edge_type_index_.get());
mem_edge_type_index->UpdateOnEdgeModification(from_vertex, old_to_vertex, from_vertex, new_to_vertex, edge_ref,
edge_type, transaction_);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(from_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::OUT);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(old_to_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::IN);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(new_to_vertex, edge_type, EdgeDirection::IN);
return EdgeAccessor(edge_ref, edge_type, from_vertex, new_to_vertex, storage_, &transaction_);
Result<EdgeAccessor> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::EdgeChangeType(EdgeAccessor *edge, EdgeTypeId new_edge_type) {
OOMExceptionEnabler oom_exception;
MG_ASSERT(&transaction_ == edge->transaction_,
"EdgeAccessor must be from the same transaction as the storage "
"accessor when changing the edge type!");
auto &edge_ref = edge->edge_;
auto &edge_type = edge->edge_type_;
std::unique_lock<utils::RWSpinLock> guard;
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
auto *edge_ptr = edge_ref.ptr;
guard = std::unique_lock{edge_ptr->lock};
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, edge_ptr)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
if (edge_ptr->deleted) return Error::DELETED_OBJECT;
auto *from_vertex = edge->from_vertex_;
auto *to_vertex = edge->to_vertex_;
// Obtain the locks by `gid` order to avoid lock cycles.
auto guard_from = std::unique_lock{from_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock};
auto guard_to = std::unique_lock{to_vertex->lock, std::defer_lock};
if (from_vertex->gid < to_vertex->gid) {
} else if (from_vertex->gid > to_vertex->gid) {
} else {
// The vertices are the same vertex, only lock one.
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, from_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
MG_ASSERT(!from_vertex->deleted, "Invalid database state!");
if (!PrepareForWrite(&transaction_, to_vertex)) return Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR;
MG_ASSERT(!to_vertex->deleted, "Invalid database state!");
auto change_edge_type_in_storage = [&edge_type, &edge_ref, &new_edge_type, this](auto *vertex, auto *edges) {
std::tuple<EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, EdgeRef> link(edge_type, vertex, edge_ref);
auto it = std::find(edges->begin(), edges->end(), link);
if (config_.properties_on_edges) {
MG_ASSERT(it != edges->end(), "Invalid database state!");
} else if (it == edges->end()) {
return false;
*it = std::tuple<EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, EdgeRef>{new_edge_type, vertex, edge_ref};
return true;
auto op1 = change_edge_type_in_storage(to_vertex, &from_vertex->out_edges);
auto op2 = change_edge_type_in_storage(from_vertex, &to_vertex->in_edges);
MG_ASSERT((op1 && op2), "Invalid database state!");
utils::AtomicMemoryBlock atomic_memory_block{[this, to_vertex, new_edge_type, edge_ref, from_vertex, edge_type]() {
// "deleting" old edge
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, from_vertex, Delta::AddOutEdgeTag(), edge_type, to_vertex, edge_ref);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, to_vertex, Delta::AddInEdgeTag(), edge_type, from_vertex, edge_ref);
// "adding" new edge
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, from_vertex, Delta::RemoveOutEdgeTag(), new_edge_type, to_vertex, edge_ref);
CreateAndLinkDelta(&transaction_, to_vertex, Delta::RemoveInEdgeTag(), new_edge_type, from_vertex, edge_ref);
// edge type is not used while invalidating cache so we can only call it once
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(from_vertex, new_edge_type, EdgeDirection::OUT);
transaction_.manyDeltasCache.Invalidate(to_vertex, new_edge_type, EdgeDirection::IN);
return EdgeAccessor(edge_ref, new_edge_type, from_vertex, to_vertex, storage_, &transaction_);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
utils::BasicResult<StorageManipulationError, void> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::Commit(
CommitReplArgs reparg, DatabaseAccessProtector db_acc) {
MG_ASSERT(is_transaction_active_, "The transaction is already terminated!");
MG_ASSERT(!transaction_.must_abort, "The transaction can't be committed!");
auto could_replicate_all_sync_replicas = true;
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
// TODO: duplicated transaction finalisation in md_deltas and deltas processing cases
if (transaction_.deltas.empty() && transaction_.md_deltas.empty()) {
// We don't have to update the commit timestamp here because no one reads
// it.
} else {
// This is usually done by the MVCC, but it does not handle the metadata deltas
if (transaction_.constraint_verification_info &&
transaction_.constraint_verification_info->NeedsExistenceConstraintVerification()) {
const auto vertices_to_update =
for (auto const *vertex : vertices_to_update) {
// No need to take any locks here because we modified this vertex and no
// one else can touch it until we commit.
auto validation_result = storage_->constraints_.existence_constraints_->Validate(*vertex);
if (validation_result) {
return StorageManipulationError{*validation_result};
// Result of validating the vertex against unqiue constraints. It has to be
// declared outside of the critical section scope because its value is
// tested for Abort call which has to be done out of the scope.
std::optional<ConstraintViolation> unique_constraint_violation;
// Save these so we can mark them used in the commit log.
uint64_t start_timestamp = transaction_.start_timestamp;
std::unique_lock<utils::SpinLock> engine_guard(storage_->engine_lock_);
auto *mem_unique_constraints =
static_cast<InMemoryUniqueConstraints *>(storage_->constraints_.unique_constraints_.get());
if (transaction_.constraint_verification_info &&
transaction_.constraint_verification_info->NeedsUniqueConstraintVerification()) {
// Before committing and validating vertices against unique constraints,
// we have to update unique constraints with the vertices that are going
// to be validated/committed.
const auto vertices_to_update =
for (auto const *vertex : vertices_to_update) {
mem_unique_constraints->UpdateBeforeCommit(vertex, transaction_);
for (auto const *vertex : vertices_to_update) {
// No need to take any locks here because we modified this vertex and no
// one else can touch it until we commit.
unique_constraint_violation = mem_unique_constraints->Validate(*vertex, transaction_, *commit_timestamp_);
if (unique_constraint_violation) {
if (!unique_constraint_violation) {
[[maybe_unused]] bool const is_main_or_replica_write =
reparg.IsMain() || reparg.desired_commit_timestamp.has_value();
// TODO Figure out if we can assert this
// DMG_ASSERT(is_main_or_replica_write, "Should only get here on writes");
// Currently there are queries that write to some subsystem that are allowed on a replica
// ex. analyze graph stats
// There are probably others. We not to check all of them and figure out if they are allowed and what are
// they even doing here...
// Write transaction to WAL while holding the engine lock to make sure
// that committed transactions are sorted by the commit timestamp in the
// WAL files. We supply the new commit timestamp to the function so that
// it knows what will be the final commit timestamp. The WAL must be
// written before actually committing the transaction (before setting
// the commit timestamp) so that no other transaction can see the
// modifications before they are written to disk.
// Replica can log only the write transaction received from Main
// so the Wal files are consistent
if (is_main_or_replica_write) {
could_replicate_all_sync_replicas =
mem_storage->AppendToWal(transaction_, *commit_timestamp_, std::move(db_acc));
// TODO: release lock, and update all deltas to have a local copy of the commit timestamp
MG_ASSERT(transaction_.commit_timestamp != nullptr, "Invalid database state!");
transaction_.commit_timestamp->store(*commit_timestamp_, std::memory_order_release);
// Replica can only update the last commit timestamp with
// the commits received from main.
