Make the Interpreter be able to handle SimulatorTransport as well. This includes introducing changes that make it possible to use the different transport types in a semi-polymorphic way with the introduction of factory methods in the RequestRouter. The reason for this solution is that the classes that represent the different transport types have member function templates, that we can not make virtual. This solution seemed to be the least convoluted. In the testing itself now it is possible to pass a set of cypher queried to the interpreter which would run these queries against the interpreter and the individual shards that are managed and started up by the MachineManager with the different entities communicating over the simulated network.
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// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
// This test serves as an example of a property-based model test.
// It generates a cluster configuration and a set of operations to
// apply against both the real system and a greatly simplified model.
#include <chrono>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <rapidcheck.h>
#include <rapidcheck/gtest.h>
#include <spdlog/cfg/env.h>
#include "generated_operations.hpp"
#include "io/simulator/simulator_config.hpp"
#include "io/time.hpp"
#include "storage/v3/shard_manager.hpp"
#include "test_cluster.hpp"
namespace memgraph::tests::simulation {
using io::Duration;
using io::Time;
using io::simulator::SimulatorConfig;
using storage::v3::kMaximumCronInterval;
RC_GTEST_PROP(RandomClusterConfig, HappyPath, (ClusterConfig cluster_config, NonEmptyOpVec ops, uint64_t rng_seed)) {
SimulatorConfig sim_config{
.drop_percent = 0,
.perform_timeouts = false,
.scramble_messages = true,
.rng_seed = rng_seed,
.start_time = Time::min(),
// TODO(tyler) set abort_time to something more restrictive than Time::max()
.abort_time = Time::max(),
std::vector<std::string> queries = {"CREATE (n:test_label{property_1: 0, property_2: 0});", "MATCH (n) RETURN n;"};
auto [sim_stats_1, latency_stats_1] = RunClusterSimulationWithQueries(sim_config, cluster_config, queries);
auto [sim_stats_2, latency_stats_2] = RunClusterSimulationWithQueries(sim_config, cluster_config, queries);
if (latency_stats_1 != latency_stats_2) {
spdlog::error("simulator stats diverged across runs");
spdlog::error("run 1 simulator stats: {}", sim_stats_1);
spdlog::error("run 2 simulator stats: {}", sim_stats_2);
spdlog::error("run 1 latency:\n{}", latency_stats_1.SummaryTable());
spdlog::error("run 2 latency:\n{}", latency_stats_2.SummaryTable());
RC_ASSERT(latency_stats_1 == latency_stats_2);
RC_ASSERT(sim_stats_1 == sim_stats_2);
} // namespace memgraph::tests::simulation