Reviewers: msantl Reviewed By: msantl Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
152 lines
4.7 KiB
152 lines
4.7 KiB
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "communication/bolt/v1/decoder/decoder.hpp"
#include "durability/hashed_file_reader.hpp"
#include "durability/single_node/recovery.hpp"
#include "durability/single_node/version.hpp"
DEFINE_string(snapshot_file, "", "Snapshot file location");
using communication::bolt::Value;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
// This makes sure we update the explorer when we bump the snapshot version.
// Snapshot layout is described in durability/version.hpp
static_assert(durability::kVersion == 9,
"Wrong snapshot version, please update!");
fs::path snapshot_path(FLAGS_snapshot_file);
CHECK(fs::exists(snapshot_path)) << "File doesn't exist!";
HashedFileReader reader;
communication::bolt::Decoder<HashedFileReader> decoder(reader);
CHECK(reader.Open(snapshot_path)) << "Couldn't open snapshot file!";
auto magic_number = durability::kSnapshotMagic;
reader.Read(, magic_number.size());
CHECK(magic_number == durability::kSnapshotMagic) << "Magic number mismatch";
int64_t vertex_count, edge_count;
uint64_t hash;
CHECK(durability::ReadSnapshotSummary(reader, vertex_count, edge_count, hash))
<< "ReadSnapshotSummary failed";
LOG(INFO) << "Vertex count: " << vertex_count;
LOG(INFO) << "Edge count: " << edge_count;
LOG(INFO) << "Hash: " << hash;
Value dv;
decoder.ReadValue(&dv, Value::Type::Int);
CHECK(dv.ValueInt() == durability::kVersion)
<< "Snapshot version mismatch"
<< ", got " << dv.ValueInt() << " expected " << durability::kVersion;
decoder.ReadValue(&dv, Value::Type::Int);
LOG(INFO) << "Transactional ID of the snapshooter " << dv.ValueInt();
decoder.ReadValue(&dv, Value::Type::List);
for (const auto &value : dv.ValueList()) {
CHECK(value.IsInt()) << "Transaction is not a number!";
LOG(INFO) << "Transactional snapshot of the snapshooter "
<< value.ValueInt();
decoder.ReadValue(&dv, Value::Type::List);
auto index_value = dv.ValueList();
for (auto it = index_value.begin(); it != index_value.end();) {
auto label = *it++;
CHECK(label.IsString()) << "Label is not a string!";
CHECK(it != index_value.end()) << "Missing propery for label "
<< label.ValueString();
auto property = *it++;
CHECK(property.IsString()) << "Property is not a string!";
LOG(INFO) << "Adding label " << label.ValueString() << " and property "
<< property.ValueString();
decoder.ReadValue(&dv, Value::Type::List);
auto existence_constraint = dv.ValueList();
for (auto it = existence_constraint.begin(); it != existence_constraint.end();) {
std::string log("Adding existence constraint: ");
CHECK(it->IsString()) << "Label is not a string!";
log.append(" -> [");
CHECK(it->IsInt()) << "Number of properties is not an int!";
int64_t prop_size = it->ValueInt();
for (size_t i = 0; i < prop_size; ++i) {
CHECK(it->IsString()) << "Property is not a string!";
if (i != prop_size -1) {
log.append(", ");
} else {
LOG(INFO) << log;
decoder.ReadValue(&dv, Value::Type::List);
auto unique_constraint = dv.ValueList();
for (auto it = unique_constraint.begin(); it != unique_constraint.end();) {
std::string log("Adding unique constraint: ");
CHECK(it->IsString()) << "Label is not a string!";
log.append(" -> [");
CHECK(it->IsInt()) << "Number of properties is not an int!";
int64_t prop_size = it->ValueInt();
for (size_t i = 0; i < prop_size; ++i) {
CHECK(it->IsString()) << "Property is not a string!";
if (i != prop_size -1) {
log.append(", ");
} else {
LOG(INFO) << log;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
auto vertex = decoder.ReadValue(&dv, Value::Type::Vertex);
CHECK(vertex) << "Failed to read vertex " << i;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < edge_count; ++i) {
auto edge = decoder.ReadValue(&dv, Value::Type::Edge);
CHECK(edge) << "Failed to read edge " << i;
LOG(INFO) << "Vertex count: " << vertex_count;
LOG(INFO) << "Edge count:" << edge_count;
LOG(INFO) << "Hash: " << reader.hash();
CHECK(reader.Close()) << "Failed to close the reader";
return 0;