Summary: Antlr grammar has been updated to support putting edge types after the BFS symbol. Planner collects edge type filters for BFS and inlines them in the operator by joining the filter with the user input BFS filter itself. This requires no change from the standpoint of the operator. On the other hand, in order to use the faster lookup by a single edge type, `ExpandBreadthFirst` operator now accept an optional edge type. The edge type is passed from the planner only if the user is filtering by a single type. Unit tests as well as tck have been updated. Reviewers: florijan, mislav.bradac Reviewed By: florijan Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
2425 lines
89 KiB
2425 lines
89 KiB
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/interpret/eval.hpp"
// macro for the default implementation of LogicalOperator::Accept
// that accepts the visitor and visits it's input_ operator
#define ACCEPT_WITH_INPUT(class_name) \
bool class_name::Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) { \
if (visitor.PreVisit(*this)) { \
input_->Accept(visitor); \
} \
return visitor.PostVisit(*this); \
namespace query::plan {
namespace {
// Sets a property on a record accessor from a TypedValue. In cases when the
// TypedValue cannot be converted to PropertyValue,
// QueryRuntimeException is raised.
template <class TRecordAccessor>
void PropsSetChecked(TRecordAccessor &record, GraphDbTypes::Property key,
TypedValue value) {
try {
record.PropsSet(key, value);
} catch (const TypedValueException &) {
throw QueryRuntimeException("'{}' cannot be used as a property value.",
// Checks if the given value of the symbol has the expected type. If not, raises
// QueryRuntimeException.
void ExpectType(Symbol symbol, TypedValue value, TypedValue::Type expected) {
if (value.type() != expected)
throw QueryRuntimeException("Expected a {} for '{}', but got {}.", expected,
|, value.type());
// Returns boolean result of evaluating filter expression. Null is treated as
// false. Other non boolean values raise a QueryRuntimeException.
bool EvaluateFilter(ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator, Expression *filter) {
TypedValue result = filter->Accept(evaluator);
// Null is treated like false.
if (result.IsNull()) return false;
if (result.type() != TypedValue::Type::Bool)
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Filter expression must be a bool or null, but got {}.", result.type());
return result.Value<bool>();
} // namespace
bool Once::OnceCursor::Pull(Frame &, const SymbolTable &) {
if (!did_pull_) {
did_pull_ = true;
return true;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Once::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &) {
return std::make_unique<OnceCursor>();
void Once::OnceCursor::Reset() { did_pull_ = false; }
CreateNode::CreateNode(const NodeAtom *node_atom,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input)
: node_atom_(node_atom), input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> CreateNode::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<CreateNodeCursor>(*this, db);
CreateNode::CreateNodeCursor::CreateNodeCursor(const CreateNode &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool CreateNode::CreateNodeCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
Create(frame, symbol_table);
return true;
return false;
void CreateNode::CreateNodeCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
void CreateNode::CreateNodeCursor::Create(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
auto new_node = db_.InsertVertex();
for (auto label : self_.node_atom_->labels_) new_node.add_label(label);
// Evaluator should use the latest accessors, as modified in this query, when
// setting properties on new nodes.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::NEW);
for (auto &kv : self_.node_atom_->properties_)
PropsSetChecked(new_node, kv.first.second, kv.second->Accept(evaluator));
frame[*self_.node_atom_->identifier_)] = new_node;
CreateExpand::CreateExpand(const NodeAtom *node_atom, const EdgeAtom *edge_atom,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, bool existing_node)
: node_atom_(node_atom),
input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
existing_node_(existing_node) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> CreateExpand::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<CreateExpandCursor>(*this, db);
CreateExpand::CreateExpandCursor::CreateExpandCursor(const CreateExpand &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool CreateExpand::CreateExpandCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
// get the origin vertex
TypedValue &vertex_value = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
ExpectType(self_.input_symbol_, vertex_value, TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
auto &v1 = vertex_value.Value<VertexAccessor>();
// Similarly to CreateNode, newly created edges and nodes should use the
// latest accesors.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::NEW);
// E.g. we pickup new properties: `CREATE (n {p: 42}) -[:r {ep: n.p}]-> ()`
// get the destination vertex (possibly an existing node)
auto &v2 = OtherVertex(frame, symbol_table, evaluator);
// create an edge between the two nodes
switch (self_.edge_atom_->direction_) {
case EdgeAtom::Direction::IN:
CreateEdge(v2, v1, frame, symbol_table, evaluator);
case EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT:
CreateEdge(v1, v2, frame, symbol_table, evaluator);
case EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH:
// in the case of an undirected CreateExpand we choose an arbitrary
// direction. this is used in the MERGE clause
// it is not allowed in the CREATE clause, and the semantic
// checker needs to ensure it doesn't reach this point
CreateEdge(v1, v2, frame, symbol_table, evaluator);
return true;
void CreateExpand::CreateExpandCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
VertexAccessor &CreateExpand::CreateExpandCursor::OtherVertex(
Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator) {
if (self_.existing_node_) {
const auto &dest_node_symbol =
TypedValue &dest_node_value = frame[dest_node_symbol];
ExpectType(dest_node_symbol, dest_node_value, TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
return dest_node_value.Value<VertexAccessor>();
} else {
// the node does not exist, it needs to be created
auto node = db_.InsertVertex();
for (auto label : self_.node_atom_->labels_) node.add_label(label);
for (auto kv : self_.node_atom_->properties_)
PropsSetChecked(node, kv.first.second, kv.second->Accept(evaluator));
auto symbol =*self_.node_atom_->identifier_);
frame[symbol] = node;
return frame[symbol].Value<VertexAccessor>();
void CreateExpand::CreateExpandCursor::CreateEdge(
VertexAccessor &from, VertexAccessor &to, Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table, ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator) {
EdgeAccessor edge =
db_.InsertEdge(from, to, self_.edge_atom_->edge_types_[0]);
for (auto kv : self_.edge_atom_->properties_)
PropsSetChecked(edge, kv.first.second, kv.second->Accept(evaluator));
frame[*self_.edge_atom_->identifier_)] = edge;
template <class TVerticesFun>
class ScanAllCursor : public Cursor {
ScanAllCursor(Symbol output_symbol, std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor,
TVerticesFun get_vertices, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: output_symbol_(output_symbol),
db_(db) {}
bool Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) override {
if (db_.should_abort()) throw HintedAbortError();
if (!vertices_ || vertices_it_.value() == vertices_.value().end()) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
// We need a getter function, because in case of exhausting a lazy
// iterable, we cannot simply reset it by calling begin().
