Matija Santl 9ad7d82a54 Implement UNION query combinator
Union query combinator implementation consists of:
 * adjustments to the AST and `cypher_main_visitor`
 * enabling `QueryStripper` to parse multiple `return` statements (not stopping after first)
 * symbol generation for union results
 * union logical operator
 * query plan generator adjustments

Reviewers: teon.banek, mislav.bradac

Reviewed By: teon.banek

Subscribers: pullbot, buda

Differential Revision:
2017-12-13 09:54:00 +01:00

310 lines
12 KiB

#include "query/plan/variable_start_planner.hpp"
#include <limits>
#include <queue>
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "utils/flag_validation.hpp"
query_max_plans, 1000U, "Maximum number of generated plans for a query",
FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, std::numeric_limits<std::uint64_t>::max()));
namespace query::plan::impl {
namespace {
// Add applicable expansions for `node_symbol` to `next_expansions`. These
// expansions are removed from `node_symbol_to_expansions`, while
// `seen_expansions` and `expanded_symbols` are populated with new data.
void AddNextExpansions(
const Symbol &node_symbol, const Matching &matching,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
std::unordered_set<Symbol> &expanded_symbols,
std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::set<int>> &node_symbol_to_expansions,
std::unordered_set<int> &seen_expansions,
std::queue<Expansion> &next_expansions) {
auto node_to_expansions_it = node_symbol_to_expansions.find(node_symbol);
if (node_to_expansions_it == node_symbol_to_expansions.end()) {
// Returns true if the expansion is a regular expand or if it is a variable
// path expand, but with bound symbols used inside the range expression.
auto can_expand = [&](auto &expansion) {
for (const auto &range_symbol : expansion.symbols_in_range) {
// If the symbols used in range need to be bound during this whole
// expansion, we must check whether they have already been expanded and
// therefore bound. If the symbols are not found in the whole expansion,
// then the semantic analysis should guarantee that the symbols have been
// bound long before we expand.
if (matching.expansion_symbols.find(range_symbol) !=
matching.expansion_symbols.end() &&
expanded_symbols.find(range_symbol) == expanded_symbols.end()) {
return false;
return true;
auto &node_expansions = node_to_expansions_it->second;
auto node_expansions_it = node_expansions.begin();
while (node_expansions_it != node_to_expansions_it->second.end()) {
auto expansion_id = *node_expansions_it;
if (seen_expansions.find(expansion_id) != seen_expansions.end()) {
// Skip and erase seen (already expanded) expansions.
node_expansions_it = node_expansions.erase(node_expansions_it);
auto expansion = matching.expansions[expansion_id];
if (!can_expand(expansion)) {
// Skip but save expansions which need other symbols for later.
if (*expansion.node1->identifier_) != node_symbol) {
// We are not expanding from node1, so flip the expansion.
DCHECK(expansion.node2 &&*expansion.node2->identifier_) == node_symbol)
<< "Expected node_symbol to be bound in node2";
if (expansion.edge->type_ != EdgeAtom::Type::BREADTH_FIRST) {
// BFS must *not* be flipped. Doing that changes the BFS results.
std::swap(expansion.node1, expansion.node2);
expansion.is_flipped = true;
if (expansion.direction != EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH) {
expansion.direction = expansion.direction == EdgeAtom::Direction::IN
? EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT
: EdgeAtom::Direction::IN;
if (expansion.edge) {
node_expansions_it = node_expansions.erase(node_expansions_it);
if (node_expansions.empty()) {
// Generates expansions emanating from the start_node by forming a chain. When
// the chain can no longer be continued, a different starting node is picked
// among remaining expansions and the process continues. This is done until all
// matching.expansions are used.
std::vector<Expansion> ExpansionsFrom(const NodeAtom *start_node,
const Matching &matching,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// Make a copy of node_symbol_to_expansions, because we will modify it as
// expansions are chained.
auto node_symbol_to_expansions = matching.node_symbol_to_expansions;
std::unordered_set<int> seen_expansions;
std::queue<Expansion> next_expansions;
std::unordered_set<Symbol> expanded_symbols(
auto add_next_expansions = [&](const auto *node) {
AddNextExpansions(*node->identifier_), matching,
symbol_table, expanded_symbols, node_symbol_to_expansions,
seen_expansions, next_expansions);
// Potential optimization: expansions and next_expansions could be merge into
// a single vector and an index could be used to determine from which should
// additional expansions be added.
std::vector<Expansion> expansions;
while (!next_expansions.empty()) {
auto expansion = next_expansions.front();
if (expansion.node2) {
if (!node_symbol_to_expansions.empty()) {
// We could pick a new starting expansion, but to avoid runtime
// complexity, simply append the remaining expansions. They should have the
// correct order, since the original expansions were verified during
// semantic analysis.
for (int i = 0; i < matching.expansions.size(); ++i) {
if (seen_expansions.find(i) != seen_expansions.end()) {
return expansions;
// Collect all unique nodes from expansions. Uniqueness is determined by
// symbol uniqueness.
