2023-03-01 16:39:32 +01:00

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// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <concepts>
#include <random>
#include <variant>
#include "io/address.hpp"
#include "io/errors.hpp"
#include "io/future.hpp"
#include "io/message_histogram_collector.hpp"
#include "io/notifier.hpp"
#include "io/time.hpp"
#include "utils/concepts.hpp"
#include "utils/result.hpp"
namespace memgraph::io {
using memgraph::utils::BasicResult;
// TODO(tyler) ensure that Message continues to represent
// reasonable constraints around message types over time,
// as we adapt things to use Thrift-generated message types.
template <typename T>
concept Message = std::movable<T> && std::copyable<T>;
template <utils::Object T>
struct RValueRefEnforcer {
using Type = T &&;
template <typename T>
using RValueRef = typename RValueRefEnforcer<T>::Type;
using RequestId = uint64_t;
template <Message M>
struct ResponseEnvelope {
M message;
RequestId request_id;
Address to_address;
Address from_address;
Duration response_latency;
template <Message M>
using ResponseResult = BasicResult<TimedOut, ResponseEnvelope<M>>;
template <Message M>
using ResponseFuture = memgraph::io::Future<ResponseResult<M>>;
template <Message M>
using ResponsePromise = memgraph::io::Promise<ResponseResult<M>>;
template <Message... Ms>
struct RequestEnvelope {
std::variant<Ms...> message;
RequestId request_id;
Address to_address;
Address from_address;
template <Message... Ms>
using RequestResult = BasicResult<TimedOut, RequestEnvelope<Ms...>>;
template <typename I>
class Io {
I implementation_;
Address address_;
Duration default_timeout_ = std::chrono::microseconds{100000};
Io(I io, Address address) : implementation_(io), address_(address) {}
/// Set the default timeout for all requests that are issued
/// without an explicit timeout set.
void SetDefaultTimeout(Duration timeout) { default_timeout_ = timeout; }
/// Returns the current default timeout for this Io instance.
Duration GetDefaultTimeout() { return default_timeout_; }
/// Issue a request with an explicit timeout in microseconds provided. This tends to be used by clients.
template <Message ResponseT, Message RequestT>
ResponseFuture<ResponseT> RequestWithTimeout(Address address, RValueRef<RequestT> request, Duration timeout) {
const Address from_address = address_;
std::function<void()> fill_notifier = nullptr;
return implementation_.template Request<ResponseT, RequestT>(address, from_address, std::move(request),
fill_notifier, timeout);
/// Issue a request that times out after the default timeout. This tends
/// to be used by clients.
template <Message ResponseT, Message RequestT>
ResponseFuture<ResponseT> Request(Address to_address, RValueRef<RequestT> request) {
const Duration timeout = default_timeout_;
const Address from_address = address_;
std::function<void()> fill_notifier = nullptr;
return implementation_.template Request<ResponseT, RequestT>(to_address, from_address, std::move(request),
fill_notifier, timeout);
/// Issue a request that will notify a Notifier when it is filled or times out.
template <Message ResponseT, Message RequestT>
ResponseFuture<ResponseT> RequestWithNotification(Address to_address, RValueRef<RequestT> request, Notifier notifier,
ReadinessToken readiness_token) {
const Duration timeout = default_timeout_;
const Address from_address = address_;
std::function<void()> fill_notifier = [notifier, readiness_token]() { notifier.Notify(readiness_token); };
return implementation_.template Request<ResponseT, RequestT>(to_address, from_address, std::move(request),
fill_notifier, timeout);
/// Issue a request that will notify a Notifier when it is filled or times out.
template <Message ResponseT, Message RequestT>
ResponseFuture<ResponseT> RequestWithNotificationAndTimeout(Address to_address, RequestT &&request, Notifier notifier,
ReadinessToken readiness_token, Duration timeout) {
const Address from_address = address_;
std::function<void()> fill_notifier = [notifier, readiness_token]() { notifier.Notify(readiness_token); };
return implementation_.template Request<ResponseT>(to_address, from_address, std::forward<RequestT>(request),
fill_notifier, timeout);
/// Wait for an explicit number of microseconds for a request of one of the
/// provided types to arrive. This tends to be used by servers.
template <Message... Ms>
RequestResult<Ms...> ReceiveWithTimeout(Duration timeout) {
return implementation_.template Receive<Ms...>(address_, timeout);
/// Wait the default number of microseconds for a request of one of the
/// provided types to arrive. This tends to be used by servers.
template <Message... Ms>
requires(sizeof...(Ms) > 0) RequestResult<Ms...> Receive() {
const Duration timeout = default_timeout_;
return implementation_.template Receive<Ms...>(address_, timeout);
/// Send a message in a best-effort fashion. This is used for messaging where
/// responses are not necessarily expected, and for servers to respond to requests.
/// If you need reliable delivery, this must be built on-top. TCP is not enough for most use cases.
template <Message M>
void Send(Address to_address, RequestId request_id, M &&message) {
Address from_address = address_;
return implementation_.template Send<M>(to_address, from_address, request_id, std::forward<M>(message));
/// The current system time. This time source should be preferred over any other,
/// because it lets us deterministically control clocks from tests for making
/// things like timeouts deterministic.
Time Now() const { return implementation_.Now(); }
/// Returns true if the system should shut-down.
bool ShouldShutDown() const { return implementation_.ShouldShutDown(); }
/// Returns a random number within the specified distribution.
template <class D = std::poisson_distribution<>, class Return = uint64_t>
Return Rand(D distrib) {
return implementation_.template Rand<D, Return>(distrib);
Address GetAddress() { return address_; }
void SetAddress(Address address) { address_ = address; }
Io<I> ForkLocal(boost::uuids::uuid uuid) {
Address new_address{
.unique_id = uuid,
.last_known_ip = address_.last_known_ip,
.last_known_port = address_.last_known_port,
return Io(implementation_, new_address);
LatencyHistogramSummaries ResponseLatencies() { return implementation_.ResponseLatencies(); }
}; // namespace memgraph::io