vertices_.emplace(get_vertices_(frame, symbol_table));
// if vertices_ is empty then we are done even though we have just
// reinitialized vertices_it_
if (vertices_it_.value() == vertices_.value().end()) return false;
frame[output_symbol_] = *vertices_it_.value()++;
return true;
void Reset() override {
vertices_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
vertices_it_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
const Symbol output_symbol_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
TVerticesFun get_vertices_;
typename std::result_of<TVerticesFun(Frame &, const SymbolTable &)>::type>
std::experimental::optional<decltype(vertices_.value().begin())> vertices_it_;
GraphDbAccessor &db_;
ScanAll::ScanAll(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol output_symbol, GraphView graph_view)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
graph_view_(graph_view) {
permanent_assert(graph_view != GraphView::AS_IS,
"ScanAll must have explicitly defined GraphView");
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> ScanAll::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
auto vertices = [this, &db](Frame &, const SymbolTable &) {
return db.Vertices(graph_view_ == GraphView::NEW);
return std::make_unique<ScanAllCursor<decltype(vertices)>>(
output_symbol_, input_->MakeCursor(db), std::move(vertices), db);
ScanAllByLabel::ScanAllByLabel(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol output_symbol, GraphDbTypes::Label label,
GraphView graph_view)
: ScanAll(input, output_symbol, graph_view), label_(label) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> ScanAllByLabel::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
auto vertices = [this, &db](Frame &, const SymbolTable &) {
return db.Vertices(label_, graph_view_ == GraphView::NEW);
return std::make_unique<ScanAllCursor<decltype(vertices)>>(
output_symbol_, input_->MakeCursor(db), std::move(vertices), db);
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Symbol output_symbol,
GraphDbTypes::Label label, GraphDbTypes::Property property,
std::experimental::optional<Bound> lower_bound,
std::experimental::optional<Bound> upper_bound, GraphView graph_view)
: ScanAll(input, output_symbol, graph_view),
upper_bound_(upper_bound) {
debug_assert(lower_bound_ || upper_bound_, "Only one bound can be left out");
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::MakeCursor(
GraphDbAccessor &db) {
auto is_less = [](const TypedValue &a, const TypedValue &b,
Bound::Type bound_type) {
try {
auto is_below = bound_type == Bound::Type::INCLUSIVE ? a < b : a <= b;
if (is_below.IsNull() || is_below.Value<bool>()) return true;
} catch (const TypedValueException &) {
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Unable to compare values of type '{}' and '{}'", a.type(), b.type());
return false;
auto vertices = [this, &db, is_less](Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db, graph_view_);
auto convert = [&evaluator](const auto &bound)
-> std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> {
if (!bound) return std::experimental::nullopt;
return std::experimental::make_optional(utils::Bound<PropertyValue>(
bound.value().value()->Accept(evaluator), bound.value().type()));
return db.Vertices(label_, property_, convert(lower_bound()),
convert(upper_bound()), graph_view_ == GraphView::NEW);
return std::make_unique<ScanAllCursor<decltype(vertices)>>(
output_symbol_, input_->MakeCursor(db), std::move(vertices), db);
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Symbol output_symbol,
GraphDbTypes::Label label, GraphDbTypes::Property property,
Expression *expression, GraphView graph_view)
: ScanAll(input, output_symbol, graph_view),
expression_(expression) {
debug_assert(expression, "Expression is not optional.");
class ScanAllByLabelPropertyValueCursor : public Cursor {
ScanAllByLabelPropertyValueCursor(const ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input()->MakeCursor(db_)) {}
bool Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) override {
if (db_.should_abort()) throw HintedAbortError();
if (!vertices_ || vertices_it_.value() == vertices_.value().end()) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_,
TypedValue value = self_.expression()->Accept(evaluator);
if (value.IsNull()) return Pull(frame, symbol_table);
try {
vertices_.emplace(db_.Vertices(self_.label(),, value,
self_.graph_view() == GraphView::NEW));
} catch (const TypedValueException &) {
throw QueryRuntimeException("'{}' cannot be used as a property value.",
// if vertices_ is empty then we are done even though we have just
// reinitialized vertices_it_
if (vertices_it_.value() == vertices_.value().end()) return false;
frame[self_.output_symbol()] = *vertices_it_.value()++;
return true;
void Reset() override {
vertices_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
vertices_it_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
const ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue &self_;
GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
db_.Vertices(self_.label(),, TypedValue::Null, false))>
std::experimental::optional<decltype(vertices_.value().begin())> vertices_it_;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue::MakeCursor(
GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<ScanAllByLabelPropertyValueCursor>(*this, db);
ExpandCommon::ExpandCommon(Symbol node_symbol, Symbol edge_symbol,
EdgeAtom::Direction direction,
const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType &edge_type,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, bool existing_node,
bool existing_edge, GraphView graph_view)
: node_symbol_(node_symbol),
input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
graph_view_(graph_view) {}
bool ExpandCommon::HandleExistingNode(const VertexAccessor &new_node,
Frame &frame) const {
if (existing_node_) {
TypedValue &old_node_value = frame[node_symbol_];
// old_node_value may be Null when using optional matching
if (old_node_value.IsNull()) return false;
ExpectType(node_symbol_, old_node_value, TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
return old_node_value.Value<VertexAccessor>() == new_node;
} else {
frame[node_symbol_] = new_node;
return true;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Expand::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<ExpandCursor>(*this, db);
Expand::ExpandCursor::ExpandCursor(const Expand &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)), db_(db) {}
bool Expand::ExpandCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Helper function for handling existing-edge checking. Returns false only if
// existing_edge is true and the given new_edge is not equal to the existing
// one.
auto handle_existing_edge = [this, &frame](const EdgeAccessor &new_edge) {
if (self_.existing_edge_) {
TypedValue &old_edge_value = frame[self_.edge_symbol_];
// old_edge_value may be Null when using optional matching
if (old_edge_value.IsNull()) return false;
ExpectType(self_.edge_symbol_, old_edge_value, TypedValue::Type::Edge);
return old_edge_value.Value<EdgeAccessor>() == new_edge;
} else {
frame[self_.edge_symbol_] = new_edge;
return true;
// A helper function for expanding a node from an edge.
auto pull_node = [this, &frame](const EdgeAccessor &new_edge,
EdgeAtom::Direction direction) {
if (self_.existing_node_) return;
switch (direction) {
case EdgeAtom::Direction::IN:
frame[self_.node_symbol_] = new_edge.from();
case EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT:
frame[self_.node_symbol_] =;
case EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH:
permanent_fail("Must indicate exact expansion direction here");
while (true) {
if (db_.should_abort()) throw HintedAbortError();
// attempt to get a value from the incoming edges
if (in_edges_ && *in_edges_it_ != in_edges_->end()) {
EdgeAccessor edge = *(*in_edges_it_)++;
if (handle_existing_edge(edge)) {
pull_node(edge, EdgeAtom::Direction::IN);
return true;
} else
// attempt to get a value from the outgoing edges
if (out_edges_ && *out_edges_it_ != out_edges_->end()) {
EdgeAccessor edge = *(*out_edges_it_)++;
// when expanding in EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH directions
// we should do only one expansion for cycles, and it was
// already done in the block above
if (self_.direction_ == EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH && edge.is_cycle())
if (handle_existing_edge(edge)) {
pull_node(edge, EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT);
return true;
} else
// if we are here, either the edges have not been initialized,
// or they have been exhausted. attempt to initialize the edges,
// if the input is exhausted
if (!InitEdges(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
// we have re-initialized the edges, continue with the loop
void Expand::ExpandCursor::Reset() {
in_edges_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
in_edges_it_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
out_edges_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
out_edges_it_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
namespace {
// Switch the given [Vertex/Edge]Accessor to the desired state.
template <typename TAccessor>
void SwitchAccessor(TAccessor &accessor, GraphView graph_view) {
switch (graph_view) {
case GraphView::NEW:
case GraphView::OLD:
case GraphView::AS_IS:
bool Expand::ExpandCursor::InitEdges(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Input Vertex could be null if it is created by a failed optional match. In
// those cases we skip that input pull and continue with the next.
while (true) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
TypedValue &vertex_value = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
// Null check due to possible failed optional match.
if (vertex_value.IsNull()) continue;
ExpectType(self_.input_symbol_, vertex_value, TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
auto &vertex = vertex_value.Value<VertexAccessor>();
SwitchAccessor(vertex, self_.graph_view_);
auto direction = self_.direction_;
if (direction == EdgeAtom::Direction::IN ||
direction == EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH) {
if (self_.existing_node_) {
TypedValue &existing_node = frame[self_.node_symbol_];
// old_node_value may be Null when using optional matching
if (!existing_node.IsNull()) {
ExpectType(self_.node_symbol_, existing_node,
} else if (self_.edge_type_) {
} else {
if (direction == EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT ||
direction == EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH) {
if (self_.existing_node_) {
TypedValue &existing_node = frame[self_.node_symbol_];
// old_node_value may be Null when using optional matching
if (!existing_node.IsNull()) {
ExpectType(self_.node_symbol_, existing_node,
} else if (self_.edge_type_) {
} else {
// TODO add support for Front and Back expansion (when QueryPlanner
// will need it). For now only Back expansion (left to right) is
// supported
// TODO add support for named paths
return true;
ExpandVariable::ExpandVariable(Symbol node_symbol, Symbol edge_symbol,
EdgeAtom::Direction direction,
const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType &edge_type,
bool is_reverse, Expression *lower_bound,
Expression *upper_bound,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, bool existing_node,
bool existing_edge, GraphView graph_view,
Expression *filter)
: ExpandCommon(node_symbol, edge_symbol, direction, edge_type, input,
input_symbol, existing_node, existing_edge, graph_view),
filter_(filter) {}
namespace {
* Helper function that returns an iterable over
* <EdgeAtom::Direction, EdgeAccessor> pairs
* for the given params.