// Update the last commit timestamp
// TODO: can and should this be moved earlier?
// while still holding engine lock
// and after durability + replication
// check if we can fast discard deltas (ie. do not hand over to GC)
bool no_older_transactions = mem_storage->commit_log_->OldestActive() == *commit_timestamp_;
bool no_newer_transactions = mem_storage->transaction_id_ == transaction_.transaction_id + 1;
if (no_older_transactions && no_newer_transactions) [[unlikely]] {
// STEP 0) Can only do fast discard if GC is not running
// We can't unlink our transcations deltas until all of the older deltas in GC have been unlinked
// must do a try here, to avoid deadlock between transactions `engine_lock_` and the GC `gc_lock_`
auto gc_guard = std::unique_lock{mem_storage->gc_lock_, std::defer_lock};
if (gc_guard.try_lock()) {
FastDiscardOfDeltas(*commit_timestamp_, std::move(gc_guard));
} // Release engine lock because we don't have to hold it anymore
if (unique_constraint_violation) {
commit_timestamp_.reset(); // We have aborted, hence we have not committed
return StorageManipulationError{*unique_constraint_violation};
is_transaction_active_ = false;
if (!could_replicate_all_sync_replicas) {
return StorageManipulationError{ReplicationError{}};
return {};
void InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::FastDiscardOfDeltas(uint64_t oldest_active_timestamp,
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> /*gc_guard*/) {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
std::list<Gid> current_deleted_edges;
std::list<Gid> current_deleted_vertices;
auto const unlink_remove_clear = [&](std::deque<Delta> &deltas) {
for (auto &delta : deltas) {
auto prev = delta.prev.Get();
switch (prev.type) {
case PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR:
case PreviousPtr::Type::DELTA:
case PreviousPtr::Type::VERTEX: {
// safe because no other txn can be reading this while we have engine lock
auto &vertex = *prev.vertex;
vertex.delta = nullptr;
if (vertex.deleted) {
DMG_ASSERT(delta.action == Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT);
case PreviousPtr::Type::EDGE: {
// safe because no other txn can be reading this while we have engine lock
auto &edge = *prev.edge;
edge.delta = nullptr;
if (edge.deleted) {
DMG_ASSERT(delta.action == Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT);
// delete deltas
// STEP 1) ensure everything in GC is gone
// 1.a) old garbage_undo_buffers are safe to remove
// we are the only transaction, no one is reading those unlinked deltas
mem_storage->garbage_undo_buffers_.WithLock([&](auto &garbage_undo_buffers) { garbage_undo_buffers.clear(); });
// 1.b.0) old committed_transactions_ need mininal unlinking + remove + clear
// must be done before this transactions delta unlinking
auto linked_undo_buffers = std::list<GCDeltas>{};
[&](auto &committed_transactions) { committed_transactions.swap(linked_undo_buffers); });
// 1.b.1) unlink, gathering the removals
for (auto &gc_deltas : linked_undo_buffers) {
// 1.b.2) clear the list of deltas deques
// STEP 2) this transactions deltas also mininal unlinking + remove + clear
// STEP 3) skip_list removals
if (!current_deleted_vertices.empty()) {
// 3.a) clear from indexes first
std::stop_source dummy;
mem_storage->indices_.RemoveObsoleteEntries(oldest_active_timestamp, dummy.get_token());
auto *mem_unique_constraints =
static_cast<InMemoryUniqueConstraints *>(mem_storage->constraints_.unique_constraints_.get());
mem_unique_constraints->RemoveObsoleteEntries(oldest_active_timestamp, dummy.get_token());
// 3.b) remove from veretex skip_list
auto vertex_acc = mem_storage->vertices_.access();
for (auto gid : current_deleted_vertices) {
if (!current_deleted_edges.empty()) {
// 3.c) remove from edge skip_list
auto edge_acc = mem_storage->edges_.access();
auto edge_metadata_acc = mem_storage->edges_metadata_.access();
for (auto gid : current_deleted_edges) {
void InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::Abort() {
MG_ASSERT(is_transaction_active_, "The transaction is already terminated!");
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
// if we have no deltas then no need to do any undo work during Abort
// note: this check also saves on unnecessary contention on `engine_lock_`
if (!transaction_.deltas.empty()) {
if (transaction_.constraint_verification_info &&
transaction_.constraint_verification_info->NeedsUniqueConstraintVerification()) {
// Need to remove elements from constraints before handling of the deltas, so the elements match the correct
// values
auto vertices_to_check = transaction_.constraint_verification_info->GetVerticesForUniqueConstraintChecking();
auto vertices_to_check_v = std::vector<Vertex const *>{vertices_to_check.begin(), vertices_to_check.end()};
storage_->constraints_.AbortEntries(vertices_to_check_v, transaction_.start_timestamp);
const auto index_stats = storage_->indices_.Analysis();
// We collect vertices and edges we've created here and then splice them into
// `deleted_vertices_` and `deleted_edges_` lists, instead of adding them one
// by one and acquiring lock every time.
std::list<Gid> my_deleted_vertices;
std::list<Gid> my_deleted_edges;
std::map<LabelId, std::vector<Vertex *>> label_cleanup;
std::map<LabelId, std::vector<std::pair<PropertyValue, Vertex *>>> label_property_cleanup;
std::map<PropertyId, std::vector<std::pair<PropertyValue, Vertex *>>> property_cleanup;
for (const auto &delta : transaction_.deltas) {
auto prev = delta.prev.Get();
switch (prev.type) {
case PreviousPtr::Type::VERTEX: {
auto *vertex = prev.vertex;
auto guard = std::unique_lock{vertex->lock};
Delta *current = vertex->delta;
while (current != nullptr &&
current->timestamp->load(std::memory_order_acquire) == transaction_.transaction_id) {
switch (current->action) {
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL: {
auto it = std::find(vertex->labels.begin(), vertex->labels.end(), current->label.value);
MG_ASSERT(it != vertex->labels.end(), "Invalid database state!");
std::swap(*it, *vertex->labels.rbegin());
// For label index
// check if there is a label index for the label and add entry if so
// For property label index
// check if we care about the label; this will return all the propertyIds we care about and then get
// the current property value
if (std::binary_search(index_stats.label.begin(), index_stats.label.end(), current->label.value)) {
const auto &properties = index_stats.property_label.l2p.find(current->label.value);
if (properties != index_stats.property_label.l2p.end()) {
for (const auto &property : properties->second) {
auto current_value = vertex->properties.GetProperty(property);
if (!current_value.IsNull()) {
label_property_cleanup[current->label.value].emplace_back(std::move(current_value), vertex);
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL: {
auto it = std::find(vertex->labels.begin(), vertex->labels.end(), current->label.value);
MG_ASSERT(it == vertex->labels.end(), "Invalid database state!");
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY: {
// For label index nothing
// For property label index
// check if we care about the property, this will return all the labels and then get current property
// value
const auto &labels = index_stats.property_label.p2l.find(current->property.key);
if (labels != index_stats.property_label.p2l.end()) {
auto current_value = vertex->properties.GetProperty(current->property.key);
if (!current_value.IsNull()) {
property_cleanup[current->property.key].emplace_back(std::move(current_value), vertex);
// Setting the correct value
vertex->properties.SetProperty(current->property.key, *current->property.value);
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE: {
std::tuple<EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, EdgeRef> link{current->vertex_edge.edge_type,
current->vertex_edge.vertex, current->vertex_edge.edge};
auto it = std::find(vertex->in_edges.begin(), vertex->in_edges.end(), link);
MG_ASSERT(it == vertex->in_edges.end(), "Invalid database state!");
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE: {
std::tuple<EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, EdgeRef> link{current->vertex_edge.edge_type,
current->vertex_edge.vertex, current->vertex_edge.edge};
auto it = std::find(vertex->out_edges.begin(), vertex->out_edges.end(), link);
MG_ASSERT(it == vertex->out_edges.end(), "Invalid database state!");
// Increment edge count. We only increment the count here because
// the information in `ADD_IN_EDGE` and `Edge/RECREATE_OBJECT` is
// redundant. Also, `Edge/RECREATE_OBJECT` isn't available when
// edge properties are disabled.
