528 lines
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528 lines
19 KiB
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/unique_constraints.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include "storage/v2/constraints/constraint_violation.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/constraints/utils.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability/recovery_type.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/id_types.hpp"
#include "utils/counter.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/skip_list.hpp"
namespace memgraph::storage {
namespace {
/// Helper function that determines position of the given `property` in the
/// sorted `property_array` using binary search. In the case that `property`
/// cannot be found, `std::nullopt` is returned.
std::optional<size_t> FindPropertyPosition(const PropertyIdArray &property_array, PropertyId property) {
const auto *it = std::lower_bound(property_array.values, property_array.values + property_array.size, property);
if (it == property_array.values + property_array.size || *it != property) {
return std::nullopt;
return it - property_array.values;
/// Helper function for validating unique constraints on commit. Returns true if
/// the last committed version of the given vertex contains the given label and
/// set of property values. This function should be called when commit lock is
/// active.
bool LastCommittedVersionHasLabelProperty(const Vertex &vertex, LabelId label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties,
const std::vector<PropertyValue> &value_array, const Transaction &transaction,
uint64_t commit_timestamp) {
MG_ASSERT(properties.size() == value_array.size(), "Invalid database state!");
PropertyIdArray property_array(properties.size());
bool current_value_equal_to_value[kUniqueConstraintsMaxProperties];
memset(current_value_equal_to_value, 0, sizeof(current_value_equal_to_value));
// Since the commit lock is active, any transaction that tries to write to
// a vertex which is part of the given `transaction` will result in a
// serialization error. But, note that the given `vertex`'s data does not have
// to be modified in the current `transaction`, meaning that a guard lock to
// access vertex's data is still necessary because another active transaction
// could modify it in the meantime.
Delta *delta;
bool deleted;
bool has_label;
auto guard = std::shared_lock{vertex.lock};
delta = vertex.delta;
deleted = vertex.deleted;
has_label = utils::Contains(vertex.labels, label);
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto &property : properties) {
current_value_equal_to_value[i] = vertex.IsPropertyEqual(property, value_array[i]);
property_array.values[i] = property;
while (delta != nullptr) {
auto ts = delta->timestamp->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (ts < commit_timestamp || ts == transaction.transaction_id) {
switch (delta->action) {
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY: {
auto pos = FindPropertyPosition(property_array, delta->property.key);
if (pos) {
current_value_equal_to_value[*pos] = *delta->property.value == value_array[*pos];
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT: {
MG_ASSERT(!deleted, "Invalid database state!");
deleted = true;
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT: {
MG_ASSERT(deleted, "Invalid database state!");
deleted = false;
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL: {
if (delta->label.value == label) {
MG_ASSERT(!has_label, "Invalid database state!");
has_label = true;
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL: {
if (delta->label.value == label) {
MG_ASSERT(has_label, "Invalid database state!");
has_label = false;
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE:
delta = delta->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
for (size_t i = 0; i < properties.size(); ++i) {
if (!current_value_equal_to_value[i]) {
return false;
return !deleted && has_label;
/// Helper function for unique constraint garbage collection. Returns true if
/// there's a reachable version of the vertex that has the given label and
/// property values.
bool AnyVersionHasLabelProperty(const Vertex &vertex, LabelId label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties,
const std::vector<PropertyValue> &values, uint64_t timestamp) {
MG_ASSERT(properties.size() == values.size(), "Invalid database state!");
PropertyIdArray property_array(properties.size());
bool current_value_equal_to_value[kUniqueConstraintsMaxProperties];
memset(current_value_equal_to_value, 0, sizeof(current_value_equal_to_value));
bool has_label;
bool deleted;
Delta *delta;
auto guard = std::shared_lock{vertex.lock};
has_label = utils::Contains(vertex.labels, label);
deleted = vertex.deleted;
delta = vertex.delta;
// Avoid IsPropertyEqual if already not possible
if (delta == nullptr && (deleted || !has_label)) return false;
if (delta) {
// If delta we need to fetch for later processing
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto &property : properties) {
current_value_equal_to_value[i] = vertex.IsPropertyEqual(property, values[i]);
property_array.values[i] = property;
} else {
// otherwise do a short-circuiting check (we already know !deleted && has_label)
