530 lines
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530 lines
20 KiB
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include <unordered_set>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "dbms/database.hpp"
#include "dbms/dbms_handler.hpp"
#include "memory/query_memory_control.hpp"
#include "query/auth_checker.hpp"
#include "query/auth_query_handler.hpp"
#include "query/config.hpp"
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/cypher_query_interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/stripped.hpp"
#include "query/interpret/frame.hpp"
#include "query/metadata.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "query/plan/read_write_type_checker.hpp"
#include "query/stream.hpp"
#include "query/stream/streams.hpp"
#include "query/trigger.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "storage/v2/disk/storage.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/isolation_level.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/storage.hpp"
#include "utils/event_counter.hpp"
#include "utils/event_trigger.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/memory.hpp"
#include "utils/settings.hpp"
#include "utils/skip_list.hpp"
#include "utils/spin_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronized.hpp"
#include "utils/thread_pool.hpp"
#include "utils/timer.hpp"
#include "utils/tsc.hpp"
#include "coordination/instance_status.hpp"
namespace memgraph::metrics {
extern const Event FailedQuery;
extern const Event FailedPrepare;
extern const Event FailedPull;
extern const Event SuccessfulQuery;
} // namespace memgraph::metrics
namespace memgraph::query {
struct QueryAllocator {
QueryAllocator() = default;
QueryAllocator(QueryAllocator const &) = delete;
QueryAllocator &operator=(QueryAllocator const &) = delete;
// No move addresses to pool & monotonic fields must be stable
QueryAllocator(QueryAllocator &&) = delete;
QueryAllocator &operator=(QueryAllocator &&) = delete;
auto resource() -> utils::MemoryResource * {
return &pool;
return upstream_resource();
auto resource_without_pool() -> utils::MemoryResource * {
return &monotonic;
return upstream_resource();
auto resource_without_pool_or_mono() -> utils::MemoryResource * { return upstream_resource(); }
// At least one page to ensure not sharing page with other subsystems
static constexpr auto kMonotonicInitialSize = 4UL * 1024UL;
// TODO: need to profile to check for good defaults, also maybe PoolResource
// needs to be smarter. We expect more reuse of smaller objects than larger
// objects. 64*1024B is maybe wasteful, whereas 256*32B maybe sensible.
// Depends on number of small objects expected.
static constexpr auto kPoolBlockPerChunk = 64UL;
static constexpr auto kPoolMaxBlockSize = 1024UL;
static auto upstream_resource() -> utils::MemoryResource * {
// singleton ResourceWithOutOfMemoryException
// explicitly backed by NewDeleteResource
static auto upstream = utils::ResourceWithOutOfMemoryException{utils::NewDeleteResource()};
return &upstream;
memgraph::utils::MonotonicBufferResource monotonic{kMonotonicInitialSize, upstream_resource()};
memgraph::utils::PoolResource pool{kPoolBlockPerChunk, &monotonic, upstream_resource()};
struct InterpreterContext;
inline constexpr size_t kExecutionMemoryBlockSize = 1UL * 1024UL * 1024UL;
inline constexpr size_t kExecutionPoolMaxBlockSize = 1024UL; // 2 ^ 10
enum class QueryHandlerResult { COMMIT, ABORT, NOTHING };
class CoordinatorQueryHandler {
CoordinatorQueryHandler() = default;
virtual ~CoordinatorQueryHandler() = default;
CoordinatorQueryHandler(const CoordinatorQueryHandler &) = default;
CoordinatorQueryHandler &operator=(const CoordinatorQueryHandler &) = default;
CoordinatorQueryHandler(CoordinatorQueryHandler &&) = default;
CoordinatorQueryHandler &operator=(CoordinatorQueryHandler &&) = default;
struct MainReplicaStatus {
std::string_view name;
std::string_view socket_address;
bool alive;
bool is_main;
MainReplicaStatus(std::string_view name, std::string_view socket_address, bool alive, bool is_main)
: name{name}, socket_address{socket_address}, alive{alive}, is_main{is_main} {}
/// @throw QueryRuntimeException if an error ocurred.
