* Split queries into system and data queries * System queries are sequentially executed and generate separate transaction deltas * System transaction try locks for 100ms * last_commited_system_ts saved to DBMS durability * Replicating CREATE/DROP DATABASE * Sending a system snapshot if REPLICA behind * Passing a copy of the gatekeeper::access as std::any to all functions that could call an async execution * Removed delete_on_drop flag (we now always delete on drop) * Using UUID as the directory name for databases * DBMS durability update (added versioning and salient information) * Automatic migration from previous version * Interpreter can run some queries without a target database * SHOW REPLICA returns the status of the currently active DB * Returning UUID instead of db name in the RPC responses * Using UUIDs for database specification in RPC (not name) * FrequentCheck forces update on reconnect * TimestampRpc will detect if a replica is behind, and will update client's state * Safer SLK reads * Split SHOW DATABASES in two SHOW DATABASES (list of current databases) and SHOW DATABASE a single string naming the current database --------- Co-authored-by: Gareth Lloyd <gareth.lloyd@memgraph.io>
379 lines
15 KiB
379 lines
15 KiB
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <thread>
#include "communication/bolt/v1/value.hpp"
#include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp"
#include "csv/parsing.hpp"
#include "dbms/dbms_handler.hpp"
#include "disk_test_utils.hpp"
#include "flags/run_time_configurable.hpp"
#include "glue/communication.hpp"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "interpreter_faker.hpp"
#include "license/license.hpp"
#include "query/auth_checker.hpp"
#include "query/config.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter_context.hpp"
#include "query/metadata.hpp"
#include "query/stream.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "query_common.hpp"
#include "replication/state.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/storage.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/isolation_level.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/property_value.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/storage_mode.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/lru_cache.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronized.hpp"
namespace {
std::set<std::string> GetDirs(auto path) {
std::set<std::string> dirs;
// Clean the unused directories
for (const auto &entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(path)) {
const auto &name = entry.path().filename().string();
if (entry.is_directory() && !name.empty() && name.front() != '.') {
return dirs;
auto RunMtQuery(auto &interpreter, const std::string &query, std::string_view res) {
auto [stream, qid] = interpreter.Prepare(query);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "STATUS");
interpreter.Pull(&stream, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetSummary().count("has_more"), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueString(), res);
auto RunQuery(auto &interpreter, const std::string &query) {
auto [stream, qid] = interpreter.Prepare(query);
interpreter.Pull(&stream, 1);
return stream.GetResults();
void UseDatabase(auto &interpreter, const std::string &name, std::string_view res) {
RunMtQuery(interpreter, "USE DATABASE " + name, res);
void DropDatabase(auto &interpreter, const std::string &name, std::string_view res) {
RunMtQuery(interpreter, "DROP DATABASE " + name, res);
} // namespace
class MultiTenantTest : public ::testing::Test {
std::filesystem::path data_directory = std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "MG_tests_unit_multi_tenancy";
MultiTenantTest() = default;
memgraph::storage::Config config{
[&]() {
memgraph::storage::Config config{};
UpdatePaths(config, data_directory);
return config;
}() // iile
struct MinMemgraph {
explicit MinMemgraph(const memgraph::storage::Config &conf)
: dbms{conf,
memgraph::utils::Synchronized<memgraph::auth::Auth, memgraph::utils::WritePrioritizedRWLock> *>(0),
interpreter_context{{}, &dbms, &dbms.ReplicationState()} {
memgraph::utils::global_settings.Initialize(conf.durability.storage_directory / "settings");
~MinMemgraph() { memgraph::utils::global_settings.Finalize(); }
auto NewInterpreter() { return InterpreterFaker{&interpreter_context, dbms.Get()}; }
memgraph::dbms::DbmsHandler dbms;
memgraph::query::InterpreterContext interpreter_context;
void SetUp() override {
void TearDown() override {
