Gareth Andrew Lloyd 2e51e703c3
Add supernode vertex cache (#1124)
Add supernode vertex cache to account for long delta chains and modifications in the same module being independent of scanning of the nodes in the next iteration of the pulling mechanism.
2023-08-11 10:18:28 +02:00

255 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/bin/bash -e
# Download external dependencies.
# Don't forget to add/update the license in release/third-party-licenses of added/updated libs!
working_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd "${working_dir}"
# Clones a git repository and optionally cherry picks additional commits. The
# function will try to preserve any local changes in the repo.
clone () {
local git_repo=$1
local dir_name=$2
local checkout_id=$3
local shallow=$4
shift 4
# Clone if there's no repo.
if [[ ! -d "$dir_name" ]]; then
echo "Cloning from $git_repo"
# If the clone fails, it doesn't make sense to continue with the function
# execution but the whole script should continue executing because we might
# clone the same repo from a different source.
if [ "$shallow" = true ]; then
git clone --depth 1 --branch "$checkout_id" "$git_repo" "$dir_name" || return 1
git clone "$git_repo" "$dir_name" || return 1
pushd "$dir_name"
# Check whether we have any local changes which need to be preserved.
local local_changes=true
if git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet && git diff --no-ext-diff --cached --quiet; then
if [ "$shallow" = false ]; then
# Stash regardless of local_changes, so that a user gets a message on stdout.
git stash
# Just fetch new commits from remote repository. Don't merge/pull them in, so
# that we don't clobber local modifications.
git fetch
# Checkout the primary commit (there's no need to pull/merge).
# The checkout fail should exit this script immediately because the target
# commit is not there and that will most likely create build-time errors.
git checkout "$checkout_id" || exit 1
# Apply any optional cherry pick fixes.
while [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; do
local cherry_pick_id=$1
# The cherry-pick fail should exit this script immediately because the
# target commit is not there and that will most likely create build-time
# errors.
git cherry-pick -n "$cherry_pick_id" || exit 1
# Reapply any local changes.
if [[ $local_changes == true ]]; then
git stash pop
file_get_try_double () {
echo "Download primary from $primary_url secondary from $secondary_url"
if [ -z "$primary_url" ]; then echo "Primary should not be empty." && exit 1; fi
if [ -z "$secondary_url" ]; then echo "Secondary should not be empty." && exit 1; fi
filename="$(basename "$secondary_url")"
# Redirect primary/cache to /dev/null to make it less confusing for a new contributor because only CI has access to the cache.
wget -nv "$primary_url" -O "$filename" >/dev/null 2>&1 || wget -nv "$secondary_url" -O "$filename" || exit 1
repo_clone_try_double () {
echo "Cloning primary from $primary_url secondary from $secondary_url"
if [ -z "$primary_url" ]; then echo "Primary should not be empty." && exit 1; fi
if [ -z "$secondary_url" ]; then echo "Secondary should not be empty." && exit 1; fi
if [ -z "$folder_name" ]; then echo "Clone folder should not be empty." && exit 1; fi
if [ -z "$ref" ]; then echo "Git clone ref should not be empty." && exit 1; fi
# Redirect primary/cache to /dev/null to make it less confusing for a new contributor because only CI has access to the cache.
clone "$primary_url" "$folder_name" "$ref" "$shallow" >/dev/null 2>&1 || clone "$secondary_url" "$folder_name" "$ref" "$shallow" || exit 1
