2024-02-07 11:20:47 +01:00

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// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/replication/recovery.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include "storage/v2/durability/durability.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/storage.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/replication/recovery.hpp"
#include "utils/on_scope_exit.hpp"
#include "utils/uuid.hpp"
#include "utils/variant_helpers.hpp"
namespace memgraph::storage {
// Handler for transferring the current WAL file whose data is
// contained in the internal buffer and the file.
class InMemoryCurrentWalHandler {
explicit InMemoryCurrentWalHandler(const utils::UUID &main_uuid, InMemoryStorage const *storage,
rpc::Client &rpc_client);
void AppendFilename(const std::string &filename);
void AppendSize(size_t size);
void AppendFileData(utils::InputFile *file);
void AppendBufferData(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size);
/// @throw rpc::RpcFailedException
replication::CurrentWalRes Finalize();
rpc::Client::StreamHandler<replication::CurrentWalRpc> stream_;
////// CurrentWalHandler //////
InMemoryCurrentWalHandler::InMemoryCurrentWalHandler(const utils::UUID &main_uuid, InMemoryStorage const *storage,
rpc::Client &rpc_client)
: stream_(rpc_client.Stream<replication::CurrentWalRpc>(main_uuid, storage->uuid())) {}
void InMemoryCurrentWalHandler::AppendFilename(const std::string &filename) {
replication::Encoder encoder(stream_.GetBuilder());
void InMemoryCurrentWalHandler::AppendSize(const size_t size) {
replication::Encoder encoder(stream_.GetBuilder());
void InMemoryCurrentWalHandler::AppendFileData(utils::InputFile *file) {
replication::Encoder encoder(stream_.GetBuilder());
void InMemoryCurrentWalHandler::AppendBufferData(const uint8_t *buffer, const size_t buffer_size) {
replication::Encoder encoder(stream_.GetBuilder());
encoder.WriteBuffer(buffer, buffer_size);
replication::CurrentWalRes InMemoryCurrentWalHandler::Finalize() { return stream_.AwaitResponse(); }
////// ReplicationClient Helpers //////
replication::WalFilesRes TransferWalFiles(const utils::UUID &main_uuid, const utils::UUID &uuid, rpc::Client &client,
const std::vector<std::filesystem::path> &wal_files) {
MG_ASSERT(!wal_files.empty(), "Wal files list is empty!");
auto stream = client.Stream<replication::WalFilesRpc>(main_uuid, uuid, wal_files.size());
replication::Encoder encoder(stream.GetBuilder());
for (const auto &wal : wal_files) {
spdlog::debug("Sending wal file: {}", wal);
return stream.AwaitResponse();
replication::SnapshotRes TransferSnapshot(const utils::UUID &main_uuid, const utils::UUID &uuid, rpc::Client &client,
const std::filesystem::path &path) {
auto stream = client.Stream<replication::SnapshotRpc>(main_uuid, uuid);
replication::Encoder encoder(stream.GetBuilder());
return stream.AwaitResponse();
uint64_t ReplicateCurrentWal(const utils::UUID &main_uuid, const InMemoryStorage *storage, rpc::Client &client,
durability::WalFile const &wal_file) {
InMemoryCurrentWalHandler stream{main_uuid, storage, client};
utils::InputFile file;
MG_ASSERT(file.Open(wal_file.Path()), "Failed to open current WAL file at {}!", wal_file.Path());
const auto [buffer, buffer_size] = wal_file.CurrentFileBuffer();
stream.AppendSize(file.GetSize() + buffer_size);
stream.AppendBufferData(buffer, buffer_size);
auto response = stream.Finalize();
return response.current_commit_timestamp;
/// This method tries to find the optimal path for recoverying a single replica.
/// Based on the last commit transfered to replica it tries to update the
/// replica using durability files - WALs and Snapshots. WAL files are much
/// smaller in size as they contain only the Deltas (changes) made during the
/// transactions while Snapshots contain all the data. For that reason we prefer
/// WALs as much as possible. As the WAL file that is currently being updated
/// can change during the process we ignore it as much as possible. Also, it
/// uses the transaction lock so locking it can be really expensive. After we
/// fetch the list of finalized WALs, we try to find the longest chain of
/// sequential WALs, starting from the latest one, that will update the recovery
/// with the all missed updates. If the WAL chain cannot be created, replica is
/// behind by a lot, so we use the regular recovery process, we send the latest
/// snapshot and all the necessary WAL files, starting from the newest WAL that
/// contains a timestamp before the snapshot. If we registered the existence of
/// the current WAL, we add the sequence number we read from it to the recovery
/// process. After all the other steps are finished, if the current WAL contains
/// the same sequence number, it's the same WAL we read while fetching the
/// recovery steps, so we can safely send it to the replica.
