Summary: The `mg_value` is the main data type used in upcoming custom procedures. Each custom procedure will receive arguments as an array of `mg_value` instances. The results of custom procedures will also be built as `mg_value` instances. We should strive to have as simple and straightforward C API for custom procedures, because we want to limit the possibility of errors and bugs on the user facing side. Custom procedures will run in Memgraph and as such can cause crashes and potentially a lot of nasty stuff. The burden is on the writer of custom procedures not to mess things up, so we should make messing things up from the C API hard if not impossible to do. Reviewers: mferencevic, ipaljak, dsantl Reviewed By: mferencevic Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
338 lines
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338 lines
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/// @file
/// Provides API for usage in custom openCypher procedures
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/// @name Operations on mgp_value
/// struct mgp_value is an immutable container of various values that may appear
/// as arguments and results of a custom procedure. The following functions and
/// types are used to work with mgp_value. Each function returning a non-const
/// mgp_value has allocated a new instance of the result, therefore such
/// mgp_value instances need to be deallocated using mgp_value_destroy.
/// Immutable container of various values that appear in the query language.
struct mgp_value;
/// List of mgp_value instances
struct mgp_list;
/// Map of character strings to mgp_value instances.
struct mgp_map;
/// Vertex in the graph database.
struct mgp_vertex;
/// Edge in the graph database.
struct mgp_edge;
/// Path containing mgp_vertex and mgp_edge instances.
struct mgp_path;
/// All available types that can be stored in a mgp_value
enum mgp_value_type {
// NOTE: New types need to be appended, so as not to break ABI.
/// Free the memory used by the given mgp_value instance.
void mgp_value_destroy(struct mgp_value *val);
/// Construct a value representing `null` in openCypher.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_null();
/// Construct a boolean value.
/// Non-zero values represent `true`, while zero represents `false`.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_bool(int val);
/// Construct an integer value.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_int(int64_t val);
/// Construct a double floating point value.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_double(double val);
/// Construct a character string value from a NULL terminated string.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_string(const char *val);
/// Create a mgp_value storing a mgp_list.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy. The ownership of
/// the list is given to the created mgp_value and destroying the mgp_value will
/// destroy the mgp_list. Therefore, if a mgp_value is successfully created
/// you must not call mgp_list_destroy on the given list.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_list(struct mgp_list *val);
/// Create a mgp_value storing a mgp_map.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy. The ownership of
/// the map is given to the created mgp_value and destroying the mgp_value will
/// destroy the mgp_map. Therefore, if a mgp_value is successfully created
/// you must not call mgp_map_destroy on the given map.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_map(struct mgp_map *val);
/// Create a mgp_value storing a mgp_vertex.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy. The ownership of
/// the vertex is given to the created mgp_value and destroying the mgp_value
/// will destroy the mgp_vertex. Therefore, if a mgp_value is successfully
/// created you must not call mgp_vertex_destroy on the given vertex.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_vertex(struct mgp_vertex *val);
/// Create a mgp_value storing a mgp_edge.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy. The ownership of
/// the edge is given to the created mgp_value and destroying the mgp_value will
/// destroy the mgp_edge. Therefore, if a mgp_value is successfully created you
/// must not call mgp_edge_destroy on the given edge.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_edge(struct mgp_edge *val);
/// Create a mgp_value storing a mgp_path.
/// You need to free the instance through mgp_value_destroy. The ownership of
/// the path is given to the created mgp_value and destroying the mgp_value will
/// destroy the mgp_path. Therefore, if a mgp_value is successfully created you
/// must not call mgp_path_destroy on the given path.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a mgp_value.
struct mgp_value *mgp_value_make_path(struct mgp_path *val);
/// Return the type of the value contained in mgp_value.
enum mgp_value_type mgp_value_get_type(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value represents `null`.
int mgp_value_is_null(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores a boolean.
int mgp_value_is_bool(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores an integer.
int mgp_value_is_int(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores a double floating-point.
int mgp_value_is_double(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores a character string.
int mgp_value_is_string(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores a list of values.
int mgp_value_is_list(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores a map of values.
int mgp_value_is_map(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores a vertex.
int mgp_value_is_vertex(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores an edge.
int mgp_value_is_edge(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return non-zero if the given mgp_value stores a path.
int mgp_value_is_path(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained boolean value.
/// Non-zero values represent `true`, while zero represents `false`.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
int mgp_value_get_bool(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained integer.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
int64_t mgp_value_get_int(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained double floating-point.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
double mgp_value_get_double(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained character string.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
const char *mgp_value_get_string(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained list of values.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
const struct mgp_list *mgp_value_get_list(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained map of values.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
const struct mgp_map *mgp_value_get_map(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained vertex.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
const struct mgp_vertex *mgp_value_get_vertex(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained edge.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
const struct mgp_edge *mgp_value_get_edge(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the contained path.
/// The result is undefined if mgp_value does not contain the expected type.
const struct mgp_path *mgp_value_get_path(const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Create an empty list with given capacity.
/// You need to free the created instance with mgp_list_destroy.
/// The created list will have allocated enough memory for `capacity` elements
/// of mgp_value, but it will not contain any elements. Therefore,
/// mgp_list_size will return 0.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a new list.
struct mgp_list *mgp_list_make_empty(size_t capacity);
/// Free the memory used by the given mgp_list and contained elements.
void mgp_list_destroy(struct mgp_list *list);
/// Append a copy of mgp_value to mgp_list if capacity allows.