storage_->edge_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE: {
std::tuple<EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, EdgeRef> link{current->vertex_edge.edge_type,
current->vertex_edge.vertex, current->vertex_edge.edge};
auto it = std::find(vertex->in_edges.begin(), vertex->in_edges.end(), link);
MG_ASSERT(it != vertex->in_edges.end(), "Invalid database state!");
std::swap(*it, *vertex->in_edges.rbegin());
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE: {
std::tuple<EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, EdgeRef> link{current->vertex_edge.edge_type,
current->vertex_edge.vertex, current->vertex_edge.edge};
auto it = std::find(vertex->out_edges.begin(), vertex->out_edges.end(), link);
MG_ASSERT(it != vertex->out_edges.end(), "Invalid database state!");
std::swap(*it, *vertex->out_edges.rbegin());
// Decrement edge count. We only decrement the count here because
// the information in `REMOVE_IN_EDGE` and `Edge/DELETE_OBJECT` is
// redundant. Also, `Edge/DELETE_OBJECT` isn't available when edge
// properties are disabled.
storage_->edge_count_.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT: {
vertex->deleted = true;
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT: {
vertex->deleted = false;
current = current->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
vertex->delta = current;
if (current != nullptr) {
case PreviousPtr::Type::EDGE: {
auto *edge = prev.edge;
auto guard = std::lock_guard{edge->lock};
Delta *current = edge->delta;
while (current != nullptr &&
current->timestamp->load(std::memory_order_acquire) == transaction_.transaction_id) {
switch (current->action) {
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY: {
edge->properties.SetProperty(current->property.key, *current->property.value);
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT: {
edge->deleted = true;
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT: {
edge->deleted = false;
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE: {
LOG_FATAL("Invalid database state!");
current = current->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
edge->delta = current;
if (current != nullptr) {
case PreviousPtr::Type::DELTA:
// pointer probably couldn't be set because allocation failed
case PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR:
auto engine_guard = std::unique_lock(storage_->engine_lock_);
uint64_t mark_timestamp = storage_->timestamp_;
// Take garbage_undo_buffers lock while holding the engine lock to make
// sure that entries are sorted by mark timestamp in the list.
mem_storage->garbage_undo_buffers_.WithLock([&](auto &garbage_undo_buffers) {
// Release engine lock because we don't have to hold it anymore and
// emplace back could take a long time.
garbage_undo_buffers.emplace_back(mark_timestamp, std::move(transaction_.deltas),
/// We MUST unlink (aka. remove) entries in indexes and constraints
/// before we unlink (aka. remove) vertices from storage
/// this is because they point into vertices skip_list
for (auto const &[label, vertices] : label_cleanup) {
storage_->indices_.AbortEntries(label, vertices, transaction_.start_timestamp);
for (auto const &[label, prop_vertices] : label_property_cleanup) {
storage_->indices_.AbortEntries(label, prop_vertices, transaction_.start_timestamp);
for (auto const &[property, prop_vertices] : property_cleanup) {
storage_->indices_.AbortEntries(property, prop_vertices, transaction_.start_timestamp);
auto vertices_acc = mem_storage->vertices_.access();
for (auto gid : my_deleted_vertices) {
auto edges_acc = mem_storage->edges_.access();
auto edges_metadata_acc = mem_storage->edges_metadata_.access();
for (auto gid : my_deleted_edges) {
is_transaction_active_ = false;
void InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::FinalizeTransaction() {
if (commit_timestamp_) {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
if (!transaction_.deltas.empty()) {
// Only hand over delta to be GC'ed if there was any deltas
mem_storage->committed_transactions_.WithLock([&](auto &committed_transactions) {
// using mark of 0 as GC will assign a mark_timestamp after unlinking
committed_transactions.emplace_back(0, std::move(transaction_.deltas),
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateIndex(LabelId label) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Creating label index requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_label_index = static_cast<InMemoryLabelIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.label_index_.get());
if (!mem_label_index->CreateIndex(label, in_memory->vertices_.access(), std::nullopt)) {
return StorageIndexDefinitionError{IndexDefinitionError{}};
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::label_index_create, label);
// We don't care if there is a replication error because on main node the change will go through
return {};
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateIndex(
LabelId label, PropertyId property) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Creating label-property index requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_label_property_index =
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.label_property_index_.get());
if (!mem_label_property_index->CreateIndex(label, property, in_memory->vertices_.access(), std::nullopt)) {
return StorageIndexDefinitionError{IndexDefinitionError{}};
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::label_property_index_create, label, property);
// We don't care if there is a replication error because on main node the change will go through
return {};
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateIndex(
EdgeTypeId edge_type) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Create index requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_edge_type_index = static_cast<InMemoryEdgeTypeIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.edge_type_index_.get());
if (!mem_edge_type_index->CreateIndex(edge_type, in_memory->vertices_.access())) {
return StorageIndexDefinitionError{IndexDefinitionError{}};
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::edge_index_create, edge_type);
return {};
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::DropIndex(LabelId label) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Dropping label index requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_label_index = static_cast<InMemoryLabelIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.label_index_.get());
if (!mem_label_index->DropIndex(label)) {
return StorageIndexDefinitionError{IndexDefinitionError{}};
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::label_index_drop, label);
// We don't care if there is a replication error because on main node the change will go through
return {};
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::DropIndex(
LabelId label, PropertyId property) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Dropping label-property index requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_label_property_index =
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.label_property_index_.get());
if (!mem_label_property_index->DropIndex(label, property)) {
return StorageIndexDefinitionError{IndexDefinitionError{}};
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::label_property_index_drop, label, property);
// We don't care if there is a replication error because on main node the change will go through
return {};
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::DropIndex(
EdgeTypeId edge_type) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Drop index requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_edge_type_index = static_cast<InMemoryEdgeTypeIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.edge_type_index_.get());
if (!mem_edge_type_index->DropIndex(edge_type)) {
return StorageIndexDefinitionError{IndexDefinitionError{}};
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::edge_index_drop, edge_type);
return {};
utils::BasicResult<StorageExistenceConstraintDefinitionError, void>
InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateExistenceConstraint(LabelId label, PropertyId property) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Creating existence requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *existence_constraints = in_memory->constraints_.existence_constraints_.get();
if (existence_constraints->ConstraintExists(label, property)) {
return StorageExistenceConstraintDefinitionError{ConstraintDefinitionError{}};
if (auto violation = ExistenceConstraints::ValidateVerticesOnConstraint(in_memory->vertices_.access(), label,
property, std::nullopt);
violation.has_value()) {
return StorageExistenceConstraintDefinitionError{violation.value()};
