268 lines
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268 lines
13 KiB
* tlx/die/core.hpp
* Part of tlx - http://panthema.net/tlx
* Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Timo Bingmann <tb@panthema.net>
* All rights reserved. Published under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
namespace tlx {
// die macros
//! die with message - either throw an exception or die via std::terminate()
void die_with_message(const std::string &msg);
//! die with message - either throw an exception or die via std::terminate()
void die_with_message(const char *msg, const char *file, size_t line);
//! die with message - either throw an exception or die via std::terminate()
void die_with_message(const std::string &msg, const char *file, size_t line);
//! Instead of std::terminate(), throw the output the message via an exception.
#define tlx_die_with_sstream(msg) \
do { \
std::ostringstream oss__; \
oss__ << msg << " @ " << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__; \
::tlx::die_with_message(oss__.str()); \
std::terminate(); /* tell compiler this never returns */ \
} while (false)
//! Instead of std::terminate(), throw the output the message via an exception.
#define tlx_die(msg) \
do { \
tlx_die_with_sstream("DIE: " << msg); \
} while (false)
//! Exception thrown by die_with_message() if
class DieException : public std::runtime_error {
explicit DieException(const std::string &message);
//! Switch between dying via std::terminate() and throwing an exception.
//! Alternatively define the macro TLX_DIE_WITH_EXCEPTION=1
bool set_die_with_exception(bool b);
// die_unless() and die_if()
//! Check condition X and die miserably if false. Same as assert() except this
//! is also active in Release mode.
#define tlx_die_unless(X) \
do { \
if (!(X)) { \
::tlx::die_with_message("DIE: Assertion \"" #X "\" failed!", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} \
} while (false)
//! Check condition X and die miserably if true. Opposite of assert() except
//! this is also active in Release mode.
#define tlx_die_if(X) \
do { \
if (X) { \
::tlx::die_with_message("DIE: Assertion \"" #X "\" succeeded!", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} \
} while (false)
//! Check condition X and die miserably if false. Same as tlx_die_unless()
//! except the user additionally passes a message.
#define tlx_die_verbose_unless(X, msg) \
do { \
if (!(X)) { \
tlx_die_with_sstream("DIE: Assertion \"" #X "\" failed!\n" << msg << '\n'); \
} \
} while (false)
//! Check condition X and die miserably if false. Same as tlx_die_if()
//! except the user additionally passes a message.
#define tlx_die_verbose_if(X, msg) \
do { \
if ((X)) { \
tlx_die_with_sstream("DIE: Assertion \"" #X "\" succeeded!\n" << msg << '\n'); \
} \
} while (false)
// die_unequal()
//! helper method to compare two values in die_unequal()
template <typename TypeA, typename TypeB>
inline bool die_equal_compare(TypeA a, TypeB b) {
return a == b;
template <>
inline bool die_equal_compare(const char *a, const char *b) {
// compare string contents
return std::strcmp(a, b) == 0;
template <>
inline bool die_equal_compare(float a, float b) {
// special case for NAN
return a != a ? b != b : a == b;
template <>
inline bool die_equal_compare(double a, double b) {
// special case for NAN
return a != a ? b != b : a == b;
//! Check that X == Y or die miserably, but output the values of X and Y for
//! better debugging.
#define tlx_die_unequal(X, Y) \
do { \
auto x__ = (X); /* NOLINT */ \
auto y__ = (Y); /* NOLINT */ \
if (!::tlx::die_equal_compare(x__, y__)) \
tlx_die_with_sstream("DIE-UNEQUAL: " #X " != " #Y \
" : " \
"\"" \
<< x__ << "\" != \"" << y__ << "\""); \
} while (false)
//! Check that X == Y or die miserably, but output the values of X and Y for
//! better debugging. Only active if NDEBUG is not defined.
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define tlx_assert_equal(X, Y)
#define tlx_assert_equal(X, Y) die_unequal(X, Y)
//! Check that X == Y or die miserably, but output the values of X and Y for
//! better debugging. Same as tlx_die_unequal() except the user additionally
//! pass a message.
