Summary: This change introduces dumping of indices keys. During the dump process, an internal label is assigned to each vertex and index on vertex's internal property id is created for faster matching during edge creation. Reviewers: teon.banek Reviewed By: teon.banek Subscribers: msantl, pullbot Differential Revision:
421 lines
14 KiB
421 lines
14 KiB
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
#include "database/single_node/dump.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "storage/common/types/property_value.hpp"
using database::CypherDumpGenerator;
const char *kPropertyId = "property_id";
const char *kCreateInternalIndex = "CREATE INDEX ON :__mg_vertex__(__mg_id__);";
const char *kDropInternalIndex = "DROP INDEX ON :__mg_vertex__(__mg_id__);";
const char *kRemoveInternalLabelProperty =
"MATCH (u) REMOVE u:__mg_vertex__, u.__mg_id__;";
// A helper struct that contains info about database that is used to compare
// two databases (to check if their states are the same). It is assumed that
// each vertex and each edge have unique integer property under key
// `kPropertyId`.
struct DatabaseState {
struct Vertex {
int64_t id;
std::set<std::string> labels;
std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> props;
struct Edge {
int64_t from, to;
std::string edge_type;
std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> props;
struct IndexKey {
std::string label;
std::string property;
bool is_unique;
std::set<Vertex> vertices;
std::set<Edge> edges;
std::set<IndexKey> indices;
bool operator<(const DatabaseState::Vertex &first,
const DatabaseState::Vertex &second) {
if ( != return <;
if (first.labels != second.labels) return first.labels < second.labels;
return first.props < second.props;
bool operator<(const DatabaseState::Edge &first,
const DatabaseState::Edge &second) {
if (first.from != second.from) return first.from < second.from;
if ( != return <;
if (first.edge_type != second.edge_type)
return first.edge_type < second.edge_type;
return first.props < second.props;
bool operator<(const DatabaseState::IndexKey &first,
const DatabaseState::IndexKey &second) {
if (first.label != second.label) return first.label < second.label;
if ( !=
return <;
return first.is_unique < second.is_unique;
bool operator==(const DatabaseState::Vertex &first,
const DatabaseState::Vertex &second) {
return == && first.labels == second.labels &&
first.props == second.props;
bool operator==(const DatabaseState::Edge &first,
const DatabaseState::Edge &second) {
return first.from == second.from && == &&
first.edge_type == second.edge_type && first.props == second.props;
bool operator==(const DatabaseState::IndexKey &first,
const DatabaseState::IndexKey &second) {
return first.label == second.label && == &&
first.is_unique == second.is_unique;
bool operator==(const DatabaseState &first, const DatabaseState &second) {
return first.vertices == second.vertices && first.edges == second.edges &&
first.indices == second.indices;
// Returns next query if the end is not reached, otherwise returns an empty
// string.
std::string DumpNext(CypherDumpGenerator *dump) {
std::ostringstream oss;
if (dump->NextQuery(&oss)) return oss.str();
return "";
class DatabaseEnvironment {
std::string DumpStr() {
auto dba = db_.Access();
std::ostringstream oss;
database::DumpToCypher(&oss, &dba);
return oss.str();
void Execute(const std::string &query) {
auto dba = db_.Access();
ResultStreamFaker<query::TypedValue> results;
query::Interpreter()(query, dba, {}, false).PullAll(results);
database::GraphDbAccessor Access() { return db_.Access(); }
VertexAccessor CreateVertex(const std::vector<std::string> &labels,
const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &props,
bool add_property_id = true) {
auto dba = db_.Access();
auto vertex = dba.InsertVertex();
for (const auto &label_name : labels) {
for (const auto &kv : props) {
vertex.PropsSet(dba.Property(kv.first), kv.second);
if (add_property_id) {
return vertex;
EdgeAccessor CreateEdge(VertexAccessor from, VertexAccessor to,
const std::string &edge_type_name,
const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &props,
bool add_property_id = true) {
auto dba = db_.Access();
auto edge = dba.InsertEdge(from, to, dba.EdgeType(edge_type_name));
for (const auto &kv : props) {
edge.PropsSet(dba.Property(kv.first), kv.second);
if (add_property_id) {
return edge;
DatabaseState GetState() {
// Capture all vertices
std::map<gid::Gid, int64_t> gid_mapping;
std::set<DatabaseState::Vertex> vertices;
auto dba = db_.Access();
for (const auto &vertex : dba.Vertices(false)) {
std::set<std::string> labels;
for (const auto &label : vertex.labels()) {
std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> props;
for (const auto &kv : vertex.Properties()) {
props.emplace(dba.PropertyName(kv.first), kv.second);
CHECK(props.count(kPropertyId) == 1);
const auto id = props[kPropertyId].Value<int64_t>();
gid_mapping[vertex.gid()] = id;
vertices.insert({id, labels, props});
// Capture all edges
std::set<DatabaseState::Edge> edges;
for (const auto &edge : dba.Edges(false)) {
const auto &edge_type_name = dba.EdgeTypeName(edge.EdgeType());
std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> props;
for (const auto &kv : edge.Properties()) {
props.emplace(dba.PropertyName(kv.first), kv.second);
const auto from = gid_mapping[edge.from().gid()];
const auto to = gid_mapping[];
edges.insert({from, to, edge_type_name, props});
// Capture all indices
std::set<DatabaseState::IndexKey> indices;