* @param vertex - The vertex to expand from.
* @param direction - Expansion direction. All directions (IN, OUT, BOTH)
* are supported.
* @return See above.
auto ExpandFromVertex(const VertexAccessor &vertex,
EdgeAtom::Direction direction,
const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType &edge_type) {
// wraps an EdgeAccessor into a pair <accessor, direction>
auto wrapper = [](EdgeAtom::Direction direction, auto &&vertices) {
return iter::imap(
[direction](const EdgeAccessor &edge) {
return std::make_pair(edge, direction);
// prepare a vector of elements we'll pass to the itertools
std::vector<decltype(wrapper(direction,> chain_elements;
if (direction != EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT && vertex.in_degree() > 0) {
if (edge_type) {
auto edges = vertex.in_with_type(edge_type);
if (edges.begin() != edges.end()) {
wrapper(EdgeAtom::Direction::IN, std::move(edges)));
} else {
if (direction != EdgeAtom::Direction::IN && vertex.out_degree() > 0) {
if (edge_type) {
auto edges = vertex.out_with_type(edge_type);
if (edges.begin() != edges.end()) {
wrapper(EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, std::move(edges)));
} else {
wrapper(EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, vertex.out()));
return iter::chain.from_iterable(std::move(chain_elements));
/** A helper function for evaluating an expression that's an int.
* @param evaluator
* @param expr
* @param what - Name of what's getting evaluated. Used for user
* feedback (via exception) when the evaluated value is not an int.
int64_t EvaluateInt(ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator, Expression *expr,
const std::string &what) {
TypedValue value = expr->Accept(evaluator);
try {
return value.Value<int64_t>();
} catch (TypedValueException &e) {
throw QueryRuntimeException(what + " must be an int");
} // annonymous namespace
class ExpandVariableCursor : public Cursor {
ExpandVariableCursor(const ExpandVariable &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) override {
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, self_.graph_view_);
while (true) {
if (Expand(frame, symbol_table)) return true;
if (PullInput(frame, symbol_table)) {
// if lower bound is zero we also yield empty paths
if (lower_bound_ == 0) {
auto &edges_on_frame =
auto &start_vertex =
// take into account existing_edge when yielding empty paths
if ((!self_.existing_edge_ || edges_on_frame.empty()) &&
// Place the start vertex on the frame.
self_.HandleExistingNode(start_vertex, frame)) {
if (self_.filter_ && !EvaluateFilter(evaluator, self_.filter_))
return true;
// if lower bound is not zero, we just continue, the next
// loop iteration will attempt to expand and we're good
} else
return false;
// else continue with the loop, try to expand again
// because we succesfully pulled from the input
void Reset() override {
const ExpandVariable &self_;
GraphDbAccessor &db_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
// bounds. in the cursor they are not optional but set to
// default values if missing in the ExpandVariable operator
// initialize to arbitrary values, they should only be used
// after a successful pull from the input
int64_t upper_bound_{-1};
int64_t lower_bound_{-1};
// a stack of edge iterables corresponding to the level/depth of
// the expansion currently being Pulled
// an iterator indicating the possition in the corresponding edges_ element
std::vector<decltype(edges_.begin()->begin())> edges_it_;
* Helper function that Pulls from the input vertex and
* makes iteration over it's edges possible.
* @return If the Pull succeeded. If not, this VariableExpandCursor
* is exhausted.
bool PullInput(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Input Vertex could be null if it is created by a failed optional match.
// In those cases we skip that input pull and continue with the next.
while (true) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
TypedValue &vertex_value = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
// Null check due to possible failed optional match.
if (vertex_value.IsNull()) continue;
ExpectType(self_.input_symbol_, vertex_value, TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
auto &vertex = vertex_value.Value<VertexAccessor>();
SwitchAccessor(vertex, self_.graph_view_);
// Evaluate the upper and lower bounds.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_);
auto calc_bound = [this, &evaluator](auto &bound) {
auto value = EvaluateInt(evaluator, bound, "Variable expansion bound");
if (value < 0)
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Variable expansion bound must be positive or zero");
return value;
lower_bound_ = self_.lower_bound_ ? calc_bound(self_.lower_bound_) : 1;
upper_bound_ = self_.upper_bound_ ? calc_bound(self_.upper_bound_)
: std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
if (upper_bound_ > 0) {
SwitchAccessor(vertex, self_.graph_view_);
ExpandFromVertex(vertex, self_.direction_, self_.edge_type_));
// reset the frame value to an empty edge list
if (!self_.existing_edge_)
frame[self_.edge_symbol_] = std::vector<TypedValue>();
return true;
* Enum that indicates what happened during attempted edge
* existence and placement check
* YIELD - indicates that either existence matched fully
* or existence is disabled
* PREFIX - indicates that existence is enabled and the current
* edge-list is a prefix of the existing one, so expansion
* should continue but this particular edge-list should not
* be yielded as a valid result
* MISMATCH - indicates that existence is enabled and the
* current edge-list is not a match, this whole expansion
* branch should be abandoned
enum class EdgePlacementResult { YIELD, PREFIX, MISMATCH };
* Handles the placement of a new edge expansion on the frame
* (into the the list of edges already on the frame). Also handles
* the logic of existing-symbol checking. If we are expanding into
* the existing symbol, then this cursor will not modify the value
* on the frame but will only yield true when it's expansion matches.
* Return value of this function indicates those situations. If we
* are not expanding into an existing symbol, but a new one, this
* function will always append the new_edge to the ones on the
* frame and return EdgePlacementResult::YIELD.
EdgePlacementResult HandleEdgePlacement(
const EdgeAccessor &new_edge, std::vector<TypedValue> &edges_on_frame) {
if (self_.existing_edge_) {
// check if the edge to add corresponds to the existing set's
// corresponding element
if (edges_on_frame.size() < edges_.size())
return EdgePlacementResult::MISMATCH;
int last_edge_index =
self_.is_reverse_ ? 0 : static_cast<int>(edges_.size()) - 1;
EdgeAccessor &edge_on_frame =
if (edge_on_frame != new_edge) return EdgePlacementResult::MISMATCH;
// the new_edge matches the corresponding frame element
// check if it's the last one (in which case we can yield)
// or a subset (in which case we continue expansion but don't yield)
if (edges_on_frame.size() == edges_.size())
return EdgePlacementResult::YIELD;
return EdgePlacementResult::PREFIX;
} else {
// we are placing an edge on the frame
// it is possible that there already exists an edge on the frame for
// this level. if so first remove it
debug_assert(edges_.size() > 0, "Edges are empty");
if (self_.is_reverse_) {
// TODO: This is innefficient, we should look into replacing
// vector with something else for TypedValue::List.
size_t diff = edges_on_frame.size() -
std::min(edges_on_frame.size(), edges_.size() - 1U);
if (diff > 0U)
edges_on_frame.begin() + diff);
edges_on_frame.insert(edges_on_frame.begin(), new_edge);
} else {
std::min(edges_on_frame.size(), edges_.size() - 1U));
return EdgePlacementResult::YIELD;
* Performs a single expansion for the current state of this
* VariableExpansionCursor.