#define tlx_die_verbose_unequal(X, Y, msg) \
do { \
auto x__ = (X); /* NOLINT */ \
auto y__ = (Y); /* NOLINT */ \
if (!::tlx::die_equal_compare(x__, y__)) \
tlx_die_with_sstream("DIE-UNEQUAL: " #X " != " #Y \
" : " \
"\"" \
<< x__ << "\" != \"" << y__ << "\"\n" \
<< msg << '\n'); \
} while (false)
// die_unequal_eps()
//! simple replacement for std::abs
template <typename Type>
inline Type die_unequal_eps_abs(const Type &t) {
return t < 0 ? -t : t;
//! helper method to compare two values in die_unequal_eps()
template <typename TypeA, typename TypeB>
inline bool die_equal_eps_compare(TypeA x, TypeB y, double eps) {
// special case for NAN
return x != x ? y != y : die_unequal_eps_abs(x - y) <= eps;
//! Check that ABS(X - Y) <= eps or die miserably, but output the values of X
//! and Y for better debugging.
#define tlx_die_unequal_eps(X, Y, eps) \
do { \
auto x__ = (X); /* NOLINT */ \
auto y__ = (Y); /* NOLINT */ \
if (!::tlx::die_equal_eps_compare(x__, y__, eps)) \
tlx_die("DIE-UNEQUAL-EPS: " #X " != " #Y " : " << std::setprecision(18) << "\"" << x__ << "\" != \"" << y__ \
<< "\""); \
} while (false)
//! Check that ABS(X - Y) <= eps or die miserably, but output the values of X
//! and Y for better debugging. Same as tlx_die_unequal_eps() except the user
//! additionally passes a message.
#define tlx_die_verbose_unequal_eps(X, Y, eps, msg) \
do { \
auto x__ = (X); /* NOLINT */ \
auto y__ = (Y); /* NOLINT */ \
if (!::tlx::die_equal_eps_compare(x__, y__, eps)) \
tlx_die("DIE-UNEQUAL-EPS: " #X " != " #Y " : " << std::setprecision(18) << "\"" << x__ << "\" != \"" << y__ \
<< "\"\n" \
<< msg << '\n'); \
} while (false)
//! Check that ABS(X - Y) <= 0.000001 or die miserably, but output the values of
//! X and Y for better debugging.
#define tlx_die_unequal_eps6(X, Y) die_unequal_eps(X, Y, 1e-6)
//! Check that ABS(X - Y) <= 0.000001 or die miserably, but output the values of
//! X and Y for better debugging. Same as tlx_die_unequal_eps6() except the user
//! additionally passes a message.
#define tlx_die_verbose_unequal_eps6(X, Y, msg) die_verbose_unequal_eps(X, Y, 1e-6, msg)
// die_equal()
//! Die miserably if X == Y, but first output the values of X and Y for better
//! debugging.
#define tlx_die_equal(X, Y) \
do { \
auto x__ = (X); /* NOLINT */ \
auto y__ = (Y); /* NOLINT */ \
if (::tlx::die_equal_compare(x__, y__)) \
tlx_die_with_sstream("DIE-EQUAL: " #X " == " #Y \
" : " \
"\"" \
<< x__ << "\" == \"" << y__ << "\""); \
} while (false)
//! Die miserably if X == Y, but first output the values of X and Y for better
//! debugging. Only active if NDEBUG is not defined.
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define tlx_assert_unequal(X, Y)
#define tlx_assert_unequal(X, Y) die_equal(X, Y)
//! Die miserably if X == Y, but first output the values of X and Y for better
//! debugging. Same as tlx_die_equal() except the user additionally passes a
//! message.
#define tlx_die_verbose_equal(X, Y, msg) \
do { \
auto x__ = (X); /* NOLINT */ \
auto y__ = (Y); /* NOLINT */ \
if (::tlx::die_equal_compare(x__, y__)) \
tlx_die_with_sstream("DIE-EQUAL: " #X " == " #Y \
" : " \
"\"" \
<< x__ << "\" == \"" << y__ << "\"\n" \
<< msg << '\n'); \
} while (false)
// die_unless_throws()
//! Define to check that [code] throws and exception of given type
#define tlx_die_unless_throws(code, exception_type) \
do { \
try { \
code; \
} catch (const exception_type &) { \
break; \
} \
::tlx::die_with_message("DIE-UNLESS-THROWS: " #code " - NO EXCEPTION " #exception_type, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} while (false)
} // namespace tlx