Rename ScanAllByPrimaryKey operator to ScanByPrimaryKey. Make the LabelIndexExist function use the same functionality as PrimaryKeyExists again, for now. Previously it was just returning false and before that it used the same implementation as PrimaryKeyExist. The change to false broke some existing e2e tests that relied on some label based indexing operator being instantiated.
108 lines
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108 lines
6.7 KiB
// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "utils/event_counter.hpp"
M(ReadQuery, "Number of read-only queries executed.") \
M(WriteQuery, "Number of write-only queries executed.") \
M(ReadWriteQuery, "Number of read-write queries executed.") \
M(OnceOperator, "Number of times Once operator was used.") \
M(CreateNodeOperator, "Number of times CreateNode operator was used.") \
M(CreateExpandOperator, "Number of times CreateExpand operator was used.") \
M(ScanAllOperator, "Number of times ScanAll operator was used.") \
M(ScanAllByLabelOperator, "Number of times ScanAllByLabel operator was used.") \
M(ScanAllByLabelPropertyRangeOperator, "Number of times ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange operator was used.") \
M(ScanAllByLabelPropertyValueOperator, "Number of times ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue operator was used.") \
M(ScanAllByLabelPropertyOperator, "Number of times ScanAllByLabelProperty operator was used.") \
M(ScanAllByIdOperator, "Number of times ScanAllById operator was used.") \
M(ScanByPrimaryKeyOperator, "Number of times ScanByPrimaryKey operator was used.") \
M(ExpandOperator, "Number of times Expand operator was used.") \
M(ExpandVariableOperator, "Number of times ExpandVariable operator was used.") \
M(ConstructNamedPathOperator, "Number of times ConstructNamedPath operator was used.") \
M(FilterOperator, "Number of times Filter operator was used.") \
M(ProduceOperator, "Number of times Produce operator was used.") \
M(DeleteOperator, "Number of times Delete operator was used.") \
M(SetPropertyOperator, "Number of times SetProperty operator was used.") \
M(SetPropertiesOperator, "Number of times SetProperties operator was used.") \
M(SetLabelsOperator, "Number of times SetLabels operator was used.") \
M(RemovePropertyOperator, "Number of times RemoveProperty operator was used.") \
M(RemoveLabelsOperator, "Number of times RemoveLabels operator was used.") \
M(EdgeUniquenessFilterOperator, "Number of times EdgeUniquenessFilter operator was used.") \
M(AccumulateOperator, "Number of times Accumulate operator was used.") \
M(AggregateOperator, "Number of times Aggregate operator was used.") \
M(SkipOperator, "Number of times Skip operator was used.") \
M(LimitOperator, "Number of times Limit operator was used.") \
M(OrderByOperator, "Number of times OrderBy operator was used.") \
M(MergeOperator, "Number of times Merge operator was used.") \
M(OptionalOperator, "Number of times Optional operator was used.") \
M(UnwindOperator, "Number of times Unwind operator was used.") \
M(DistinctOperator, "Number of times Distinct operator was used.") \
M(UnionOperator, "Number of times Union operator was used.") \
M(CartesianOperator, "Number of times Cartesian operator was used.") \
M(CallProcedureOperator, "Number of times CallProcedure operator was used.") \
M(ForeachOperator, "Number of times Foreach operator was used.") \
M(FailedQuery, "Number of times executing a query failed.") \
M(LabelIndexCreated, "Number of times a label index was created.") \
M(LabelPropertyIndexCreated, "Number of times a label property index was created.") \
M(StreamsCreated, "Number of Streams created.") \
M(MessagesConsumed, "Number of consumed streamed messages.") \
M(TriggersCreated, "Number of Triggers created.") \
M(TriggersExecuted, "Number of Triggers executed.")
namespace EventCounter {
// define every Event as an index in the array of counters
#define M(NAME, DOCUMENTATION) extern const Event NAME = __COUNTER__;
#undef M
inline constexpr Event END = __COUNTER__;
// Initialize array for the global counter with all values set to 0
Counter global_counters_array[END]{};
// Initialize global counters
EventCounters global_counters(global_counters_array);
const Event EventCounters::num_counters = END;
void EventCounters::Increment(const Event event, Count amount) {
counters_[event].fetch_add(amount, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void IncrementCounter(const Event event, Count amount) { global_counters.Increment(event, amount); }
const char *GetName(const Event event) {
static const char *strings[] = {
#undef M
return strings[event];
const char *GetDocumentation(const Event event) {
static const char *strings[] = {
#undef M
return strings[event];
Event End() { return END; }
} // namespace EventCounter