* @return True if the expansion was a success and this Cursor's
* consumer can consume it. False if the expansion failed. In that
* case no more expansions are available from the current input
* vertex and another Pull from the input cursor should be performed.
bool Expand(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, self_.graph_view_);
// some expansions might not be valid due to
// edge uniqueness, existing_edge, existing_node criterions,
// so expand in a loop until either the input vertex is
// exhausted or a valid variable-length expansion is available
while (true) {
// pop from the stack while there is stuff to pop and the current
// level is exhausted
while (!edges_.empty() && edges_it_.back() == edges_.back().end()) {
// check if we exhausted everything, if so return false
if (edges_.empty()) return false;
// we use this a lot
// TODO handle optional + existing edge
std::vector<TypedValue> &edges_on_frame =
// it is possible that edges_on_frame does not contain as many
// elements as edges_ due to edge-uniqueness (when a whole layer
// gets exhausted but no edges are valid). for that reason only
// pop from edges_on_frame if they contain enough elements
if (!self_.existing_edge_) {
if (self_.is_reverse_) {
auto diff = edges_on_frame.size() -
std::min(edges_on_frame.size(), edges_.size());
if (diff > 0) {
edges_on_frame.begin() + diff);
} else {
edges_on_frame.resize(std::min(edges_on_frame.size(), edges_.size()));
// if we are here, we have a valid stack,
// get the edge, increase the relevant iterator
std::pair<EdgeAccessor, EdgeAtom::Direction> current_edge =
// check edge-uniqueness
// only needs to be done if we're not expanding into existing edge
// otherwise it gives false positives
if (!self_.existing_edge_) {
bool found_existing = std::any_of(
edges_on_frame.begin(), edges_on_frame.end(),
[¤t_edge](const TypedValue &edge) {
return current_edge.first == edge.Value<EdgeAccessor>();
if (found_existing) continue;
auto edge_placement_result =
HandleEdgePlacement(current_edge.first, edges_on_frame);
if (edge_placement_result == EdgePlacementResult::MISMATCH) continue;
// Skip expanding out of filtered expansion. It is assumed that the
// expression does not use the vertex which has yet to be put on frame.
// Therefore, this check is done as soon as the edge is on the frame.
if (self_.filter_ && !EvaluateFilter(evaluator, self_.filter_)) continue;
VertexAccessor current_vertex =
current_edge.second == EdgeAtom::Direction::IN
? current_edge.first.from()
if (!self_.HandleExistingNode(current_vertex, frame)) continue;
// we are doing depth-first search, so place the current
// edge's expansions onto the stack, if we should continue to expand
if (upper_bound_ > static_cast<int64_t>(edges_.size())) {
SwitchAccessor(current_vertex, self_.graph_view_);
edges_.emplace_back(ExpandFromVertex(current_vertex, self_.direction_,
// we only yield true if we satisfy the lower bound, and frame
// edge placement indicated we are good
auto bound_ok =
static_cast<int64_t>(edges_on_frame.size()) >= lower_bound_;
if (bound_ok && edge_placement_result == EdgePlacementResult::YIELD)
return true;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> ExpandVariable::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<ExpandVariableCursor>(*this, db);
Symbol node_symbol, Symbol edge_list_symbol, EdgeAtom::Direction direction,
const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType &edge_type, Expression *max_depth,
Symbol inner_node_symbol, Symbol inner_edge_symbol, Expression *where,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Symbol input_symbol,
bool existing_node, GraphView graph_view)
: node_symbol_(node_symbol),
input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
graph_view_(graph_view) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> ExpandBreadthFirst::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<ExpandBreadthFirst::Cursor>(*this, db);
ExpandBreadthFirst::Cursor::Cursor(const ExpandBreadthFirst &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool ExpandBreadthFirst::Cursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// evaulator for the filtering condition
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, self_.graph_view_);
// for the given (edge, vertex) pair checks if they satisfy the
// "where" condition. if so, places them in the to_visit_ structure.
auto expand_pair = [this, &evaluator, &frame](EdgeAccessor edge,
VertexAccessor vertex) {
// if we already processed the given vertex it doesn't get expanded
if (processed_.find(vertex) != processed_.end()) return;
SwitchAccessor(edge, self_.graph_view_);
SwitchAccessor(vertex, self_.graph_view_);
// to evaluate the where expression we need the inner
// values on the frame
frame[self_.inner_edge_symbol_] = edge;
frame[self_.inner_node_symbol_] = vertex;
TypedValue result = self_.where_->Accept(evaluator);
switch (result.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Null:
// TODO review: is treating Null as false desired?
case TypedValue::Type::Bool:
if (!result.Value<bool>()) return;
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Expansion condition must be boolean or null");
to_visit_next_.emplace_back(edge, vertex);
processed_.emplace(vertex, edge);
// populates the to_visit_next_ structure with expansions
// from the given vertex. skips expansions that don't satisfy
// the "where" condition.
auto expand_from_vertex = [this, &expand_pair](VertexAccessor &vertex) {
if (self_.direction_ != EdgeAtom::Direction::IN) {
if (self_.edge_type_) {
for (const EdgeAccessor &edge : vertex.out_with_type(self_.edge_type_))
} else {
for (const EdgeAccessor &edge : vertex.out())
if (self_.direction_ != EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT) {
if (self_.edge_type_) {
for (const EdgeAccessor &edge : vertex.in_with_type(self_.edge_type_))
expand_pair(edge, edge.from());
} else {
for (const EdgeAccessor &edge :
expand_pair(edge, edge.from());
// do it all in a loop because we skip some elements
while (true) {
// if we have nothing to visit on the current depth, switch to next
if (to_visit_current_.empty()) to_visit_current_.swap(to_visit_next_);
// if current is still empty, it means both are empty, so pull from input
if (to_visit_current_.empty()) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
auto vertex_value = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
// it is possible that the vertex is Null due to optional matching
if (vertex_value.IsNull()) continue;
auto vertex = vertex_value.Value<VertexAccessor>();
SwitchAccessor(vertex, self_.graph_view_);
processed_.emplace(vertex, std::experimental::nullopt);
max_depth_ = EvaluateInt(evaluator, self_.max_depth_,
"Max depth in breadth-first expansion");
if (max_depth_ < 1)
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Max depth in breadth-first expansion must be greater then zero");
// go back to loop start and see if we expanded anything
// take the next expansion from the queue
std::pair<EdgeAccessor, VertexAccessor> expansion =
// create the frame value for the edges
std::vector<TypedValue> edge_list{expansion.first};
auto last_vertex = expansion.second;
while (true) {
const EdgeAccessor &last_edge = edge_list.back().Value<EdgeAccessor>();
last_vertex =
last_edge.from() == last_vertex ? : last_edge.from();
// origin_vertex must be in processed
const auto &previous_edge = processed_.find(last_vertex)->second;
if (!previous_edge) break;
// expand only if what we've just expanded is less then max depth
if (static_cast<int>(edge_list.size()) < max_depth_)
// place destination node on the frame, handle existence flag
if (self_.existing_node_) {
TypedValue &node = frame[self_.node_symbol_];
// due to optional matching the existing node could be null
if (node.IsNull() || (node != expansion.second).Value<bool>()) continue;
} else
frame[self_.node_symbol_] = expansion.second;
// place edges on the frame in the correct order
std::reverse(edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end());
frame[self_.edge_list_symbol_] = std::move(edge_list);
return true;
void ExpandBreadthFirst::Cursor::Reset() {
Filter::Filter(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Expression *expression)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
expression_(expression) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Filter::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<FilterCursor>(*this, db);
Filter::FilterCursor::FilterCursor(const Filter &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Filter::FilterCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Like all filters, newly set values should not affect filtering of old nodes
// and edges.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::OLD);
while (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
