2024-02-27 17:29:25 +00:00

505 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/label_property_index.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/constraints/constraints.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/indices/indices_utils.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/storage.hpp"
#include "utils/counter.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
namespace memgraph::storage {
bool InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Entry::operator<(const Entry &rhs) const {
if (value < rhs.value) {
return true;
if (rhs.value < value) {
return false;
return std::make_tuple(vertex, timestamp) < std::make_tuple(rhs.vertex, rhs.timestamp);
bool InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Entry::operator==(const Entry &rhs) const {
return value == rhs.value && vertex == rhs.vertex && timestamp == rhs.timestamp;
bool InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Entry::operator<(const PropertyValue &rhs) const { return value < rhs; }
bool InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Entry::operator==(const PropertyValue &rhs) const { return value == rhs; }
bool InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::CreateIndex(
LabelId label, PropertyId property, utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Accessor vertices,
const std::optional<durability::ParallelizedSchemaCreationInfo> &parallel_exec_info) {
spdlog::trace("Vertices size when creating index: {}", vertices.size());
auto create_index_seq = [this](LabelId label, PropertyId property, utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Accessor &vertices,
std::map<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>, utils::SkipList<Entry>>::iterator it) {
using IndexAccessor = decltype(it->second.access());
CreateIndexOnSingleThread(vertices, it, index_, std::make_pair(label, property),
[](Vertex &vertex, std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId> key, IndexAccessor &index_accessor) {
TryInsertLabelPropertyIndex(vertex, key, index_accessor);
return true;
auto create_index_par =
[this](LabelId label, PropertyId property, utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Accessor &vertices,
std::map<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>, utils::SkipList<Entry>>::iterator label_property_it,
const durability::ParallelizedSchemaCreationInfo &parallel_exec_info) {
using IndexAccessor = decltype(label_property_it->second.access());
vertices, label_property_it, index_, std::make_pair(label, property), parallel_exec_info,
[](Vertex &vertex, std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId> key, IndexAccessor &index_accessor) {
TryInsertLabelPropertyIndex(vertex, key, index_accessor);
return true;
auto [it, emplaced] =
index_.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(label, property), std::forward_as_tuple());
indices_by_property_[property].insert({label, &it->second});
if (!emplaced) {
// Index already exists.
return false;
if (parallel_exec_info) {
return create_index_par(label, property, vertices, it, *parallel_exec_info);
return create_index_seq(label, property, vertices, it);
void InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::UpdateOnAddLabel(LabelId added_label, Vertex *vertex_after_update,
const Transaction &tx) {
for (auto &[label_prop, storage] : index_) {
if (label_prop.first != added_label) {
auto prop_value = vertex_after_update->properties.GetProperty(label_prop.second);
if (!prop_value.IsNull()) {
auto acc = storage.access();
acc.insert(Entry{std::move(prop_value), vertex_after_update, tx.start_timestamp});
void InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::UpdateOnSetProperty(PropertyId property, const PropertyValue &value, Vertex *vertex,
const Transaction &tx) {
if (value.IsNull()) {
auto index = indices_by_property_.find(property);
if (index == indices_by_property_.end()) {
for (const auto &[_, storage] : index->second) {
auto acc = storage->access();
acc.insert(Entry{value, vertex, tx.start_timestamp});
bool InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::DropIndex(LabelId label, PropertyId property) {
if (indices_by_property_.find(property) != indices_by_property_.end()) {;
if ( {
return index_.erase({label, property}) > 0;
bool InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::IndexExists(LabelId label, PropertyId property) const {
return index_.find({label, property}) != index_.end();