existence_constraints->InsertConstraint(label, property);
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::existence_constraint_create, label, property);
return {};
utils::BasicResult<StorageExistenceConstraintDroppingError, void>
InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::DropExistenceConstraint(LabelId label, PropertyId property) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Dropping existence constraint requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *existence_constraints = in_memory->constraints_.existence_constraints_.get();
if (!existence_constraints->DropConstraint(label, property)) {
return StorageExistenceConstraintDroppingError{ConstraintDefinitionError{}};
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::existence_constraint_drop, label, property);
return {};
utils::BasicResult<StorageUniqueConstraintDefinitionError, UniqueConstraints::CreationStatus>
InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::CreateUniqueConstraint(LabelId label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Creating unique constraint requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_unique_constraints =
static_cast<InMemoryUniqueConstraints *>(in_memory->constraints_.unique_constraints_.get());
auto ret = mem_unique_constraints->CreateConstraint(label, properties, in_memory->vertices_.access(), std::nullopt);
if (ret.HasError()) {
return StorageUniqueConstraintDefinitionError{ret.GetError()};
if (ret.GetValue() != UniqueConstraints::CreationStatus::SUCCESS) {
return ret.GetValue();
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::unique_constraint_create, label, properties);
return UniqueConstraints::CreationStatus::SUCCESS;
UniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::DropUniqueConstraint(
LabelId label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) {
MG_ASSERT(unique_guard_.owns_lock(), "Dropping unique constraint requires a unique access to the storage!");
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_unique_constraints =
static_cast<InMemoryUniqueConstraints *>(in_memory->constraints_.unique_constraints_.get());
auto ret = mem_unique_constraints->DropConstraint(label, properties);
if (ret != UniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus::SUCCESS) {
return ret;
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::unique_constraint_drop, label, properties);
return UniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus::SUCCESS;
VerticesIterable InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::Vertices(LabelId label, View view) {
auto *mem_label_index = static_cast<InMemoryLabelIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_index_.get());
return VerticesIterable(mem_label_index->Vertices(label, view, storage_, &transaction_));
VerticesIterable InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::Vertices(LabelId label, PropertyId property, View view) {
auto *mem_label_property_index =
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_property_index_.get());
return VerticesIterable(
mem_label_property_index->Vertices(label, property, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, view, storage_, &transaction_));
VerticesIterable InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::Vertices(LabelId label, PropertyId property,
const PropertyValue &value, View view) {
auto *mem_label_property_index =
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_property_index_.get());
return VerticesIterable(mem_label_property_index->Vertices(label, property, utils::MakeBoundInclusive(value),
utils::MakeBoundInclusive(value), view, storage_,
VerticesIterable InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::Vertices(
LabelId label, PropertyId property, const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower_bound,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper_bound, View view) {
auto *mem_label_property_index =
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_property_index_.get());
return VerticesIterable(
mem_label_property_index->Vertices(label, property, lower_bound, upper_bound, view, storage_, &transaction_));
EdgesIterable InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::Edges(EdgeTypeId edge_type, View view) {
auto *mem_edge_type_index = static_cast<InMemoryEdgeTypeIndex *>(storage_->indices_.edge_type_index_.get());
return EdgesIterable(mem_edge_type_index->Edges(edge_type, view, storage_, &transaction_));
std::optional<EdgeAccessor> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::FindEdge(Gid gid, View view) {
using EdgeInfo = std::optional<std::tuple<EdgeRef, EdgeTypeId, Vertex *, Vertex *>>;
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto edge_acc = mem_storage->edges_.access();
auto edge_it = edge_acc.find(gid);
if (edge_it == edge_acc.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
auto *edge_ptr = &(*edge_it);
auto vertices_acc = mem_storage->vertices_.access();
auto extract_edge_info = [&](Vertex *from_vertex) -> EdgeInfo {
for (auto &out_edge : from_vertex->out_edges) {
if (std::get<2>(out_edge).ptr == edge_ptr) {
return std::make_tuple(std::get<2>(out_edge), std::get<0>(out_edge), from_vertex, std::get<1>(out_edge));
return std::nullopt;
auto edge_accessor_from_info = [this, view](EdgeInfo &maybe_edge_info) -> std::optional<EdgeAccessor> {
if (!maybe_edge_info) {
return std::nullopt;
auto &edge_info = *maybe_edge_info;
return EdgeAccessor::Create(std::get<0>(edge_info), std::get<1>(edge_info), std::get<2>(edge_info),
std::get<3>(edge_info), storage_, &transaction_, view);
if (mem_storage->config_.salient.items.enable_edges_metadata) {
auto edge_metadata_acc = mem_storage->edges_metadata_.access();
auto edge_metadata_it = edge_metadata_acc.find(gid);
MG_ASSERT(edge_metadata_it != edge_metadata_acc.end(), "Invalid database state!");
auto maybe_edge_info = extract_edge_info(edge_metadata_it->from_vertex);
return edge_accessor_from_info(maybe_edge_info);
// If metadata on edges is not enabled we will have to do
// a full scan.
auto maybe_edge_info = std::invoke([&]() -> EdgeInfo {
for (auto &from_vertex : vertices_acc) {
auto maybe_edge_info = extract_edge_info(&from_vertex);
if (maybe_edge_info) {
return maybe_edge_info;
return std::nullopt;
return edge_accessor_from_info(maybe_edge_info);
Transaction InMemoryStorage::CreateTransaction(
IsolationLevel isolation_level, StorageMode storage_mode,
memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole replication_role) {
// We acquire the transaction engine lock here because we access (and
// modify) the transaction engine variables (`transaction_id` and
// `timestamp`) below.
uint64_t transaction_id = 0;
uint64_t start_timestamp = 0;
std::lock_guard<utils::SpinLock> guard(engine_lock_);
transaction_id = transaction_id_++;
// Replica should have only read queries and the write queries
// can come from main instance with any past timestamp.
// To preserve snapshot isolation we set the start timestamp
// of any query on replica to the last commited transaction
// which is timestamp_ as only commit of transaction with writes
// can change the value of it.
if (replication_role == memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole::MAIN) {
start_timestamp = timestamp_++;
} else {
start_timestamp = timestamp_;
return {transaction_id, start_timestamp, isolation_level, storage_mode, false, !constraints_.empty()};
void InMemoryStorage::SetStorageMode(StorageMode new_storage_mode) {
std::unique_lock main_guard{main_lock_};
(storage_mode_ == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL || storage_mode_ == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_TRANSACTIONAL) &&
(new_storage_mode == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL ||
new_storage_mode == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_TRANSACTIONAL));
if (storage_mode_ != new_storage_mode) {
if (new_storage_mode == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL) {
} else if (config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode != Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::DISABLED) {
snapshot_runner_.Run("Snapshot", config_.durability.snapshot_interval,
[this]() { this->create_snapshot_handler(); });
storage_mode_ = new_storage_mode;
FreeMemory(std::move(main_guard), false);
template <bool aggressive = true>
void InMemoryStorage::CollectGarbage(std::unique_lock<utils::ResourceLock> main_guard, bool periodic) {
// NOTE: You do not need to consider cleanup of deleted object that occurred in
// different storage modes within the same CollectGarbage call. This is because
// SetStorageMode will ensure CollectGarbage is called before any new transactions
// with the new storage mode can start.