if (EvaluateFilter(evaluator, self_.expression_)) return true;
return false;
void Filter::FilterCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
Produce::Produce(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<NamedExpression *> named_expressions)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
named_expressions_(named_expressions) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Produce::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<ProduceCursor>(*this, db);
std::vector<Symbol> Produce::OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
std::vector<Symbol> symbols;
for (const auto &named_expr : named_expressions_) {
return symbols;
const std::vector<NamedExpression *> &Produce::named_expressions() {
return named_expressions_;
Produce::ProduceCursor::ProduceCursor(const Produce &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Produce::ProduceCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// Produce should always yield the latest results.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::NEW);
for (auto named_expr : self_.named_expressions_)
return true;
return false;
void Produce::ProduceCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
Delete::Delete(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input_,
const std::vector<Expression *> &expressions, bool detach_)
: input_(input_), expressions_(expressions), detach_(detach_) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Delete::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<DeleteCursor>(*this, db);
Delete::DeleteCursor::DeleteCursor(const Delete &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Delete::DeleteCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
// Delete should get the latest information, this way it is also possible to
// delete newly added nodes and edges.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::NEW);
// collect expressions results so edges can get deleted before vertices
// this is necessary because an edge that gets deleted could block vertex
// deletion
std::vector<TypedValue> expression_results;
for (Expression *expression : self_.expressions_) {
// delete edges first
for (TypedValue &expression_result : expression_results)
if (expression_result.type() == TypedValue::Type::Edge)
// delete vertices
for (TypedValue &expression_result : expression_results)
switch (expression_result.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Vertex: {
VertexAccessor &va = expression_result.Value<VertexAccessor>();
va.SwitchNew(); // necessary because an edge deletion could have
// updated
if (self_.detach_)
else if (!db_.RemoveVertex(va))
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Failed to remove vertex because of it's existing "
"connections. Consider using DETACH DELETE.");
// skip Edges (already deleted) and Nulls (can occur in optional match)
case TypedValue::Type::Edge:
case TypedValue::Type::Null:
// check we're not trying to delete anything except vertices and edges
throw QueryRuntimeException("Can only delete edges and vertices");
return true;
void Delete::DeleteCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
SetProperty::SetProperty(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
PropertyLookup *lhs, Expression *rhs)
: input_(input), lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> SetProperty::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<SetPropertyCursor>(*this, db);
SetProperty::SetPropertyCursor::SetPropertyCursor(const SetProperty &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool SetProperty::SetPropertyCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
// Set, just like Create needs to see the latest changes.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::NEW);
TypedValue lhs = self_.lhs_->expression_->Accept(evaluator);
TypedValue rhs = self_.rhs_->Accept(evaluator);
switch (lhs.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Vertex:
PropsSetChecked(lhs.Value<VertexAccessor>(), self_.lhs_->property_, rhs);
case TypedValue::Type::Edge:
PropsSetChecked(lhs.Value<EdgeAccessor>(), self_.lhs_->property_, rhs);
case TypedValue::Type::Null:
// Skip setting properties on Null (can occur in optional match).
case TypedValue::Type::Map:
// Semantically modifying a map makes sense, but it's not supported due to
// all the copying we do (when PropertyValue -> TypedValue and in
// ExpressionEvaluator). So even though we set a map property here, that
// is never visible to the user and it's not stored.
// TODO: fix above described bug
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Properties can only be set on Vertices and Edges");
return true;
void SetProperty::SetPropertyCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
SetProperties::SetProperties(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol, Expression *rhs, Op op)
: input_(input), input_symbol_(input_symbol), rhs_(rhs), op_(op) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> SetProperties::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<SetPropertiesCursor>(*this, db);
const SetProperties &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool SetProperties::SetPropertiesCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
TypedValue &lhs = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
// Set, just like Create needs to see the latest changes.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::NEW);
TypedValue rhs = self_.rhs_->Accept(evaluator);
switch (lhs.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Vertex:
Set(lhs.Value<VertexAccessor>(), rhs);
case TypedValue::Type::Edge:
Set(lhs.Value<EdgeAccessor>(), rhs);
case TypedValue::Type::Null:
// Skip setting properties on Null (can occur in optional match).
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Properties can only be set on Vertices and Edges");
return true;
void SetProperties::SetPropertiesCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
template <typename TRecordAccessor>
void SetProperties::SetPropertiesCursor::Set(TRecordAccessor &record,
const TypedValue &rhs) const {
if (self_.op_ == Op::REPLACE) record.PropsClear();
auto set_props = [&record](const auto &properties) {
for (const auto &kv : properties) record.PropsSet(kv.first, kv.second);
switch (rhs.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Edge:
case TypedValue::Type::Vertex:
case TypedValue::Type::Map: {
for (const auto &kv : rhs.Value<std::map<std::string, TypedValue>>())
PropsSetChecked(record, db_.Property(kv.first), kv.second);
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Can only set Vertices, Edges and maps as properties");
// instantiate the SetProperties function with concrete TRecordAccessor types
template void SetProperties::SetPropertiesCursor::Set(
RecordAccessor<Vertex> &record, const TypedValue &rhs) const;
template void SetProperties::SetPropertiesCursor::Set(
RecordAccessor<Edge> &record, const TypedValue &rhs) const;
SetLabels::SetLabels(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol,
const std::vector<GraphDbTypes::Label> &labels)
: input_(input), input_symbol_(input_symbol), labels_(labels) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> SetLabels::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<SetLabelsCursor>(*this, db);
SetLabels::SetLabelsCursor::SetLabelsCursor(const SetLabels &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool SetLabels::SetLabelsCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
TypedValue &vertex_value = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
// Skip setting labels on Null (can occur in optional match).
if (vertex_value.IsNull()) return true;
ExpectType(self_.input_symbol_, vertex_value, TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
auto &vertex = vertex_value.Value<VertexAccessor>();
for (auto label : self_.labels_) vertex.add_label(label);
return true;
void SetLabels::SetLabelsCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
RemoveProperty::RemoveProperty(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
PropertyLookup *lhs)
: input_(input), lhs_(lhs) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> RemoveProperty::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<RemovePropertyCursor>(*this, db);
const RemoveProperty &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool RemoveProperty::RemovePropertyCursor::Pull(
Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
// Remove, just like Delete needs to see the latest changes.
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::NEW);
TypedValue lhs = self_.lhs_->expression_->Accept(evaluator);
switch (lhs.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Vertex:
case TypedValue::Type::Edge:
case TypedValue::Type::Null:
// Skip removing properties on Null (can occur in optional match).