auto ExpansionNodes(const std::vector<Expansion> &expansions,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
std::unordered_set<NodeAtom *, NodeSymbolHash, NodeSymbolEqual> nodes(
expansions.size(), NodeSymbolHash(symbol_table),
for (const auto &expansion : expansions) {
// TODO: Handle labels and properties from different node atoms.
if (expansion.node2) {
return nodes;
} // namespace
VaryMatchingStart::VaryMatchingStart(Matching matching,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table)
: matching_(matching),
nodes_(ExpansionNodes(matching.expansions, symbol_table)) {}
VaryMatchingStart::iterator::iterator(VaryMatchingStart *self, bool is_done)
: self_(self),
// Use the original matching as the first matching. We are only
// interested in changing the expansions part, so the remaining fields
// should stay the same. This also produces a matching for the case
// when there are no nodes.
current_matching_(self->matching_) {
if (!self_->nodes_.empty()) {
// Overwrite the original matching expansions with the new ones by
// generating it from the first start node.
start_nodes_it_ = self_->nodes_.begin();
current_matching_.expansions = ExpansionsFrom(
**start_nodes_it_, self_->matching_, self_->symbol_table_);
DCHECK(start_nodes_it_ || self_->nodes_.empty())
<< "start_nodes_it_ should only be nullopt when self_->nodes_ is empty";
if (is_done) {
start_nodes_it_ = self_->nodes_.end();
VaryMatchingStart::iterator &VaryMatchingStart::iterator::operator++() {
if (!start_nodes_it_) {
<< "start_nodes_it_ should only be nullopt when self_->nodes_ is empty";
start_nodes_it_ = self_->nodes_.end();
if (*start_nodes_it_ == self_->nodes_.end()) {
return *this;
// start_nodes_it_ can become equal to `end` and we shouldn't dereference
// iterator in that case.
if (*start_nodes_it_ == self_->nodes_.end()) {
return *this;
const auto &start_node = **start_nodes_it_;
current_matching_.expansions =
ExpansionsFrom(start_node, self_->matching_, self_->symbol_table_);
return *this;
CartesianProduct<VaryMatchingStart> VaryMultiMatchingStarts(
const std::vector<Matching> &matchings, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
std::vector<VaryMatchingStart> variants;
for (const auto &matching : matchings) {
variants.emplace_back(VaryMatchingStart(matching, symbol_table));
return MakeCartesianProduct(std::move(variants));
VaryQueryPartMatching::VaryQueryPartMatching(SingleQueryPart query_part,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table)
: query_part_(std::move(query_part)),
matchings_(VaryMatchingStart(query_part_.matching, symbol_table)),
VaryMultiMatchingStarts(query_part_.optional_matching, symbol_table)),
VaryMultiMatchingStarts(query_part_.merge_matching, symbol_table)) {}
const SingleQueryPart &query_part,
VaryMatchingStart::iterator matchings_begin,
VaryMatchingStart::iterator matchings_end,
CartesianProduct<VaryMatchingStart>::iterator optional_begin,
CartesianProduct<VaryMatchingStart>::iterator optional_end,
CartesianProduct<VaryMatchingStart>::iterator merge_begin,
CartesianProduct<VaryMatchingStart>::iterator merge_end)
: current_query_part_(query_part),
merge_end_(merge_end) {
if (matchings_it_ != matchings_end_) {
// Fill the query part with the first variation of matchings
VaryQueryPartMatching::iterator &VaryQueryPartMatching::iterator::operator++() {
// Produce parts for each possible combination. E.g. if we have:
// * matchings (m1) and (m2)
// * optional matchings (o1) and (o2)
// * merge matching (g1)
// We want to produce parts for:
// * (m1), (o1), (g1)
// * (m1), (o2), (g1)
// * (m2), (o1), (g1)
// * (m2), (o2), (g1)
// Create variations by changing the merge part first.
if (merge_it_ != merge_end_) ++merge_it_;
// If all merge variations are done, start them from beginning and move to the
// next optional matching variation.
if (merge_it_ == merge_end_) {
merge_it_ = merge_begin_;
if (optional_it_ != optional_end_) ++optional_it_;
// If all optional matching variations are done (after exhausting merge
// variations), start them from beginning and move to the next regular
// matching variation.
if (optional_it_ == optional_end_ && merge_it_ == merge_begin_) {
optional_it_ = optional_begin_;
if (matchings_it_ != matchings_end_) ++matchings_it_;
// We have reached the end, so return;
if (matchings_it_ == matchings_end_) return *this;
// Fill the query part with the new variation of matchings.
return *this;
void VaryQueryPartMatching::iterator::SetCurrentQueryPart() {
current_query_part_.matching = *matchings_it_;
DCHECK(optional_it_ != optional_end_ || optional_begin_ == optional_end_)
<< "Either there are no optional matchings or we can always "
"generate a variation";
if (optional_it_ != optional_end_) {
current_query_part_.optional_matching = *optional_it_;
DCHECK(merge_it_ != merge_end_ || merge_begin_ == merge_end_)
<< "Either there are no merge matchings or we can always generate "
"a variation";
if (merge_it_ != merge_end_) {
current_query_part_.merge_matching = *merge_it_;
bool VaryQueryPartMatching::iterator::operator==(const iterator &other) const {
if (matchings_it_ == other.matchings_it_ && matchings_it_ == matchings_end_) {
// matchings_it_ is the primary iterator. If both are at the end, then other
// iterators can be at any position.
return true;
return matchings_it_ == other.matchings_it_ &&
optional_it_ == other.optional_it_ && merge_it_ == other.merge_it_;
} // namespace query::plan::impl