// SetStorageMode will pass its unique_lock of main_lock_. We will use that lock,
// as reacquiring the lock would cause deadlock. Otherwise, we need to get our own
// lock.
if (!main_guard.owns_lock()) {
if constexpr (aggressive) {
// We tried to be aggressive but we do not already have main lock continue as not aggressive
// Perf note: Do not try to get unique lock if it was not already passed in. GC maybe expensive,
// do not assume it is fast, unique lock will blocks all new storage transactions.
CollectGarbage<false>({}, periodic);
} else {
// Because the garbage collector iterates through the indices and constraints
// to clean them up, it must take the main lock for reading to make sure that
// the indices and constraints aren't concurrently being modified.
} else {
DMG_ASSERT(main_guard.mutex() == std::addressof(main_lock_), "main_guard should be only for the main_lock_");
utils::OnScopeExit lock_releaser{[&] {
if (main_guard.owns_lock()) {
} else {
// Only one gc run at a time
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> gc_guard(gc_lock_, std::try_to_lock);
if (!gc_guard.owns_lock()) {
// Diagnostic trace
spdlog::trace("Storage GC on '{}' started [{}]", name(), periodic ? "periodic" : "forced");
auto trace_on_exit = utils::OnScopeExit{
[&] { spdlog::trace("Storage GC on '{}' finished [{}]", name(), periodic ? "periodic" : "forced"); }};
// Garbage collection must be performed in two phases. In the first phase,
// deltas that won't be applied by any transaction anymore are unlinked from
// the version chains. They cannot be deleted immediately, because there
// might be a transaction that still needs them to terminate the version
// chain traversal. They are instead marked for deletion and will be deleted
// in the second GC phase in this GC iteration or some of the following
// ones.
uint64_t oldest_active_start_timestamp = commit_log_->OldestActive();
std::unique_lock<utils::SpinLock> guard(engine_lock_);
uint64_t mark_timestamp = timestamp_; // a timestamp no active transaction can currently have
// Deltas from previous GC runs or from aborts can be cleaned up here
garbage_undo_buffers_.WithLock([&](auto &garbage_undo_buffers) {
if (aggressive or mark_timestamp == oldest_active_start_timestamp) {
// We know no transaction is active, it is safe to simply delete all the garbage undos
// Nothing can be reading them
} else {
// garbage_undo_buffers is ordered, pop until we can't
while (!garbage_undo_buffers.empty() &&
garbage_undo_buffers.front().mark_timestamp_ <= oldest_active_start_timestamp) {
// We don't move undo buffers of unlinked transactions to garbage_undo_buffers
// list immediately, because we would have to repeatedly take
// garbage_undo_buffers lock.
std::list<GCDeltas> unlinked_undo_buffers{};
// We will only free vertices deleted up until now in this GC cycle, and we
// will do it after cleaning-up the indices. That way we are sure that all
// vertices that appear in an index also exist in main storage.
std::list<Gid> current_deleted_edges;
std::list<Gid> current_deleted_vertices;
auto const need_full_scan_vertices = gc_full_scan_vertices_delete_.exchange(false);
auto const need_full_scan_edges = gc_full_scan_edges_delete_.exchange(false);
// Short lock, to move to local variable. Hence allows other transactions to commit.
auto linked_undo_buffers = std::list<GCDeltas>{};
[&](auto &committed_transactions) { committed_transactions.swap(linked_undo_buffers); });
// Flag that will be used to determine whether the Index GC should be run. It
// should be run when there were any items that were cleaned up (there were
// updates between this run of the GC and the previous run of the GC). This
// eliminates high CPU usage when the GC doesn't have to clean up anything.
bool run_index_cleanup = !linked_undo_buffers.empty() || !garbage_undo_buffers_->empty() || need_full_scan_vertices ||
auto const end_linked_undo_buffers = linked_undo_buffers.end();
for (auto linked_entry = linked_undo_buffers.begin(); linked_entry != end_linked_undo_buffers;) {
auto const *const commit_timestamp_ptr = linked_entry->commit_timestamp_.get();
auto const commit_timestamp = commit_timestamp_ptr->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
// only process those that are no longer active
if (commit_timestamp >= oldest_active_start_timestamp) {
++linked_entry; // can not process, skip
continue; // must continue to next transaction, because committed_transactions_ was not ordered
// When unlinking a delta which is the first delta in its version chain,
// special care has to be taken to avoid the following race condition:
// [Vertex] --> [Delta A]
// GC thread: Delta A is the first in its chain, it must be unlinked from
// vertex and marked for deletion
// TX thread: Update vertex and add Delta B with Delta A as next
// [Vertex] --> [Delta B] <--> [Delta A]
// GC thread: Unlink delta from Vertex
// [Vertex] --> (nullptr)
// When processing a delta that is the first one in its chain, we
// obtain the corresponding vertex or edge lock, and then verify that this
// delta still is the first in its chain.
// When processing a delta that is in the middle of the chain we only
// process the final delta of the given transaction in that chain. We
// determine the owner of the chain (either a vertex or an edge), obtain the
// corresponding lock, and then verify that this delta is still in the same
// position as it was before taking the lock.
// Even though the delta chain is lock-free (both `next` and `prev`) the
// chain should not be modified without taking the lock from the object that
// owns the chain (either a vertex or an edge). Modifying the chain without
// taking the lock will cause subtle race conditions that will leave the
// chain in a broken state.
// The chain can be only read without taking any locks.
for (Delta &delta : linked_entry->deltas_) {
while (true) {
auto prev = delta.prev.Get();
switch (prev.type) {
case PreviousPtr::Type::VERTEX: {
Vertex *vertex = prev.vertex;
auto vertex_guard = std::unique_lock{vertex->lock};
if (vertex->delta != &delta) {
// Something changed, we're not the first delta in the chain
// anymore.
vertex->delta = nullptr;
if (vertex->deleted) {
DMG_ASSERT(delta.action == memgraph::storage::Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT);
case PreviousPtr::Type::EDGE: {
Edge *edge = prev.edge;
auto edge_guard = std::unique_lock{edge->lock};
if (edge->delta != &delta) {
// Something changed, we're not the first delta in the chain
// anymore.
edge->delta = nullptr;
if (edge->deleted) {
DMG_ASSERT(delta.action == memgraph::storage::Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT);
case PreviousPtr::Type::DELTA: {
// kTransactionInitialId
// │
// ▼
// ┌───────────────────┬─────────────┐
// │ Committed │ Uncommitted │
// ├──────────┬────────┴─────────────┤
// │ Inactive │ Active │
// └──────────┴──────────────────────┘
// ▲
// │
// oldest_active_start_timestamp
if (prev.delta->timestamp == commit_timestamp_ptr) {
// The delta that is newer than this one is also a delta from this
// transaction. We skip the current delta and will remove it as a
// part of the suffix later.
if (prev.delta->timestamp->load() < oldest_active_start_timestamp) {
// If previous is from another inactive transaction, no need to
// lock the edge/vertex, nothing will read this far or relink to
// us directly
// Previous is either active (committed or uncommitted), we need to find
// the parent object in order to be able to use its lock.
auto parent = prev;
while (parent.type == PreviousPtr::Type::DELTA) {
parent = parent.delta->prev.Get();
auto const guard = std::invoke([&] {
switch (parent.type) {
case PreviousPtr::Type::VERTEX:
return std::unique_lock{parent.vertex->lock};
case PreviousPtr::Type::EDGE:
return std::unique_lock{parent.edge->lock};
case PreviousPtr::Type::DELTA:
case PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR:
LOG_FATAL("Invalid database state!");
if (delta.prev.Get() != prev) {
// Something changed, we could now be the first delta in the
// chain.