if (std::filesystem::exists(data_directory)) std::filesystem::remove_all(data_directory);
auto NewInterpreter() { return min_mg->NewInterpreter(); }
auto &DBMS() { return min_mg->dbms; }
std::optional<MinMemgraph> min_mg;
TEST_F(MultiTenantTest, SimpleCreateDrop) {
// 1) Create multiple interpreters with the default db
// 2) Create multiple databases using both
// 3) Drop databases while the other is using
// 1
auto interpreter1 = this->NewInterpreter();
auto interpreter2 = this->NewInterpreter();
// 2
auto create = [&](auto &interpreter, const std::string &name, bool success) {
RunMtQuery(interpreter, "CREATE DATABASE " + name,
success ? ("Successfully created database " + name) : (name + " already exists."));
create(interpreter1, "db1", true);
create(interpreter1, "db1", false);
create(interpreter2, "db1", false);
create(interpreter2, "db2", true);
create(interpreter1, "db2", false);
create(interpreter2, "db3", true);
create(interpreter2, "db4", true);
// 3
UseDatabase(interpreter1, "db2", "Using db2");
UseDatabase(interpreter1, "db2", "Already using db2");
UseDatabase(interpreter2, "db2", "Using db2");
UseDatabase(interpreter1, "db4", "Using db4");
ASSERT_THROW(DropDatabase(interpreter1, memgraph::dbms::kDefaultDB.data(), ""),
memgraph::query::QueryRuntimeException); // default db
DropDatabase(interpreter1, "db1", "Successfully deleted db1");
ASSERT_THROW(DropDatabase(interpreter2, "db1", ""), memgraph::query::QueryRuntimeException); // No db1
ASSERT_THROW(DropDatabase(interpreter1, "db1", ""), memgraph::query::QueryRuntimeException); // No db1
ASSERT_THROW(DropDatabase(interpreter1, "db2", ""), memgraph::query::QueryRuntimeException); // i2 using db2
ASSERT_THROW(DropDatabase(interpreter1, "db4", ""), memgraph::query::QueryRuntimeException); // i1 using db4
TEST_F(MultiTenantTest, DbmsNewTryDelete) {
// 1) Create multiple interpreters with the default db
// 2) Create multiple databases using dbms
// 3) Try delete databases while the interpreters are using them
// 1
auto interpreter1 = this->NewInterpreter();
auto interpreter2 = this->NewInterpreter();
// 2
auto &dbms = DBMS();
// 3
UseDatabase(interpreter2, "db2", "Using db2");
UseDatabase(interpreter1, "db4", "Using db4");
TEST_F(MultiTenantTest, DbmsUpdate) {
// 1) Create multiple interpreters with the default db
// 2) Create multiple databases using dbms
// 3) Try to update databases
auto &dbms = DBMS();
auto interpreter1 = this->NewInterpreter();
// Update clean default db
auto default_db = dbms.Get();
const auto old_uuid = default_db->config().salient.uuid;
const memgraph::utils::UUID new_uuid{/* random */};
const memgraph::storage::SalientConfig &config{.name = "memgraph", .uuid = new_uuid};
auto new_default = dbms.Update(config);
ASSERT_NE(new_uuid, old_uuid);
ASSERT_EQ(default_db->storage(), new_default.GetValue()->storage());
// Add node to default
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node)");
// Fail to update dirty default db
const memgraph::storage::SalientConfig &failing_config{.name = "memgraph", .uuid = {}};
auto failed_update = dbms.Update(failing_config);
// Succeed when updating with the same config
auto same_update = dbms.Update(config);
ASSERT_EQ(new_default.GetValue()->storage(), same_update.GetValue()->storage());
// Create new db
auto db1 = dbms.New("db1");
RunMtQuery(interpreter1, "USE DATABASE db1", "Using db1");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:NewNode)");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:NewNode)");
const auto db1_config_old = db1.GetValue()->config();
// Begin a transaction on db1
auto interpreter2 = this->NewInterpreter();
RunMtQuery(interpreter2, "USE DATABASE db1", "Using db1");
ASSERT_EQ(RunQuery(interpreter2, "SHOW DATABASE")[0][0].ValueString(), "db1");
RunQuery(interpreter2, "BEGIN");
// Update and check the new db in clean
auto interpreter3 = this->NewInterpreter();
const memgraph::storage::SalientConfig &db1_config_new{.name = "db1", .uuid = {}};
auto new_db1 = dbms.Update(db1_config_new);
ASSERT_NE(db1_config_new.uuid, db1_config_old.salient.uuid);
RunMtQuery(interpreter3, "USE DATABASE db1", "Using db1");
ASSERT_EQ(RunQuery(interpreter3, "MATCH(n) RETURN count(*)")[0][0].ValueInt(), 0);
// Check that the interpreter1 is still valid, but lacking a db
ASSERT_THROW(RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node)"), memgraph::query::DatabaseContextRequiredException);
// Check that the interpreter2 is still valid and pointing to the old db1 (until commit)