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Properties can only be removed on Vertices and Edges");
return true;
void RemoveProperty::RemovePropertyCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
RemoveLabels::RemoveLabels(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Symbol input_symbol,
const std::vector<GraphDbTypes::Label> &labels)
: input_(input), input_symbol_(input_symbol), labels_(labels) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> RemoveLabels::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<RemoveLabelsCursor>(*this, db);
RemoveLabels::RemoveLabelsCursor::RemoveLabelsCursor(const RemoveLabels &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool RemoveLabels::RemoveLabelsCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
TypedValue &vertex_value = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
// Skip removing labels on Null (can occur in optional match).
if (vertex_value.IsNull()) return true;
ExpectType(self_.input_symbol_, vertex_value, TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
auto &vertex = vertex_value.Value<VertexAccessor>();
for (auto label : self_.labels_) vertex.remove_label(label);
return true;
void RemoveLabels::RemoveLabelsCursor::Reset() { input_cursor_->Reset(); }
template <typename TAccessor>
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Symbol expand_symbol,
const std::vector<Symbol> &previous_symbols)
: input_(input),
previous_symbols_(previous_symbols) {}
template <typename TAccessor>
template <typename TAccessor>
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> ExpandUniquenessFilter<TAccessor>::MakeCursor(
GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<ExpandUniquenessFilterCursor>(*this, db);
template <typename TAccessor>
ExpandUniquenessFilterCursor(const ExpandUniquenessFilter &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
namespace {
* Returns true if:
* - a and b are vertex values and are the same
* - a and b are either edge or edge-list values, and there
* is at least one matching edge in the two values
template <typename TAccessor>
bool ContainsSame(const TypedValue &a, const TypedValue &b);
template <>
bool ContainsSame<VertexAccessor>(const TypedValue &a, const TypedValue &b) {
return a.Value<VertexAccessor>() == b.Value<VertexAccessor>();
template <>
bool ContainsSame<EdgeAccessor>(const TypedValue &a, const TypedValue &b) {
auto compare_to_list = [](const TypedValue &list, const TypedValue &other) {
for (const TypedValue &list_elem : list.Value<std::vector<TypedValue>>())
if (ContainsSame<EdgeAccessor>(list_elem, other)) return true;
return false;
if (a.type() == TypedValue::Type::List) return compare_to_list(a, b);
if (b.type() == TypedValue::Type::List) return compare_to_list(b, a);
return a.Value<EdgeAccessor>() == b.Value<EdgeAccessor>();
} // annonymous namespace
template <typename TAccessor>
bool ExpandUniquenessFilter<TAccessor>::ExpandUniquenessFilterCursor::Pull(
Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
auto expansion_ok = [&]() {
TypedValue &expand_value = frame[self_.expand_symbol_];
for (const auto &previous_symbol : self_.previous_symbols_) {
TypedValue &previous_value = frame[previous_symbol];
// This shouldn't raise a TypedValueException, because the planner makes
// sure these are all of the expected type. In case they are not, an error
// should be raised long before this code is executed.
// TODO handle possible null due to optional match
if (ContainsSame<TAccessor>(previous_value, expand_value)) return false;
return true;
while (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table))
if (expansion_ok()) return true;
return false;
template <typename TAccessor>
void ExpandUniquenessFilter<TAccessor>::ExpandUniquenessFilterCursor::Reset() {
// instantiations of the ExpandUniquenessFilter template class
// we only ever need these two
template class ExpandUniquenessFilter<VertexAccessor>;
template class ExpandUniquenessFilter<EdgeAccessor>;
namespace {
* Helper function for recursively reconstructing all the accessors in the
* given TypedValue.
void ReconstructTypedValue(TypedValue &value) {
switch (value.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Vertex:
if (!value.Value<VertexAccessor>().Reconstruct())
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Vertex invalid after WITH clause, (most likely deleted by a "
"preceeding DELETE clause)");
case TypedValue::Type::Edge:
if (!value.Value<VertexAccessor>().Reconstruct())
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Edge invalid after WITH clause, (most likely deleted by a "
"preceeding DELETE clause)");
case TypedValue::Type::List:
for (TypedValue &inner_value : value.Value<std::vector<TypedValue>>())
case TypedValue::Type::Map:
for (auto &kv : value.Value<std::map<std::string, TypedValue>>())
case TypedValue::Type::Path:
// TODO implement path reconstruct?
throw utils::NotYetImplemented("path reconstruction");
Accumulate::Accumulate(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<Symbol> &symbols, bool advance_command)
: input_(input), symbols_(symbols), advance_command_(advance_command) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Accumulate::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<Accumulate::AccumulateCursor>(*this, db);
Accumulate::AccumulateCursor::AccumulateCursor(const Accumulate &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Accumulate::AccumulateCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// cache all the input
if (!pulled_all_input_) {
while (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
auto &row = cache_.back();
for (const Symbol &symbol : self_.symbols_)
pulled_all_input_ = true;
cache_it_ = cache_.begin();
if (self_.advance_command_) {
for (auto &row : cache_)
for (auto &col : row) ReconstructTypedValue(col);
if (cache_it_ == cache_.end()) return false;
auto row_it = (cache_it_++)->begin();
for (const Symbol &symbol : self_.symbols_) frame[symbol] = *row_it++;
return true;
void Accumulate::AccumulateCursor::Reset() {
cache_it_ = cache_.begin();
pulled_all_input_ = false;
Aggregate::Aggregate(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<Aggregate::Element> &aggregations,
const std::vector<Expression *> &group_by,
const std::vector<Symbol> &remember)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
remember_(remember) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Aggregate::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<AggregateCursor>(*this, db);
Aggregate::AggregateCursor::AggregateCursor(Aggregate &self,
GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
namespace {
/** Returns the default TypedValue for an Aggregation element.
* This value is valid both for returning when where are no inputs
* to the aggregation op, and for initializing an aggregation result
* when there are */
TypedValue DefaultAggregationOpValue(const Aggregate::Element &element) {
switch (element.op) {
case Aggregation::Op::COUNT:
return TypedValue(0);
case Aggregation::Op::SUM:
case Aggregation::Op::MIN:
case Aggregation::Op::MAX:
case Aggregation::Op::AVG:
return TypedValue::Null;
case Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST:
return TypedValue(std::vector<TypedValue>());
case Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP:
return TypedValue(std::map<std::string, TypedValue>());
bool Aggregate::AggregateCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!pulled_all_input_) {
ProcessAll(frame, symbol_table);
pulled_all_input_ = true;
aggregation_it_ = aggregation_.begin();
// in case there is no input and no group_bys we need to return true just
// this once
if (aggregation_.empty() && self_.group_by_.empty()) {
// place default aggregation values on the frame
for (const auto &elem : self_.aggregations_)
frame[elem.output_sym] = DefaultAggregationOpValue(elem);
// place null as remember values on the frame
for (const Symbol &remember_sym : self_.remember_)
frame[remember_sym] = TypedValue::Null;
return true;
if (aggregation_it_ == aggregation_.end()) return false;
// place aggregation values on the frame
auto aggregation_values_it = aggregation_it_->second.values_.begin();
for (const auto &aggregation_elem : self_.aggregations_)
frame[aggregation_elem.output_sym] = *aggregation_values_it++;
// place remember values on the frame
auto remember_values_it = aggregation_it_->second.remember_.begin();
for (const Symbol &remember_sym : self_.remember_)
frame[remember_sym] = *remember_values_it++;
return true;
void Aggregate::AggregateCursor::ProcessAll(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_, GraphView::NEW);
while (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table))
ProcessOne(frame, symbol_table, evaluator);
// calculate AVG aggregations (so far they have only been summed)
for (int pos = 0; pos < static_cast<int>(self_.aggregations_.size()); ++pos) {
if (self_.aggregations_[pos].op != Aggregation::Op::AVG) continue;
for (auto &kv : aggregation_) {
AggregationValue &agg_value = kv.second;
int count = agg_value.counts_[pos];
if (count > 0)
agg_value.values_[pos] = agg_value.values_[pos] / (double)count;
void Aggregate::AggregateCursor::ProcessOne(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator) {
// create the group-by list of values
std::list<TypedValue> group_by;
for (Expression *expression : self_.group_by_) {
AggregationValue &agg_value = aggregation_[group_by];
EnsureInitialized(frame, agg_value);
Update(frame, symbol_table, evaluator, agg_value);
void Aggregate::AggregateCursor::EnsureInitialized(
Frame &frame,
Aggregate::AggregateCursor::AggregationValue &agg_value) const {
if (agg_value.values_.size() > 0) return;
for (const auto &agg_elem : self_.aggregations_)
agg_value.counts_.resize(self_.aggregations_.size(), 0);
for (const Symbol &remember_sym : self_.remember_)
void Aggregate::AggregateCursor::Update(
Frame &, const SymbolTable &, ExpressionEvaluator &evaluator,
Aggregate::AggregateCursor::AggregationValue &agg_value) {
self_.aggregations_.size() == agg_value.values_.size(),
"Expected as much AggregationValue.values_ as there are aggregations.");
self_.aggregations_.size() == agg_value.counts_.size(),
"Expected as much AggregationValue.counts_ as there are aggregations.");
// we iterate over counts, values and aggregation info at the same time
auto count_it = agg_value.counts_.begin();
auto value_it = agg_value.values_.begin();
auto agg_elem_it = self_.aggregations_.begin();
for (; count_it < agg_value.counts_.end();
count_it++, value_it++, agg_elem_it++) {
// COUNT(*) is the only case where input expression is optional
// handle it here
auto input_expr_ptr = agg_elem_it->value;
if (!input_expr_ptr) {
*count_it += 1;
*value_it = *count_it;
TypedValue input_value = input_expr_ptr->Accept(evaluator);
// Aggregations skip Null input values.