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::ListIndices() const {
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> ret;
for (const auto &item : index_) {
return ret;
void InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::RemoveObsoleteEntries(uint64_t oldest_active_start_timestamp, std::stop_token token,
utils::BloomFilter<Vertex *> const *filter) {
auto maybe_stop = utils::ResettableCounter<2048>();
for (auto &[label_property, index] : index_) {
// before starting index, check if stop_requested
if (token.stop_requested()) return;
auto [label_id, prop_id] = label_property;
auto index_acc = index.access();
auto it = index_acc.begin();
auto end_it = index_acc.end();
if (it == end_it) continue;
while (true) {
// Hot loop, don't check stop_requested every time
if (maybe_stop() && token.stop_requested()) return;
auto next_it = it;
bool has_next = next_it != end_it;
if (it->timestamp < oldest_active_start_timestamp) {
bool redundant_duplicate = has_next && it->vertex == next_it->vertex && it->value == next_it->value;
if (redundant_duplicate ||
((!filter || filter->maybe_contains(it->vertex)) &&
!AnyVersionHasLabelProperty(*it->vertex, label_id, prop_id, it->value, oldest_active_start_timestamp))) {
if (!has_next) break;
it = next_it;
InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator::Iterator(Iterable *self,
utils::SkipList<Entry>::Iterator index_iterator)
: self_(self),
current_vertex_accessor_(nullptr, self_->storage_, nullptr),
current_vertex_(nullptr) {
InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator &InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator::operator++() {
return *this;
void InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator::AdvanceUntilValid() {
for (; index_iterator_ != self_->index_accessor_.end(); ++index_iterator_) {
if (index_iterator_->vertex == current_vertex_) {
if (self_->lower_bound_) {
if (index_iterator_->value < self_->lower_bound_->value()) {
if (!self_->lower_bound_->IsInclusive() && index_iterator_->value == self_->lower_bound_->value()) {
if (self_->upper_bound_) {
if (self_->upper_bound_->value() < index_iterator_->value) {
index_iterator_ = self_->index_accessor_.end();
if (!self_->upper_bound_->IsInclusive() && index_iterator_->value == self_->upper_bound_->value()) {
index_iterator_ = self_->index_accessor_.end();
if (CurrentVersionHasLabelProperty(*index_iterator_->vertex, self_->label_, self_->property_,
index_iterator_->value, self_->transaction_, self_->view_)) {
current_vertex_ = index_iterator_->vertex;
current_vertex_accessor_ = VertexAccessor(current_vertex_, self_->storage_, self_->transaction_);
// These constants represent the smallest possible value of each type that is
// contained in a `PropertyValue`. Note that numbers (integers and doubles) are
// treated as the same "type" in `PropertyValue`.
const PropertyValue kSmallestBool = PropertyValue(false);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-narrowing-conversions,cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
static_assert(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() < std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min());
const PropertyValue kSmallestNumber = PropertyValue(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
const PropertyValue kSmallestString = PropertyValue("");
const PropertyValue kSmallestList = PropertyValue(std::vector<PropertyValue>());
const PropertyValue kSmallestMap = PropertyValue(std::map<std::string, PropertyValue>());
const PropertyValue kSmallestTemporalData =
PropertyValue(TemporalData{static_cast<TemporalType>(0), std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()});
InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterable(utils::SkipList<Entry>::Accessor index_accessor,
utils::SkipList<Vertex>::ConstAccessor vertices_accessor, LabelId label,
PropertyId property,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower_bound,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper_bound, View view,
Storage *storage, Transaction *transaction)
: pin_accessor_(std::move(vertices_accessor)),
transaction_(transaction) {
// We have to fix the bounds that the user provided to us. If the user
// provided only one bound we should make sure that only values of that type
// are returned by the iterator. We ensure this by supplying either an
// inclusive lower bound of the same type, or an exclusive upper bound of the
// following type. If neither bound is set we yield all items in the index.
