200 lines
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200 lines
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// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "storage/v2/vertex_info_cache.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/property_value.hpp"
#include "utils/flag_validation.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE (cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
DEFINE_VALIDATED_uint64(delta_chain_cache_threshold, 128,
"The threshold for when to cache long delta chains. This is used for heavy read + write "
"workloads where repeated processing of delta chains can become costly.",
{ return value > 0; });
namespace memgraph::storage {
/// Helpers to reduce typo errors
template <typename Ret, typename Func, typename... Keys>
auto FetchHelper(VertexInfoCache const &caches, Func &&getCache, View view, Keys &&...keys)
-> std::optional<std::conditional_t<std::is_trivially_copyable_v<Ret>, Ret, std::reference_wrapper<Ret const>>> {
auto const &cache = (view == View::OLD) ? getCache(caches.old_) : getCache(caches.new_);
// check empty first, cheaper than the relative cost of doing an actual hash + find
if (cache.empty()) return std::nullopt;
return std::nullopt;
// defer building the key, maybe a cost at construction
using key_type = typename std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(cache)>::key_type;
auto const it = cache.find(key_type{std::forward<Keys>(keys)...});
if (it == cache.end()) return std::nullopt;
if constexpr (std::is_trivially_copyable_v<Ret>) {
return {it->second};
} else {
// ensure we return a reference
return std::cref(it->second);
template <typename Value, typename Func, typename... Keys>
void Store(Value &&value, VertexInfoCache &caches, Func &&getCache, View view, Keys &&...keys) {
auto &cache = (view == View::OLD) ? getCache(caches.old_) : getCache(caches.new_);
using key_type = typename std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(cache)>::key_type;
cache.emplace(key_type{std::forward<Keys>(keys)...}, std::forward<Value>(value));
VertexInfoCache::VertexInfoCache(VertexInfoCache &&) noexcept = default;
VertexInfoCache &VertexInfoCache::operator=(VertexInfoCache &&) noexcept = default;
auto VertexInfoCache::GetExists(View view, Vertex const *vertex) const -> std::optional<bool> {
return FetchHelper<bool>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::existsCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::StoreExists(View view, Vertex const *vertex, bool res) {
Store(res, *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::existsCache_), view, vertex);
auto VertexInfoCache::GetDeleted(View view, Vertex const *vertex) const -> std::optional<bool> {
return FetchHelper<bool>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::deletedCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::StoreDeleted(View view, Vertex const *vertex, bool res) {
Store(res, *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::deletedCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::Invalidate(Vertex const *vertex) {
// aggressive cache invalidation, TODO: be smarter
// new_.hasLabelCache_.clear();
// new_.propertyValueCache_.clear();
auto VertexInfoCache::GetLabels(View view, Vertex const *vertex) const
-> std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<std::vector<LabelId> const>> {
return FetchHelper<std::vector<LabelId>>(*this, std::mem_fn(&VertexInfoCache::Caches::labelCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::StoreLabels(View view, Vertex const *vertex, const std::vector<LabelId> &res) {
// Store(res, *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::labelCache_), view, vertex);
auto VertexInfoCache::GetHasLabel(View view, Vertex const *vertex, LabelId label) const -> std::optional<bool> {
// return FetchHelper<bool>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::hasLabelCache_), view, vertex, label);
return std::nullopt;
void VertexInfoCache::StoreHasLabel(View view, Vertex const *vertex, LabelId label, bool res) {
// Store(res, *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::hasLabelCache_), view, vertex, label);
void VertexInfoCache::Invalidate(Vertex const *vertex, LabelId label) {
// new_.hasLabelCache_.erase(std::tuple{vertex, label});
auto VertexInfoCache::GetProperty(View view, Vertex const *vertex, PropertyId property) const
-> std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<PropertyValue const>> {
// return FetchHelper<PropertyValue>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::propertyValueCache_), view, vertex, property);
return std::nullopt;
void VertexInfoCache::StoreProperty(View view, Vertex const *vertex, PropertyId property, PropertyValue value) {
// Store(std::move(value), *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::propertyValueCache_), view, vertex, property);
auto VertexInfoCache::GetProperties(View view, Vertex const *vertex) const
-> std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<std::map<PropertyId, PropertyValue> const>> {
return FetchHelper<std::map<PropertyId, PropertyValue>>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::propertiesCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::StoreProperties(View view, Vertex const *vertex, std::map<PropertyId, PropertyValue> properties) {
// Store(std::move(properties), *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::propertiesCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::Invalidate(Vertex const *vertex, PropertyId property_key) {
// new_.propertyValueCache_.erase(std::tuple{vertex, property_key});
auto VertexInfoCache::GetInEdges(View view, Vertex const *src_vertex, Vertex const *dst_vertex,
const std::vector<EdgeTypeId> &edge_types) const
-> std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<EdgeStore const>> {
return FetchHelper<EdgeStore>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::inEdgesCache_), view, src_vertex, dst_vertex, edge_types);
void VertexInfoCache::StoreInEdges(View view, Vertex const *src_vertex, Vertex const *dst_vertex,
std::vector<EdgeTypeId> edge_types, EdgeStore in_edges) {
// Store(std::move(in_edges), *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::inEdgesCache_), view, src_vertex, dst_vertex,
// std::move(edge_types));
auto VertexInfoCache::GetOutEdges(View view, Vertex const *src_vertex, Vertex const *dst_vertex,
const std::vector<EdgeTypeId> &edge_types) const
-> std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<const EdgeStore>> {
return FetchHelper<EdgeStore>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::outEdgesCache_), view, src_vertex, dst_vertex, edge_types);
void VertexInfoCache::StoreOutEdges(View view, Vertex const *src_vertex, Vertex const *dst_vertex,
std::vector<EdgeTypeId> edge_types, EdgeStore out_edges) {
// Store(std::move(out_edges), *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::outEdgesCache_), view, src_vertex, dst_vertex,
// std::move(edge_types));
auto VertexInfoCache::GetInDegree(View view, Vertex const *vertex) const -> std::optional<std::size_t> {
return FetchHelper<std::size_t>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::inDegreeCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::StoreInDegree(View view, Vertex const *vertex, std::size_t in_degree) {
// Store(in_degree, *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::inDegreeCache_), view, vertex);
auto VertexInfoCache::GetOutDegree(View view, Vertex const *vertex) const -> std::optional<std::size_t> {
return FetchHelper<std::size_t>(*this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::outDegreeCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::StoreOutDegree(View view, Vertex const *vertex, std::size_t out_degree) {
// Store(out_degree, *this, std::mem_fn(&Caches::outDegreeCache_), view, vertex);
void VertexInfoCache::Invalidate(Vertex const *vertex, EdgeTypeId /*unused*/, EdgeDirection direction) {
// EdgeTypeId is currently unused but could be used to be more precise in future
if (direction == EdgeDirection::IN) {
new_.inEdgesCache_.clear(); // TODO: be more precise
} else {
new_.outEdgesCache_.clear(); // TODO: be more precise
void VertexInfoCache::Clear() {
void VertexInfoCache::Caches::Clear() {
// hasLabelCache_.clear();
// propertyValueCache_.clear();
VertexInfoCache::EdgeKey::EdgeKey(Vertex const *src_vertex, Vertex const *dst_vertex,
std::vector<EdgeTypeId> edge_types)
: src_vertex_{src_vertex}, dst_vertex_{dst_vertex}, edge_types_{std::move(edge_types)} {
// needed for a canonical form
std::sort(edge_types_.begin(), edge_types_.end());
} // namespace memgraph::storage