Marko Budiselic d9153921b8 Add distributed Id Cypher function
Reviewers: msantl, vkasljevic, teon.banek, ipaljak

Reviewed By: msantl, teon.banek

Subscribers: pullbot, teon.banek

Differential Revision:
2018-09-03 13:04:03 +02:00

402 lines
14 KiB

#include "distributed_common.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "distributed/updates_rpc_clients.hpp"
#include "storage/dynamic_graph_partitioner/vertex_migrator.hpp"
using namespace distributed;
using namespace database;
/// Check if the following data is migrated correctly accross the cluster:
/// * cypher_id
/// * labels
/// * edge_types
/// * properties
class DistributedVertexMigratorTest : public DistributedGraphDbTest {
struct GraphSize {
int worker_id;
int vertex_no;
int edge_no;
DistributedVertexMigratorTest() : DistributedGraphDbTest("vertex_migrator") {}
* Prefill the cluster with vertices and edges so that the ids are not the
* same across the cluster.
void FillOutCluster(const std::vector<int> graph_sizes) {
for (int i = 0; i < graph_sizes[0]; ++i) {
auto vaddr = InsertVertex(master());
InsertEdge(vaddr, vaddr, "edge");
for (int i = 0; i < graph_sizes[1]; ++i) {
auto vaddr = InsertVertex(worker(1));
InsertEdge(vaddr, vaddr, "edge");
for (int i = 0; i < graph_sizes[2]; ++i) {
auto vaddr = InsertVertex(worker(2));
InsertEdge(vaddr, vaddr, "edge");
* Wait for all futures and commit the transaction.
void MasterApplyUpdatesAndCommit(database::GraphDbAccessor *dba) {
auto apply_futures = master().updates_clients().UpdateApplyAll(
master().WorkerId(), dba->transaction().id_);
// Destructor waits on application
* Migrate vertex with a given cypher_id from a given database to a given
* machine.
void MigrateVertexAndCommit(database::GraphDbAccessor *from_dba,
int64_t cypher_id, int to_worker_id) {
auto vacc = FindVertex(from_dba, cypher_id);
VertexMigrator migrator(from_dba);
migrator.MigrateVertex(*vacc, to_worker_id);
* Assert number of vertices and edges on each worker.
* @param sizes An array of structs that hold information about graph size
* on each worker.
void CheckGraphSizes(const std::vector<GraphSize> &graph_sizes) {
for (auto &graph_size : graph_sizes) {
if (graph_size.worker_id == 0) { // on master
ASSERT_EQ(VertexCount(master()), graph_size.vertex_no);
ASSERT_EQ(EdgeCount(master()), graph_size.edge_no);
} else { // on workers
ASSERT_EQ(EdgeCount(worker(graph_size.worker_id)), graph_size.edge_no);
* Collect all visible cypher_ids into an unordered_map for easier
* checking.
auto CollectVertexCypherIds(database::GraphDbAccessor *dba) {
std::unordered_set<int64_t> cypher_ids;
for (auto &vertex : dba->Vertices(false)) {
return cypher_ids;
* Collect all visible cypher_ids into an unordered_map for easier
* checking.
auto CollectEdgeCypherIds(database::GraphDbAccessor *dba) {
std::unordered_set<int64_t> cypher_ids;
for (auto &edge : dba->Edges(false)) {
return cypher_ids;
* Check that container contains all containees.
* @tparam type of elements in the sets.
template <typename T>
auto ContainsAll(const std::unordered_set<T> &container,
const std::unordered_set<T> &containees) {
// TODO (C++20): container.contains(item);
return std::all_of(containees.begin(), containees.end(),
[&container](T item) {
return container.find(item) != container.end();
* Find vertex with a given cypher_id within a given database.
std::experimental::optional<VertexAccessor> FindVertex(
database::GraphDbAccessor *dba, int64_t cypher_id) {
for (auto &vertex : dba->Vertices(false)) {
if (vertex.CypherId() == cypher_id)
return std::experimental::optional<VertexAccessor>(vertex);
return std::experimental::nullopt;
* Find edge with a given cypher_id within a given database.
std::experimental::optional<EdgeAccessor> FindEdge(
database::GraphDbAccessor *dba, int64_t cypher_id) {
for (auto &edge : dba->Edges(false)) {
if (edge.CypherId() == cypher_id)
return std::experimental::optional<EdgeAccessor>(edge);
return std::experimental::nullopt;
TEST_F(DistributedVertexMigratorTest, MigrationofLabelsEdgeTypesAndProperties) {
auto dba = master().Access();
auto va = dba->InsertVertex();
auto vb = dba->InsertVertex();
va.PropsSet(dba->Property("p"), 42);