virtual void RegisterReplicationInstance(std::string_view coordinator_socket_address,
std::string_view replication_socket_address,
std::chrono::seconds const &instance_health_check_frequency,
std::chrono::seconds const &instance_down_timeout,
std::chrono::seconds const &instance_get_uuid_frequency,
std::string_view instance_name, CoordinatorQuery::SyncMode sync_mode) = 0;
/// @throw QueryRuntimeException if an error ocurred.
virtual void UnregisterInstance(std::string_view instance_name) = 0;
/// @throw QueryRuntimeException if an error ocurred.
virtual void SetReplicationInstanceToMain(std::string_view instance_name) = 0;
/// @throw QueryRuntimeException if an error ocurred.
virtual std::vector<coordination::InstanceStatus> ShowInstances() const = 0;
/// @throw QueryRuntimeException if an error ocurred.
virtual auto AddCoordinatorInstance(uint32_t raft_server_id, std::string_view coordinator_socket_address) -> void = 0;
class AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler {
AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler() = default;
virtual ~AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler() = default;
AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler(const AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler &) = default;
AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler &operator=(const AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler &) = default;
AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler(AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler &&) = default;
AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler &operator=(AnalyzeGraphQueryHandler &&) = default;
static std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> AnalyzeGraphCreateStatistics(const std::span<std::string> labels,
DbAccessor *execution_db_accessor);
static std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> AnalyzeGraphDeleteStatistics(const std::span<std::string> labels,
DbAccessor *execution_db_accessor);
* A container for data related to the preparation of a query.
struct PreparedQuery {
std::vector<std::string> header;
std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges;
std::function<std::optional<QueryHandlerResult>(AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n)> query_handler;
plan::ReadWriteTypeChecker::RWType rw_type;
std::optional<std::string> db{};
* Holds data for the Query which is extra
* NOTE: maybe need to parse more in the future, ATM we ignore some parts from BOLT
struct QueryExtras {
std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue> metadata_pv;
std::optional<int64_t> tx_timeout;
struct CurrentDB {
CurrentDB() = default; // TODO: remove, we should always have an implicit default obtainable from somewhere
// ATM: it is provided by the DatabaseAccess
// future: should be a name + ptr to dbms_handler, lazy fetch when needed
explicit CurrentDB(memgraph::dbms::DatabaseAccess db_acc) : db_acc_{std::move(db_acc)} {}
CurrentDB(CurrentDB const &) = delete;
CurrentDB &operator=(CurrentDB const &) = delete;
void SetupDatabaseTransaction(std::optional<storage::IsolationLevel> override_isolation_level, bool could_commit,
bool unique = false);
void CleanupDBTransaction(bool abort);
void SetCurrentDB(memgraph::dbms::DatabaseAccess new_db, bool in_explicit_db) {
// do we lock here?
db_acc_ = std::move(new_db);
in_explicit_db_ = in_explicit_db;
// TODO: don't provide explicitly via constructor, instead have a lazy way of getting the current/default
// DatabaseAccess
// hence, explict bolt "use DB" in metadata wouldn't necessarily get access unless query required it.
std::optional<memgraph::dbms::DatabaseAccess> db_acc_; // Current db (TODO: expand to support multiple)
std::unique_ptr<storage::Storage::Accessor> db_transactional_accessor_;
std::optional<DbAccessor> execution_db_accessor_;
std::optional<TriggerContextCollector> trigger_context_collector_;
bool in_explicit_db_{false};
class Interpreter final {
explicit Interpreter(InterpreterContext *interpreter_context);
Interpreter(InterpreterContext *interpreter_context, memgraph::dbms::DatabaseAccess db);
Interpreter(const Interpreter &) = delete;
Interpreter &operator=(const Interpreter &) = delete;
Interpreter(Interpreter &&) = delete;
Interpreter &operator=(Interpreter &&) = delete;
~Interpreter() { Abort(); }
struct PrepareResult {
std::vector<std::string> headers;
std::vector<query::AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges;
std::optional<int> qid;
std::optional<std::string> db;
std::shared_ptr<QueryUserOrRole> user_or_role_{};
bool in_explicit_transaction_{false};
CurrentDB current_db_;
bool expect_rollback_{false};
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> current_timeout_timer_{};
std::optional<std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue>> metadata_{}; //!< User defined transaction metadata
void SetCurrentDB(std::string_view db_name, bool explicit_db);
void OnChangeCB(auto cb) { on_change_.emplace(cb); }
* Prepare a query for execution.