/// We assume that the property of preserving at least 1 WAL before the snapshot
/// is satisfied as we extract the timestamp information from it.
std::vector<RecoveryStep> GetRecoverySteps(uint64_t replica_commit, utils::FileRetainer::FileLocker *file_locker,
const InMemoryStorage *storage) {
std::vector<RecoveryStep> recovery_steps;
auto locker_acc = file_locker->Access();
// First check if we can recover using the current wal file only
// otherwise save the seq_num of the current wal file
// This lock is also necessary to force the missed transaction to finish.
std::optional<uint64_t> current_wal_seq_num;
std::optional<uint64_t> current_wal_from_timestamp;
std::unique_lock transaction_guard(
storage->engine_lock_); // Hold the storage lock so the current wal file cannot be changed
(void)locker_acc.AddPath(storage->recovery_.wal_directory_); // Protect all WALs from being deleted
if (storage->wal_file_) {
// No need to hold the lock since the current WAL is present and we can simply skip them
// Read in finalized WAL files (excluding the current/active WAL)
release_wal_dir( // Each individually used file will be locked, so at the end, the dir can be released
[&locker_acc, &wal_dir = storage->recovery_.wal_directory_]() { (void)locker_acc.RemovePath(wal_dir); });
// Get WAL files, ordered by timestamp, from oldest to newest
auto wal_files = durability::GetWalFiles(storage->recovery_.wal_directory_, storage->uuid_, current_wal_seq_num);
MG_ASSERT(wal_files, "Wal files could not be loaded");
if (transaction_guard.owns_lock())
transaction_guard.unlock(); // In case we didn't have a current wal file, we can unlock only now since there is no
// guarantee what we'll see after we add the wal file
// Read in snapshot files
(void)locker_acc.AddPath(storage->recovery_.snapshot_directory_); // Protect all snapshots from being deleted
release_snapshot_dir( // Each individually used file will be locked, so at the end, the dir can be released
[&locker_acc, &snapshot_dir = storage->recovery_.snapshot_directory_]() {
auto snapshot_files = durability::GetSnapshotFiles(storage->recovery_.snapshot_directory_, storage->uuid_);
std::optional<durability::SnapshotDurabilityInfo> latest_snapshot{};
if (!snapshot_files.empty()) {
auto add_snapshot = [&]() {
if (!latest_snapshot) return;
const auto lock_success = locker_acc.AddPath(latest_snapshot->path);
MG_ASSERT(!lock_success.HasError(), "Tried to lock a nonexistant snapshot path.");
recovery_steps.emplace_back(std::in_place_type_t<RecoverySnapshot>{}, std::move(latest_snapshot->path));
// Check if we need the snapshot or if the WAL chain is enough
if (!wal_files->empty()) {
// Find WAL chain that contains the replica's commit timestamp
auto wal_chain_it = wal_files->rbegin();
auto prev_seq{wal_chain_it->seq_num};
for (; wal_chain_it != wal_files->rend(); ++wal_chain_it) {
if (prev_seq - wal_chain_it->seq_num > 1) {
// Broken chain, must have a snapshot that covers the missing commits
if (wal_chain_it->from_timestamp > replica_commit) {
// Chain does not go far enough, check the snapshot
MG_ASSERT(latest_snapshot, "Missing snapshot, while the WAL chain does not cover enough time.");
// Check for a WAL file that connects the snapshot to the chain
for (;; --wal_chain_it) {
// Going from the newest WAL files, find the first one that has a from_timestamp older than the snapshot
// NOTE: It could be that the only WAL needed is the current one
if (wal_chain_it->from_timestamp <= latest_snapshot->start_timestamp) {
if (wal_chain_it == wal_files->rbegin()) break;
// Add snapshot to recovery steps
if (wal_chain_it->to_timestamp <= replica_commit) {
// Got to a WAL that is older than what we need to recover the replica
prev_seq = wal_chain_it->seq_num;
// Copy and lock the chain part we need, from oldest to newest
RecoveryWals rw{};
rw.reserve(std::distance(wal_files->rbegin(), wal_chain_it));
for (auto wal_it = wal_chain_it.base(); wal_it != wal_files->end(); ++wal_it) {
const auto lock_success = locker_acc.AddPath(wal_it->path);
MG_ASSERT(!lock_success.HasError(), "Tried to lock a nonexistant WAL path.");
if (!rw.empty()) {
recovery_steps.emplace_back(std::in_place_type_t<RecoveryWals>{}, std::move(rw));
} else {
// No WAL chain, check if we need the snapshot
if (!current_wal_from_timestamp || replica_commit < *current_wal_from_timestamp) {
// No current wal or current wal too new
// In all cases, if we have a current wal file we need to use itW
if (current_wal_seq_num) {
// NOTE: File not handled directly, so no need to lock it
return recovery_steps;
} // namespace memgraph::storage