Delta *prev_delta = prev.delta;
prev_delta->next.store(nullptr, std::memory_order_release);
case PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR: {
LOG_FATAL("Invalid pointer!");
// Now unlinked, move to unlinked_undo_buffers
auto const to_move = linked_entry;
++linked_entry; // advanced to next before we move the list node
unlinked_undo_buffers.splice(unlinked_undo_buffers.end(), linked_undo_buffers, to_move);
if (!linked_undo_buffers.empty()) {
// some were not able to be collected, add them back to committed_transactions_ for the next GC run
committed_transactions_.WithLock([&linked_undo_buffers](auto &committed_transactions) {
committed_transactions.splice(committed_transactions.begin(), std::move(linked_undo_buffers));
// After unlinking deltas from vertices, we refresh the indices. That way
// we're sure that none of the vertices from `current_deleted_vertices`
// appears in an index, and we can safely remove the from the main storage
// after the last currently active transaction is finished.
if (run_index_cleanup) {
// This operation is very expensive as it traverses through all of the items
// in every index every time.
auto token = stop_source.get_token();
if (!token.stop_requested()) {
indices_.RemoveObsoleteEntries(oldest_active_start_timestamp, token);
auto *mem_unique_constraints = static_cast<InMemoryUniqueConstraints *>(constraints_.unique_constraints_.get());
mem_unique_constraints->RemoveObsoleteEntries(oldest_active_start_timestamp, std::move(token));
std::unique_lock<utils::SpinLock> guard(engine_lock_);
uint64_t mark_timestamp = timestamp_; // a timestamp no active transaction can currently have
if (aggressive or mark_timestamp == oldest_active_start_timestamp) {
// if lucky, there are no active transactions, hence nothing looking at the deltas
// remove them now
} else {
// Take garbage_undo_buffers lock while holding the engine lock to make
// sure that entries are sorted by mark timestamp in the list.
garbage_undo_buffers_.WithLock([&](auto &garbage_undo_buffers) {
// Release engine lock because we don't have to hold it anymore and
// this could take a long time.
// correct the markers, and defer until next GC run
for (auto &unlinked_undo_buffer : unlinked_undo_buffers) {
unlinked_undo_buffer.mark_timestamp_ = mark_timestamp;
// ensure insert at end to preserve the order
garbage_undo_buffers.splice(garbage_undo_buffers.end(), std::move(unlinked_undo_buffers));
auto vertex_acc = vertices_.access();
for (auto vertex : current_deleted_vertices) {
MG_ASSERT(vertex_acc.remove(vertex), "Invalid database state!");
auto edge_acc = edges_.access();
auto edge_metadata_acc = edges_metadata_.access();
for (auto edge : current_deleted_edges) {
MG_ASSERT(edge_acc.remove(edge), "Invalid database state!");
MG_ASSERT(edge_metadata_acc.remove(edge), "Invalid database state!");
// EXPENSIVE full scan, is only run if an IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL transaction involved any deletions
// TODO: implement a fast internal iteration inside the skip_list (to avoid unnecessary find_node calls),
// accessor.remove_if([](auto const & item){ return item.delta == nullptr && item.deleted;});
// alternatively, an auxiliary data structure within skip_list to track these, hence a full scan wouldn't be needed
// we will wait for evidence that this is needed before doing so.
if (need_full_scan_vertices) {
auto vertex_acc = vertices_.access();
for (auto &vertex : vertex_acc) {
// a deleted vertex which as no deltas must have come from IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL deletion
if (vertex.delta == nullptr && vertex.deleted) {
// EXPENSIVE full scan, is only run if an IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL transaction involved any deletions
if (need_full_scan_edges) {
auto edge_acc = edges_.access();
auto edge_metadata_acc = edges_metadata_.access();
for (auto &edge : edge_acc) {
// a deleted edge which as no deltas must have come from IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL deletion
if (edge.delta == nullptr && edge.deleted) {
// tell the linker he can find the CollectGarbage definitions here
template void InMemoryStorage::CollectGarbage<true>(std::unique_lock<utils::ResourceLock> main_guard, bool periodic);
template void InMemoryStorage::CollectGarbage<false>(std::unique_lock<utils::ResourceLock> main_guard, bool periodic);
StorageInfo InMemoryStorage::GetBaseInfo() {
StorageInfo info{};
info.vertex_count = vertices_.size();
info.edge_count = edge_count_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (info.vertex_count) {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-narrowing-conversions, cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
info.average_degree = 2.0 * static_cast<double>(info.edge_count) / info.vertex_count;
info.memory_res = utils::GetMemoryRES();
// Special case for the default database
auto update_path = [&](const std::filesystem::path &dir) {
if (config_.salient.name == dbms::kDefaultDB) {
// Default DB points to the root (for back-compatibility); update to the "database" dir
std::filesystem::path new_dir = dir / "databases" / dbms::kDefaultDB;
if (std::filesystem::exists(new_dir) && std::filesystem::is_directory(new_dir)) {
return new_dir;
return dir;
info.disk_usage = utils::GetDirDiskUsage<false>(update_path(config_.durability.storage_directory));
return info;
StorageInfo InMemoryStorage::GetInfo(memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole replication_role) {
StorageInfo info = GetBaseInfo();
auto access = Access(replication_role); // TODO: override isolation level?
const auto &lbl = access->ListAllIndices();
info.label_indices = lbl.label.size();
info.label_property_indices = lbl.label_property.size();
const auto &con = access->ListAllConstraints();
info.existence_constraints = con.existence.size();
info.unique_constraints = con.unique.size();
info.storage_mode = storage_mode_;
info.isolation_level = isolation_level_;
info.durability_snapshot_enabled =
config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode != Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::DISABLED ||
info.durability_wal_enabled =
config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode == Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::PERIODIC_SNAPSHOT_WITH_WAL;
return info;
bool InMemoryStorage::InitializeWalFile(memgraph::replication::ReplicationEpoch &epoch) {
if (config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode != Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::PERIODIC_SNAPSHOT_WITH_WAL)
return false;
if (!wal_file_) {
wal_file_.emplace(recovery_.wal_directory_, uuid_, epoch.id(), config_.salient.items, name_id_mapper_.get(),
wal_seq_num_++, &file_retainer_);
return true;
void InMemoryStorage::FinalizeWalFile() {
if (wal_unsynced_transactions_ >= config_.durability.wal_file_flush_every_n_tx) {
wal_unsynced_transactions_ = 0;
if (wal_file_->GetSize() / 1024 >= config_.durability.wal_file_size_kibibytes) {
wal_file_ = std::nullopt;
wal_unsynced_transactions_ = 0;
} else {
// Try writing the internal buffer if possible, if not
// the data should be written as soon as it's possible
// (triggered by the new transaction commit, or some
// reading thread EnabledFlushing)
bool InMemoryStorage::AppendToWal(const Transaction &transaction, uint64_t final_commit_timestamp,
DatabaseAccessProtector db_acc) {
if (!InitializeWalFile(repl_storage_state_.epoch_)) {
return true;
// Traverse deltas and append them to the WAL file.