* Preparing a query means to preprocess the query and save it for
* future calls of `Pull`.
* @throw query::QueryException
Interpreter::PrepareResult Prepare(const std::string &query,
const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> ¶ms,
QueryExtras const &extras);
* Execute the last prepared query and stream *all* of the results into the
* given stream.
* It is not possible to prepare a query once and execute it multiple times,
* i.e. `Prepare` has to be called before *every* call to `PullAll`.
* TStream should be a type implementing the `Stream` concept, i.e. it should
* contain the member function `void Result(const std::vector<TypedValue> &)`.
* The provided vector argument is valid only for the duration of the call to
* `Result`. The stream should make an explicit copy if it wants to use it
* further.
* @throw utils::BasicException
* @throw query::QueryException
template <typename TStream>
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> PullAll(TStream *result_stream) {
return Pull(result_stream);
* Execute a prepared query and stream result into the given stream.
* TStream should be a type implementing the `Stream` concept, i.e. it should
* contain the member function `void Result(const std::vector<TypedValue> &)`.
* The provided vector argument is valid only for the duration of the call to
* `Result`. The stream should make an explicit copy if it wants to use it
* further.
* @param n If set, amount of rows to be pulled from result,
* otherwise all the rows are pulled.
* @param qid If set, id of the query from which the result should be pulled,
* otherwise the last query should be used.
* @throw utils::BasicException
* @throw query::QueryException
template <typename TStream>
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> Pull(TStream *result_stream, std::optional<int> n = {},
std::optional<int> qid = {});
void BeginTransaction(QueryExtras const &extras = {});
std::optional<uint64_t> GetTransactionId() const;
void CommitTransaction();
void RollbackTransaction();
void SetNextTransactionIsolationLevel(storage::IsolationLevel isolation_level);
void SetSessionIsolationLevel(storage::IsolationLevel isolation_level);
std::vector<TypedValue> GetQueries();
* Abort the current multicommand transaction.
void Abort();
std::atomic<TransactionStatus> transaction_status_{TransactionStatus::IDLE}; // Tie to current_transaction_
std::optional<uint64_t> current_transaction_;
void ResetUser();
void SetUser(std::shared_ptr<QueryUserOrRole> user);
std::optional<memgraph::system::Transaction> system_transaction_{};
void ResetInterpreter() {
if (current_db_.db_acc_ && current_db_.db_acc_->is_deleting()) {
struct QueryExecution {
QueryAllocator execution_memory; // NOTE: before all other fields which uses this memory
std::optional<PreparedQuery> prepared_query;
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary;
std::vector<Notification> notifications;
static auto Create() -> std::unique_ptr<QueryExecution> { return std::make_unique<QueryExecution>(); }
explicit QueryExecution() = default;
QueryExecution(const QueryExecution &) = delete;
QueryExecution(QueryExecution &&) = delete;
QueryExecution &operator=(const QueryExecution &) = delete;
QueryExecution &operator=(QueryExecution &&) = delete;
~QueryExecution() = default;
void CleanRuntimeData() {
// Called from Commit/Abort once query has been fully used
// TODO: double check is summary still needed here
// can we dispose of it and also execution_memory at this point?
// Interpreter supports multiple prepared queries at the same time.
// The client can reference a specific query for pull using an arbitrary qid
// which is in our case the index of the query in the vector.
// To simplify the handling of the qid we avoid modifying the vector if it
// affects the position of the currently running queries in any way.
// For example, we cannot delete the prepared query from the vector because
// every prepared query after the deleted one will be moved by one place
// making their qid not equal to the their index inside the vector.