for (const auto &key : dba.GetIndicesKeys()) {
dba.PropertyName(key.property_), key.unique_});
return {vertices, edges, indices};
database::GraphDb db_;
TEST(DumpTest, EmptyGraph) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, SingleVertex) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, VertexWithSingleLabel) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
db.CreateVertex({"Label1"}, {}, false);
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__:Label1 {__mg_id__: 0});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, VertexWithMultipleLabels) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
db.CreateVertex({"Label1", "Label2"}, {}, false);
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
"CREATE (:__mg_vertex__:Label1:Label2 {__mg_id__: 0});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, VertexWithSingleProperty) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
db.CreateVertex({}, {{"prop", PropertyValue(42)}}, false);
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
"CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0, prop: 42});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, MultipleVertices) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 1});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 2});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, SingleEdge) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
auto u = db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
auto v = db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
db.CreateEdge(u, v, "EdgeType", {}, false);
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 1});");
"MATCH (u), (v) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = 0 AND v.__mg_id__ = 1 CREATE "
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, MultipleEdges) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
auto u = db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
auto v = db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
auto w = db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
db.CreateEdge(u, v, "EdgeType", {}, false);
db.CreateEdge(v, u, "EdgeType", {}, false);
db.CreateEdge(v, w, "EdgeType", {}, false);
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 1});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 2});");
"MATCH (u), (v) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = 0 AND v.__mg_id__ = 1 CREATE "
"MATCH (u), (v) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = 1 AND v.__mg_id__ = 0 CREATE "
"MATCH (u), (v) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = 1 AND v.__mg_id__ = 2 CREATE "
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, EdgeWithProperties) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
auto u = db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
auto v = db.CreateVertex({}, {}, false);
db.CreateEdge(u, v, "EdgeType", {{"prop", PropertyValue(13)}}, false);
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 1});");
"MATCH (u), (v) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = 0 AND v.__mg_id__ = 1 CREATE "
"(u)-[:EdgeType {prop: 13}]->(v);");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, IndicesKeys) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
db.CreateVertex({"Label1", "Label2"}, {{"prop", PropertyValue(10)}}, false);
db.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1(prop);");
db.Execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON :Label2(prop);");
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE INDEX ON :Label1(prop);");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON :Label2(prop);");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
"CREATE (:__mg_vertex__:Label1:Label2 {__mg_id__: 0, prop: 10});");
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");
TEST(DumpTest, CheckStateVertexWithMultipleProperties) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> prop1 = {
{"nested1", PropertyValue(1337)}, {"nested2", PropertyValue(3.14)}};
db.CreateVertex({"Label1", "Label2"},
{{"prop1", prop1}, {"prop2", PropertyValue("$'\t'")}});
DatabaseEnvironment db_dump;
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
std::string cmd;
while (!(cmd = DumpNext(&dump)).empty()) {
EXPECT_EQ(db.GetState(), db_dump.GetState());
TEST(DumpTest, CheckStateSimpleGraph) {
DatabaseEnvironment db;
auto u = db.CreateVertex({"Person"}, {{"name", "Ivan"}});
auto v = db.CreateVertex({"Person"}, {{"name", "Josko"}});
auto w = db.CreateVertex({"Person"}, {{"name", "Bosko"}});
auto z = db.CreateVertex({"Person"}, {{"name", "Buha"}});
db.CreateEdge(u, v, "Knows", {});
db.CreateEdge(v, w, "Knows", {{"how_long", 5}});
db.CreateEdge(w, u, "Knows", {{"how", "distant past"}});
db.CreateEdge(v, u, "Knows", {});
db.CreateEdge(v, u, "Likes", {});
db.CreateEdge(z, u, "Knows", {});
db.CreateEdge(w, z, "Knows", {{"how", "school"}});
db.CreateEdge(w, z, "Likes", {{"how", "very much"}});
// Create few indices
db.Execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON :Person(name);");
db.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Person(unexisting_property);");
const auto &db_initial_state = db.GetState();
DatabaseEnvironment db_dump;
auto dba = db.Access();
CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
std::string cmd;
while (!(cmd = DumpNext(&dump)).empty()) {
EXPECT_EQ(db.GetState(), db_dump.GetState());
// Make sure that dump function doesn't make changes on the database.
EXPECT_EQ(db.GetState(), db_initial_state);