// A single transaction will always be contained in a single WAL file.
auto current_commit_timestamp = transaction.commit_timestamp->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
//////// AF only this calls initialize transaction
repl_storage_state_.InitializeTransaction(wal_file_->SequenceNumber(), this, db_acc);
auto append_deltas = [&](auto callback) {
// Helper lambda that traverses the delta chain on order to find the first
// delta that should be processed and then appends all discovered deltas.
auto find_and_apply_deltas = [&](const auto *delta, const auto &parent, auto filter) {
while (true) {
auto *older = delta->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (older == nullptr || older->timestamp->load(std::memory_order_acquire) != current_commit_timestamp) break;
delta = older;
while (true) {
if (filter(delta->action)) {
callback(*delta, parent, final_commit_timestamp);
auto prev = delta->prev.Get();
MG_ASSERT(prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR, "Invalid pointer!");
if (prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::DELTA) break;
delta = prev.delta;
// The deltas are ordered correctly in the `transaction.deltas` buffer, but we
// don't traverse them in that order. That is because for each delta we need
// information about the vertex or edge they belong to and that information
// isn't stored in the deltas themselves. In order to find out information
// about the corresponding vertex or edge it is necessary to traverse the
// delta chain for each delta until a vertex or edge is encountered. This
// operation is very expensive as the chain grows.
// Instead, we traverse the edges until we find a vertex or edge and traverse
// their delta chains. This approach has a drawback because we lose the
// correct order of the operations. Because of that, we need to traverse the
// deltas several times and we have to manually ensure that the stored deltas
// will be ordered correctly.
// 1. Process all Vertex deltas and store all operations that create vertices
// and modify vertex data.
for (const auto &delta : transaction.deltas) {
auto prev = delta.prev.Get();
MG_ASSERT(prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR, "Invalid pointer!");
if (prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::VERTEX) continue;
find_and_apply_deltas(&delta, *prev.vertex, [](auto action) {
switch (action) {
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY:
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL:
return true;
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE:
return false;
// 2. Process all Vertex deltas and store all operations that create edges.
for (const auto &delta : transaction.deltas) {
auto prev = delta.prev.Get();
MG_ASSERT(prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR, "Invalid pointer!");
if (prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::VERTEX) continue;
find_and_apply_deltas(&delta, *prev.vertex, [](auto action) {
switch (action) {
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE:
return true;
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY:
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
return false;
// 3. Process all Edge deltas and store all operations that modify edge data.
for (const auto &delta : transaction.deltas) {
auto prev = delta.prev.Get();
MG_ASSERT(prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR, "Invalid pointer!");
if (prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::EDGE) continue;
find_and_apply_deltas(&delta, *prev.edge, [](auto action) {
switch (action) {
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY:
return true;
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE:
return false;
// 4. Process all Vertex deltas and store all operations that delete edges.
for (const auto &delta : transaction.deltas) {
auto prev = delta.prev.Get();
MG_ASSERT(prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR, "Invalid pointer!");
if (prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::VERTEX) continue;
find_and_apply_deltas(&delta, *prev.vertex, [](auto action) {
switch (action) {
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
return true;
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY:
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE:
return false;
// 5. Process all Vertex deltas and store all operations that delete vertices.
for (const auto &delta : transaction.deltas) {
auto prev = delta.prev.Get();
MG_ASSERT(prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::NULLPTR, "Invalid pointer!");
if (prev.type != PreviousPtr::Type::VERTEX) continue;
find_and_apply_deltas(&delta, *prev.vertex, [](auto action) {
switch (action) {
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT:
return true;
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT:
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY:
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL:
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE:
return false;
// Handle MVCC deltas
if (!transaction.deltas.empty()) {
append_deltas([&](const Delta &delta, const auto &parent, uint64_t timestamp) {
wal_file_->AppendDelta(delta, parent, timestamp);
repl_storage_state_.AppendDelta(delta, parent, timestamp);
// Handle metadata deltas
for (const auto &md_delta : transaction.md_deltas) {
switch (md_delta.action) {
case MetadataDelta::Action::LABEL_INDEX_CREATE: {
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::LABEL_INDEX_CREATE, md_delta.label,
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::EDGE_INDEX_CREATE: {
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::EDGE_TYPE_INDEX_CREATE, md_delta.edge_type,
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::LABEL_PROPERTY_INDEX_CREATE: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_property;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::LABEL_PROPERTY_INDEX_CREATE, info.label,
{info.property}, final_commit_timestamp);
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::LABEL_INDEX_DROP: {
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::LABEL_INDEX_DROP, md_delta.label,
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::EDGE_INDEX_DROP: {
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::EDGE_TYPE_INDEX_DROP, md_delta.edge_type,
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::LABEL_PROPERTY_INDEX_DROP: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_property;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::LABEL_PROPERTY_INDEX_DROP, info.label,
{info.property}, final_commit_timestamp);
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::LABEL_INDEX_STATS_SET: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_stats;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::LABEL_INDEX_STATS_SET, info.label, info.stats,
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::LABEL_INDEX_STATS_CLEAR: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_stats;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::LABEL_INDEX_STATS_CLEAR, info.label,
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::LABEL_PROPERTY_INDEX_STATS_SET: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_property_stats;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::LABEL_PROPERTY_INDEX_STATS_SET, info.label,
{info.property}, info.stats, final_commit_timestamp);
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::LABEL_PROPERTY_INDEX_STATS_CLEAR: /* Special case we clear all label/property
pairs with the defined label */
const auto &info = md_delta.label_stats;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::LABEL_PROPERTY_INDEX_STATS_CLEAR, info.label,
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::EXISTENCE_CONSTRAINT_CREATE: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_property;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::EXISTENCE_CONSTRAINT_CREATE, info.label,
{info.property}, final_commit_timestamp);
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::EXISTENCE_CONSTRAINT_DROP: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_property;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::EXISTENCE_CONSTRAINT_DROP, info.label,
{info.property}, final_commit_timestamp);
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CREATE: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_properties;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CREATE, info.label,
info.properties, final_commit_timestamp);
} break;
case MetadataDelta::Action::UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_DROP: {
const auto &info = md_delta.label_properties;
AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation::UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_DROP, info.label,