// To avoid this, we use unique_ptr with which we manualy control construction
// and deletion of a single query execution, i.e. when a query finishes,
// we reset the corresponding unique_ptr.
// TODO Figure out how this would work for multi-database
// Exists only during a single transaction (for now should be okay as is)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QueryExecution>> query_executions_;
// all queries that are run as part of the current transaction
utils::Synchronized<std::vector<std::string>, utils::SpinLock> transaction_queries_;
InterpreterContext *interpreter_context_;
std::optional<FrameChangeCollector> frame_change_collector_;
std::optional<storage::IsolationLevel> interpreter_isolation_level;
std::optional<storage::IsolationLevel> next_transaction_isolation_level;
PreparedQuery PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper, QueryExtras const &extras = {});
void Commit();
void AdvanceCommand();
void AbortCommand(std::unique_ptr<QueryExecution> *query_execution);
std::optional<storage::IsolationLevel> GetIsolationLevelOverride();
size_t ActiveQueryExecutions() {
return std::count_if(query_executions_.begin(), query_executions_.end(),
[](const auto &execution) { return execution && execution->prepared_query; });
std::optional<std::function<void(std::string_view)>> on_change_{};
void SetupInterpreterTransaction(const QueryExtras &extras);
void SetupDatabaseTransaction(bool couldCommit, bool unique = false);
template <typename TStream>
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> Interpreter::Pull(TStream *result_stream, std::optional<int> n,
std::optional<int> qid) {
MG_ASSERT(in_explicit_transaction_ || !qid, "qid can be only used in explicit transaction!");
const int qid_value = qid ? *qid : static_cast<int>(query_executions_.size() - 1);
if (qid_value < 0 || qid_value >= query_executions_.size()) {
throw InvalidArgumentsException("qid", "Query with specified ID does not exist!");
if (n && n < 0) {
throw InvalidArgumentsException("n", "Cannot fetch negative number of results!");
auto &query_execution = query_executions_[qid_value];
MG_ASSERT(query_execution && query_execution->prepared_query, "Query already finished executing!");
// Each prepared query has its own summary so we need to somehow preserve
// it after it finishes executing because it gets destroyed alongside
// the prepared query and its execution memory.
std::optional<std::map<std::string, TypedValue>> maybe_summary;
try {
// Wrap the (statically polymorphic) stream type into a common type which
// the handler knows.
AnyStream stream{result_stream, query_execution->execution_memory.resource()};
const auto maybe_res = query_execution->prepared_query->query_handler(&stream, n);
// Stream is using execution memory of the query_execution which
// can be deleted after its execution so the stream should be cleared
// first.
// If the query finished executing, we have received a value which tells
// us what to do after.
if (maybe_res) {
if (current_transaction_) {
// Save its summary
if (!query_execution->notifications.empty()) {
std::vector<TypedValue> notifications;
for (const auto ¬ification : query_execution->notifications) {
maybe_summary->insert_or_assign("notifications", std::move(notifications));
if (!in_explicit_transaction_) {
switch (*maybe_res) {
case QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT:
case QueryHandlerResult::ABORT:
case QueryHandlerResult::NOTHING:
// The only cases in which we have nothing to do are those where
// we're either in an explicit transaction or the query is such that
// a transaction wasn't started on a call to `Prepare()`.
MG_ASSERT(in_explicit_transaction_ || !current_db_.db_transactional_accessor_);
// As the transaction is done we can clear all the executions
// NOTE: we cannot clear query_execution inside the Abort and Commit
// methods as we will delete summary contained in them which we need
// after our query finished executing.
} else {
// We can only clear this execution as some of the queries
// in the transaction can be in unfinished state
} catch (const ExplicitTransactionUsageException &) {
if (current_transaction_) {
} catch (const utils::BasicException &) {
if (current_transaction_) {
// Trigger first failed query
if (maybe_summary) {
// Toggle first successfully completed query
// return the execution summary
maybe_summary->insert_or_assign("has_more", false);
return std::move(*maybe_summary);
// don't return the execution summary as it's not finished
return {{"has_more", TypedValue(true)}};
} // namespace memgraph::query