# List all dependencies.
# The reason for introducing primary and secondary urls are:
# * HTTPS is hard to cache
# * Remote development workflow is more flexible if people don't have to connect to VPN
# * Direct download from the "source of truth" is slower and unreliable because of the whole internet in-between
# * When a new dependency has to be added, both urls could be the same, later someone could optimize if required
# The goal of having primary urls is to have links to the "local" cache of
# dependencies where these dependencies could be downloaded as fast as
# possible. The actual cache server could be on your local machine, on a
# dedicated machine inside the build cluster or on the actual build machine.
# Download from primary_urls might fail because the cache is not installed.
declare -A primary_urls=(
# The goal of secondary urls is to have links to the "source of truth" of
# dependencies, e.g., Github or S3. Download from secondary urls, if happens
# at all, should never fail. In other words, if it fails, the whole build
# should fail.
declare -A secondary_urls=(
# antlr
file_get_try_double "${primary_urls[antlr4-generator]}" "${secondary_urls[antlr4-generator]}"
antlr4_tag="4.10.1" # v4.10.1
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[antlr4-code]}" "${secondary_urls[antlr4-code]}" "antlr4" "$antlr4_tag" true
pushd antlr4
git apply ../antlr4.10.1.patch
# cppitertools v2.0 2019-12-23
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[cppitertools]}" "${secondary_urls[cppitertools]}" "cppitertools" "$cppitertools_ref"
# rapidcheck
rapidcheck_tag="7bc7d302191a4f3d0bf005692677126136e02f60" # (2020-05-04)
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[rapidcheck]}" "${secondary_urls[rapidcheck]}" "rapidcheck" "$rapidcheck_tag"
# google benchmark
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[gbenchmark]}" "${secondary_urls[gbenchmark]}" "benchmark" "$benchmark_tag" true
# google test
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[gtest]}" "${secondary_urls[gtest]}" "googletest" "$googletest_tag" true
# libbcrypt
libbcrypt_tag="8aa32ad94ebe06b76853b0767c910c9fbf7ccef4" # custom version (Dec 16, 2016)
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[libbcrypt]}" "${secondary_urls[libbcrypt]}" "libbcrypt" "$libbcrypt_tag"
# neo4j
file_get_try_double "${primary_urls[neo4j]}" "${secondary_urls[neo4j]}"
tar -xzf neo4j-community-5.6.0-unix.tar.gz
mv neo4j-community-5.6.0 neo4j
rm neo4j-community-5.6.0-unix.tar.gz
# nlohmann json
# We wget header instead of cloning repo since repo is huge (lots of test data).
# We use head on Sep 1, 2017 instead of last release since it was long time ago.
mkdir -p json
cd json
file_get_try_double "${primary_urls[nlohmann]}" "${secondary_urls[nlohmann]}"
cd ..
rocksdb_tag="v8.1.1" # (2023-04-21)
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[rocksdb]}" "${secondary_urls[rocksdb]}" "rocksdb" "$rocksdb_tag" true
pushd rocksdb
git apply ../rocksdb8.1.1.patch
# mgclient
mgclient_tag="v1.4.0" # (2022-06-14)
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[mgclient]}" "${secondary_urls[mgclient]}" "mgclient" "$mgclient_tag"
sed -i 's/\${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/lib/' mgclient/src/CMakeLists.txt
# pymgclient
pymgclient_tag="4f85c179e56302d46a1e3e2cf43509db65f062b3" # (2021-01-15)
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[pymgclient]}" "${secondary_urls[pymgclient]}" "pymgclient" "$pymgclient_tag"
# mgconsole
mgconsole_tag="v1.4.0" # (2023-05-21)
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[mgconsole]}" "${secondary_urls[mgconsole]}" "mgconsole" "$mgconsole_tag" true
spdlog_tag="v1.9.2" # (2021-08-12)
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[spdlog]}" "${secondary_urls[spdlog]}" "spdlog" "$spdlog_tag" true
# librdkafka
librdkafka_tag="v1.7.0" # (2021-05-06)
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[librdkafka]}" "${secondary_urls[librdkafka]}" "librdkafka" "$librdkafka_tag" true
# protobuf
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[protobuf]}" "${secondary_urls[protobuf]}" "protobuf" "$protobuf_tag" true
pushd protobuf
./ && ./configure CC=clang CXX=clang++ --prefix=$(pwd)/lib
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[pulsar]}" "${secondary_urls[pulsar]}" "pulsar" "$pulsar_tag" true
pushd pulsar
git apply ../pulsar.patch
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[librdtsc]}" "${secondary_urls[librdtsc]}" "librdtsc" "$librdtsc_tag" true
pushd librdtsc
git apply ../librdtsc.patch
mkdir -p ctre
cd ctre
file_get_try_double "${primary_urls[ctre]}" "${secondary_urls[ctre]}"
cd ..
# abseil 20230125.3
repo_clone_try_double "${primary_urls[absl]}" "${secondary_urls[absl]}" "absl" "$absl_ref"