RunQuery(interpreter2, "CREATE (:NewNode)");
ASSERT_EQ(RunQuery(interpreter2, "MATCH(n) RETURN count(*)")[0][0].ValueInt(), 3);
RunQuery(interpreter2, "COMMIT");
ASSERT_THROW(RunQuery(interpreter2, "MATCH(n) RETURN n"), memgraph::query::DatabaseContextRequiredException);
TEST_F(MultiTenantTest, DbmsNewDelete) {
// 1) Create multiple interpreters with the default db
// 2) Create multiple databases using dbms
// 3) Defer delete databases while the interpreters are using them
// 4) Database should be a zombie until the using interpreter retries to query it
// 5) Check it is deleted from disk
// 1
auto interpreter1 = this->NewInterpreter();
auto interpreter2 = this->NewInterpreter();
// 2
auto &dbms = DBMS();
// 3
UseDatabase(interpreter2, "db2", "Using db2");
UseDatabase(interpreter1, "db4", "Using db4");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db4\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db4\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db4\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db4\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter2, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db2\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter2, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db2\"})");
// 4
ASSERT_EQ(dbms.All().size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(GetDirs(data_directory / "databases").size(), 3); // All used databases remain on disk, but unusable
ASSERT_THROW(RunQuery(interpreter1, "MATCH(:Node{on:db4}) RETURN count(*)"),
ASSERT_THROW(RunQuery(interpreter2, "MATCH(:Node{on:db2}) RETURN count(*)"),
// 5
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); // Wait for the filesystem to be updated
ASSERT_EQ(GetDirs(data_directory / "databases").size(), 1); // Databases deleted from disk
ASSERT_THROW(RunQuery(interpreter1, "MATCH(n) RETURN n"), memgraph::query::DatabaseContextRequiredException);
ASSERT_THROW(RunQuery(interpreter2, "MATCH(n) RETURN n"), memgraph::query::DatabaseContextRequiredException);
TEST_F(MultiTenantTest, DbmsNewDeleteWTx) {
// 1) Create multiple interpreters with the default db
// 2) Create multiple databases using dbms
// 3) Defer delete databases while the interpreters are using them
// 4) Interpreters that had an open transaction before should still be working
// 5) New transactions on deleted databases should throw
// 6) Switching databases should still be possible
// 1
auto interpreter1 = this->NewInterpreter();
auto interpreter2 = this->NewInterpreter();
// 2
auto &dbms = DBMS();
// 3
UseDatabase(interpreter2, "db2", "Using db2");
UseDatabase(interpreter1, "db4", "Using db4");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db4\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db4\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db4\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db4\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter2, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db2\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter2, "CREATE (:Node{on:\"db2\"})");
RunQuery(interpreter1, "BEGIN");
RunQuery(interpreter2, "BEGIN");
// 4
ASSERT_EQ(dbms.All().size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(GetDirs(data_directory / "databases").size(), 3); // All used databases remain on disk, and usable
ASSERT_EQ(RunQuery(interpreter1, "MATCH(:Node{on:\"db4\"}) RETURN count(*)")[0][0].ValueInt(), 4);
ASSERT_EQ(RunQuery(interpreter2, "MATCH(:Node{on:\"db2\"}) RETURN count(*)")[0][0].ValueInt(), 2);
RunQuery(interpreter1, "MATCH(n:Node{on:\"db4\"}) DELETE n");
RunQuery(interpreter2, "CREATE(:Node{on:\"db2\"})");
ASSERT_EQ(RunQuery(interpreter1, "MATCH(:Node{on:\"db4\"}) RETURN count(*)")[0][0].ValueInt(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(RunQuery(interpreter2, "MATCH(:Node{on:\"db2\"}) RETURN count(*)")[0][0].ValueInt(), 3);
RunQuery(interpreter1, "COMMIT");
RunQuery(interpreter2, "COMMIT");
// 5
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); // Wait for the filesystem to be updated
ASSERT_EQ(GetDirs(data_directory / "databases").size(), 1); // Only the active databases remain
ASSERT_THROW(RunQuery(interpreter1, "MATCH(n) RETURN n"), memgraph::query::DatabaseContextRequiredException);
ASSERT_THROW(RunQuery(interpreter2, "MATCH(n) RETURN n"), memgraph::query::DatabaseContextRequiredException);
// 6
UseDatabase(interpreter2, memgraph::dbms::kDefaultDB.data(), "Using memgraph");
UseDatabase(interpreter1, memgraph::dbms::kDefaultDB.data(), "Using memgraph");