2022-09-07 18:15:32 +03:00

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// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include "query/v2/bindings/typed_value.hpp"
#include "query/v2/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/v2/parameters.hpp"
#include "query/v2/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "storage/v3/conversions.hpp"
namespace memgraph::query::v2::plan {
* Query plan execution time cost estimator, for comparing and choosing optimal
* execution plans.
* In Cypher the write part of the query always executes in the same
* cardinality. It is not allowed to execute a write operation before all the
* expansion for that query part (WITH splits a query into parts) have executed.
* For that reason cost estimation comes down to cardinality estimation for the
* read parts of the query, and their expansion. We want to compare different
* plans and try to figure out which has the optimal organization of scans,
* expansions and filters.
* Note that expansions and filtering can also happen during Merge, which is a
* write operation. We let that get evaluated like all other cardinality
* influencing ops. Also, Merge cardinality modification should be contained (it
* can never reduce it's input cardinality), but since Merge always happens
* after the read part, and can't be reoredered, we can ignore that.
* Limiting and accumulating (Aggregate, OrderBy, Accumulate) operations are
* cardinality modifiers that always execute at the end of the query part. Their
* cardinality influence is irrelevant because they execute the same
* for all plans for a single query part, and query part reordering is not
* allowed.
* This kind of cost estimation can only be used for comparing logical plans.
* It's aim is to estimate cost(A) to be less then cost(B) in every case where
* actual query execution for plan A is less then that of plan B. It can NOT be
* used to estimate how MUCH execution between A and B will differ.
template <class TDbAccessor>
class CostEstimator : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
struct CostParam {
static constexpr double kScanAll{1.0};
static constexpr double kScanAllByLabel{1.1};
static constexpr double MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyValue{1.1};
static constexpr double MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyRange{1.1};
static constexpr double MakeScanAllByLabelProperty{1.1};
static constexpr double kExpand{2.0};
static constexpr double kExpandVariable{3.0};
static constexpr double kFilter{1.5};
static constexpr double kEdgeUniquenessFilter{1.5};
static constexpr double kUnwind{1.3};
static constexpr double kForeach{1.0};
struct CardParam {
static constexpr double kExpand{3.0};
static constexpr double kExpandVariable{9.0};
static constexpr double kFilter{0.25};
static constexpr double kEdgeUniquenessFilter{0.95};
struct MiscParam {
static constexpr double kUnwindNoLiteral{10.0};
static constexpr double kForeachNoLiteral{10.0};
using HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor::PostVisit;
using HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor::PreVisit;
CostEstimator(TDbAccessor *db_accessor, const Parameters &parameters)
: db_accessor_(db_accessor), parameters(parameters) {}
bool PostVisit(ScanAll &) override {
cardinality_ *= db_accessor_->VerticesCount();
// ScanAll performs some work for every element that is produced
return true;
bool PostVisit(ScanAllByLabel &scan_all_by_label) override {
cardinality_ *= db_accessor_->VerticesCount(scan_all_by_label.label_);
// ScanAll performs some work for every element that is produced
return true;
bool PostVisit(ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue &logical_op) override {
// This cardinality estimation depends on the property value (expression).
// If it's a constant, we can evaluate cardinality exactly, otherwise
// we estimate
auto property_value = ConstPropertyValue(logical_op.expression_);
double factor = 1.0;
if (property_value)
// get the exact influence based on ScanAll(label, property, value)
factor = db_accessor_->VerticesCount(logical_op.label_, logical_op.property_, property_value.value());
// estimate the influence as ScanAll(label, property) * filtering
factor = db_accessor_->VerticesCount(logical_op.label_, logical_op.property_) * CardParam::kFilter;
cardinality_ *= factor;
// ScanAll performs some work for every element that is produced
return true;
bool PostVisit(ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange &logical_op) override {
// this cardinality estimation depends on Bound expressions.