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto &property : properties) {
if (!vertex.IsPropertyEqual(property, values[i])) return false;
return true;
bool all_values_match = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
if (!current_value_equal_to_value[i]) {
all_values_match = false;
if (!deleted && has_label && all_values_match) {
return true;
while (delta != nullptr) {
auto ts = delta->timestamp->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (ts < timestamp) {
switch (delta->action) {
case Delta::Action::ADD_LABEL:
if (delta->label.value == label) {
MG_ASSERT(!has_label, "Invalid database state!");
has_label = true;
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_LABEL:
if (delta->label.value == label) {
MG_ASSERT(has_label, "Invalid database state!");
has_label = false;
case Delta::Action::SET_PROPERTY: {
auto pos = FindPropertyPosition(property_array, delta->property.key);
if (pos) {
current_value_equal_to_value[*pos] = *delta->property.value == values[*pos];
case Delta::Action::RECREATE_OBJECT: {
MG_ASSERT(deleted, "Invalid database state!");
deleted = false;
case Delta::Action::DELETE_OBJECT: {
MG_ASSERT(!deleted, "Invalid database state!");
deleted = true;
case Delta::Action::ADD_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::ADD_OUT_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_IN_EDGE:
case Delta::Action::REMOVE_OUT_EDGE:
bool all_values_match = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
if (!current_value_equal_to_value[i]) {
all_values_match = false;
if (!deleted && has_label && all_values_match) {
return true;
delta = delta->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
return false;
} // namespace
bool InMemoryUniqueConstraints::Entry::operator<(const Entry &rhs) const {
if (values < rhs.values) {
return true;
if (rhs.values < values) {
return false;
return std::make_tuple(vertex, timestamp) < std::make_tuple(rhs.vertex, rhs.timestamp);
bool InMemoryUniqueConstraints::Entry::operator==(const Entry &rhs) const {
return values == rhs.values && vertex == rhs.vertex && timestamp == rhs.timestamp;
bool InMemoryUniqueConstraints::Entry::operator<(const std::vector<PropertyValue> &rhs) const { return values < rhs; }
bool InMemoryUniqueConstraints::Entry::operator==(const std::vector<PropertyValue> &rhs) const { return values == rhs; }
void InMemoryUniqueConstraints::UpdateBeforeCommit(const Vertex *vertex, const Transaction &tx) {
for (const auto &label : vertex->labels) {
const auto &constraint = constraints_by_label_.find(label);
if (constraint == constraints_by_label_.end()) {
for (auto &[props, storage] : constraint->second) {
auto values = vertex->ExtractPropertyValues(props);
if (!values) {
auto acc = storage->access();
acc.insert(Entry{std::move(*values), vertex, tx.start_timestamp});
const std::optional<durability::ParallelizedSchemaCreationInfo> &par_exec_info) {
if (par_exec_info.has_value()) {
return InMemoryUniqueConstraints::MultipleThreadsConstraintValidation{par_exec_info.value()};
return InMemoryUniqueConstraints::SingleThreadConstraintValidation{};
bool InMemoryUniqueConstraints::MultipleThreadsConstraintValidation::operator()(
const utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Accessor &vertex_accessor, utils::SkipList<Entry>::Accessor &constraint_accessor,
const LabelId &label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) {
utils::MemoryTracker::OutOfMemoryExceptionEnabler oom_exception;
const auto &vertex_batches = parallel_exec_info.vertex_recovery_info;
"The size of batches should always be greater than zero if you want to use the parallel version of index "
const auto thread_count = std::min(parallel_exec_info.thread_count, vertex_batches.size());
std::atomic<uint64_t> batch_counter = 0;
memgraph::utils::Synchronized<std::optional<ConstraintViolation>, utils::RWSpinLock> has_error;
std::vector<std::jthread> threads;
for (auto i{0U}; i < thread_count; ++i) {
[&has_error, &vertex_batches, &batch_counter, &vertex_accessor, &constraint_accessor, &label, &properties]() {
do_per_thread_validation(has_error, DoValidate, vertex_batches, batch_counter, vertex_accessor,
constraint_accessor, label, properties);
return has_error.Lock()->has_value();
bool InMemoryUniqueConstraints::SingleThreadConstraintValidation::operator()(
const utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Accessor &vertex_accessor, utils::SkipList<Entry>::Accessor &constraint_accessor,
const LabelId &label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) {
for (const Vertex &vertex : vertex_accessor) {
if (const auto violation = DoValidate(vertex, constraint_accessor, label, properties); violation.has_value()) {
return true;
return false;
std::optional<ConstraintViolation> InMemoryUniqueConstraints::DoValidate(
const Vertex &vertex, utils::SkipList<Entry>::Accessor &constraint_accessor, const LabelId &label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) {
if (vertex.deleted || !utils::Contains(vertex.labels, label)) {
return std::nullopt;
auto values = vertex.ExtractPropertyValues(properties);
if (!values) {
return std::nullopt;
// Check whether there already is a vertex with the same values for the
// given label and property.