vb.PropsSet(dba->Property("p"), 42);
auto ea = dba->InsertEdge(va, vb, dba->EdgeType("edge"));
ea.PropsSet(dba->Property("pe"), 43);
auto eb = dba->InsertEdge(vb, va, dba->EdgeType("edge"));
eb.PropsSet(dba->Property("pe"), 43);
auto dba = master().Access();
VertexMigrator migrator(dba.get());
for (auto &vertex : dba->Vertices(false)) {
migrator.MigrateVertex(vertex, worker(1).WorkerId());
auto dba = worker(1).Access();
EXPECT_EQ(VertexCount(master()), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(VertexCount(worker(1)), 2);
for (auto vertex : dba->Vertices(false)) {
ASSERT_EQ(vertex.labels().size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(vertex.labels()[0], dba->Label("l"));
EXPECT_EQ(vertex.labels()[1], dba->Label("k"));
EXPECT_EQ(vertex.PropsAt(dba->Property("p")).Value<int64_t>(), 42);
ASSERT_EQ(EdgeCount(worker(1)), 2);
auto edge = *dba->Edges(false).begin();
EXPECT_EQ(edge.PropsAt(dba->Property("pe")).Value<int64_t>(), 43);
EXPECT_EQ(edge.EdgeType(), dba->EdgeType("edge"));
TEST_F(DistributedVertexMigratorTest, MigrationOfSelfLoopEdge) {
FillOutCluster({10, 0, 0});
// Create additional node on master and migrate that node to worker1.
auto vaddr = InsertVertex(master());
auto eaddr = InsertEdge(vaddr, vaddr, "edge");
auto dba = master().Access();
VertexAccessor vacc(vaddr, *dba);
EdgeAccessor eacc(eaddr, *dba);
auto initial_vcypher_id = vacc.CypherId();
auto initial_ecypher_id = eacc.CypherId();
auto dba = master().Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), initial_vcypher_id, worker(1).WorkerId());
// Check grpah size and cypher_ids.
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 10, 10}, {1, 1, 1}, {2, 0, 0}});
auto dba = worker(1).Access();
auto vaccessor = *dba->Vertices(false).begin();
auto eaccessor = *dba->Edges(false).begin();
ASSERT_EQ(vaccessor.CypherId(), initial_vcypher_id);
ASSERT_EQ(eaccessor.CypherId(), initial_ecypher_id);
TEST_F(DistributedVertexMigratorTest, MigrationOfSimpleVertex) {
FillOutCluster({1, 100, 200});
auto v1addr = InsertVertex(master());
auto v2addr = InsertVertex(master());
auto e1addr = InsertEdge(v1addr, v2addr, "edge");
auto dba = master().Access();
auto original_v1_cypher_id = VertexAccessor(v1addr, *dba).CypherId();
auto original_v2_cypher_id = VertexAccessor(v2addr, *dba).CypherId();
std::unordered_set<int64_t> original_v_cypher_ids = {original_v1_cypher_id,
auto original_e1_cypher_id = EdgeAccessor(e1addr, *dba).CypherId();
std::unordered_set<int64_t> original_e_cypher_ids = {original_e1_cypher_id};
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 3, 2}, {1, 100, 100}, {2, 200, 200}});
// Migrate v2 from master to worker1.
auto dba = master().Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), original_v2_cypher_id,
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 2, 2}, {1, 101, 100}, {2, 200, 200}});
auto dba = worker(1).Access();
auto v2acc = FindVertex(dba.get(), original_v2_cypher_id);
// Migrate v1 from master to worker1.
auto dba = master().Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), original_v1_cypher_id,
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 1, 1}, {1, 102, 101}, {2, 200, 200}});
auto dba = worker(1).Access();
auto worker1_v_cypher_ids = CollectVertexCypherIds(dba.get());
auto worker1_e_cypher_ids = CollectEdgeCypherIds(dba.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker1_v_cypher_ids, original_v_cypher_ids));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker1_e_cypher_ids, original_e_cypher_ids));
// Migrate v1 from worker1 to worker2.
auto dba = worker(1).Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), original_v1_cypher_id,
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 1, 1}, {1, 101, 100}, {2, 201, 201}});
auto dba = worker(2).Access();
auto worker2_v_cypher_ids = CollectVertexCypherIds(dba.get());
auto worker2_e_cypher_ids = CollectEdgeCypherIds(dba.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker2_v_cypher_ids, {original_v1_cypher_id}));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker2_e_cypher_ids, {original_e1_cypher_id}));
// Migrate v2 from worker1 to master.