// if they are literals we can evaluate cardinality properly
auto lower = BoundToPropertyValue(logical_op.lower_bound_);
auto upper = BoundToPropertyValue(logical_op.upper_bound_);
int64_t factor = 1;
if (upper || lower)
// if we have either Bound<PropertyValue>, use the value index
factor = db_accessor_->VerticesCount(logical_op.label_, logical_op.property_, lower, upper);
// no values, but we still have the label
factor = db_accessor_->VerticesCount(logical_op.label_, logical_op.property_);
// if we failed to take either bound from the op into account, then apply
// the filtering constant to the factor
if ((logical_op.upper_bound_ && !upper) || (logical_op.lower_bound_ && !lower)) factor *= CardParam::kFilter;
cardinality_ *= factor;
// ScanAll performs some work for every element that is produced
return true;
bool PostVisit(ScanAllByLabelProperty &logical_op) override {
const auto factor = db_accessor_->VerticesCount(logical_op.label_, logical_op.property_);
cardinality_ *= factor;
return true;
// TODO: Cost estimate ScanAllById?
// For the given op first increments the cardinality and then cost.
bool PostVisit(NAME &) override { \
cardinality_ *= CardParam::k##NAME; \
IncrementCost(CostParam::k##NAME); \
return true; \
// For the given op first increments the cost and then cardinality.
bool PostVisit(LOGICAL_OP &) override { \
IncrementCost(CostParam::PARAM_NAME); \
cardinality_ *= CardParam::PARAM_NAME; \
return true; \
POST_VISIT_COST_FIRST(EdgeUniquenessFilter, kEdgeUniquenessFilter);
bool PostVisit(Unwind &unwind) override {
// Unwind cost depends more on the number of lists that get unwound
// much less on the number of outputs
// for that reason first increment cost, then modify cardinality
// try to determine how many values will be yielded by Unwind
// if the Unwind expression is a list literal, we can deduce cardinality
// exactly, otherwise we approximate
double unwind_value;
if (auto *literal = utils::Downcast<query::v2::ListLiteral>(unwind.input_expression_))
unwind_value = literal->elements_.size();
unwind_value = MiscParam::kUnwindNoLiteral;
cardinality_ *= unwind_value;
return true;
bool PostVisit(Foreach &foreach) override {
// Foreach cost depends both on the number elements in the list that get unwound
// as well as the total clauses that get called for each unwounded element.
// First estimate cardinality and then increment the cost.
double foreach_elements{0};
if (auto *literal = utils::Downcast<query::v2::ListLiteral>(foreach.expression_)) {
foreach_elements = literal->elements_.size();
} else {
foreach_elements = MiscParam::kForeachNoLiteral;
cardinality_ *= foreach_elements;
return true;
bool Visit(Once &) override { return true; }
auto cost() const { return cost_; }
auto cardinality() const { return cardinality_; }
// cost estimation that gets accumulated as the visitor
// tours the logical plan
double cost_{0};
// cardinality estimation (how many times an operator gets executed)
// cardinality is a double to make it easier to work with
double cardinality_{1};
// accessor used for cardinality estimates in ScanAll and ScanAllByLabel
TDbAccessor *db_accessor_;
const Parameters &parameters;
void IncrementCost(double param) { cost_ += param * cardinality_; }
// converts an optional ScanAll range bound into a property value
// if the bound is present and is a constant expression convertible to
// a property value. otherwise returns nullopt
std::optional<utils::Bound<storage::v3::PropertyValue>> BoundToPropertyValue(
std::optional<ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::Bound> bound) {
if (bound) {
auto property_value = ConstPropertyValue(bound->value());
if (property_value) return utils::Bound<storage::v3::PropertyValue>(*property_value, bound->type());
return std::nullopt;
// If the expression is a constant property value, it is returned. Otherwise,
// return nullopt.
std::optional<storage::v3::PropertyValue> ConstPropertyValue(const Expression *expression) {
if (auto *literal = utils::Downcast<const PrimitiveLiteral>(expression)) {
return storage::v3::TypedToPropertyValue(literal->value_);
} else if (auto *param_lookup = utils::Downcast<const ParameterLookup>(expression)) {
return parameters.AtTokenPosition(param_lookup->token_position_);
return std::nullopt;
/** Returns the estimated cost of the given plan. */
template <class TDbAccessor>
double EstimatePlanCost(TDbAccessor *db, const Parameters &parameters, LogicalOperator &plan) {
CostEstimator<TDbAccessor> estimator(db, parameters);
return estimator.cost();
} // namespace memgraph::query::v2::plan