// First we statically verify that our assumptions about the `PropertyValue`
// type ordering holds.
static_assert(PropertyValue::Type::Bool < PropertyValue::Type::Int);
static_assert(PropertyValue::Type::Int < PropertyValue::Type::Double);
static_assert(PropertyValue::Type::Double < PropertyValue::Type::String);
static_assert(PropertyValue::Type::String < PropertyValue::Type::List);
static_assert(PropertyValue::Type::List < PropertyValue::Type::Map);
// Remove any bounds that are set to `Null` because that isn't a valid value.
if (lower_bound_ && lower_bound_->value().IsNull()) {
lower_bound_ = std::nullopt;
if (upper_bound_ && upper_bound_->value().IsNull()) {
upper_bound_ = std::nullopt;
// Check whether the bounds are of comparable types if both are supplied.
if (lower_bound_ && upper_bound_ &&
!PropertyValue::AreComparableTypes(lower_bound_->value().type(), upper_bound_->value().type())) {
bounds_valid_ = false;
// Set missing bounds.
if (lower_bound_ && !upper_bound_) {
// Here we need to supply an upper bound. The upper bound is set to an
// exclusive lower bound of the following type.
switch (lower_bound_->value().type()) {
case PropertyValue::Type::Null:
// This shouldn't happen because of the nullopt-ing above.
LOG_FATAL("Invalid database state!");
case PropertyValue::Type::Bool:
upper_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundExclusive(kSmallestNumber);
case PropertyValue::Type::Int:
case PropertyValue::Type::Double:
// Both integers and doubles are treated as the same type in
// `PropertyValue` and they are interleaved when sorted.
upper_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundExclusive(kSmallestString);
case PropertyValue::Type::String:
upper_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundExclusive(kSmallestList);
case PropertyValue::Type::List:
upper_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundExclusive(kSmallestMap);
case PropertyValue::Type::Map:
upper_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundExclusive(kSmallestTemporalData);
case PropertyValue::Type::TemporalData:
// This is the last type in the order so we leave the upper bound empty.
if (upper_bound_ && !lower_bound_) {
// Here we need to supply a lower bound. The lower bound is set to an
// inclusive lower bound of the current type.
switch (upper_bound_->value().type()) {
case PropertyValue::Type::Null:
// This shouldn't happen because of the nullopt-ing above.
LOG_FATAL("Invalid database state!");
case PropertyValue::Type::Bool:
lower_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundInclusive(kSmallestBool);
case PropertyValue::Type::Int:
case PropertyValue::Type::Double:
// Both integers and doubles are treated as the same type in
// `PropertyValue` and they are interleaved when sorted.
lower_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundInclusive(kSmallestNumber);
case PropertyValue::Type::String:
lower_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundInclusive(kSmallestString);
case PropertyValue::Type::List:
lower_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundInclusive(kSmallestList);
case PropertyValue::Type::Map:
lower_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundInclusive(kSmallestMap);
case PropertyValue::Type::TemporalData:
lower_bound_ = utils::MakeBoundInclusive(kSmallestTemporalData);
InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::begin() {
// If the bounds are set and don't have comparable types we don't yield any
// items from the index.
if (!bounds_valid_) return {this, index_accessor_.end()};
auto index_iterator = index_accessor_.begin();
if (lower_bound_) {
index_iterator = index_accessor_.find_equal_or_greater(lower_bound_->value());
return {this, index_iterator};
InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::end() {
return {this, index_accessor_.end()};
uint64_t InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label, PropertyId property) const {
auto it = index_.find({label, property});
MG_ASSERT(it != index_.end(), "Index for label {} and property {} doesn't exist", label.AsUint(), property.AsUint());
return it->second.size();
uint64_t InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label, PropertyId property,
const PropertyValue &value) const {
auto it = index_.find({label, property});
MG_ASSERT(it != index_.end(), "Index for label {} and property {} doesn't exist", label.AsUint(), property.AsUint());
auto acc = it->second.access();
if (!value.IsNull()) {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-narrowing-conversions,cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
return acc.estimate_count(value, utils::SkipListLayerForCountEstimation(acc.size()));
// The value `Null` won't ever appear in the index because it indicates that
// the property shouldn't exist. Instead, this value is used as an indicator
// to estimate the average number of equal elements in the list (for any
// given value).