if (input_value.IsNull()) continue;
const auto &agg_op = agg_elem_it->op;
*count_it += 1;
if (*count_it == 1) {
// first value, nothing to aggregate. check type, set and continue.
switch (agg_op) {
case Aggregation::Op::MIN:
case Aggregation::Op::MAX:
*value_it = input_value;
case Aggregation::Op::SUM:
case Aggregation::Op::AVG:
*value_it = input_value;
case Aggregation::Op::COUNT:
*value_it = 1;
case Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST:
case Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP:
auto key = agg_elem_it->key->Accept(evaluator);
if (key.type() != TypedValue::Type::String)
throw QueryRuntimeException("Map key must be a string");
value_it->Value<std::map<std::string, TypedValue>>().emplace(
key.Value<std::string>(), input_value);
// aggregation of existing values
switch (agg_op) {
case Aggregation::Op::COUNT:
*value_it = *count_it;
case Aggregation::Op::MIN: {
try {
TypedValue comparison_result = input_value < *value_it;
// since we skip nulls we either have a valid comparison, or
// an exception was just thrown above
// safe to assume a bool TypedValue
if (comparison_result.Value<bool>()) *value_it = input_value;
} catch (const TypedValueException &) {
throw QueryRuntimeException("Unable to get MIN of '{}' and '{}'",
input_value.type(), value_it->type());
case Aggregation::Op::MAX: {
// all comments as for Op::Min
try {
TypedValue comparison_result = input_value > *value_it;
if (comparison_result.Value<bool>()) *value_it = input_value;
} catch (const TypedValueException &) {
throw QueryRuntimeException("Unable to get MAX of '{}' and '{}'",
input_value.type(), value_it->type());
case Aggregation::Op::AVG:
// for averaging we sum first and divide by count once all
// the input has been processed
case Aggregation::Op::SUM:
*value_it = *value_it + input_value;
case Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST:
case Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP:
auto key = agg_elem_it->key->Accept(evaluator);
if (key.type() != TypedValue::Type::String)
throw QueryRuntimeException("Map key must be a string");
value_it->Value<std::map<std::string, TypedValue>>().emplace(
key.Value<std::string>(), input_value);
} // end switch over Aggregation::Op enum
} // end loop over all aggregations
void Aggregate::AggregateCursor::Reset() {
aggregation_it_ = aggregation_.begin();
pulled_all_input_ = false;
void Aggregate::AggregateCursor::EnsureOkForMinMax(
const TypedValue &value) const {
switch (value.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Bool:
case TypedValue::Type::Int:
case TypedValue::Type::Double:
case TypedValue::Type::String:
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Only Bool, Int, Double and String values are allowed in "
"MIN and MAX aggregations");
void Aggregate::AggregateCursor::EnsureOkForAvgSum(
const TypedValue &value) const {
switch (value.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Int:
case TypedValue::Type::Double:
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Only numeric values allowed in SUM and AVG aggregations");
bool TypedValueListEqual::operator()(const std::list<TypedValue> &left,
const std::list<TypedValue> &right) const {
return std::equal(left.begin(), left.end(), right.begin(),
Skip::Skip(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Expression *expression)
: input_(input), expression_(expression) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Skip::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<SkipCursor>(*this, db);
std::vector<Symbol> Skip::OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Propagate this to potential Produce.
return input_->OutputSymbols(symbol_table);
Skip::SkipCursor::SkipCursor(Skip &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Skip::SkipCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
while (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
if (to_skip_ == -1) {
// first successful pull from the input
// evaluate the skip expression
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_);
TypedValue to_skip = self_.expression_->Accept(evaluator);
if (to_skip.type() != TypedValue::Type::Int)
throw QueryRuntimeException("Result of SKIP expression must be an int");
to_skip_ = to_skip.Value<int64_t>();
if (to_skip_ < 0)
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Result of SKIP expression must be greater or equal to zero");
if (skipped_++ < to_skip_) continue;
return true;
return false;
void Skip::SkipCursor::Reset() {
to_skip_ = -1;
skipped_ = 0;
Limit::Limit(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Expression *expression)
: input_(input), expression_(expression) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Limit::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<LimitCursor>(*this, db);
std::vector<Symbol> Limit::OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Propagate this to potential Produce.
return input_->OutputSymbols(symbol_table);
Limit::LimitCursor::LimitCursor(Limit &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Limit::LimitCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// we need to evaluate the limit expression before the first input Pull
// because it might be 0 and thereby we shouldn't Pull from input at all
// we can do this before Pulling from the input because the limit expression
// is not allowed to contain any identifiers
if (limit_ == -1) {
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_);
TypedValue limit = self_.expression_->Accept(evaluator);
if (limit.type() != TypedValue::Type::Int)
throw QueryRuntimeException("Result of LIMIT expression must be an int");
limit_ = limit.Value<int64_t>();
if (limit_ < 0)
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Result of LIMIT expression must be greater or equal to zero");
// check we have not exceeded the limit before pulling
if (pulled_++ >= limit_) return false;
return input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table);
void Limit::LimitCursor::Reset() {
limit_ = -1;
pulled_ = 0;
OrderBy::OrderBy(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<std::pair<Ordering, Expression *>> &order_by,
const std::vector<Symbol> &output_symbols)
: input_(input), output_symbols_(output_symbols) {
// split the order_by vector into two vectors of orderings and expressions
std::vector<Ordering> ordering;
for (const auto &ordering_expression_pair : order_by) {
compare_ = TypedValueVectorCompare(ordering);
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> OrderBy::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<OrderByCursor>(*this, db);
std::vector<Symbol> OrderBy::OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Propagate this to potential Produce.
