Jeremy B d4f0bb0e38
Correct inconsistencies w.r.t. sync replication ()
Add a report for the case where a sync replica does not confirm within a timeout:
-Add a new exception: ReplicationException to be returned when one sync replica does not confirm the reception of messages (new data, new constraint/index, or for triggers)
-Update the logic to throw the ReplicationException when needed for insertion of new data, triggers, or creation of new constraint/index
-Add end-to-end tests to cover the loss of connection with sync/async replicas when adding new data, adding new constraint/indexes, and triggers

Add end-to-end tests to cover the creation and drop of indexes, existence constraints, and uniqueness constraints

Improved tooling function mg_sleep_and_assert to also show the last result when duration is exceeded
2022-08-09 11:29:55 +02:00

19 lines
622 B

import time
def mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_value, function_to_retrieve_data, max_duration=20, time_between_attempt=0.05):
result = function_to_retrieve_data()
start_time = time.time()
while result != expected_value:
current_time = time.time()
duration = current_time - start_time
if duration > max_duration:
assert (
), f" mg_sleep_and_assert has tried for too long and did not get the expected result! Last result was: {result}"
result = function_to_retrieve_data()
return result