auto it = constraint_accessor.find_equal_or_greater(*values);
if (it != constraint_accessor.end() && it->values == *values) {
return ConstraintViolation{ConstraintViolation::Type::UNIQUE, label, properties};
constraint_accessor.insert(Entry{std::move(*values), &vertex, 0});
return std::nullopt;
void InMemoryUniqueConstraints::AbortEntries(std::span<Vertex const *const> vertices, uint64_t exact_start_timestamp) {
for (const auto &vertex : vertices) {
for (const auto &label : vertex->labels) {
const auto &constraint = constraints_by_label_.find(label);
if (constraint == constraints_by_label_.end()) {
for (auto &[props, storage] : constraint->second) {
auto values = vertex->ExtractPropertyValues(props);
if (!values) {
auto acc = storage->access();
acc.remove(Entry{std::move(*values), vertex, exact_start_timestamp});
utils::BasicResult<ConstraintViolation, InMemoryUniqueConstraints::CreationStatus>
LabelId label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties, const utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Accessor &vertex_accessor,
const std::optional<durability::ParallelizedSchemaCreationInfo> &par_exec_info) {
if (properties.empty()) {
return CreationStatus::EMPTY_PROPERTIES;
if (properties.size() > kUniqueConstraintsMaxProperties) {
if (constraints_.contains({label, properties})) {
return CreationStatus::ALREADY_EXISTS;
memgraph::utils::SkipList<Entry> constraints_skip_list;
utils::SkipList<Entry>::Accessor constraint_accessor{constraints_skip_list.access()};
auto multi_single_thread_processing = GetCreationFunction(par_exec_info);
bool violation_found = std::visit(
[&vertex_accessor, &constraint_accessor, &label, &properties](auto &multi_single_thread_processing) {
return multi_single_thread_processing(vertex_accessor, constraint_accessor, label, properties);
if (violation_found) {
return ConstraintViolation{ConstraintViolation::Type::UNIQUE, label, properties};
auto [it, _] = constraints_.emplace(std::make_pair(label, properties), std::move(constraints_skip_list));
// Add the new constraint to the optimized structure only if there are no violations.
constraints_by_label_[label].insert({properties, &it->second});
return CreationStatus::SUCCESS;
InMemoryUniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus InMemoryUniqueConstraints::DropConstraint(
LabelId label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) {
if (auto drop_properties_check_result = UniqueConstraints::CheckPropertiesBeforeDeletion(properties);
drop_properties_check_result != UniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus::SUCCESS) {
return drop_properties_check_result;
auto erase_from_constraints_by_label_ = [this, label, &properties]() -> uint64_t {
if (!constraints_by_label_.contains(label)) {
return 1; // erase is successful if there’s nothing to erase
const auto erase_entry_status = constraints_by_label_[label].erase(properties);
if (!constraints_by_label_[label].empty()) {
return erase_entry_status;
return erase_entry_status > 0 && constraints_by_label_.erase(label) > 0;
if (constraints_.erase({label, properties}) > 0 && erase_from_constraints_by_label_() > 0) {
return UniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus::SUCCESS;
return UniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus::NOT_FOUND;
bool InMemoryUniqueConstraints::ConstraintExists(LabelId label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) const {
return constraints_.find({label, properties}) != constraints_.end();
std::optional<ConstraintViolation> InMemoryUniqueConstraints::Validate(const Vertex &vertex, const Transaction &tx,
uint64_t commit_timestamp) const {
if (vertex.deleted) {
return std::nullopt;
for (const auto &label : vertex.labels) {
const auto &constraint = constraints_by_label_.find(label);
if (constraint == constraints_by_label_.end()) {
for (const auto &[properties, storage] : constraint->second) {
auto value_array = vertex.ExtractPropertyValues(properties);
if (!value_array) {
auto acc = storage->access();
auto it = acc.find_equal_or_greater(*value_array);
for (; it != acc.end(); ++it) {
if (*value_array < it->values) {
// The `vertex` that is going to be committed violates a unique constraint
// if it's different than a vertex indexed in the list of constraints and
// has the same label and property value as the last committed version of
// the vertex from the list.
if (&vertex != it->vertex &&
LastCommittedVersionHasLabelProperty(*it->vertex, label, properties, *value_array, tx, commit_timestamp)) {
return ConstraintViolation{ConstraintViolation::Type::UNIQUE, label, properties};
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, std::set<PropertyId>>> InMemoryUniqueConstraints::ListConstraints() const {
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, std::set<PropertyId>>> ret;
for (const auto &[label_props, _] : constraints_) {
return ret;
void InMemoryUniqueConstraints::RemoveObsoleteEntries(uint64_t oldest_active_start_timestamp, std::stop_token token) {
auto maybe_stop = utils::ResettableCounter<2048>();
for (auto &[label_props, storage] : constraints_) {
// before starting constraint, check if stop_requested
if (token.stop_requested()) return;
auto acc = storage.access();
for (auto it = acc.begin(); it != acc.end();) {
// Hot loop, don't check stop_requested every time
if (maybe_stop() && token.stop_requested()) return;
auto next_it = it;
if (it->timestamp >= oldest_active_start_timestamp) {
it = next_it;
if ((next_it != acc.end() && it->vertex == next_it->vertex && it->values == next_it->values) ||
!AnyVersionHasLabelProperty(*it->vertex, label_props.first, label_props.second, it->values,
oldest_active_start_timestamp)) {
it = next_it;
void InMemoryUniqueConstraints::Clear() {
bool InMemoryUniqueConstraints::empty() const { return constraints_.empty() && constraints_by_label_.empty(); }
} // namespace memgraph::storage