return input_->OutputSymbols(symbol_table);
OrderBy::OrderByCursor::OrderByCursor(OrderBy &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self_.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool OrderBy::OrderByCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (!did_pull_all_) {
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_);
while (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// collect the order_by elements
std::vector<TypedValue> order_by;
for (auto expression_ptr : self_.order_by_) {
// collect the output elements
std::vector<TypedValue> output;
for (const Symbol &output_sym : self_.output_symbols_)
cache_.emplace_back(std::move(order_by), std::move(output));
std::sort(cache_.begin(), cache_.end(),
[this](const auto &pair1, const auto &pair2) {
return self_.compare_(pair1.first, pair2.first);
did_pull_all_ = true;
cache_it_ = cache_.begin();
if (cache_it_ == cache_.end()) return false;
// place the output values on the frame
debug_assert(self_.output_symbols_.size() == cache_it_->second.size(),
"Number of values does not match the number of output symbols "
"in OrderBy");
auto output_sym_it = self_.output_symbols_.begin();
for (const TypedValue &output : cache_it_->second)
frame[*output_sym_it++] = output;
return true;
void OrderBy::OrderByCursor::Reset() {
did_pull_all_ = false;
cache_it_ = cache_.begin();
bool OrderBy::TypedValueCompare(const TypedValue &a, const TypedValue &b) {
// in ordering null comes after everything else
// at the same time Null is not less that null
// first deal with Null < Whatever case
if (a.IsNull()) return false;
// now deal with NotNull < Null case
if (b.IsNull()) return true;
// comparisons are from this point legal only between values of
// the same type, or int+float combinations
if ((a.type() != b.type() && !(a.IsNumeric() && b.IsNumeric())))
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Can't compare value of type {} to value of type {}", a.type(),
switch (a.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Bool:
return !a.Value<bool>() && b.Value<bool>();
case TypedValue::Type::Int:
if (b.type() == TypedValue::Type::Double)
return a.Value<int64_t>() < b.Value<double>();
return a.Value<int64_t>() < b.Value<int64_t>();
case TypedValue::Type::Double:
if (b.type() == TypedValue::Type::Int)
return a.Value<double>() < b.Value<int64_t>();
return a.Value<double>() < b.Value<double>();
case TypedValue::Type::String:
return a.Value<std::string>() < b.Value<std::string>();
case TypedValue::Type::List:
case TypedValue::Type::Map:
case TypedValue::Type::Vertex:
case TypedValue::Type::Edge:
case TypedValue::Type::Path:
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Comparison is not defined for values of type {}", a.type());
permanent_fail("Unhandled comparison for types");
bool OrderBy::TypedValueVectorCompare::operator()(
const std::vector<TypedValue> &c1,
const std::vector<TypedValue> &c2) const {
// ordering is invalid if there are more elements in the collections
// then there are in the ordering_ vector
debug_assert(c1.size() <= ordering_.size() && c2.size() <= ordering_.size(),
"Collections contain more elements then there are orderings");
auto c1_it = c1.begin();
auto c2_it = c2.begin();
auto ordering_it = ordering_.begin();
for (; c1_it != c1.end() && c2_it != c2.end();
c1_it++, c2_it++, ordering_it++) {
if (OrderBy::TypedValueCompare(*c1_it, *c2_it))
return *ordering_it == Ordering::ASC;
if (OrderBy::TypedValueCompare(*c2_it, *c1_it))
return *ordering_it == Ordering::DESC;
// at least one collection is exhausted
// c1 is less then c2 iff c1 reached the end but c2 didn't
return (c1_it == c1.end()) && (c2_it != c2.end());
Merge::Merge(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> merge_match,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> merge_create)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
merge_create_(merge_create) {}
bool Merge::Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) {
if (visitor.PreVisit(*this)) {
input_->Accept(visitor) && merge_match_->Accept(visitor) &&
return visitor.PostVisit(*this);
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Merge::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<MergeCursor>(*this, db);
Merge::MergeCursor::MergeCursor(Merge &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)),
merge_create_cursor_(self.merge_create_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Merge::MergeCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (pull_input_) {
if (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// after a successful input from the input
// reset merge_match (it's expand iterators maintain state)
// and merge_create (could have a Once at the beginning)
} else
// input is exhausted, we're done
return false;
// pull from the merge_match cursor
if (merge_match_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// if successful, next Pull from this should not pull_input_
pull_input_ = false;
return true;
} else {
// failed to Pull from the merge_match cursor
if (pull_input_) {
// if we have just now pulled from the input
// and failed to pull from merge_match, we should create
__attribute__((unused)) bool merge_create_pull_result =
merge_create_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table);
debug_assert(merge_create_pull_result, "MergeCreate must never fail");
return true;
// we have exhausted merge_match_cursor_ after 1 or more successful Pulls
// attempt next input_cursor_ pull
pull_input_ = true;
return Pull(frame, symbol_table);
void Merge::MergeCursor::Reset() {
pull_input_ = true;
Optional::Optional(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &optional,
const std::vector<Symbol> &optional_symbols)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
optional_symbols_(optional_symbols) {}
bool Optional::Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) {
if (visitor.PreVisit(*this)) {
input_->Accept(visitor) && optional_->Accept(visitor);
return visitor.PostVisit(*this);
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Optional::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<OptionalCursor>(*this, db);
Optional::OptionalCursor::OptionalCursor(Optional &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self),
optional_cursor_(self.optional_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Optional::OptionalCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (pull_input_) {
if (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// after a successful input from the input
// reset optional_ (it's expand iterators maintain state)
} else
// input is exhausted, we're done
return false;
// pull from the optional_ cursor
if (optional_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// if successful, next Pull from this should not pull_input_
pull_input_ = false;
return true;
} else {
// failed to Pull from the merge_match cursor
if (pull_input_) {
// if we have just now pulled from the input
// and failed to pull from optional_ so set the
// optional symbols to Null, ensure next time the
// input gets pulled and return true
for (const Symbol &sym : self_.optional_symbols_)
frame[sym] = TypedValue::Null;
pull_input_ = true;
return true;
// we have exhausted optional_cursor_ after 1 or more successful Pulls
// attempt next input_cursor_ pull
pull_input_ = true;
return Pull(frame, symbol_table);
void Optional::OptionalCursor::Reset() {
pull_input_ = true;
Unwind::Unwind(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
Expression *input_expression, Symbol output_symbol)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
output_symbol_(output_symbol) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Unwind::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<UnwindCursor>(*this, db);
Unwind::UnwindCursor::UnwindCursor(Unwind &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Unwind::UnwindCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (db_.should_abort()) throw HintedAbortError();
// if we reached the end of our list of values
// pull from the input
if (input_value_it_ == input_value_.end()) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
// successful pull from input, initialize value and iterator
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(frame, symbol_table, db_);
TypedValue input_value = self_.input_expression_->Accept(evaluator);
if (input_value.type() != TypedValue::Type::List)
throw QueryRuntimeException("UNWIND only accepts list values, got '{}'",
input_value_ = input_value.Value<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
input_value_it_ = input_value_.begin();
// if we reached the end of our list of values goto back to top
if (input_value_it_ == input_value_.end()) return Pull(frame, symbol_table);
frame[self_.output_symbol_] = *input_value_it_++;
return true;
void Unwind::UnwindCursor::Reset() {
input_value_it_ = input_value_.end();
Distinct::Distinct(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::vector<Symbol> &value_symbols)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
value_symbols_(value_symbols) {}
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Distinct::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<DistinctCursor>(*this, db);
std::vector<Symbol> Distinct::OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Propagate this to potential Produce.
return input_->OutputSymbols(symbol_table);
Distinct::DistinctCursor::DistinctCursor(Distinct &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), input_cursor_(self.input_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Distinct::DistinctCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
while (true) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) return false;
std::list<TypedValue> row;
for (const auto &symbol : self_.value_symbols_)
if (seen_rows_.insert(std::move(row)).second) return true;
void Distinct::DistinctCursor::Reset() {
CreateIndex::CreateIndex(GraphDbTypes::Label label,
GraphDbTypes::Property property)
: label_(label), property_(property) {}
bool CreateIndex::Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) {
return visitor.Visit(*this);
class CreateIndexCursor : public Cursor {
CreateIndexCursor(CreateIndex &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self), db_(db) {}
bool Pull(Frame &, const SymbolTable &) override {
if (did_create_) return false;
try {
} catch (const IndexExistsException &) {
// Ignore creating an existing index.
} catch (const IndexBuildInProgressException &) {
// Report to the end user.
did_create_ = false;
throw QueryRuntimeException(
"Index building already in progress on this database. Memgraph does "
"not support concurrent index building.");
did_create_ = true;
return true;
void Reset() override { did_create_ = false; }
const CreateIndex &self_;
GraphDbAccessor &db_;
bool did_create_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> CreateIndex::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<CreateIndexCursor>(*this, db);
} // namespace query::plan