Marko Budiselić 291158160d Put all logrotate config to a file per offering (#23)
Not having one logrotate file produced an error during rpmlint.  It makes sense
to have one logrotate file after Memgraph is installed because it's easier to
manage config files. There are two logrotate files in the codebase, one for
Community and one for Enterprise edition. Having rotate files per offering also
makes sense because offerings are affected less often compared to the features.
It's easier to maintain.
2020-10-17 20:10:55 +02:00

147 lines
4.6 KiB

# -*- rpm-spec -*-
# Group field is deprecated
BuildRequires: systemd
# This is needed to prevent Python compilation errors when building the RPM
# package
%global __os_install_post \
/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-compress \
/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip %{__strip} \
/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-comment-note %{__strip} %{__objdump} \
} \
/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-static-archive %{__strip} \
%{!?__jar_repack:/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-java-repack-jars} \
%define _rpmdir %_topdir/RPMS
%define _srcrpmdir %_topdir/SRPMS
%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0
# This is a shortcutted spec file generated by CMake RPM generator
# we skip _install step because CPack does that for us.
# We do only save CPack installed tree in _prepr
# and then restore it in build.
# Put the systemd unit where it is expected on this system
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/systemd/system/memgraph.service $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib
# Fix the incorrect directory permissions set by cpack (this is fixed in CMake 3.11)
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type d | xargs chmod 755
# After setting up custom prep, continue with CMake's default
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %_topdir/tmpBBroot
if [ -e $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ];
mv %_topdir/tmpBBroot $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
# memgraph user and group must be set in preinst
chown memgraph:memgraph /var/lib/memgraph || exit 1
chmod 750 /var/lib/memgraph || exit 1
chown memgraph:adm /var/log/memgraph || exit 1
chmod 750 /var/log/memgraph || exit 1
# Create telemetry directory in examples
for i in /usr/share/memgraph/examples/*; do
# The telemetry directory may already exist from some prior installation
if [ ! -d $i/telemetry ]; then
mkdir $i/telemetry || exit 1
# Change ownership of all examples
chown -R memgraph:memgraph /usr/share/memgraph/examples || exit 1
# Make snapshots directory immutable (optional)
for i in /usr/share/memgraph/examples/*; do
chattr +i -R $i/snapshots || true
# Generate SSL certificates
if [ ! -d /etc/memgraph/ssl ]; then
mkdir /etc/memgraph/ssl || exit 1
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -days 3650 -nodes \
-keyout /etc/memgraph/ssl/key.pem -out /etc/memgraph/ssl/cert.pem \
-subj "/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=Memgraph Ltd./CN=Memgraph DB" || exit 1
chown memgraph:memgraph /etc/memgraph/ssl/* || exit 1
chmod 400 /etc/memgraph/ssl/* || exit 1
# Add the 'memgraph' user and group
getent group memgraph >/dev/null || groupadd -r memgraph || exit 1
getent passwd memgraph >/dev/null || \
useradd -r -g memgraph -d /var/lib/memgraph -s /bin/bash memgraph || exit 1
echo "Don't forget to switch to the 'memgraph' user to use Memgraph" || exit 1
# Remove optional immutability from examples directory to allow removal
chattr -i -R /usr/share/memgraph/examples || true
# Since we moved the memgraph.service file, declare it explicitly here.
# NOTE: memgraph.service must not be marked as configuration file.
# Override CPACK_RPM_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_FILES with our %config(noreplace), cpack
# uses plain %config.
%config(noreplace) "/etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf"
%config(noreplace) "/etc/memgraph/auth_module/ldap.example.yaml"
%config(noreplace) "/etc/logrotate.d/memgraph"