auto dba = worker(1).Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), original_v2_cypher_id,
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 2, 1}, {1, 100, 100}, {2, 201, 201}});
auto master_dba = master().Access();
auto worker2_dba = worker(2).Access();
auto master_v_cypher_ids = CollectVertexCypherIds(master_dba.get());
auto worker2_v_cypher_ids = CollectVertexCypherIds(worker2_dba.get());
auto worker2_e_cypher_ids = CollectEdgeCypherIds(worker2_dba.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(master_v_cypher_ids, {original_v2_cypher_id}));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker2_v_cypher_ids, {original_v1_cypher_id}));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker2_e_cypher_ids, {original_e1_cypher_id}));
// Migrate v2 from master wo worker2.
auto dba = master().Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), original_v2_cypher_id,
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 1, 1}, {1, 100, 100}, {2, 202, 201}});
auto dba = worker(2).Access();
auto worker2_v_cypher_ids = CollectVertexCypherIds(dba.get());
auto worker2_e_cypher_ids = CollectEdgeCypherIds(dba.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker2_v_cypher_ids, original_v_cypher_ids));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker2_e_cypher_ids, original_e_cypher_ids));
TEST_F(DistributedVertexMigratorTest, MigrationOfVertexWithMultipleEdges) {
FillOutCluster({1, 100, 200});
auto m_v1addr = InsertVertex(master());
auto m_v2addr = InsertVertex(master());
auto v3addr = InsertVertex(master());
auto dba = master().Access();
auto original_v3_cypher_id = VertexAccessor(v3addr, *dba).CypherId();
auto w1_v1addr = InsertVertex(worker(1));
auto w1_v2addr = InsertVertex(worker(1));
auto w2_v1addr = InsertVertex(worker(2));
auto w2_v2addr = InsertVertex(worker(2));
auto e1addr = InsertEdge(v3addr, m_v1addr, "edge");
auto e2addr = InsertEdge(v3addr, m_v2addr, "edge");
auto e3addr = InsertEdge(v3addr, w1_v1addr, "edge");
auto e4addr = InsertEdge(v3addr, w1_v2addr, "edge");
auto e5addr = InsertEdge(v3addr, w2_v1addr, "edge");
auto e6addr = InsertEdge(v3addr, w2_v2addr, "edge");
std::unordered_set<int64_t> original_e_cypher_ids = {
EdgeAccessor(e1addr, *dba).CypherId(),
EdgeAccessor(e2addr, *dba).CypherId(),
EdgeAccessor(e3addr, *dba).CypherId(),
EdgeAccessor(e4addr, *dba).CypherId(),
EdgeAccessor(e5addr, *dba).CypherId(),
EdgeAccessor(e6addr, *dba).CypherId()};
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 4, 7}, {1, 102, 100}, {2, 202, 200}});
// Migrate v3 from master to worker1.
auto dba = master().Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), original_v3_cypher_id,
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 3, 1}, {1, 103, 106}, {2, 202, 200}});
auto dba = worker(1).Access();
auto worker1_v_cypher_ids = CollectVertexCypherIds(dba.get());
auto worker1_e_cypher_ids = CollectEdgeCypherIds(dba.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker1_v_cypher_ids, {original_v3_cypher_id}));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker1_e_cypher_ids, original_e_cypher_ids));
// Migrate v3 from worker1 to worker2.
auto dba = worker(1).Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), original_v3_cypher_id,
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 3, 1}, {1, 102, 100}, {2, 203, 206}});
auto dba = worker(2).Access();
auto worker2_v_cypher_ids = CollectVertexCypherIds(dba.get());
auto worker2_e_cypher_ids = CollectEdgeCypherIds(dba.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker2_v_cypher_ids, {original_v3_cypher_id}));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(worker2_e_cypher_ids, original_e_cypher_ids));
// Migrate v3 from worker2 back to master.
auto dba = worker(2).Access();
MigrateVertexAndCommit(dba.get(), original_v3_cypher_id,
CheckGraphSizes({{0, 4, 7}, {1, 102, 100}, {2, 202, 200}});
auto dba = master().Access();
auto master_v_cypher_ids = CollectVertexCypherIds(dba.get());
auto master_e_cypher_ids = CollectEdgeCypherIds(dba.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(master_v_cypher_ids, {original_v3_cypher_id}));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsAll(master_e_cypher_ids, original_e_cypher_ids));