info.properties, final_commit_timestamp);
} break;
// Add a delta that indicates that the transaction is fully written to the WAL
return repl_storage_state_.FinalizeTransaction(final_commit_timestamp, this, std::move(db_acc));
void InMemoryStorage::AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties, LabelIndexStats stats,
LabelPropertyIndexStats property_stats,
uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
wal_file_->AppendOperation(operation, label, properties, stats, property_stats, final_commit_timestamp);
repl_storage_state_.AppendOperation(operation, label, properties, stats, property_stats, final_commit_timestamp);
void InMemoryStorage::AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, EdgeTypeId edge_type,
uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
wal_file_->AppendOperation(operation, edge_type, final_commit_timestamp);
repl_storage_state_.AppendOperation(operation, edge_type, final_commit_timestamp);
void InMemoryStorage::AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties,
LabelPropertyIndexStats property_stats,
uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
return AppendToWalDataDefinition(operation, label, properties, {}, property_stats, final_commit_timestamp);
void InMemoryStorage::AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
LabelIndexStats stats, uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
return AppendToWalDataDefinition(operation, label, {}, stats, {}, final_commit_timestamp);
void InMemoryStorage::AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties,
uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
return AppendToWalDataDefinition(operation, label, properties, {}, final_commit_timestamp);
void InMemoryStorage::AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
uint64_t final_commit_timestamp) {
return AppendToWalDataDefinition(operation, label, {}, {}, final_commit_timestamp);
utils::BasicResult<InMemoryStorage::CreateSnapshotError> InMemoryStorage::CreateSnapshot(
memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole replication_role) {
using memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole;
if (replication_role == ReplicationRole::REPLICA) {
return InMemoryStorage::CreateSnapshotError::DisabledForReplica;
std::lock_guard snapshot_guard(snapshot_lock_);
auto accessor = std::invoke([&]() {
if (storage_mode_ == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL) {
// For analytical no other txn can be in play
return UniqueAccess(ReplicationRole::MAIN, IsolationLevel::SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION);
} else {
return Access(ReplicationRole::MAIN, IsolationLevel::SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION);
utils::Timer timer;
Transaction *transaction = accessor->GetTransaction();
auto const &epoch = repl_storage_state_.epoch_;
durability::CreateSnapshot(this, transaction, recovery_.snapshot_directory_, recovery_.wal_directory_, &vertices_,
&edges_, uuid_, epoch, repl_storage_state_.history, &file_retainer_);
return {};
void InMemoryStorage::FreeMemory(std::unique_lock<utils::ResourceLock> main_guard, bool periodic) {
CollectGarbage(std::move(main_guard), periodic);
static_cast<InMemoryLabelIndex *>(indices_.label_index_.get())->RunGC();
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(indices_.label_property_index_.get())->RunGC();
// SkipList is already threadsafe
uint64_t InMemoryStorage::CommitTimestamp(const std::optional<uint64_t> desired_commit_timestamp) {
if (!desired_commit_timestamp) {
return timestamp_++;
timestamp_ = std::max(timestamp_, *desired_commit_timestamp + 1);
return *desired_commit_timestamp;
void InMemoryStorage::PrepareForNewEpoch() {
std::unique_lock engine_guard{engine_lock_};
if (wal_file_) {
utils::FileRetainer::FileLockerAccessor::ret_type InMemoryStorage::IsPathLocked() {
auto locker_accessor = global_locker_.Access();
return locker_accessor.IsPathLocked(config_.durability.storage_directory);
utils::FileRetainer::FileLockerAccessor::ret_type InMemoryStorage::LockPath() {
auto locker_accessor = global_locker_.Access();
return locker_accessor.AddPath(config_.durability.storage_directory);
utils::FileRetainer::FileLockerAccessor::ret_type InMemoryStorage::UnlockPath() {
auto locker_accessor = global_locker_.Access();
const auto ret = locker_accessor.RemovePath(config_.durability.storage_directory);
if (ret.HasError() || !ret.GetValue()) {
// Exit without cleaning the queue
return ret;
// We use locker accessor in seperate scope so we don't produce deadlock
// after we call clean queue.
return true;
std::unique_ptr<Storage::Accessor> InMemoryStorage::Access(
memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole replication_role,
std::optional<IsolationLevel> override_isolation_level) {
return std::unique_ptr<InMemoryAccessor>(new InMemoryAccessor{Storage::Accessor::shared_access, this,
storage_mode_, replication_role});
std::unique_ptr<Storage::Accessor> InMemoryStorage::UniqueAccess(
memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationRole replication_role,
std::optional<IsolationLevel> override_isolation_level) {
return std::unique_ptr<InMemoryAccessor>(new InMemoryAccessor{Storage::Accessor::unique_access, this,
storage_mode_, replication_role});
void InMemoryStorage::CreateSnapshotHandler(
std::function<utils::BasicResult<InMemoryStorage::CreateSnapshotError>()> cb) {
create_snapshot_handler = [cb]() {
if (auto maybe_error = cb(); maybe_error.HasError()) {
switch (maybe_error.GetError()) {
case CreateSnapshotError::DisabledForReplica:
spdlog::warn(utils::MessageWithLink("Snapshots are disabled for replicas.", "https://memgr.ph/replication"));
case CreateSnapshotError::ReachedMaxNumTries:
spdlog::warn("Failed to create snapshot. Reached max number of tries. Please contact support");
// Run the snapshot thread (if enabled)
if (config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode != Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::DISABLED) {
snapshot_runner_.Run("Snapshot", config_.durability.snapshot_interval, [this, token = stop_source.get_token()]() {
if (!token.stop_requested()) {
IndicesInfo InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::ListAllIndices() const {
auto *in_memory = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
auto *mem_label_index = static_cast<InMemoryLabelIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.label_index_.get());
auto *mem_label_property_index =
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.label_property_index_.get());
auto *mem_edge_type_index = static_cast<InMemoryEdgeTypeIndex *>(in_memory->indices_.edge_type_index_.get());
return {mem_label_index->ListIndices(), mem_label_property_index->ListIndices(), mem_edge_type_index->ListIndices()};
ConstraintsInfo InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::ListAllConstraints() const {
const auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
return {mem_storage->constraints_.existence_constraints_->ListConstraints(),
void InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::SetIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label, const LabelIndexStats &stats) {
SetIndexStatsForIndex(static_cast<InMemoryLabelIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_index_.get()), label, stats);
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::label_index_stats_set, label, stats);
void InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::SetIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label,
const storage::PropertyId &property,
const LabelPropertyIndexStats &stats) {
SetIndexStatsForIndex(static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_property_index_.get()),
std::make_pair(label, property), stats);
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::label_property_index_stats_set, label, property, stats);
bool InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::DeleteLabelIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label) {
const auto res =
DeleteIndexStatsForIndex<bool>(static_cast<InMemoryLabelIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_index_.get()), label);
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::label_index_stats_clear, label);
return res;
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> InMemoryStorage::InMemoryAccessor::DeleteLabelPropertyIndexStats(
const storage::LabelId &label) {
const auto &res = DeleteIndexStatsForIndex<std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>>>(
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_property_index_.get()), label);
transaction_.md_deltas.emplace_back(MetadataDelta::label_property_index_stats_clear, label);
return res;
} // namespace memgraph::storage