return acc.estimate_average_number_of_equals(
[](const auto &first, const auto &second) { return first.value == second.value; },
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-narrowing-conversions,cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
uint64_t InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::ApproximateVertexCount(
LabelId label, PropertyId property, const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper) const {
auto it = index_.find({label, property});
MG_ASSERT(it != index_.end(), "Index for label {} and property {} doesn't exist", label.AsUint(), property.AsUint());
auto acc = it->second.access();
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-narrowing-conversions,cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
return acc.estimate_range_count(lower, upper, utils::SkipListLayerForCountEstimation(acc.size()));
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::ClearIndexStats() {
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> deleted_indexes;
auto locked_stats = stats_.Lock();
std::transform(locked_stats->begin(), locked_stats->end(), std::back_inserter(deleted_indexes),
[](const auto &elem) { return elem.first; });
return deleted_indexes;
// stats_ is a map where the key is a pair of label and property, so for one label many pairs can be deleted
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::DeleteIndexStats(
const storage::LabelId &label) {
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> deleted_indexes;
auto locked_stats = stats_.Lock();
for (auto it = locked_stats->cbegin(); it != locked_stats->cend();) {
if (it->first.first == label) {
it = locked_stats->erase(it);
} else {
return deleted_indexes;
void InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::SetIndexStats(const std::pair<storage::LabelId, storage::PropertyId> &key,
const LabelPropertyIndexStats &stats) {
auto locked_stats = stats_.Lock();
locked_stats->insert_or_assign(key, stats);
std::optional<LabelPropertyIndexStats> InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::GetIndexStats(
const std::pair<storage::LabelId, storage::PropertyId> &key) const {
auto locked_stats = stats_.ReadLock();
if (auto it = locked_stats->find(key); it != locked_stats->end()) {
return it->second;
return {};
void InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::RunGC() {
for (auto &index_entry : index_) {
InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Vertices(
LabelId label, PropertyId property, const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower_bound,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper_bound, View view, Storage *storage,
Transaction *transaction) {
DMG_ASSERT(storage->storage_mode_ == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_TRANSACTIONAL ||
storage->storage_mode_ == StorageMode::IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL,
"PropertyLabel index trying to access InMemory vertices from OnDisk!");
auto vertices_acc = static_cast<InMemoryStorage const *>(storage)->vertices_.access();
auto it = index_.find({label, property});
MG_ASSERT(it != index_.end(), "Index for label {} and property {} doesn't exist", label.AsUint(), property.AsUint());
return {it->second.access(), std::move(vertices_acc), label, property, lower_bound, upper_bound, view, storage,
InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Iterable InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::Vertices(
LabelId label, PropertyId property,
memgraph::utils::SkipList<memgraph::storage::Vertex>::ConstAccessor vertices_acc,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower_bound,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper_bound, View view, Storage *storage,
Transaction *transaction) {
auto it = index_.find({label, property});
MG_ASSERT(it != index_.end(), "Index for label {} and property {} doesn't exist", label.AsUint(), property.AsUint());
return {it->second.access(), std::move(vertices_acc), label, property, lower_bound, upper_bound, view, storage,
void InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::AbortEntries(PropertyId property,
std::span<std::pair<PropertyValue, Vertex *> const> vertices,
uint64_t exact_start_timestamp) {
auto const it = indices_by_property_.find(property);
if (it == indices_by_property_.end()) return;
auto &indices = it->second;
for (const auto &[_, index] : indices) {
auto index_acc = index->access();
for (auto const &[value, vertex] : vertices) {
index_acc.remove(Entry{value, vertex, exact_start_timestamp});
void InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex::AbortEntries(LabelId label,
std::span<std::pair<PropertyValue, Vertex *> const> vertices,
uint64_t exact_start_timestamp) {
for (auto &[label_prop, storage] : index_) {
if (label_prop.first != label) {
auto index_acc = storage.access();
for (const auto &[property, vertex] : vertices) {
if (!property.IsNull()) {
index_acc.remove(Entry{property, vertex, exact_start_timestamp});
} // namespace memgraph::storage