/// The list copies the given value and therefore does not take ownership of the
/// original value. You still need to call mgp_value_destroy to free the
/// original value.
/// Return non-zero on success, or 0 if there's no capacity or memory to append
/// the mgp_value to mgp_list.
int mgp_list_append(struct mgp_list *list, const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Append a copy of mgp_value to mgp_list increasing capacity if needed.
/// The list copies the given value and therefore does not take ownership of the
/// original value. You still need to call mgp_value_destroy to free the
/// original value.
/// In case of a capacity change, the previously contained elements will move in
/// memory and any references to them will be invalid.
/// Return non-zero on success, or 0 if there's no memory to append the
/// mgp_value to mgp_list.
int mgp_list_append_extend(struct mgp_list *list, const struct mgp_value *val);
/// Return the number of elements stored in mgp_list.
size_t mgp_list_size(const struct mgp_list *list);
/// Return the total number of elements for which there's already allocated
/// memory in mgp_list.
size_t mgp_list_capacity(const struct mgp_list *list);
/// Return the element in mgp_list at given position.
/// NULL is returned if the index is not within mgp_list_size.
const struct mgp_value *mgp_list_at(const struct mgp_list *list, size_t index);
/// Create an empty map of character strings to mgp_value instances.
/// You need to free the created instance with mgp_map_destroy.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a new map.
struct mgp_map *mgp_map_make_empty();
/// Free the memory used by the given mgp_map and contained items.
void mgp_map_destroy(struct mgp_map *map);
/// Insert a new mapping from a NULL terminated character string to a value.
/// If a mapping with the same key already exists, it is *not* replaced.
/// In case of insertion, both the string and the value are copied into the map.
/// Therefore, the map does not take ownership of the original key nor value, so
/// you still need to free their memory explicitly.
/// Return non-zero on success, or 0 if there's no memory to insert a new
/// mapping or a previous mapping already exists.
int mgp_map_insert(struct mgp_map *map, const char *key,
const struct mgp_value *value);
/// Return the number of items stored in mgp_map.
size_t mgp_map_size(const struct mgp_map *map);
/// Return the mapped mgp_value to the given character string.
/// NULL is returned if no mapping exists.
const struct mgp_value *mgp_map_at(const struct mgp_map *map, const char *key);
/// An item in the mgp_map.
struct mgp_map_item;
/// Get the key of the mapped item.
const char *mgp_map_item_key(const struct mgp_map_item *item);
/// Get the value of the mapped item.
const struct mgp_value *mgp_map_item_value(const struct mgp_map_item *item);
/// An iterator over the items in mgp_map.
struct mgp_map_items_iterator;
/// Start iterating over items contained in the given map.
/// The returned mgp_map_items_iterator needs to be deallocated with
/// mgp_map_items_iterator_destroy.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a new iterator.
struct mgp_map_items_iterator *mgp_map_iter_items(const struct mgp_map *map);
/// Deallocate memory used by mgp_map_items_iterator.
void mgp_map_items_iterator_destroy(struct mgp_map_items_iterator *it);
/// Get the current item pointed to by the iterator.
/// When the mgp_map_items_iterator_next is invoked, the returned pointer
/// to mgp_map_item becomes invalid. On the other hand, pointers obtained
/// with mgp_map_item_key and mgp_map_item_value remain valid
/// throughout the lifetime of a map. Therefore, you can store the key as well
/// as the value before, and use them after invoking
/// mgp_map_items_iterator_next.
/// NULL is returned if the end of the iteration has been reached.
const struct mgp_map_item *mgp_map_items_iterator_get(
const struct mgp_map_items_iterator *it);
/// Advance the iterator to the next item stored in map and return it.
/// The previous pointer obtained through mgp_map_items_iterator_get will
/// be invalidated, but the pointers to key and value will remain valid.
/// NULL is returned if the end of the iteration has been reached.
const struct mgp_map_item *mgp_map_items_iterator_next(
struct mgp_map_items_iterator *it);
/// Create a path with the copy of the given starting vertex.
/// You need to free the created instance with mgp_path_destroy.
/// NULL is returned if unable to allocate a path.
struct mgp_path *mgp_path_make_with_start(const struct mgp_vertex *vertex);
/// Free the memory used by the given mgp_path and contained vertices and edges.
void mgp_path_destroy(struct mgp_path *path);
/// Append an edge continuing from the last vertex on the path.
/// The edge is copied into the path. Therefore, the path does not take
/// ownership of the original edge, so you still need to free the edge memory
/// explicitly.
/// The last vertex on the path will become the other endpoint of the given
/// edge, as continued from the current last vertex.
/// Return non-zero on success, or 0 if the current last vertex in the path is
/// not part of the given edge. 0 is also returned if unable to allocate memory
/// for path extension.
int mgp_path_expand(struct mgp_path *path, const struct mgp_edge *edge);
/// Return the number of edges in a mgp_path.
size_t mgp_path_size(const struct mgp_path *path);
/// Return the vertex from a path at given index.
/// The valid index range is [0, mgp_path_size].
/// NULL is returned if index is out of range.
const struct mgp_vertex *mgp_path_vertex_at(const struct mgp_path *path,
size_t index);
/// Return the edge from a path at given index.
/// The valid index range is [0, mgp_path_size - 1].
/// NULL is returned if index is out of range.
const struct mgp_edge *mgp_path_edge_at(const struct mgp_path *path,
size_t index);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // MG_PROCEDURE_H